Tranxending Vision

C453 I want to bathe with you

C453 I want to bathe with you

I want to bathe with you    


Rayma Military Factory's operation was very smooth. Without the interference from Hanwu Weapons Corp and the others, the production and quality of the firearms in the military factory were guaranteed. Xia Lei's plan to produce the blast assault rifle was hopefully realized ahead of time.    


However, the "silence" of the Hanwu Weapons Corp and the Shenzhou Industrial Group also made Xia Lei a little worried. Obviously not. It was just the calm before the storm.    


Although he knew that it was the case, Xia Lei had no solution. With his current strength, he wouldn't be able to take the initiative to fight the Hanwu Weapons Corp. After all, behind Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun stood a large group of people who could benefit from the arms market.    


Xia Lei was only thinking about it and would not take any action since he was unable to walk out of this kind of passive state. After returning to the Rayma Military Factory, he first saw Qin Xiang, then saw Anina.    


He was about to marry Shentu Tianyin, and he wanted to tell her about this matter.    


Not only Anina, but also Jiang Ruyi. When he thought of Jiang Ruyi, he couldn't help but feel a faint sense of debt in his heart. Even though he did not have the love between a man and a woman for Jiang Ruyi, Jiang Ruyi had been waiting patiently for him for so many years. In the face of such a feeling, he could not ignore it, nor could he pretend that it did not exist.    


In the office, Anina was drawing a blueprint with great concentration. She was still the same, and when she worked she became someone else, serious and standard German.    


When Xia Lei walked over, Anina did not notice Xia Lei entering the office. Xia Lei saw that the cup on her desk was empty. He picked up the cup, walked over to the water dispenser and poured his a cup of hot water, then placed it by her side.    


Only then did Anina notice that there was another person in the office. She raised her head and saw that it was Xia Lei, then cheered as she stood up from her office chair and gave Xia Lei a passionate hug. Her full and firm chest was pressed down on Xia Lei's chest, and it was flattened.    


"lucas, I've been worried about you these past few days. It's good that you're back." Anina said, then kissed Xia Lei on the cheek.    


Xia Lei was a little embarrassed, "About that, I... We're about to get married, with Shentu Tianyin. "    


Anina was startled, she did not release Xia Lei, but kissed him on the other cheek, "Congratulations."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


This was Anina's reaction, the reaction of the Intuitionist Anina. In her eyes, there was no difference between a married Xia Lei and an unmarried Xia Lei. He was still Xia Lei.    


He held it like that for a full minute before separating.    


Anina said: "The new production line is running smoothly, and the production capacity is higher than what we expected. Also, the workers' work passion is also very high. Yes, what I want to say is that our plans to produce blast assault rifle might need to be advanced. I am already beginning to work on it. "    


Xia Lei said with a smile, "En, it's been hard on you."    


Anina grinned, "You should also do something. blast assault rifle is the most advanced assault rifle on this planet. But no matter how good a product was, if no one knew, it would be hard to turn the situation around. So, I suggest that you organize a press conference or something like that. Not only do you have to invite the news media from Grand China, you also have to invite the news media from other countries. "    


Xia Lei's eyes lit up, and he said happily: "This suggestion isn't bad, you give me a rough idea of the time to produce the blast assault rifle, I can also start to invite domestic and foreign news organizations to build up the momentum ahead of time."    


"No problem." Anina smiled and said: "However, how will you reward me?"    


"Hmm?" Xia Lei did not think that she would even need a reward.    


"Give me a kiss." Anina opened her arms wide, waiting for Xia Lei to hug and kiss her.    


This was the reward she wanted. Xia Lei smiled bitterly, braced himself and walked over, gave Anina a hug, and then kissed Anina on the cheek.    


But instead, Anina grabbed Xia Lei's hand, placed it on her perky bottom, and said in Xia Lei's ear: "lucas, when your wife is pregnant, and is unable to satisfy you, come and find me."    


Her buttocks were plump and elastic, a typical Germanic electric buttock.    


Seventeen eight black lines immediately appeared on Xia Lei's forehead.    


Leaving Anina's office, Xia Lei went to the villa's basement.    


His main purpose for coming back was still to deal with the ancient alloy.    


At the entrance of the villa, Xia Lei bumped into the colonel that was responsible for guarding the ancient alloy. The hardworking man shook hands with him and went straight to the point, "Mr. Xia, that thing is already in your laboratory. You can check it out anytime you want."    


Xia Lei replied politely: Okay, I'm preparing to go to the experiment lab.    


Last night, when Xia Lei left the 101st round, he handed the five ancient alloy and compass to the 101st round. Now, these things were back in his laboratory. Upon entering the laboratory, he saw the radiation-proof container that contained the ancient alloy, as well as the compass in the Ming Dynasty.    


"Mr. Xia, please check. I'll be going out first." Leaving these words behind, Wu Lingguo turned around and left the underground laboratory. His fear of ancient alloy was also very deep.    


