Tranxending Vision

C463 The night was very dark

C463 The night was very dark

The air in the living room froze again.    


"No, could it be Shentu Tianyin?" Jiang Ruyi was a little afraid, she anxiously retracted the hand that she used to commit the crime.    


Xia Lei was also very nervous, "I don't know."    


"Afraid, afraid of what? "Accept." Jiang Ruyi pretended to be calm, "Isn't it just a phone call? and didn't catch us in bed! "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling. The phone was still ringing.    


Xia Lei took a deep breath and took out his phone from his pocket. Then, he stood up from the sofa and got ready to answer the call. He saw the caller ID clearly. It was not Shentu Tianyin, but a phone number with the number of the Korea International Region. "It's not Tian Yin's phone number."    


Xia Lei answered the phone.    


An Jinjian's voice came out of the phone, "Mr. Xia, I've already prepared what you want. I'm currently on the Hai Zhu's Three Gods Island, so I'll give you two hours to come and exchange with me on the island."    


"Three Gods Island?" Xia Lei asked: "Why did I come to that island? You asked me, not me. It's up to me to decide when and where to trade, not you. "    


An Jinjian said: "Mr. Xia, the Hai Zhu is your Grand China's place, could it be that you are still afraid of me? On the island, I can exchange places with you, but the time and place you set for me, you don't have to worry about that, I won't set foot on the mainland again. "    


"How many people did you bring?"    


"Just me and two bodyguards." An Jinjian said.    


"Why should I believe you?"    


"You have what I want, do I need to lie to you?" An Jinjian's voice sounded, "Also, I want to tell you that I know where Gu Kewen is. You want to know where she is. "    


Xia Lei frowned, "Two hours, it's night now, where do I go to find a ship?"    


What could threaten Shentu Tianyin was not the weakness in her grasp, but the living being of Gu Kewen. She was like a bomb that was tied to Shentu Tianyin, it might explode at any moment. Therefore, from An Jinjian's perspective of only this "gift", Xia Lei wanted to go.    


However, Xia Lei was no longer that impulsive youth back then. A series of life and death battles had tempered him and made him an experienced agent. An Jinjian suddenly arrived late at night to make an appointment, and the transaction location was on a nameless small island, how could he not be suspicious?    


On the phone, An Jinjian sneered, "I was anxious to trade for my things, otherwise I wouldn't have personally appeared. Also, you can only give this one time. Next time, think of a way yourself to find Gu Kewen. "    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Okay, in two hours, we will meet at the Three Gods Island."    


After putting down the phone, a drawing appeared in Xia Lei's mind. He had a feeling that the killer hyena that Xia Changhe felt was going to be a problem would also be on that island. Also, the golden-haired guard Hoffman who followed beside An Xiuxian was most likely on the island as well.    


If he guessed correctly, the Three Gods Island was a battlefield filled with dangers.    


Xia Lei secretly thought, "One of the An father and son must also be on the island, because the thing in my hands is too important to them. They must personally obtain it and then destroy it. With An Jinjian and An Xiuxian's personalities, they definitely would not let a third party come in contact with those things. They were afraid of being threatened again. This is the perfect time to solve the An clan's problem, I'm going! "    


Opportunities and crises coexist.    


Knowing that there was a tiger on the mountain was more like walking on the mountain!    


With the decision in his mind, Xia Lei actually felt at ease. The hyena was the king of the world of assassins, but he was the only one in the world! Princess Young-mei had also said that he was the only one in this world, and he had the confidence to kill him!    


Jiang Ruyi moved closer and probed: "Lei, what happened?"    


"It's fine, don't worry about it." Xia Lei said.    


Jiang Ruyi was unhappy, "I even took off your pants, but that person called me to ask you to meet him on some small island, do I not care?"    


After waiting bitterly for 20 odd years for such a good thing to come true, that damned fellow called and destroyed it. How could Jiang Ruyi not be angry about this? How could she not? If the caller was standing right in front of her, she would definitely kick him!    


"Ru Yi, you really can't interfere in this matter." Xia Lei grabbed Jiang Ruyi's shoulder, "Wait for me at home, I'll be right back."    


"What is it?"    


"Don't ask, I'm leaving." Xia Lei hurriedly pulled up his pants and tied it to his waist.    


"I heard what you said about the Three Gods Island. I know about that place. It is very remote and there are no ships that can go there. Why did that person ask you to meet him at that place? "You must be in trouble." Jiang Ruyi grabbed onto Xia Lei's hand, preventing him from leaving, "Let me help you. No matter what, you are my man, how can I be at ease if you go to that place alone."    


This was the first time Jiang Ruyi had said that Xia Lei was her man. In her heart, even though he hadn't reached that step just now, Xia Lei had already admitted her existence.    


