Tranxending Vision

C446 escape from death

C446 escape from death

A small, two-story building was surrounded by Israeli soldiers on the streets and on the roofs next door, as well as American commandos and CIA agents. Now, even if a bird wanted to escape, it would be impossible.    


Gu Kewen appeared, along with the CIA's Middle East Supervisor, Gu Sheng.    


"Didn't you say you can persuade Xia Lei to surrender?" "I believe in you. I will give you the commanding authority, but Xia Lei is still fighting right now, don't you need to give me an explanation?"    


Gu Kewen said: "Someone is helping them, otherwise Xia Lei would have already been captured by us."    


"I don't need an excuse." "Xia Lei is right inside. I'll give you one more chance, get him to come out and surrender."    


"Mr. Goodson, you ?" Gu Kewen was hesitant.    


Goodson frowned. "What, unwilling to carry out my orders?"    


"No, I ?" "Let's go." Gu Kewen braced himself and nodded, then walked towards the small building.    


At this moment, her heart was filled with regret and sorrow. She knew very well that she no longer had any value in being able to use them, which was why Gu Sheng had let her make contact with Xia Lei. And she, she could get killed by Xia Lei at any time!    


The word 'crafty' could not be more suitable for her.    


However, even though she knew that she was being used as cannon fodder, she had no choice but to brace herself and complete this impossible task. If Xia Lei was going to surrender, he would have surrendered back in the forest.    


Gu Kewen's footsteps were very slow, and as she walked, she thought about how to persuade Xia Lei.    


Gu Sheng looked at Gu Kewen who was slowly walking towards the small building, and the corners of his mouth curled into a ruthless sneer, "A woman who can sell anything, will I let you stay at the CIA to develop? Stop dreaming, let Xia Lei vent his anger onto you. After that, I'll take Xia Lei away. This will be the perfect ending. "    


"Xia Lei." Gu Kewen approached the small building, and finally said: "Don't be silly, come out and surrender. You are surrounded. There is no possibility of escape. If you come out, I can guarantee that no one will hurt you. "    


Beneath the wall beside the window of the small ocean building, Xia Lei was looking at Gu Kewen through the wall. At this time, as long as he extended her XL2500 sniper rifle out of the window, she would be able to kill Gu Kewen with one shot. However, when he wanted to do so, there was a trace of conflict and melancholy in the depths of his heart.    


This was not benevolence. Gu Kewen had participated in kidnapping Shentu Tianyin, and had also participated in the operation against the Group of Experts. With so many of her compatriots dead, just these crimes alone, she could not forgive them. He resisted, and he hesitated because he had seen the conversation between Goodson and Gu Kewen earlier. Goodson wanted to use him to get rid of Gu Kewen. If he did that, wouldn't that mean that agreed to her request?    


"There must be a reason why Goodson wanted to kill Gu Kewen, but what is the reason?" Xia Lei guessed in his heart.    


Gu Kewen's voice sounded again, "Xia Lei, you don't have time to think about it. Come out and surrender, I promise you. Those two women will live, too. "    


Xia Lei turned around and looked at the explosive device that was hidden under the tea table. There were still four minutes left on the device. Then, he saw two beautiful heads emerging from the tunnel entrance.    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing also saw the explosive device that was hidden under the tea table. The two girls immediately understood Xia Lei's plan.    


"Gu Kewen!" Xia Lei retracted his gaze, and spoke out: "You are only a dog that the CIA has kept, you are not qualified to negotiate with me, get Gu Sheng to come over and talk to me."    


"I represent him." Gu Kewen said, "If you have any requests, you can ask me!"    


"My request is for Goodson to come and talk to me." Xia Lei said.    


On the street, Gu Kewen turned around to look at Gu Sheng who was hiding behind a group of agents. She spread out her hands and said, "Mr. Goodson, he wants to talk to you."    


Goodson didn't move, his face grim.    


Xia Lei continued: "Tell him, if he doesn't come over to talk, I will fight to the death. I have a bomb on me, and I could blow myself to death at any time. When the time comes, he will not even be able to get a corpse. "    


Gu Kewen then explained to her.    


"Cover my way." Goodson finally made his decision.    


The CIA's goal was to catch Xia Lei. If they couldn't even obtain his corpse, even he, Goodson, wouldn't be able to explain this to the CIA's higher-ups. In the past, there were many risks to negotiating with Xia Lei, but he had to take this risk.    


A group of CIA agents shielded Goodson as he approached the small building. They acted as a human wall for Goodson.    


"I'm here, state your conditions!" Goodson said loudly.    


Xia Lei said: "My condition is very simple. If you let them leave, I will only surrender when I receive their safe reply. "    


"No problem, I can agree." Goodson let out a secret sigh of relief. "Let them out."    


"What did you say?" I can't hear you. " Xia Lei's voice was very irritable, "You're too far away from me, so you don't have the slightest bit of sincerity. Come over here and speak a little more! "    


"I'll come again if you show up!" Goodson said warily.    


Xia Lei appeared from the window. One man and one spear. He was surrounded, but he had a strong momentum.    


Gu Kewen seemed to have sensed something, and her expression became strange. She stepped back, quietly, behind the group of agents, and then continued to step back.    