Xia Lei was the only one left in the underground laboratory. He said to himself: "Everyone is afraid of the ancient alloy, and I'm the only one who's fine. That's why Ling Hao came to trick me when I was drunk. "    


Doing that would be useless. No one in this world knew what exactly was going on with Xia Lei's body, including himself.    


Xia Lei opened the container and took out the five ancient alloy s. Following that, he opened the safe and took out the two ancient alloy s from before.    


In Jerusalem, he came to the conclusion that the more boxes one felt, the more complete they would be, and the more "complete" they would be when the Princess Young-mei was released. This conclusion was only theoretical and needed to be verified.    


He assembled the ancient alloy he brought back from Jerusalem into a complete box, and then added the other two pieces onto the box. After that, he used the power of his left eye to look through the seven ancient alloy s.    


Princess Young-mei appeared in the underground laboratory.    


The moment she appeared, the temperature in the underground laboratory dropped significantly. Before she could speak, Xia Lei had already made an intuitive judgement that the Princess Young-mei that appeared this time was "more complete" than any other Princess Young-mei. The reason was very simple, it was because she looked even more powerful!    


Princess Young-mei looked at Xia Lei, and said his first sentence, "The only thing we meet again."    


The only thing he knew, was that this was the name Princess Young-mei had given Xia Lei. Xia Lei was the only one who could see her, the only one who could wake her up from his ancient alloy, and the only one she had been waiting for.    


Xia Lei endured the shock in his heart and asked in a probing tone: "How many times do you remember that we met?"    


"That's not important."    


After a few words of conversation, the shock in Xia Lei's heart soared, and he was also unable to control his excitement, "You look much better now, tell me, what is this metal? And why do you exist? "    


"You asked me two questions, and I only have one answer."    


"What is it?" Xia Lei felt that he was close to the answer to the riddle!    


Princess Young-mei replied, "I don't know."    


This answer almost made Xia Lei choke.    


"However, I can give you the answer to the question you asked me last time." The Princess Young-mei said: "I am Zhu Xuanyue, my Great Ming Dynasty's Princess Young-mei."    


Xia Lei knew the answer a long time ago, if she said it before, it would have the same effect. However, her words gave a positive signal. She had recovered part of her memories. In Jerusalem, she did not know who she was, and now she knew who she was.    


Princess Young-mei walked to the front of the workbench and reached for the compass on the workbench.    


Xia Lei stared closely.    


Princess Young-mei swept his hand over the compass but he was unable to pick it up.    


Xia Lei was extremely shocked, this movement already showed that Princess Young-mei's body could already move some light objects. As expected, just as he was thinking this, Princess Young-mei grabbed a piece of paper that was placed on the workbench.    


Princess Young-mei grabbed the piece of paper, and it was barely a foot tall before it fell to the ground.    


Princess Young-mei sighed, "How can this be?"    


"Don't you remember what happened to you?" Xia Lei asked.    


Princess Young-mei shook her head, "I can remember some things, but I can't remember the vast majority of things very clearly. What's wrong with me? "    


"Then do you remember Afghanistan, the White Horse City tomorrow?" Xia Lei reminded: "There live the Huns."    


Princess Young-mei turned around and looked at Xia Lei, "Are you reminding me that I'm already dead?"    


Xia Lei only looked at her. He did want to remind her of her grave.    


Princess Young-mei's expression was cold, but a smile surfaced on her lips, "If I die, would I still be able to stand here and talk to you? I know my grave. I built it myself. It took two years. "    


"It took two years. At that time, you already knew that you ? Would it become like this? "You're so young, why would you want to build yourself a grave?" Xia Lei said.    


Princess Young-mei shook her head again, "I don't know."    


There was quite a bit of conversation up to this point, but Xia Lei was also a bit depressed, because this Princess Young-mei in front of him knew nothing about key questions. Although she could talk to him naturally and normally, it wouldn't help his crack the ancient alloy's secret.    


"Looks like I still have to find the remaining ancient alloy parts. Only by assembling the entire box will she be able to complete it." Xia Lei thought in his heart. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of condition the Princess Young-mei would have at that time.    


More extraordinary than him?    


Stronger than him?    


Or was it a new form?    


There was no way to know for sure.    


Xia Lei's line of sight once again landed on the compass, it was still stubbornly pointing to the east. This was a guide, but also a new adventure.    


"I'm so cold, I want to bathe with you." Princess Young-mei suddenly said.    


"Huh?" Xia Lei's gaze moved towards Princess Young-mei. Princess Young-mei arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.    


He suddenly thought of the last time he bathed with the Princess Young-mei at Amman. He also remembered the place where he almost turned into an ice cube.    


Princess Young-mei tried to pull Xia Lei's hand, but to no avail. She looked very anxious. "I'm so cold. I want to bathe with you."    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the ancient alloy s, and his left eye jumped a little...    


Taking a bath with the Princess Young-mei was definitely not a beautiful thing.    


Princess Young-mei disappeared from the underground laboratory.    


Xia Lei stood still for a while before he left the underground laboratory. Before the next treasure hunt, he would have to marry Shentu Tianyin first.    


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