Tranxending Vision

C422 Sudden situation

C422 Sudden situation

From the very beginning, Anina knew that Xia Lei would not truly fall in love with her. She had only pursued that kind of sensory happiness with him, and what he satisfied was her own emotional and biological needs. With such a situation, did she need to care about Xia Lei's engagement?    


However, after returning from the secret grass that was softer than a carpet, Xia Lei, whose waist and legs were sore, secretly complained. He also had a thought, "Looks like I have to avoid her in the future. He really couldn't dodge it, which was why ? Just satisfy her. Slowly, she will forget me. Besides, I have to make her dream come true as soon as possible. That's the right way to solve the problem. "    


Anina's dream was to build a Bavari-style castle beside the Isar River in Munich, Germany. After that, she would have a huge farm near the castle and a winery to brew wine. To Xia Lei, money was already not a problem but how to make the Germans give up their pursuit and accusation towards Anina was the biggest problem. Every time she thought about it, Xia Lei felt a headache.    


After returning to the Rayma Military Factory, Xia Lei locked himself in the underground laboratory. Now, only work could free him from the troubles of women.    


The mysterious sound was formed in Xia Lei's brain. It was as if someone was reading an article aloud, but also as if someone was reciting a scripture. This was a mysterious language, not even a language, unreadable.    


Xia Lei changed his target to a piece of ancient alloy.    


Princess Young-mei walked around the underground laboratory with an elegant gait. She lowered her head as if he were thinking about something.    


In the past, when she appeared, she would say something like, "I've already remembered your face." The next sentence would also be, "I've been waiting for you for a long, long time." But this time, she didn't say anything, just walked with her head lowered.    


"Is her ideology not fixed and will change?" Xia Lei was curious in his heart. He observed for a bit, but didn't even notice the slightest hint of a pattern.    


"Sigh." Princess Young-mei suddenly sighed and sat on a chair.    


Xia Lei was dumbstruck, he had been thinking that the Princess Young-mei was similar to a normal person's ideology, and in the blink of an eye, the Princess Young-mei had displayed it!    


Although it was just a sigh, it was as if Xia Lei had said three hundred things that made him excited. It was simple. If she wasn't emotional, if he didn't have an ideology similar to that of a normal person, how could she sigh?    


Just as Xia Lei made his wild guesses, Princess Young-mei held his beautiful cheeks with both hands and stared fixedly at Xia Lei's body with his limpid eyes.    


His chest was somewhat covered, but his long, white legs were completely unprotected. He could see everything clearly. That mysterious and elegant scenery could cause a person's nose to bleed, and could even stimulate the wild nature.    


Xia Lei didn't know where to look, but he had no choice but to keep his eyes on her, and observe all of her changes. After staring at each other for a while, he tested the waters by saying, "You opened the zipper."    


Princess Young-mei looked down.    


Xia Lei immediately exclaimed in his heart, "She knows what I'm saying!"    


A second later, Princess Young-mei raised her head, looked at Xia Lei again, and said: "I'll remember your face."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


In that instant, all the illusions were shattered.    


After trying a few times, Xia Lei gave up. Other than that unfathomable sigh, Princess Young-mei did not say anything new. She just repeated those two sentences again and again. Those two sentences seemed to be her answer to all his questions, and no matter what he asked, she would use them to answer him. He was on the verge of going crazy.    


"It looks like I need to make a trip to Jerusalem. To unravel the secrets of the ancient alloy, the most basic condition is to collect everything. Once they were all gathered together, would these ancient alloy s with similar parts really piece together into a box? But could it be Pandora's Box, the source of disaster? " Xia Lei's heart was filled with imagination and worry.    


After a while, Xia Lei left the underground laboratory. Before leaving, he called for the warrior at the door, and under the gaze of the other party, he placed the two ancient alloy s into the safe. The soldier was wearing a full set of protective gear, as if he was afraid of getting infected by the plague.    


Xia Lei put away the things before turning around and leaving. This time, he did not imprison Princess Young-mei.    


He had his own considerations. The Princess Young-mei let out a mysterious sigh. If she was given more time to stay in the outside world and come in contact with more things, would she have more of a reflection of her own consciousness? This was his goal. He wanted to return to the Princess Young-mei to "freedom".    


He wasn't worried at all that the Princess Young-mei would run far away and lose contact with him. Because since the first time he released her, she was like one of his followers. He was wherever he was.    


Coming out from the basement, Xia Lei realized that the sky had already turned dark. He suddenly felt hungry, and went into the kitchen of the villa. He fried up two steaks, one for himself, and the other one for Anina.    


Just as he came out of the kitchen, Anina came back. She smelled the fragrance and said happily: "Wa, lucas, did you make steak? How fragrant! Is there any part of me? "    


"I know you must be hungry. I made another serving, let's eat together." Xia Lei said.    


