Tranxending Vision

C306 Black Hawk Helicopter

C306 Black Hawk Helicopter

Darkness shrouded the valley, and oil lamps were lit in the cabins. The lights twinkled in the darkness and danced silently, like spirits from the darkness. The entire world was very quiet, and only Syrani's wooden house was not at all peaceful. A crowd of women surrounded her cabin, piled in front, under the windows, behind the house.    


These women peeked through the gap in the door, peeped through the cracks in the wooden wall, or peeped through the holes in the wall. They squeezed against each other, making the scene very lively and hilarious. As for the cabin surrounded by them, the sound of whips hitting the animal's butt continuously came from inside the cabin, as well as Syrani's voice. Syrani's voice was in chaos. Sometimes she was praising something, sometimes she was begging for forgiveness, sometimes she was encouraging others, and sometimes she was moaning meaninglessly.    


"So powerful!" A young tribal woman showed an exaggerated expression, "It's already been an hour, it's not over yet!"    


"Syrani died of happiness. I have five husbands, none of them could compare to her man." A middle-aged woman had an envious expression on her face.    


"Didn't the chief say that the Grand China kid was a distinguished guest? You can't use violence against him, but why did Syrani still drag him over to her house? " A teenage girl said.    


"Syrani's body is so good, and she even has a beautiful baby face. I like men, that Chinese kid was lured to bed by Syrani, it's not strange at all." A woman gave a unique explanation.    


"Then how can I seduce men?"    


"Go, you're still young and don't understand ?"    


The large group of women chatted and laughed as they discussed. The women of White Huns clan seemed to have the habit of making a "wedding", they did not feel awkward at all.    


The situation outside the house was different, but inside the house it was different.    


Xia Lei hid under Syrani's bed net, vigilantly observing the situation outside the house. The wooden walls could not obstruct his view at all. He could see all the women who were gathered outside to watch the show. Those mouths, those eyes. He was very worried that they would barge through the door and push him down to the ground and strip him clean ?    


"Could Tang Monk have encountered my current situation back then?" This thought mysteriously appeared in Xia Lei's mind.    


In front of Xia Lei, Syrani very rhythmically patted her thigh, and gave out that very rhythmic sound of "pa pa". Then, he said some unfathomable things, along with a string of sounds that would make people excited. Her eyes were fixed on Xia Lei, filled with dissatisfaction and displeasure. She had slapped her thighs red, but he sat there like a statue, unmoved!    


"Ah ? ?" Syrani loudly shouted, and then stopped. The inside of the mosquito net also quietened down.    


Xia Lei laughed, and said softly: "Aren't you exaggerating too much? It's like I'm killing you. "    


Syrani glared at Xia Lei, "If I don't scream in such a way, will those fellows outside leave?"    


Xia Lei observed the surroundings of the house again, where the women had already started to retreat. They talked and laughed and discussed the plot and it felt like they were leaving a movie theater. What a bunch of boring women!    


The ladies outside left, and Xia Lei prepared to climb out of Syrani's bed net. He wanted to return as well.    


But before waiting for him to get off the bed, Syrani suddenly grabbed his arm, as he tensed up: "What are you doing? They've already left. I have to go back. You still need to hurry on your way tomorrow morning, you should get some rest as well. "    


"I think you're lying to me." Syrani pouted her cherry lips, looking like a little girl who had been tricked by a weird uncle.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "What did I lie to you about?"    


"You don't like me, but you lied to me about dating."    


Xia Lei braced himself and said, "No ? I like you, really, I'm not lying to you. "    


"You lied to me again. If you liked me, you should have come with me just now instead of pretending to pat your thigh. "You see, my thighs are already red from slapping them." Syrani lifted up her skirt, not only revealing the spot where she patted it red, she also revealed a pair of white cotton pants.    


The panties were obviously not made from any of the underwear brands, but were sewn by her. They were simple and crude, without any feeling of tightness in the seams.    


Xia Lei quickly shifted his gaze. In the last hour or so, he had suffered greatly from her voice, and now, he was even more agitated. He was a normal man, if he continued like this, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself.    


Syrani put down her short skirt, but crawled towards Xia Lei again, moving closer to him. She supported her body with her hands and knees, and her cup level chest was revealed in a vertical posture in Xia Lei's field of vision. A large part of her snow-white skin was exposed in the circular collar. Xia Lei suddenly had an illusion. It was not a girl who was not falling, but a humanoid bomber, carrying two depth water bombs. As long as he was not careful, he would be blown inside the mosquito net.    


"Humph!" You are actually here for that iron plate? " Syrani stared straight at Xia Lei, her face was almost touching his.    


Xia Lei secretly cursed in his heart, but his expression did not change as he said: "What nonsense are you spouting? I really do like you. "    


This was the first time Xia Lei lied to a woman's feelings, and it didn't feel good at all. However, even if this was an unworthy thing, he had to force himself to continue lying. Even if it would hurt her in the end, he had to continue.    


"Then kiss me. If you like me, then kiss me." Syrani's nose touched Xia Lei's nose a little.    