Gu Sheng and the other agents did not notice Gu Kewen's strange actions, but they were unable to avoid seeing it.    


"Gu Kewen is indeed an extremely cunning person, she must have sensed something. She sensed it, but didn't point it out. Did she want Goodson to die instead? "If that's the case, then she really is a dangerous woman. No wonder Goodson wanted to use me to kill her ?" In that instant, Xia Lei thought of many things.    


Just then, Gu Sheng spoke out loudly: "Xia Lei, I have already displayed my sincerity, let your companion come out. "Then, come with us."    


"Alright, give me a minute. I'll have a chat with them." Xia Lei disappeared from the window.    


Once he left the window, Xia Lei jumped into the tunnel entrance.    


In the tunnel, Tang Yuyan and Long Bing supported Xia Lei at the same time.    


"Go!" The bomb will explode in a minute. " Xia Lei ran as he spoke, not stopping for even a second.    


The tunnel wasn't very wide, but it was wide enough for a man to trot. With Xia Lei in front and Tang Yuyan and Long Bing behind, the three of them quickly fled.    


Xia Changhe should have escaped through this tunnel, but Xia Lei was not worried that he would meet his father in the tunnel. After interacting with him for a few times, his evaluation of his father, Xia Changhe, was even better than Long Bing and Tang Yuyan. After all, his father, Xia Changhe, was someone who was still alive and kicking even after being hunted down by the CIA and FA organizations!    


A minute passed in the blink of an eye.    


"Xia Lei?" Goodson urged, "Have you finished?" I don't have much patience! "    


Inside, no one answered.    


Gu Sheng turned his head and saw Gu Kewen. Gu Kewen had already retreated to at least a dozen meters away, and there was even a trace of a strange smile on her face.    


"You all ?" Suddenly, Goodson seemed to realize something. He became nervous and roared, "Get out of here!"    


BOOM! As soon as Goodson finished speaking, before he and the CIA agent protecting him could react, the small building exploded. The violent shock wave from the explosion brought with it a high temperature, countless fragments engulfed Goodson and his bodyguards like a torrential storm.    


Although Gu Kewen had retreated far enough, she was still knocked to the ground by the shock wave.    


Rumble ?    


Another series of explosions occurred.    


Originally, a small building had been razed to the ground. However, the surrounding buildings had also been severely damaged and were no longer recognizable.    


When the terrifying explosion finally subsided, Gu Kewen's finger moved, and then, she opened her eyes. She was covered in pieces, and the pain was excruciating, but there was still a trace of a strange smile at the corner of her mouth. "Xia Lei, we will meet again ?"    


In the tunnel, the silt kept falling, giving off the feeling that it could collapse at any time, making people nervous.    


"I don't know who designed it, but I have to admit, he was very smart. He designed everything." Long Bing was somewhat touched.    


The image of his father couldn't help but appear in Xia Lei's mind, and there was a smile on his lips. Usually, his son would take his father as an example. Now, he was proud of his father, Xia Changhe.    


"Did both Goodson and Gu Kewen die?" Tang Yuyan's voice gave her the pleasure of revenge.    


Xia Lei's footsteps did not stop moving, "I believe Gu Sheng is dead, but Gu Kewen ?"    


"Didn't you blow her to death?" Tang Yuyan looked very surprised.    


Xia Lei said: "She's very cunning. At that time when I said that I needed a minute to talk to you all, she seemed to have detected something and retreated. I think she will escape this calamity. "    


"Damn it! That bitch, why didn't you shoot her? " Tang Yuyan was a little angry as she said: "When she came over, you had a lot of chances to kill her."    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "It's not that I don't want to kill her, I felt that it was a little strange at that time. Later, I wanted to use her mouth to get Goodson to come over, so I didn't shoot her. I thought that if she and Goodson were going to die there, there would be no need to shoot her. I didn't expect her to be aware that there was a bomb in the room. "    


"That slut is truly lucky. In the future, she will definitely become a huge source of trouble." Tang Yuyan said.    


"Wait." Long Bing seemed to have thought of something, "You said that she detected a bomb in the house, but why didn't she remind Goodson? If she reminds us, Goodson and the agents will have time to leave. "    


After a moment of silence, Xia Lei said, "Goodson wanted her to die. Why did she remind Goodson? I think she had another purpose, and that was to replace it. The CIA's Middle East and Asia executives are dead and she has a chance to replace them. "    


"Forget it, let's not talk about that slut anymore." Long Bing was a little depressed, she changed the topic, "Where will this tunnel lead to?"    


Xia Lei replied: "I don't know, but I think we should be fine. It's hard for the CIA to find the tunnel, and by the time they did, we were already very far away. "    


It was at this moment that Tang Yuyan, who was walking behind Xia Lei, suddenly raised his leg and kicked his butt.    


Her kick did not have much strength, but there was still a footprint on Xia Lei's pants.    


"What are you doing?" Xia Lei turned his head and looked at Tang Yuyan speechlessly.    


Tang Yuyan suddenly slapped Xia Lei's butt again, "Kick my butt, I'll return it to you now. "Right, that slap was for interest."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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