Tranxending Vision

C410 Unique Criteria

C410 Unique Criteria

In a meeting room on the ground floor of the military base, Ling Hao and a few scholars from the Academy watched as Xia Lei and Long Bing entered the room. There was a faint sense of suspicion in their eyes.    


After Xia Lei and Long Bing took their seats, Ling Hao went straight to the point, "Mr. Xia, I believe you already know the reason why I have invited you here today."    


Xia Lei nodded, "Yes."    


"You've seen the members of the team. You went to the lab in the research area. What do you think?" Ling Hao asked.    


Xia Lei thought for a while before replying, "The members of the Group of Experts have all gone crazy. The doctor told me I couldn't find out why. I can't find out. As for the laboratory, I have indeed been there before, but I have already used all the available methods and instruments, and the group of experts has already used them. I think that using the current method will not be able to solve the secrets of the ancient alloy. "Mister Ling, this is my view."    


Ling Hao remained silent. He wanted to hear different opinions, the kind that was constructive, but Xia Lei's views were the same as his.    


"Mr. Xia." An old scholar said, "Do you mean that you also have no way of solving the problem?"    


Another old Fellow sighed, "I knew it. How can a Mechanist solve such a problem? We don't want the man who makes the gun, we want the scientist. "    


These words were not polite, but Xia Lei did not mind them at all. Science people don't know each other well, and he doesn't have to quibble with an old scientist over such a phrase.    


"I suggest." An old Fellow said: "Reorganize the members and start the research on the Divine Secret Gold s and bronze valuable book once again."    


"Yes, I agree. "One day early, one day earlier will break it." Someone said.    


Ling Hao said: "What if we continue dying or go crazy?"    


"Sacrifice is also a great honor for the great revival of our nation and nation." Someone said.    


Ling Hao laughed, "I have no doubt that everyone here is a noble person, but every single scientist is a valuable resource to us, especially you old Scholars, if anything were to happen to you, no one would be able to shoulder that responsibility. After pausing for a moment, he once again looked at Xia Lei. "Mr. Xia, if I let you handle this matter, would you have the confidence to solve the secrets of the Divine Secret Gold s and bronze valuable book?"    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before replying, "I have a sixty percent chance of success."    


Ling Hao's eyes immediately lit up, "Sixty percent chance, that's more than fifty percent. "Tell me, how can you be so confident?"    


Xia Lei replied, "It's just a feeling."    


"Ah?" "Haha." An old Fellow laughed. "For something like this, just based on how you feel, you can say that you have a 60% chance of success. Mr Xia, are you joking with us?"    


"This is a very serious matter, how can you joke with us like this?" someone said in dissatisfaction.    


Xia Lei said: "There is a reason why you all do not believe me. If I say I have a sixty percent certainty of success, then I have my reasons as well. But it doesn't matter if you don't believe me. I'm not trying to take it over, and it's very dangerous. "    


He obviously wanted to take over, but Xia Lei seemed to have little interest. If you don't believe me, I will drag you down! He had this kind of confidence, because he was very clear that if these people had a way, they wouldn't have invited him here.    


He was putting on such a front to pave the way for his next move.    


However, Long Bing was worried that Xia Lei might offend Ling Hao and a few senior scholars, so she used her foot to lightly kick Xia Lei's foot that was below the meeting table.    


Xia Lei did not have any reaction, he was waiting for Ling Hao to state his stance.    


Ling Hao remained silent for a while, before saying: "Mr. Xia, then tell me, if you take over, what do you plan to do?"    


Just as Xia Lei was about to say what he thought in his heart, his left eye suddenly twitched uncontrollably. Then, the Princess Young-mei appeared.    


Xia Lei opened his mouth but was unable to say anything, not only because of the appearance of the Princess Young-mei, but also because the appearance of the Princess Young-mei seemed to have awakened his clairvoyance and made him see her!    


Princess Young-mei appeared in front of Xia Lei, on a conference table that wasn't even a foot away.    


Without clothes, under the natural light, Princess Young-mei was like a fairy that had descended from the heavens. The real feeling was even stronger than when she was in the underground research area. Her skin, her chest, her buttocks, everything about her was so sexy and beautiful, so clear and wonderful. Without the thrill from before, Xia Lei was actually stimulated to the point that she had the instinctive reaction of a man.    


This was unavoidable. Even if one were to watch a film, a normal man would react, let alone such a lifeless princess. And she, was even the most beautiful and sexy woman Xia Lei had ever seen.    


The Princess Young-mei appeared without a sound and stood on the conference table. She did not look at anyone as she stared at Xia Lei, then slowly squatted down and sat on the conference table. She rested his hands on the edge of the conference table and swung his legs in a graceful gesture.    


