Tranxending Vision

C461 Ruyi's tear

C461 Ruyi's tear

"Be careful on the way." At the gate of the airport, Xia Lei held Shentu Tianyin's hand, "Remember my words. Also, call me when you find out something's wrong. Even though I'm not by your side, I can still get Long Bing to help you. "    


"Alright." Shentu Tianyin smiled and said: "You are just like my father, this way you will remind me about it when I was at home, and I will remember it all."    


Xia Lei laughed, "I'll go back to the capital after I settle my matters."    


Shentu Tianyin embraced Xia Lei's neck and gave him a fragrant kiss. "I'll wait for you in the capital."    


"Yes, yes." Fu Mingmei coughed, "Didn't the two of you see that there are a lot of people taking pictures with their phones? "Pay attention to the effect."    


As the richest woman in Grand China, Shentu Tianyin had always had a high level of public attention. Xia Lei had made a name for himself at the Moscow International Light Weapons Exhibition, becoming the hero in the hearts of millions of Chinese people. The two of them had been photographed kissing at the airport.    


However, Shentu Tianyin did not mind. She laughed and said, "If they want to take a photo, then do it. Who can interfere when my husband and I kiss?"    


After getting married, Shentu Tianyin seemed to have become a different person. She was even more feminine than before.    


Xia Lei also laughed, "That's right, I kissed my wife, not some other woman.    


"Ah?" You want to kiss another woman? " Shentu Tianyin acted as if she was angry and slapped Xia Lei on the butt.    


This scene, of course, did not escape the cameras and was captured. He believed that the photos and videos of Shentu Tianyin spanking Xia Lei would be quickly uploaded to the Internet and become a hot topic of discussion among the Internet.    


Xia Lei was originally able to hold himself back, but in this way, he could no longer hold himself back, and awkwardly said: "About that, you guys go in, it's time for me to leave as well."    


"Yes, after I finish my business, I should return to the capital as soon as possible." Shentu Tianyin could not bear to see Xia Lei leave.    


Xia Lei nodded, then turned and left.    


Fu Mingmei hugged Shentu Tianyin's small waist as she entered the ticket checkpoint. Soon after, Pu Taiji, Jin Zhenhuan, Pu Can Lie and Jin Da Hu also entered the ticket check-in area. With these four Yanbian bodyguards protecting Shentu Tianyin, Xia Lei was a lot more at ease.    


Walking out of the airport, the lights in Hai Zhu were bright and the night sky looked like it was being washed clean. As Xia Lei drove Shentu Tianyin home, he always felt that something was missing in his heart when he saw Shentu Tianyin off. Receiving the certificate with Shentu Tianyin became her legal husband, and their relationship became even more intimate. How could he not be worried?    


The reason why Xia Lei did not return with Shentu Tianyin to the capital was actually not because he wanted to settle the affairs of the Rayma Manufacturing Corp. With Guan Lingshan taking charge of the Rayma Manufacturing Corp, he was very at ease. The reason he stayed behind was to wait for Ye Liena and his father, Xia Changhe. Although he did not set a time or place to meet with Ye Liena and his father Xia Changhe, he believed that one of them would definitely appear.    


Only by obtaining An Jinjian's information would he be able to exchange with An Jinjian for Shentu Tianyin's information. His wife's trouble, his husband's trouble, he had to get rid of.    


After returning to the residential area, Xia Lei took a look at Jiang Ruyi's home. There were no lights in her house, so she did not know if Jiang Ruyi had fallen asleep or if she was working overtime at the police station.    


An idea popped up in Xia Lei's mind, but he quickly dispelled it. He thought to himself, "I'm already Tian Yin's husband, it's not appropriate for me to knock on Ru Yi's door at night."    


Although he really wanted to chat with Jiang Ruyi, he gave up in the end.    


The house was quiet and deserted. After opening the door, Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the tea table. He remembered the last time he cleaned the room, he kept the tea table very clean, but now there was an additional document bag on the table.    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched, and in the blink of an eye, he had already looked through every single room. There was no one else in the house, only him.    


Xia Lei walked over, picked up the document bag, and opened it. The folder contained a stack of photographs and several papers. He took a look around, and all of these were proof that he could subdue An Jinjian. In addition, there was a signed paper with a very good stack of letters.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly. He had stayed in the Hai Zhu to obtain these things, but he had obtained them the moment he returned home. He felt that his father Xia Changhe was like a part of his body, always knowing what he wanted.    


"Since you've come, why haven't you seen me?" After being stunned for a while, Xia Lei muttered to himself.    


He opened the signed paper.    


The note on the signed paper was Xia Changhe's notes. It read: Son, I wanted to kill An Jinjian and An Xiuxian for you, but Ye Liena and I met the hyena from the International Assassins Organization. He was a terrible professional killer who had never failed in his career. In the world of assassins, he is king. Be careful of him, be careful.    


There was a sketch of a hyena under the signature paper with a pencil.    


Xia Lei took the letter and signed paper and walked to the balcony. Looking into the distance, he very quickly saw a person standing on a building 500 meters away. That person was his father, Xia Changhe. He was holding a scope that he took off from an XL2500 sniper rifle, looking at his father who was standing on the balcony.    


