Tranxending Vision

C445 force to turn the tide

C445 force to turn the tide

One Apache helicopter was gone just like that, along with a dozen or so elite commandos that were armed to the teeth. Some of them suffocated to death, some were charred and some were blown into pieces. Such an unforeseen event was something that Gu Kewen would never have imagined even in her dreams.    


"Chase!" We must catch him! " Gu Kewen crawled up from the ground and roared crazily.    


He was just about to grab Xia Lei and play with him, but he ran away in the blink of an eye. She could not accept such an outcome. She was eager for revenge, and he wanted to do well at the CIA!    


The special forces under Gu Kewen's command rushed out of the forest and chased after Xia Lei and the other two.    


Gunshots rang out and bullets whizzed overhead. Xia Lei threw Tang Yuyan and Long Bing to the ground, and the moment their bodies touched the ground, a few bullets pierced the grass a few meters in front of them, causing mud and dirt to fly everywhere.    


Xia Lei got up from Tang Yuyan's and her body, and turned around to shoot. The blast assault rifle roared, and then leapt up with its shell, but the spear did not have any obvious vibrations. A few of the special forces that were charging at the very front were instantly flipped over on the ground, and all of them died with their heads blown off.    


These special forces were all wearing bulletproof clothes, so Xia Lei wouldn't even bother shooting at them. In his hands, blast assault rifle was equivalent to a weakened version of the XL2500 sniper rifle. Although its range and power was greatly reduced, its firing rate was still much faster. In addition to its almost negligible recoil, it was simply the king of rifles!    


Bang bang!    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing also opened fire.    


Two bullets hit two targets. One had his head blown off, while the other had his chest pierced. Both died very quickly. Although those special forces were wearing bulletproof vests, the bullets from their sniper rifles were impossible to defend against.    


The special forces did not expect Xia Lei and the other two to have the guts to fight back, and even take their lives with guns and spears. Someone was lying on the ground, not daring to look up. Some of them even went back to pick up the bulletproof shield that they had just discarded ? they couldn't run fast with a shield in their hands.    


Bang Bang Bang...    


Xia Lei fired a few more shots, but these shots did not hit the target, as they purely gave the opponent a continuous stream of pressure. Several bullets shot out and he shouted, "Go!"    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing also crawled up from the grass, and continued to run towards the Israeli residential area.    


In the distance, sirens wailed. In the sky, two predator s circled in the air.    


The other side was increasing their reinforcements!    


Xia Lei and the other two had just escaped, but in the blink of an eye, they tensed up again. There was no need to guess. At this moment, the city was under martial law. There were checkpoints at every intersection, and a net was set up to capture people!    


"Who was it that helped us just now?" While running, Long Bing asked.    


Xia Lei had been searching for someone to help him from the shadows the entire time, but unfortunately, he did not see that person. However, although he did not see who was the one helping, who else could be helping in this kind of situation other than his father, Xia Changhe?    


"Could it be Hamas?" Xia Lei said.    


"Hamas people?" Long Bing frowned, "Can Hamas's people hide in the Israeli residential area?"    


She obviously didn't quite believe that.    


Xia Lei braced himself and said, "You better not underestimate those people from Hamas. It's not like they have attacked Israel twice already, they can do anything."    


Tang Yuyan said: "Who cares who he is, after knowing his identity, are you going to write them a letter of thanks?"    


These words were obviously aimed at Long Bing, she didn't forget to scold Long Bing even in this moment of life and death. It was really a habitual confrontation.    


Long Bing glared at Tang Yuyan, but did not say anything. Instead, she threw a military bag that was carried on her shoulder to Xia Lei, "Take your sniper rifle, you can use it after you pull some distance away."    


Xia Lei reached out and grabbed the military pack, but his speed did not decrease at all as he continued to run towards the Israeli residential area. At this moment, his line of sight suddenly shifted to the top of a small foreign building. A man in a black robe and a broad-brimmed Jewish hat appeared in his line of sight. The man was huge, with a scarf over his face.    


However, Xia Lei could still recognize with a glance that the man was his father, Xia Changhe.    


Xia Changhe appeared, raised his right hand high and pointed at the house beneath his feet. After that, he disappeared from Xia Lei's sight.    


The corner of Xia Lei's mouth could not help but reveal a bitter smile, and he thought to himself: "My father is probably the most crazy father in this world, right?"    


He guessed that Ye Liena was probably in the vicinity, but had not revealed himself.    


He also clearly understood the meaning behind Xia Changhe's gesture; his father was showing him a route that allowed him to escape.    


"Go to that house!" After Xia Changhe disappeared, Xia Lei pointed at the house.    


With Xia Changhe's identity, he was definitely not allowed to meet Long Bing and Tang Yuyan.    


"Why?" Long Bing followed Xia Lei and ran, while raising the doubts in his heart.    


"Don't ask, I saw the person who helped us. He will definitely escape. There must be a chance for him to do so. " Xia Lei increased his speed.    


This explanation was very reasonable.    


