Tranxending Vision

C464 Stupid girl

C464 Stupid girl

The waves crashed against the rocks. The sea breeze blew through the forest, causing leaves to rise and fall one after another. Xia Lei waited on the reef for a few minutes before he moved towards the forest. He was very careful with every step and had to observe his surroundings. In this kind of environment, even if he had clairvoyance, he could not be careful, because his left eye could not penetrate the dense forest and see the hidden killers.    


It was a pity that he didn't have the equipment needed to create a thermal imaging system. If he did, his movements would have been much safer and easier.    


However, he also had his own unique tracking method, and that was his left eye's micro vision ability. With this ability, he could use his left eye to see the precision of a high precision part, not to mention the traces a person would leave behind. As long as someone entered the forest from this beach, he would be able to follow the tracks left behind on the ground to find that person, no matter where the person was hiding!    


"One, two, three ? "Six." Along the way, Xia Lei had also made his judgement based on the tracks left behind by the helicopter, "Six people got off from the helicopter, and they are inside the forest. They won't go in. They should be at the edge of the forest. After all, their goal is to get something and kill me. It's just that I don't know if the one leading the group this time will be An Jinjian or not. "    


No matter if it was An Jinjian or An Xiuxian leading the team, since the other party had set a trap to kill him, he did not need to be courteous to them. One found, one killed!    


While he was sneaking, Xia Lei muted the XL2500's sniper rifle. A machine.    


He swam out of the water. It was early winter and the temperature was low, so he wasn't too worried about the threat posed to him by his opponent's equipment.    


Entering the forest, Xia Lei quickly found traces of the other party. Indeed, it was just as he had predicted. The other party's goal was to kill him and take the items he had brought. They had not gone deep into the forest at all. However, he saw only four people, all Asian men with yellow skin, dressed in combat suits, armed with American M16A2 assault rifles loaded with grenade launchers, and armed with pistols and grenades. These four men were wearing bulletproof vests and a bulletproof helmet. Just this set of equipment did not lose out to the special forces of Korea.    


Xia Lei maintained his perspective and observed the situation on his left and right. Unfortunately, he did not see the hyena drawn by his father Xia Changhe, nor did he see the golden-haired guard Hoffman, who was following beside An Xiuxian.    


Xia Lei quietly raised the XL2500 sniper rifle in his hand and aimed it at a gunner.    


Now, as long as he gently pulled the trigger, the other party's head would explode. However, just as he was about to do so, he suddenly realized something and removed his finger from the trigger.    


"Six people got off the helicopter, but there are only four people here." He thought to himself, "Who are the other two people?" Where is it? Wait a minute, there were still two people who definitely could not be An Jinjian or An Xiuxian, it was Hunting Dog and Hoffman. These four people are bait. If I shoot, Hoffmann and the hyena will kill me! An Xiuxian or An Jinjian must still be on the helicopter. Only after Hound Dog and Hoffman kill me, will he appear to take away what I have on me. "    


Thinking up to here, Xia Lei's line of sight once again shifted to the left. In front of him were layers of trees, blocking his view. He could pierce some of the trees, but that was not enough. Similarly, if the other party had a thermography device, its power would not be able to penetrate so many trees to discover his presence.    


"Since the four of them are bait, Hoffmann and the hyena should be best ambushed from left to right and back to back. Once I started fighting with the four gunmen, the two top killers came at me from both sides of the pack and shot me from behind. Furthermore, in the forest, they will not be too far away from these four people, they will be near me! " Xia Lei's judgement of the form was very accurate.    


He looked at his wristwatch. There were still ten minutes until the appointed time.    


Could he kill the hyena and Hoffman in ten minutes?    


Xia Lei decided to give it a try. He chose the left side and half crouched. Under the cover of the trees, he nimbly moved to the left side.    


Three minutes later, a true target had entered Xia Lei's line of sight. It was Hoffmann, hiding in a huge cedar tree. The treetop was about thirty meters high, high enough for him to see the beach. In fact, this was what he had done, hiding in the treetop, holding a Barrett sniper rifle and aiming at the beach.    


Fortunately, Xia Lei had landed from the reef beach on the side of the beach, if he had entered the fast boat, he would have landed on the beach directly. He was in the range of Hoffmann and the hyena before he even landed!    


Hoffmann had a thermographic device around his neck, and every ten seconds or so he would pick it up and examine the surrounding forest. Unfortunately, he did not know that Xia Lei had already snuck behind him.    


