Tranxending Vision

C417 The Rhythm of Dragon and Phoenix Embryo

C417 The Rhythm of Dragon and Phoenix Embryo

As night fell, the city entered a different state. The flashing neon lights, the light shuttles of traffic, the men and women lost in music and beer. It was a prosperous and prosperous era.    


Xia Lei had also entered a different state. In his home in the capital, his identity had been redefined. He was Shentu Tianyin's fianc?, Shen-tu Ren's future son-in-law, and was even a chef now. He busied himself in the kitchen, showing off his excellent cooking skills. Of the two people in the family, one was his future father-in-law, the other was his future wife. Of course he had to show off his skills and gain a good impression.    


Xia Lei was busy in the kitchen, while Shen-tu and Shentu Tianyin were muttering in the living room.    


"How unexpected, all of you are just ?" Shen-tu acted like she was unhappy, "You two are really something, you didn't even tell me before such a big thing happened, I'm your father after all."    


"Dad." Shentu Tianyin said seriously, "I've found you such a good son-in-law, you're not allowed to act good even if you got lucky."    


"Hur hur." Shen-tu laughed, "Oh you, I understand you, there's no reason for you to talk to me like that. However, your personality is too cold and arrogant, you need to be careful when you talk to Xia Lei in the future, and don't be too overbearing. As a woman, you can be a little stronger in the workplace, but at home, in life, you have to be a little more gentle. "    


Shentu Tianyin held Shen-tu's hand and said softly: "Father, I know that you are doing this for my own good, but look at your daughter. "Don't worry, he's mine. No one can take him away."    


"That may not be the case. He is such an outstanding man, yet no one else's girl is watching him? Besides, you're only engaged now, not married. "    


"Dad, today is a great day for me. Do you have to be so disappointed?" Shentu Tianyin curled her lips.    


Shen-tu suppressed her voice, "I am doing this for your own good. Forget it, I can't count on you. Tomorrow, I will go find Master Shi from Shaolin Temple and ask them to marry each other as soon as possible."    


The corner of Shentu Tianyin's mouth raised into a smile, "I'm the one who's marrying, not you. Why are you in such a hurry?"    


"How can I not be anxious? "Of the friends who were with me back then, that one wasn't a grandson who ran all over the place. I'm looking forward to carrying him." Shen-tu laughed and said, "You guys can handle this matter."    


A trace of bashful blush surfaced on Shentu Tianyin's jade face. She had come into contact with Xia Lei a few times but it had already been so long that she had almost forgotten about that feeling. Now that her father mentioned "hugging a grandson", those blurry feelings and memories resurfaced in her heart. Her heart felt a little itchy and soft. A little bit of thought, a little bit of shame.    


Shen-tu patted Shentu Tianyin's shoulder and sighed, "Sigh, if only your mother was still here, how nice would that be. She'll be happy for you. "    


Shentu Tianyin lowered her head. At this moment, happiness and sadness were wonderful feelings.    


"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner." Xia Lei carried four plates with both hands and walked towards the dining hall while calling Shentu Tianyin and Shen-tu over.    


"Why aren't you helping out?" Shen-tu rolled his eyes at Shentu Tianyin.    


"We're all on his side now, hmph." Shentu Tianyin wrinkled her beautiful nose and stood up to help Xia Lei.    


Shen-tu smiled bitterly as she shifted her gaze outside the window, looking up at the starry night sky. She muttered softly, "Old partner, did you see that? Our daughter has finally found someone to entrust her life to. Xia Lei is not bad, he's really not bad, you will definitely like him. "    


A gust of night wind blew, causing the curtains to flutter, as if it was the response of a loved one.    


Shen-tu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and walked towards the dining hall.    


Xia Lei cooked six dishes, lamb soup, abalone with sauce, steamed scallops, two vegetable dishes, and a German style buttered pork chop. Chinese and Western combination, high and low collocation, beautiful color and fragrance.    


Shen-tu took out a bottle of very old looking red wine. She opened it and poured it into the wake-up beaker, shaking it lightly.    


Xia Lei looked at the old glass bottle, and asked curiously: "Uncle Ren, what is this red wine? "He looks very old. I'm afraid he's a bit old."    


Shen-tu laughed: "You can't see it from here right? This is the rich red wine I have been collecting for ten years. There are only twenty bottles in the world. I bought it from a European collector for a hundred thousand dollars. "    


Xia Lei was shocked, "Uncle Ren, why did you open such a precious wine so easily? It's worth over six hundred thousand."    


It was just an ordinary family banquet, yet he drank a bottle of red wine worth 600,000 gold. Even though they were all billionaires, this was simply too extravagant. One had to know that just the value of this bottle of red wine alone meant that many people would have to work for the rest of their lives!    


Shen-tu didn't explain the reason why she opened such a precious red wine. Instead, she pretended to look at Xia Lei unhappily, "Lei Zi, you're still calling me Uncle Ren?"    


Shentu Tianyin leaned on Xia Lei under the table.    


Xia Lei also changed his words, "Dad."    


"Ha ha!" Shen-tu was immediately overjoyed, "You asked me why I opened this bottle of red wine just now. Today is a good day for you and I am very happy. If you don't open this bottle of red wine today, when will you open it? "    


Shentu Tianyin muttered: "It can also be opened on the day of marriage."    


Shen-tu rolled her eyes at Shentu Tianyin, "When you two get married, I also have wine hidden. You two have children, on the day I carried my grandson, I also prepared a bottle of good wine!"    