As the three entered the Israeli neighbourhood, the situation with regard to all the people they had feared did not occur. Under the intense battle, all the houses had their doors and windows shut tight. There were not even a single pedestrian on the street.    


A few Israelis were hiding behind windows to watch. Xia Lei took a glance, and those people immediately hid themselves, not to mention shooting with guns. They did not even dare to look straight into Xia Lei's eyes.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Another Apache helicopter came from the other side of the residential area and fired its machine gun at a distance of at least two kilometers.    


The barrel of the machine gun rotated and a burst of bullets equivalent to a cannonball came pouring down. Two deep grooves appeared on the surface of the cement road! The green belt on the side of the road was crushed into pieces and flew into the sky.    


Xia Lei rushed forward and left the ground, hiding behind a wall.    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing's reaction was also extremely fast. Without waiting for the machine gun's firepower to approach, they had already left and hid beside Xia Lei. As soon as the three of them left the street, a whole stretch of street was immediately riddled with holes, and it was in tatters.    


The Apache helicopter lost its target and rose higher, circling higher in control.    


"It's trying to restrain us!" Long Bing's face was filled with anxiety.    


"Can you go around it?" Tang Yuyan was also very anxious, because a large group of Israeli soldiers had already appeared in the direction she came from.    


"No, that's too slow!" They just want to hold us back. " Xia Lei carried the blast assault rifle on his back, opened the large military pack and took out his XL2500 sniper rifle.    


"You ? You're not trying to use a sniper rifle against Apache, are you? " Long Bing could not believe it.    


Xia Lei rushed out of the wall and aimed his gun at the Apache chopper in the sky.    


The people on the Apache chopper also saw Xia Lei and pressed down on him, ready to fire at him again.    


Bang! The XLsniper rifle in Xia Lei's hands let out a roar, and a bullet flew out. Two seconds later, a hole appeared in the cockpit of the Apache helicopter that had just started its machine gun. The pilot's head exploded, blood staining the shattered cockpit.    


Xia Lei rolled his body to dodge the attack, and several tens of machine gun ammunition set off countless of cement fragments on the road.    


Apache, in the sky, suddenly fell to the ground. A few seconds later, a fire burst out about three kilometers away. The violent explosion shook almost all the windows in the residential area. Some of the windows even shattered.    


At this time, Xia Lei was already on his way, rushing towards the small building.    


"He really did it ?" "Unbelievable!" Long Bing pursed his lips and chased after Xia Lei.    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing stood shoulder-to-shoulder. What she was looking at was not some small ocean building, nor the American Special Forces and Israeli soldiers that were chasing after them like wolves and tigers, but Xia Lei's butt. She suddenly felt that Xia Lei's butt might be the butt of the most sexy man in the world.    


If a man wants to conquer a woman's heart, he doesn't have to be rich, but he can be like this as well.    


Two minutes later, Xia Lei and the other two arrived at the small building that Xia Changhe appeared in.    


The door was wide open, there was no one inside the house, so after rushing in, Xia Lei saw the hidden military explosive device. As far as he could tell, even a movie theater could be razed to the ground, let alone a small one!    


Other than the military explosive device, Xia Lei also saw a tunnel entrance. It was under the living room rug, which had been lifted, and the planks that covered the tunnel were open, just waiting for him to go in.    


"This ?" Long Bing was surprised: "Why are they helping us like this?"    


"The enemy of the enemy is a friend, probably. "Don't worry about it. You guys go in first, I'll cover the rear." Xia Lei said.    


"No, let's go together!" Tang Yuyan said flatly.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! There was a gunshot from outside the house, and some of the windows were broken.    


Xia Lei suddenly kicked Tang Yuyan's butt, "Go in!"    


This kick hit right at the center of his buttocks, the place where there was the most flesh, it was not even considered to be painful, but Xia Lei's strength was extremely strong, before Tang Yuyan could even react, she stumbled and entered the tunnel entrance.    


Xia Lei looked at Long Bing.    


"I'll go in myself." Long Bing said as he jumped into the tunnel entrance.    


Xia Lei looked at the explosive device that was hidden under the tea table. There was an electronic timer on it, showing that there were still five minutes left.    


This was the reason why Xia Lei wanted to stay behind to cut off the rear. If he, Tang Yuyan and Long Bing entered the tunnel together, and were to be discovered by the pursuers, the other party would definitely continue to chase them. However, if he was "killed" in the battle, it would be a trap to confuse the opponent. Even if the pursuers finally found the tunnel, Tang Yuyan, Tang Yuyan and the others would probably have already moved to a safe place by then.    


"Why aren't you coming down?" Long Bing urged.    


Xia Lei said: "Four minutes, you two wait here, wait for me for four minutes."    


"You ?" Long Bing wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Xia Lei moved under the window and aimed his gun at a special forces soldier.    


Behind the Special Forces, there was a black mass of Israeli soldiers and American Special Forces soldiers. Not only was the direction they had come from, but there was also a huge black mass in the other direction. This place had been completely surrounded!    


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