Tranxending Vision

C421 [What kind of a breakup is this?]

C421 [What kind of a breakup is this?]

Goodbye, Tang Yuyan. Xia Lei felt very awkward and didn't know what to say.    


On the other hand, Tang Yuyan acted gracefully, and said with a smile: "Congratulations, Shentu Tianyin is an extremely outstanding woman. You will be happy with her. "    


As she spoke, her eyes hid a faint sadness.    


"Thank you." Xia Lei was also unwilling to talk more about his engagement with Shentu Tianyin, so he called Tang Yuyan to sit down and changed the topic, "Oh right, Boss Shi said that you brought something, let me have a look."    


Tang Yuyan passed a document bag to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei took out something from the document bag. It was a few pictures and a piece of paper.    


There were many pictures of the city, including the world-famous Church of the Holy Sepulchre. It was the burial place of Jesus, the Christian Son of God, the holy place in the hearts of the Christians.    


Jerusalem is held as a holy place by all three religions, Islam, Christianity and Judaism. There are also the Jewish Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and the domed mosque in Islam, both of which also represent the holy sites of the two great religions. But there were no photos of the Wailing Wall or the Dome of the Mosque in the folder.    


"Could the third hidden treasure be at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre?" Xia Lei had a guess in his heart.    


Sure enough, he saw this passage in the document: The compass points to the depths of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. There was no passageway. That place is sacred and inviolable. We thought of all the ways we could do it, and all the ways we could do it. The operation came to a standstill and requested support.    


In addition to this description, the document describes many of the methods they thought of, the methods they used, and some of the information about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The content was indeed for one purpose. To explain to the higher-ups that it was not that they were not working hard, but that there was really no other way.    


Indeed, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the holy place of Christianity.    


This was no longer a problem that could be solved by money and the strength of nations. It was a problem of faith. The power of money seemed feeble here.    


Xia Lei looked at the document, but Tang Yuyan quietly looked at him, she did not know what she was thinking about.    


When Xia Lei finished reading, he put the photo and the paper document into the folder and handed it back to Tang Yuyan.    


"Finished?" Tang Yuyan broke the silence between the two.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Finished, it is indeed very troublesome."    


"Why did you suddenly think of proposing to Shentu Tianyin?" This was Tang Yuyan's second question.    


Xia Lei laughed awkwardly, "I thought you would ask me for my opinion, why do you ask me this?"    


Tang Yuyan replied: "I'm just asking. If it's not convenient, you don't have to tell me."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "At that time, An Xiuxian proposed to Tianyin. It was very sudden, and not only did I know what happened ? "Then I'll propose."    


Tang Yuyan said: "Shentu Tianyin has probably said that if you don't propose to her, she will agree to An Xiuxian's proposal, right?"    


Xia Lei was stunned, she could actually guess what happened? He did not say it out loud because he did not want Tang Yuyan to think that Shentu Tianyin had some plan in mind on this matter.    


"Looks like it." The corner of Tang Yuyan's mouth curled up slightly, "She is indeed an extremely intelligent woman who knows how to use An Xiuxian to pressure you. "You're also being honest. Since she said it like that, are you going to give in?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly: "Don't talk about her like that. I proposed to her because I really do like her. I wouldn't have done that if it hadn't been for that. "    


Regardless of whether Shentu Tianyin used her or not, regardless of whether she was scheming, Xia Lei did not care. She only cared about one thing, and that was that he really liked her.    


Actually, if there really was a reason, it was only Shentu Tianyin's tears. Her tears melted his steely self and roused his feelings for her. However, even if it was for this reason, it was because he truly had her in his heart. It was she who had planted the seed long ago.    


Tang Yuyan shrugged his shoulders, "It seems like I spoke too much. No matter what, you are already together, I wish you all the best."    


Xia Lei smiled, "Thank you."    


"Well, let's talk business." Tang Yuyan also changed the topic, "You have seen the report and photos, what do you think?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "There's no other way around it. If the thing really is buried under the Church of the Holy Tomb, there's no way to dig it out. It was the holy place of Christianity, and if anyone tried to destroy it, the Christians all over the world would fly into a rage. Not to mention Christian revenge, just international public opinion will drown. "    


"There's nothing you can do?"    


"There's nothing we can do." After pausing for a moment, Xia Lei continued, "However, just by looking at this report and the pictures, I am unable to judge. If I were to see it, I might have a different opinion. "    


"You want to go to Jerusalem?" Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before saying: "The higher ups have assigned me the task of researching ancient alloy s. Currently, things are progressing slowly, so I need more clues. If I am unable to unearth the third treasure, my research will most likely not bear fruit. So, even if it's dangerous, I intend to go and take a look. "    


Tang Yuyan said: "Alright, I will report to the higher ups. If they approve, we will head to Jerusalem."    