Anina walked into the dining room and kissed Xia Lei's cheek. Then, he sat at the dining table and enjoyed the steak Xia Lei had made for him.    


Xia Lei poured two glasses of red wine. One cup was given to Anina, while the other was given to him.    


"Thank you." Anina drank a mouthful of red wine, looking very contented and comfortable, "This is what a bachelor party should be like, have you thought of a program? If you don't have a program, I have some great ideas, and I'm going to give you an unforgettable single party. "    


With just that one sentence, the fork in Xia Lei's hand that had a piece of beef on it almost fell to the table. It should have been a sad breakup, but now it turned into a party for the female Mechanic.    


At this time, Princess Young-mei suddenly went over and looked at the goblet beside Xia Lei's hand.    


Xia Lei's attention was immediately diverted, and he asked in shock: "What does she want to do? Does she want to drink? "    


It was really strange for a woman who didn't even have a real body to want to drink.    


Princess Young-mei stopped at the top of the wine cup. Her nose moved and he looked like he was sniffing the smell of red wine. Then she reached for her glass. But her hand went right through the glass and she couldn't pick up anything.    


Xia Lei sighed in his heart, "You don't even have hands, how can you pick up a cup of wine?"    


Princess Young-mei suddenly pressed his head down, and the wine cup embedded itself into her face, while her mouth was also buried in the red wine. She seemed to want to drink this way.    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a trace of a smile, and thought to himself: "It's useless."    


At this moment, the red wine in the cup suddenly rippled, as if it was a lake swept by a gentle breeze.    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned.    


Fortunately, Anina did not notice this strange phenomenon. She gave Xia Lei a light kick under the table and blinked her dark blue eyes at him, "lucas, the first program is for us to bathe together. What do you think?"    


"Huh?" Xia Lei regained his senses this time.    


"Eh? Why is your wine moving? " Anina noticed that there were ripples in Xia Lei's cup and asked curiously.    


Xia Lei then used his knee to push the table, "It's probably because I accidentally bumped into the table."    


"So that's how it is. I thought it was going to be an earthquake." Anina said.    


Just then, Princess Young-mei left Xia Lei's wine cup. She grew a tongue and slid around her bright cherry lips once, as if there was red wine on them. But Xia Lei could see very clearly that there was nothing on her lips.    


"Should I lock her up? If she continued to be freed, she would inevitably be discovered by others if she were to create some strange phenomenon. But if I don't let her go free, if I don't let her in touch with the outside world, how can I observe clues that are of value to me? " Xia Lei was a little hesitant in his heart.    


Anina finished her steak and also drank the red wine that Xia Lei had poured for her. She wiped the corner of her mouth with a napkin and said: "lucas, I'll go upstairs to the bathroom and wait for you. You usually eat fast. It's too slow today. It's your bachelor party today. Don't waste your time on steak. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Not long after Anina left, a call came in.    


"Mingmei, what's the matter?" Xia Lei recognized Fu Mingmei's cell number.    


"Sir, who are you to the owner of this mobile phone?" The voice coming out of the phone was actually a man's voice.    


Xia Lei's heart immediately tightened. He had an ominous premonition, so he blurted out: "Who are you?"    


"I'm a doctor at the Boo Ai Hospital. Your friend is injured and is currently in the hospital. She doesn't have an ID and you're the only contact person on her phone, so I'm calling to ask. "    


"What happened to her?" Xia Lei's heart was already starting to tense up, "Hurry and tell me!"    


"She was badly hurt. She was hurt. She fell to the side of the road. There was an emergency call from a passer-by, and our hospital happened to be nearby, so the command center sent our hospital ambulance over. "She needs surgery to save her life. Come over quickly and take a look, and also remind her to bring her medical insurance card and some extra money." the doctor said.    


Xia Lei's emotions went out of control, "I'll be right over, but you guys have to operate on her immediately to save her!"    


"But ?" The doctor hesitated.    


Xia Lei said ferociously: "I am Xia Lei, I have plenty of money, I must treat her even if it costs ten million! Also, she's Shentu Tianyin's bodyguard, she won't owe you a penny! "    


"Oh, so it was... "Alright, alright, I'll arrange the operation immediately!" The doctor hung up.    


As long as the doctor who called liked to watch the news and went online, he would feel like he had seen Xia Lei's news. There was no need to mention the fact that Shentu Tianyin was the richest woman in Grand China, and her reputation had already spread throughout the Divine Great Land. Then, does Shentu Tianyin's bodyguard still lack the medical fees?    


Xia Lei kept his phone and ran out. At that moment, he no longer cared about Anina who was waiting for him in the bathroom.    


The bachelor party ended early.    


The only person following Xia Lei was Princess Young-mei. No matter how fast Xia Lei ran, she would always follow him like his shadow, maintaining a distance of a few steps from him.    


But Xia Lei did not have the mind to observe her changes. Not only was he worried about Fu Mingmei, he was more worried about him!    


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