Tranxending Vision

C424 desperate situation

C424 desperate situation

The chemical factory at the end of the road was Shunfeng Chemical Factory.    


When Xia Lei saw it, he was actually two kilometers away from the abandoned chemical factory. In fact, he saw not only the chemical factory, but also the sniper who was crawling on top of a water tower and the two gunmen who were hiding inside the gate.    


Although he had only discovered three people, Xia Lei was sure that they still had more people. However, because they were separated by such a large distance, he was unable to see through the existence of other targets.    


"There's actually a sniper, this is definitely not an ordinary kidnapper." His previous judgement was correct, Xia Lei had basically confirmed this point.    


Xia Lei drove the Suburban, which had no light, onto a side road in the countryside, then forcefully drove the car into a Barbarian Forest that was as tall as a person. Then, he got out of the car and took out the XL2500 sniper rifle that he had personally modified. The microphone was mounted on the barrel of the gun.    


Using the darkness of the night, Xia Lei quickly approached the abandoned chemical factory. The trees and barnyard bushes in the wasteland served as a good cover.    


He ran stealthily ahead, like a bloodthirsty wolf. Princess Young-mei followed closely behind him without the slightest sign of tiredness, maintaining a distance of a few steps away from him. The naked, snow-white girl was like a jade rabbit. As she ran, his chest rippled with waves that were extremely tempting.    


Unfortunately, Xia Lei no longer had the slightest intention to pay attention to her.    


When he was three thousand meters away from the factory compound, Xia Lei stopped. He placed the XL2500 on a tree branch, adjusted the muzzle, and aimed at the sniper who was crawling on the water tower.    


The sniper wore a hood over his head. Just now, he hadn't been able to see the sniper's facial features clearly because the position of the sniper was more than 4,000 meters. That was already the limit of his left eye's vision. At that distance, he could only see a blurry human body, but he could not see the slightest details.    


Now, at a distance of three kilometers, the sniper's features were clear in his left eye. The sniper was tall and strong, and his eyes were blue.    


He was a westerner.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "Westerner, could it be ? The CIA? "    


Then, Xia Lei observed the gunners guarding both sides of the door. As expected, they were not Asians. One was black, the other white.    


Ring, ring, ring...    


His cellphone suddenly rang.    


The caller ID was an unfamiliar number, but Xia Lei knew who it was and answered, "Speak, I'm almost there. You can't not even wait a few minutes, can you?"    


"I know you're here." It was still the same man's voice, low and cold. "I know you're very powerful, but I advise you not to act recklessly. If anything happens to my people, I will immediately kill Shentu Tianyin. "    


Xia Lei's heart dropped. Now, all he had to do was pull the trigger and the sniper on the water tower would go to hell to report. Killing that would be as easy as stepping on an ant to him, but now he didn't dare to do that.    


"Just who are you?" After a brief moment of silence, Xia Lei asked to test the waters.    


"People who lack money." The other party sneered, "I know you're nearby. In the last ten minutes, if you don't appear, I'll kill Shentu Tianyin."    


"If that happens, all of you will die as well." Xia Lei's voice was very cold.    


"So we should try to avoid that. "You give us money, and we'll let them go. This is good for everyone." the man said.    


"Ten minutes, we trade." Xia Lei hung up the phone and quickly ran back.    


Ten minutes later, the Suburban SUV arrived at the abandoned chemical factory. The headlights were bright, and the two gunmen guarding the inside of the gate opened the rusty iron gates. Xia Lei continued to drive forward, his gaze quickly sweeping across the buildings on his left and right. He saw even more people, a total of 12 gunmen and Shentu Tianyin. She was in a warehouse controlled by two gunmen. She had a hood over her head and his hands were strapped with plastic. There was a bruise on her left shin, exposed to the air, as if someone had kicked her.    


Seeing the scar on Shentu Tianyin's leg, Xia Lei's brows immediately jumped, his eyes filled with terror. These people actually dared to hit his woman!    


"Hua!" A Ford Raptor in front of the warehouse suddenly turned on its headlights and a bright beam of light fell on them. Initially, this beam of light did not affect Xia Lei's vision for his left eye, but he still pretended to avoid it and used his hand to shield his eyes.    


Through the gaps between his fingers, Xia Lei saw a black man standing in front of the Ford's bird of prey. The black man was tall and imposing. He was wearing a combat suit and had several weapons hanging from his belt. He was also holding an M16A1 assault rifle.    


He was none other than the CIA's Asia manager, Lance Bigge. But Xia Lei did not know his name, this was the first time they had met. However, with their weapons, equipment, temperament and fighting skills, Xia Lei was sure that the one who kidnapped Shentu Tianyin was from the CIA.    


"Get out!" The man from Lance Bigge said loudly.    


Xia Lei opened the car door and got off.    


Right after that, a CIA agent searched Xia Lei's body. There were even people who searched Xia Lei's Suburban Land Cruiser.    