"Why did she appear again? What's she doing sitting next to me? " Xia Lei's heart was a mess of feelings and imagination, "Is she infatuated with me now? If she had followed me out of here, she would have appeared when I was eating, bathing, and even had dinner with Anina ? What the hell, what should I do? "    


Now, he even started to suspect that it was after he had seen through the bronze valuable book s that he touched anything. Then, the Princess Young-mei appeared and coiled around him!    


"Mr. Xia, what's wrong?" Ling Hao stared at Xia Lei suspiciously.    


Xia Lei finally regained his senses, and his gaze finally moved from Princess Young-mei's body to Ling Hao's, "If I were to take over, I would request for the laboratory to be moved to Rayma Military Factory. What I need, what you give me. In addition, the things that the compass has found must also be delivered to Rayma Military Factory. "    


Ling Hao immediately frowned, "How can this be?"    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "There is one reason that I need to take care of Rayma Group's matters. Another reason is that I don't want to work in an environment where I'm being watched, let alone be disturbed or disturbed. "    


Ling Hao frowned even more, "Mr. Xia, this condition of yours is making it difficult for me."    


Xia Lei said: "I only have one condition, if you fulfill me, I will take over. If you don't, I will give up."    


That's true, I risked my life to take over this mess. If you can't even satisfy this condition, then what else can I say to you? This was Xia Lei's attitude!    


Before Ling Hao could express his opinion, a few of the old Fellow of the Academy began to discuss with each other.    


"Are you joking? You actually want to move the laboratory to his company? What did he take such an important project for? "    


"That's right, he's just a Mechanic. He's definitely good at making guns, but when it comes to scientific research, in my opinion, he's just an amateur."    


"His tone is quite arrogant. However, if he doesn't speak of the things that happen after failure, then who will bear the responsibility if he fails?"    


The old scholars from the Academy were not optimistic about Xia Lei, and were even dissatisfied with his conditions.    


Xia Lei seemed to not hear any of those voices, as he quietly looked at the Princess Young-mei beside him.    


Princess Young-mei also looked at Xia Lei quietly, waving her beautiful legs. She was very quiet, and he did not speak or smile.    


Xia Lei reached out his hand and pressed it into her thigh, immediately producing a cold feeling from his palm. Then, the Princess Young-mei shook twice and disappeared into the air.    


Xia Lei muttered in his heart: "The moment I touch her, she'll immediately disappear. Why is that? Was it because I had interfered with her structure? Or is she hiding from me, a form of self-preservation? "    


Without waiting for Xia Lei to think of an answer, his left eye suddenly twitched uncontrollably, and Princess Young-mei appeared in his left eye's field of vision. This time, she did not appear on the conference table. Instead, she appeared under a window. He quietly stood at the window, gazing at the scenery through the window.    


It was a rolling mountain range, red leaves like fire, blue sky and white clouds. Yet, a naked princess had appeared within this beautiful scenery. Her buttocks were raised like snow and her snow-capped peaks were towering and upright. It was truly a strange and peerless feeling.    


"Mr. Xia, do you think you can change the condition? We can still set the laboratory here. Other conditions are fine, do you think that will work?" Ling Hao said.    


Xia Lei did not retract his gaze from Princess Young-mei's perky bottom. He said: "I only have this one condition. If you can agree to it, I will take over. If not, I will not do it."    


"You really are ?" Ling Hao laughed bitterly, "Alright, I will give you a call and ask for your permission. The higher ups have agreed to it, if the higher ups do not agree, you can go back."    


Xia Lei nodded, and did not say anything.    


Long Bing moved closer to Xia Lei's ear, and looked in the direction of his gaze, asking curiously: "What are you looking at?"    


"Nothing." Xia Lei said.    


Long Bing rolled her eyes at Xia Lei in dissatisfaction, and did not say anything else.    


Ling Hao made a call outside the conference room, and after using about five minutes, he returned to the conference room, "The higher-ups agreed to move the experiment lab to your Rayma Military Factory. The higher ups will send a special forces team to guard your laboratory, and at the same time, they will give you some restrictions.    


Xia Lei revealed a smile, "No problem."    


This result was within his expectations. If there had been any other way, the higher-ups would not have called him here.    


Ling Hao continued, "No matter who you want, or what equipment you have, we will satisfy you if you ask us. However, no matter how many people we give you, you have to guarantee their safety. That shouldn't be a problem, right? "    


However, Xia Lei said: "I might need some equipment, but I don't need any people, I can't take on such a responsibility, if you want to die, just kill me."    


Ling Hao laughed: "Say what you say, you won't die, you'll be fine. I wish you success in advance and a national service. "    


Xia Lei stood up and shook hands with Ling Hao, "Thank you for your blessings, thank you."    


Ling Hao said: "Go and pack your stuff. When the special forces sent by the higher ups come over, you can bring your stuff back to your place."    


"Mm, alright." Xia Lei turned and left.    


Princess Young-mei also followed Xia Lei. Right behind Xia Lei, was indeed a follower, and a smooth one at that.    


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