"Didn't I already say it? "Let's get to know each other first ?" Xia Lei tried his best to persuade her.    


"Humph!" I don't want your gift anymore. I'll return it to you, and you can also return that metal plate to me! " Syrani said as she took off the tactical watch that Xia Lei gifted her.    


Is this a child's game? He still needed to take back the gift he sent out!    


Xia Lei immediately grabbed her hand, "Don't be like this, Syrani, I really like you, I can swear to the heavens."    


"I don't want an oath." Syrani once again forced herself over and stuck her nose close to Xia Lei's, "If you say that you like me, then kiss me."    


"You fox spirit ?"    


"What did you say?" Syrani glared at Xia Lei, "Are you scolding me? Give me back the iron plate. "    


Xia Lei suddenly kissed her lips, causing Syrani to stiffen for a moment. Then, he suddenly threw himself onto the bed with Xia Lei ?    


For the sake of that ancient and mysterious smelting technology, for the sake of the secret of AE, this sacrifice was worth it. Other than this method, Xia Lei could not think of anything else that he could take back with the compass that did not arouse and Ootsuki's suspicions. More importantly, after taking back the compass, he had to use the compass to dig out the secret that was buried here!    


Think of the 101 sets of agents who had died on the way. What could this be worth compared to the lives they had already paid?    


After the knot in his heart had been opened, Xia Lei finally relaxed. After a short moment of passivity, he had also become the active party. Facing such a childish beauty like Syrani, the reservation in his heart and his mental barrier were unable to withstand a single blow. Just as Syrani had peeled herself off into a fresh waxy rice cake, he gasped for breath as he pressed her down below him ?    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


The deafening sound of a helicopter engine suddenly came from the sky. Following that, gunshots and shouts could be heard from within the tribe.    


The two people in the mosquito net froze for two seconds, then suddenly jumped out from the mosquito net. Looking at the white and shocking chest Syrani, at this moment, Xia Lei did not know whether he should curse or rejoice, his senses became a mess.    


"US forces! "US military!" There was a shout from outside and a shot was fired into the sky.    


Xia Lei and Syrani rushed out of the hut and saw the two American Black Hawk gunships circling around in the sky. The two Black Hawk helicopters were about a kilometer high, circling the tribe's habitat. Xia Lei saw the pilot of the helicopter, the machine gunner standing in the cabin, and the American soldiers sitting in their seats.    


Such a height meant that the two helicopters showed no signs of landing. After all, this was the White Huns Tribe, with a few thousand people and a large number of armed men. With just the two soldiers on the helicopter, even if they landed, they would at least die.    


The ground was in chaos. Many people were shooting at the helicopters in the sky, but their bullets simply could not hit the helicopters that were flying at a thousand meters. It was a waste of bullets.    


"Stop shooting!" A war horse was galloping in the tribe, and the one riding on the horse was Chief Ootsuki.    


The gunfire soon stopped, but more female warriors mounted their horses, ready to deal with the possibility of an escalation.    


"Take care of yourself, I'll go see my friend!" Xia Lei warned Syrani as he turned around and ran towards Tang Yuyan's residence.    


Syrani ran along with Xia Lei while saying, "I'll go with you!"    


Even though they had only done half of what they had done, the relationship between the two of them clearly surpassed the relationship from before. Syrani was worried about Xia Lei, because Xia Lei's gun was taken away.    


Without waiting for Xia Lei and Syrani to reach Tang Yuyan's residence, Ootsuki rode her horse over and stopped in front of the two. Ootsuki threw Xia Lei's sniper rifle over and said loudly: "Take it! Fight with us! "    


Xia Lei took his sniper rifle and nodded without hesitation, "If they dare invade this place, I will fight with you."    


Ootsuki glanced at Syrani, "What are you still standing here for? Take your horse and find him another. "    


"Alright, I'll be there immediately." Syrani turned and ran back to her hut.    


At this moment, a black shadow helicopter hovering in the sky suddenly fired a rocket. Flames flashed, and the rocket whizzed past, striking the river. A violent explosion sounded out and a huge wave of water was sent up into the air. Then, the two Black Hawk helicopters turned around and left.    


This seemed to be an act of reconnaissance, and the rocket launch just now was also an act of demonstration. They had no plans to land or attack.    


The White Huns Tribe was just a tribe that was isolated from the world, they were not terrorists, nor were they the enemies of the united armies of Europe and America. Attacking this place recklessly is bound to cause international public criticism, and this seems to be the reason why the two helicopter gunships came and left. If the White Huns Tribe was only a small village, they might have blown the place up and started moving on the ground.    


With the departure of the two Black Hawks, the tribe gradually regained its peace.    


However, Xia Lei still raised his head to look at the sky shrouded in darkness, as though he had a heavy heart.    


He could not see any flying objects in the sky, but he was certain that there were unmanned aerial vehicles circling higher up in the sky. There were even military satellites pointing their cameras at him ? the US military could not appear here for no reason, the CIA's tentacles were already reaching out!    


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