Xia Lei laughed, then said with his lip language: "I will be careful, and you be careful too."    


Xia Changhe laughed too, he kept his scope and disappeared into the night.    


Xia Lei thought, "Father probably saw the assassin named hyena through the scope and drew this sketch for me. "Father had an XL2500 sniper rifle, but he couldn't kill the hyena. Is this hyena killer really that powerful?"    


The message father Xia Changhe left behind made Xia Lei's mood turn heavy.    


He was not afraid of this killer called hyena, but he was afraid that this hyena would attack his relatives. Xia Xue and Shentu Tianyin were both ordinary women, so if this hyena wanted to kill them, their chances of survival were close to zero.    


Dong, dong, dong. There was a knock on the door behind him.    


Xia Lei shifted his gaze over, and within the span of a breath, his left eye penetrated the door, and then, he saw Jiang Ruyi, who was standing at the doorway. In her hand was a bag.    


"Why is she looking for me at this time of the year?" Xia Lei felt that it was a bit strange, but he also felt a bit of a headache.    


Dong, dong, dong. Jiang Ruyi knocked on the door three more times.    


"Who is it?" Xia Lei walked over.    


"It's me, Ru Yi." Jiang Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei opened the door with a smile on his face, "It's Ruyi, please enter."    


Jiang Ruyi entered, and without waiting for Xia Lei's greetings, she walked straight to the side of the sofa and sat down, then placed the bag in her hand on the tea table.    


"About that, I'll go make you a cup of tea." Xia Lei said, he didn't know why but he was a little nervous.    


Jiang Ruyi said: "No need, your house doesn't have hot water, what tea are you going to make for me?"    


Xia Lei awkwardly shrugged his shoulders and sat in front of Jiang Ruyi, "Ru Yi, why are you looking for me?"    


Jiang Ruyi's face was filled with hidden bitterness, "You're married, don't tell me we can't even be friends?"    


"What are you talking about?" Afraid that she misunderstood, Xia Lei hurriedly explained, "I just feel that there must be something that you're looking for me for so late at night."    


Jiang Ruyi opened the zipper on her handbag and took out five packs of money. There was also a jewelry box and a piece of savings money. Ka, then, she pushed it in front of Xia Lei from the table.    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot. "Ru Yi, you ? What are you doing? "    


Jiang Ruyi said: "These are the money you gave me. My father had treated my illness for five hundred thousand and I have given you the rest. Also, I have given you the gemstone necklace. I saved fifty thousand myself, I also brought it. I'm still short of four hundred and fifty thousand, I ? I plan to give it back to you a little bit every year, although it will be a little bit slower, but I will pay it off. "    


Xia Lei's heart felt as if it had been pierced by a needle. He looked at Jiang Ruyi and asked, "Ru Yi, what are you doing? When I gave you that money, didn't you say that you were ready? One part to treat uncle's illness, and another part to treat uncle's illness. I don't lack money, what are you going to pay me back for? "    


"You don't lack money, but why would I charge you so much? And this necklace? " Jiang Ruyi opened the jewelry box and revealed the jewel necklace that Xia Lei had gifted her, "I've appraised it at the jewelry store today, and they're willing to give me 5 million to buy this necklace!"    


Xia Lei said: "Since I gave it to you, you should also take it. Return it to me now, I don't want it. Take back the money and the necklace.    


Jiang Ruyi stared straight at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with tears, "I, I'm you, what kind of person am I? You gave me so much money and such a precious necklace, tell me, who do you think I am? "    


"We are... It's a friend. " Xia Lei said.    


Jiang Ruyi's tears immediately rolled down from her eyes, "My friends, your head, I have so many friends. I only sent red packets for a few dollars, and they even split the money between us. You have so many friends, why don't you give each of them millions, and even give them a necklace worth five million each? "You go and give them to me. If you give millions to all your friends and necklaces, I will believe that we are friends."    


Xia Lei was speechless. Even if he was the richest man in the world, he would never give money to his friends like this. But he had to send Jiang Ruyi off like this. Now that Jiang Ruyi had asked him such a question, he was unable to give an answer.    


Jiang Ruyi's tears flowed even faster. "Deep in your heart, you actually treat me like your woman, don't you?"    


"I ?" Xia Lei opened his mouth, but there was only one word he could say. He was also thinking, Am I really treating her like my woman?    


Even he himself didn't know the answer to this question.    


"We grew up together, and I don't believe you when you say there's no feeling between us. When I was just a little clerk, you helped me solve the case, you helped me become director. When my dad was sick, you provided timely help. Not only did you save my dad, you also provided a better life for our family. You gave me a necklace worth several million dollars out of the blue, and you think of me as your woman, don't you? "    


"Ru Yi, I ?" Xia Lei didn't know what to do.    


"You treat me like your woman, why don't you touch me!" Jiang Ruyi had somewhat lost control of his emotions.    


Xia Lei froze.    


"I'll give you two choices." Jiang Ruyi stood up, her eyes filled with tears, "You can either touch me, or take back the money and necklace, from now on we are only creditors and debtors."    


Xia Lei's head suddenly became two big ones.    


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