Xia Lei sighed, then looked at his watch: "You really want to help me?"    


"Nonsense!" "You're my man, who else can I help?" Jiang Ruyi used that form of address again, but this time her cheeks flushed red.    


Xia Lei said: "That's good. Can you find a fast boat? Find one for me and wait for me at home. "    


"We have police boats over there. They're at the training center by the sea. I can borrow one. I'll take you there." Jiang Ruyi pulled Xia Lei's hand and walked away.    


Down the stairs, Xia Lei drove towards the ocean.    


"Lei, are you saying ?" In the car, Jiang Ruyi stuttered: "Tell me, if Shentu Tianyin had called earlier, how would you have talked to her?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "I don't know."    


"You're so stupid, I'll teach you." Jiang Ruyi thought for a moment, and slowly said: "You should talk to her in all seriousness. If she asks where you are, then tell her to work overtime at the company's office. If she hears my voice, you have to tell her it's your secretary, ask you if you want tea or something, and pretend nothing happened. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


As expected of the police chief, his anti-reconnaissance ability was not just for show.    


Half an hour later, Xia Lei's BMW M6 arrived at a training ground by the sea. He opened the trunk and took out the engineering plastic case that contained the XL2500 sniper rifle, then followed Jiang Ruyi into the base.    


In the past, he didn't have the right to use a gun, but now it was different. He had fought for his country many times already, and killing enemies was almost a three-digit number. Although the 101 bureau had never officially given him a certificate for the use of firearms, it had tacitly approved of his right to carry and use firearms.    


As expected, after entering the special forces training grounds, Jiang Ruyi successfully borrowed a fast boat.    


Reaching the pier, Xia Lei got on the boat with the key. Jiang Ruyi wanted to board the boat, but Xia Lei reached out to stop her, "Ru Yi, listen to me, wait for me at home, I'll be back very soon."    


"I ?" Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei with a worried expression.    


"Go back, wait for me to come back." Xia Lei did not say much, he started the speedboat and headed towards the ocean.    


Jiang Ruyi stomped her foot on the dock and shouted loudly, "Lei, be careful!"    


Unfortunately, Xia Lei couldn't hear her voice anymore, and he and the speedboat disappeared into the ocean which was shrouded in darkness.    


But before Xia Lei even got far, Jiang Ruyi took out another key from his pocket and she laughed: "You want to throw me off? It's not that easy. You or I will follow you, I have to follow you, I will follow you for the rest of my life! Shentu Tianyin, just you wait, I'll give you a green hat, hmph! "    


Very quickly, Jiang Ruyi also sped boat towards the Three Gods Island.    


The sound of the sea made the speedboat barely audible, Xia Lei didn't even notice that Jiang Ruyi had caught up. However, when she was piloting the fast boat towards the Three Gods Island, he couldn't help but recall Jiang Ruyi's appearance. Jiang Ruyi, who was a child, Jiang Ruyi who was a girl, Jiang Ruyi who was an adult, and finally Jiang Ruyi, who was intimate with him on the sofa. These images of Jiang Ruyi kept flashing back and forth in his mind, unable to leave.    


"Sigh ?" After a long while, Xia Lei sighed, "How did I get a wife? Also, who taught people to avoid their first wife's scouting? "    


This was a question, but even God would not be able to give Xia Lei the answer he wanted.    


Xia Lei drove the speedboat in the ocean for more than half an hour before he finally saw the Three Gods Island indicated by the navigation tool. This small island was not big, only a few square kilometers in area. There were three mountains on the island, both covered with dense forests. There was no light on the island. It was an uninhabited island.    


Without waiting for the fast boat to get close to the island, Xia Lei extinguished the light and slowed down, carefully heading to a beach. His left eye scanned the beach and the forest behind it as the speedboat moved slowly.    


The beach was quiet and empty. The forest behind the beach was dark, and no one could be seen hiding in it.    


"Could it be that An Jinjian and his men are on the other side of the island?" Xia Lei thought in his heart.    


Xia Lei followed the boat around the small island and headed to the opposite side. A few kilometers passed in the blink of an eye, and the scene across the island came into view. He didn't see the speedboat, but he saw a trace of a helicopter landing on a beach.    


Xia Lei stopped the speedboat and looked up at the three mountains on the small island. A sneer also surfaced at the corner of his mouth, "This isn't a trade, you guys want to kill me on this island? Fine, I also want to kill you guys on this island!"    


Xia Lei turned off the engine and anchored the fast boat. Then, he took out the XL2500 sniper rifle and a box of ammunition from the engineering plastic case. Then he plunged into the icy water and dived for a rocky beach.    


The night was dark.    


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