Very quickly, the hunting knives and handguns that Xia Lei hid on his body were found, but the needles on the sole of his shoes were not found.    


The agent who searched the Suburban also completed the vehicle search. He found no weapons. After confirming that he couldn't save Shentu Tianyin with his gun, Xia Lei hid his gun inside the Ba Mao Cun. He wouldn't be so stupid as to give the modified XL2500 sniper rifle to these people.    


"Mr. Xia Lei, we finally meet." Lance Bigge walked in front of Xia Lei and looked straight into his eyes. A victorious smile hung on the corners of his mouth, "For this day, I have waited for a long time. You see, in order to make a good impression on you, I even shaved my beard. "    


Lance Bigge's Chinese was very good, and was even more standard than a lot of Chinese.    


Xia Lei took a deep breath, "You guys are not kidnappers, you are the CIA."    


Lance Bigge shrugged, looked left and right, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Did you see that? This is our opponent. Very smart, isn't it? "    


Some sneered, while others coldly snorted. They seemed to view Lance Bigge's words as a mockery, as a clever and terrifying opponent, was not yet their prisoner!    


In the face of such sarcasm, Xia Lei remained indifferent, "You guys are invading the Grand China in armed conflict, do you know the consequences of your actions? This would cause an intense reaction from the Grand China. The consequences will be very serious and no one will be able to shoulder this responsibility. "    


Lance Bigge shook his head, "No one will know."    


Xia Lei said: "You should know that there is no wall in this world that doesn't let the wind pass through."    


Lance Bigge laughed disdainfully, "Then push down this wall. You know, America has such power. We have a professional team to assess the risk of this operation, and if this operation is exposed, the worst that would happen would be Grand China arguing with us. What else can you do? Bomb our military base in Asia with missiles? Do you want to attack our ships? "Hahaha ?"    


This was naked provocation and contempt.    


Weak nations have no diplomacy. American warplanes can go into some countries and bombard their so-called terrorist targets, but the people who die the most are innocent civilians. What can any of those war-torn countries do to the United States?    


Although the Grand China was not the weakest of the weak, it was still the most militarily powerful country in Asia, but facing a huge opponent like the United States, they could only defend themselves and had no initiative to attack. Therefore, even if this matter was discovered, the Grand China would not declare war on the United States, and would not take the initiative to attack American military targets.    


From this perspective, what Lance Bigge said was the truth.    


The law of the jungle was the law of the jungle in this world since ancient times. The United States, which was strong enough to sweep away any country, could truly be so reckless.    


Xia Lei was furious in his heart, but he suppressed it. He was able to maintain his calm, "I am already in your hands, you guys should keep your promises and let Shentu Tianyin go."    


"No rush." Lance Bigge said: "I am very curious, you have actually already guessed our identities, why are you still coming? You can escape. "    


"You asked even though you knew the answer." Xia Lei said coldly: "Shentu Tianyin is my fianc?e, she is innocent, let her go!"    


Just then, two CIA agents brought Shentu Tianyin out from the storage and one of them pulled off the hood on Shentu Tianyin's head.    


Seeing Xia Lei, Shentu Tianyin immediately cried, "Go! "Don't worry about me!"    


"Shut up!" A CIA agent's gun smashed onto Shentu Tianyin's back, causing him to immediately fall to the ground.    


"F * ck!" Xia Lei lost control and rushed forward.    


"Don't move!" Lance Bigge suddenly raised the M16A1 assault rifle in his hand and pointed it at Xia Lei's head.    


On the other side, the secret service agent who had smashed Shentu Tianyin with his gun butt was also pointing his gun at Shentu Tianyin's head, and said in English: "Don't move, if not the first one to die will be your woman."    


Xia Lei abruptly stopped in his tracks, then roared: "Let her go, I'll go with you!"    


Lance Bigge sneered, "Mr. Xia Lei, you really are a naive and infatuated man. Do you think I'm going to let your woman go? No, letting her go would only bring us trouble. You are a difficult opponent. With this woman in our hands, you will be more obedient. So, we brought her out of the Grand China together. If you cooperate, she will live. If you don't cooperate, she will die. "    


Xia Lei clenched his teeth. The anger in his heart was enough to burn everything down, but the situation in front of him made it impossible for him to do anything. This was also the first time he was facing such a predicament. The feeling of being trampled on by others made him feel very painful and helpless.    


"Why are you so stupid?" Shentu Tianyin had also lost control of her emotions. She roared at Xia Lei: "Why do you still come even though you know you can't save me? You are courting death! "You fool!"    


"Because you are my woman." Xia Lei said. Even if he had to choose again, he would do it again.    


Shentu Tianyin's tears gushed out of her eyes. These tears flowed for Xia Lei.    


Princess Young-mei stood beside Shentu Tianyin and looked at her curiously. Then, she looked at the CIA agent who smashed Shentu Tianyin's handgun. Suddenly, she reached out his hand towards the agent's head.    


When Xia Lei saw this scene, he was shocked, "What is she planning to do?"    


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