Shentu Tianyin's face became even redder, "Dad, what are you saying? Why are you talking about the matter of giving birth to a child? After you knead a piece of noodles and put it into the steamer, you will be able to steam a piece of steamed bun out? "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


To think that the Shen-tu Queen of the Wanxiang Group would come up with such a comparison, it was really unimaginable.    


After dinner, the three of them enjoyed themselves. The only thing that Xia Lei cared about was that the bottle of red wine that was worth more than 600,000 gold taels was not really anything special. It was about the same as the bottles of red wine that were priced at one to two thousand gold taels on the market.    


However, in the world of the rich, who would know?    


Although he could be considered a very rich person now, he wouldn't spend money like that.    


After dinner, Shentu Tianyin took the initiative to clean the tableware. Xia Lei wanted to help but she refused to let him. Usually, there would be servants in the house, as well as Fu Mingmei and Fu Chuanfu. However, today was a special day, and these people were all invited out.    


With nothing else to do, Xia Lei went up the stairs and entered the study.    


He used Shentu Tianyin's computer to search for the "Holy Land Kingdom". Jerusalem, Baldwin IV, his sister Sibila, and the French knight Balian, who married Sibila. These people had long ago become ancient characters, and even a tombstone would be hard to find. However, a few hundred years later, it touched his heart and made him search for the secrets hidden within.    


"It doesn't describe a 'Sacred Heart', but it's not strange. After all, it's just a necklace." If you want to know why this necklace ended up in Princess Young-mei's hands and became her companion, I'm afraid this will require Princess Young-mei to personally tell the story. " Thinking about Princess Young-mei, Xia Lei couldn't help but think of her appearance once again. He had no clothes, was exceptionally beautiful, and incomparably beautiful.    


He couldn't help but imagine what kind of strange action the Princess Young-mei would make if she were to be by his side right now.    


Shentu Tianyin walked in from the door and knocked on the study door. Crack.    


"What are you looking at?" Shentu Tianyin walked to Xia Lei's side, leaned over, and looked at the monitor as she laughed, "I was watching the story that manager told me about. I've seen that movie before. I never thought I'd get Princess Sybil's necklace. I will take it as our family heirloom and pass it on from generation to generation. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "If you gave birth to a daughter and son, who would you pass it on to?"    


Shentu Tianyin thought for a moment, then replied, "Of course it's to pass on to my son, if my daughter wants to marry off, since it's a family heirloom, then I have to pass it down to my son from generation to generation."    


Xia Lei held her hand gently, "Then if you give birth to two sons and a daughter, which son will you teach them?"    


"Ah?" You want me to give you three? " Shentu Tianyin frowned, "I'm not going to give you so many babies, it hurts so much to have kids."    


"You've never had a baby, how do you know it hurts?"    


"I am a woman, I was born knowing it." As he spoke, Shentu Tianyin's upper body slightly leaned forward, the soft parts intimately pressing onto Xia Lei's shoulder, and a portion of his shoulder blade.    


A gentle squeeze was an obvious signal.    


Xia Lei looked at her, only looking at her. There was a magnetism about her that drew him closer and closer.    


Shentu Tianyin did not retreat. She closed her eyes and her cherry lips slowly moved towards Xia Lei. Finally, the two's lips met, and then their tongues were entangled as well. They were like two fighting fish fighting in a small pond, and it was a contest to decide who would win.    


There were no voices, but many vague and inexplicable voices that floated out of Shentu Tianyin's throat, giving him a feeling of pain and happiness.    


An old man slowly walked in from the corridor outside the door. He was holding two cups of steaming hot tea in his hands.    


The former chairman of the Wanxiang Group, had once commanded the heavyweight of Grand China's business world to brew tea for her future son-in-law. Most probably, only Xia Lei would be able to enjoy such treatment.    


However, Shen-tu was happy to come. Before she even reached the study door, a delicate voice suddenly came from inside.    


"Don't, don't... "You're so bad ?" This was Shentu Tianyin's voice, every syllable sounding like it had been soaked in honey.    


Shen-tu Ren's legs instantly went stiff, stared blankly for a moment, then bitterly smiled and shook her head, turned around and left. He did want to carry her grandson early, but she absolutely didn't want to listen in on this kind of thing.    


However, the study room was different.    


There was a fire burning in Xia Lei's lower abdomen, but that fire was extinguished by a piece of paper that could absorb water. He had discovered it himself, and it embarrassed him.    


Shentu Tianyin bit her lips, her face red. Looking at Xia Lei's sneak attack hand, that watery eyes of hers wanted to drown Xia Lei to death.    


"Ugh ?" Xia Lei coughed dryly, "How about we go watch the news broadcast?"    


Shentu Tianyin suddenly bit Xia Lei's ear, her voice extremely charming, "Look at how honest you are, I didn't expect you to be so evil. I had the feeling that you were about to jump into a fire pit."    


Xia Lei reached out his hands and burrowed into her crevices. As he scratched, he laughed, "Then I'll let you have a taste of my fire pit!"    


Shentu Tianyin pleaded loudly, "Aiya, it's so itchy, it's itchy to death!    


At the top of the stairs, Shen-tu's body trembled, and the teacup in her hand smashed onto the back of his foot with a 'pa' sound.    


Was this the beginning of the birth of a dragon and a phoenix?    


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