"Are you leaving?" Stay a little longer? " Xia Lei said.    


Tang Yuyan curled her lips, "You are currently a married woman, I do not wish to be misunderstood by Shentu Tianyin. "Well, I'm going back to the station."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


After sending off Tang Yuyan, Xia Lei walked out of the office and headed towards the new factory area. The matter of him betrothing Shentu Tianyin to Shentu Tianyin was only a little awkward in front of him, but facing Anina, it was as if his identity was being embarrassed. He didn't know how he should bring up this matter to Anina, and how he should get along with Anina in the future.    


A woman, devoted to following her, working for him, sleeping with him, and now he was engaged to another woman. No matter the reason, it was impossible to accept something like this from a woman's point of view.    


In the new workshop, Xia Lei found Anina. She was testing an XL2500 sniper rifle that he suspected had a problem with. She was extremely serious and simply did not notice Xia Lei's arrival. Germans were famous for their rigour, and she had this trait in her. Once he entered work, everything else would be forgotten.    


When Anina's assistant saw Xia Lei, she warned him.    


Anina then raised her head and looked at Xia Lei with an enchanting smile.    


This smile, without any negative emotions, was very sincere. Xia Lei was a little puzzled. Could it be that she still did not know?    


"Are you busy?" Xia Lei greeted with a little awkwardness.    


Anina's assistant was very tactful, she greeted Xia Lei and left.    


Anina said: "This batch is meant to be delivered to Argentina, one hundred. This is a bit of an expense, let me debug a bit. "    


"Yes, it's been hard on you." Xia Lei suddenly felt that his mouth was too dumb, and did not know what to say.    


There were some things that were too embarrassing to think about and were all in debt. To bring them up and then face them, one would indeed need courage and skill.    


Anina laughed and said: "You're acting weird today, what do you want to tell me?"    


"That ?" Xia Lei still couldn't say it out loud.    


"Let's go for a walk." Anina said: "I've been here for several hours, my waist is sore."    


Xia Lei nodded his head and followed Anina out of the new workshop.    


Outside, the sun was shining brightly, and on the hillside behind the factory area, the green and yellow colors formed a picture scroll under the golden sun. The scenery was pleasant.    


The two of them walked along a small path covered in leaves towards the hillside. On the way, neither of them said a word.    


And it was only during this journey that Xia Lei had already guessed that Anina would definitely know about his engagement with Shentu Tianyin. Otherwise, with her lively personality, she wouldn't be so silent.    


Under a tree, Xia Lei stopped in his tracks, "Anina, I..."    


Anina suddenly laughed, "I've been waiting for you to speak, but you just couldn't. Okay, I'll tell you. Yesterday, someone told me about you and Shentu Tianyin, you two are engaged. At night, when I was watching TV, I saw the news. To be honest, I was a bit sad at first, but then I thought it through. "    


Xia Lei did not know what to say as he tried to guess what she was thinking. But he couldn't tell if Anina was happy or sad at the moment. The smile on her face looked real, but at the same time, it looked like an ingenious cover up.    


Anina lightly punched Xia Lei, "I know, ever since we met in Germany, you have never really loved me. You're with me because you pity me. But I like you, so even though I know you're not really in love with me, I'm with you. I told you, I'm an intuitive person. I don't care about anything else. Now that you and Shentu Tianyin are engaged, my dream should wake up. Don't worry about me, I'll get used to it. Without you, I still have my dreams, and now is the time to devote all my energy to them. "    


This was intuitionism, this was Anina. The women of the West were different from those of the East. In terms of relationships, the women of the West were much more carefree than the women of the East. They would not hang themselves on a tree. Nor would they regard love and marriage as the most important parts of their lives.    


"Thank you." These three words came out of Xia Lei's mouth. However, he was sincere.    


Anina pursed her lips and smiled, then turned around and walked up the hill.    


Xia Lei was a little curious, "Where are you going?"    


Anina said: "You are about to become the husband of another woman, and before that, you should have a bachelor party right? I want to give you a special bachelor party. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Also, you promised me that you would help me realize my dream. Until then, you have to satisfy my need for that. I don't think much of the other men. " Anina looked very serious.    


Xia Lei's forehead was quietly covered in beads of sweat.    


But before Xia Lei could say anything, Anina grabbed his hand and ran up the hill.    


"I know of a place where the grass is so soft it's like a carpet."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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