Actually, it was not that Hoffman's reactions were slow, nor was it that his alertness was low. It was that he was unable to use his thermal imaging device to discover Xia Lei, who was still at least 500 meters away from him. He had chosen a very good sniping point, because the cedar tree he was hiding in was the tallest tree in the entire area. Hiding in the treetops, he could observe very far places and he could also shoot at targets on the beach.    


Suddenly, Hoffmann put down his thermography equipment and pointed his gun in the direction of the beach.    


This was something that was about to be shot at. This meant that there was a target that he wanted to kill on the beach!    


"Crap!" Xia Lei suddenly thought of a person, Jiang Ruyi.    


Thinking about this, Xia Lei immediately tensed up. He quickly raised his gun and aimed at the back of Hoffman's head.    


Hoffmann steadied the barrel of the gun, then put the index finger of his right hand on the trigger. A cruel smile spread across his lips.    


Puff! The sound of a sharp weapon hitting a person's head exploded. Half of Hoffman's head was instantly blown away. His brain and blood shot out explosively like soy sauce. His body also fell down from the treetop.    


After getting rid of Hoffman, Xia Lei did not stop at all. He turned around and started to move towards the beach. He could have easily completed the assassination, but now he had to fight for every second!    


If Jiang Ruyi had really caught up and she was already on the beach, then this would definitely be a very bad thing. Because Hoffmann could see her, and so could the hyena.    


What's the difference between a king of the world of assassins killing an ordinary policewoman and a boxer KAO killing a schoolboy?    


Xia Lei quickly rushed to the edge of the forest.    


Just as a speedboat stopped, Jiang Ruyi jumped down from the boat and waded towards the beach.    


Jiang Ruyi was also very vigilant. She held a handgun, waded into the water, and looked towards the direction of the beach and the forest.    


"This prodigal woman ?" Xia Lei had a headache. If this was an exercise, he would rush forward to push Jiang Ruyi down to the ground and spank her butt until he was swollen!    


However, from another angle, Jiang Ruyi seemed to be worried about him, which was why she came here. A woman who cares about you so much, she did something wrong, but do you have the heart to blame her?    


Jiang Ruyi climbed onto the beach and looked around, then continued walking into the forest.    


"You prodigal woman!" Xia Lei sighed in his heart, then suddenly raised his gun and shot towards the beach in front of her.    


Puff! The bullet hit the sand, sending it flying into the air.    


Jiang Ruyi was shocked, she immediately fell to the ground.    


Xia Lei turned his head and shot a shot at the edge of the forest. Just as one of them rushed out of the forest to grab Jiang Ruyi, the other got headshot. Although he was wearing a bulletproof helmet, the XL2500 sniper rifle's bullets had pierced his face. With this kind of marksmanship, even if he wore ten bulletproof helmets, it would still be useless.    


Xia Lei fired a second time. Although he did not kill a single gunman with this shot, the bullet still struck a tree trunk at the edge of the forest. Wood chips flew everywhere, immediately scaring the remaining three gunners, and they no longer dared to rashly rush into the beach to catch Jiang Ruyi.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! Gunshots rang out.    


Although the remaining three gunners were suppressed by Xia Lei into the forest and did not dare to rush out, they started to shoot at Jiang Ruyi who was crawling on the beach.    


Bullets set off a cloud of dust on the beach. Jiang Ruyi hugged her head, scared to death.    


"Crawl over!" Xia Lei was extremely anxious, he did not care about exposing his hiding spot, and roared at Jiang Ruyi.    


Jiang Ruyi heard Xia Lei and also saw a glimmer of hope in the midst of despair and fear. Using both her hands and legs, he crawled towards Xia Lei's direction like a mollusc.    


Crack! A bullet suddenly struck the tree trunk where Xia Lei was hiding.    


This shot came from the right, and a bullet shook a tree. This was a powerful sniper rifle!    


This shot also pointed to a problem. The terrifying killer hyena had discovered his position and even attacked!    


Xia Lei subconsciously laid down. Just as he laid down, another bullet hit the same spot on the tree trunk. This time, the bullet actually penetrated the tree trunk and directly struck a tree behind Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei's heart trembled. The hyena dog used armor-piercing bullets!    


"There he is!" At the edge of the forest, someone shouted in Korean, "He won't be able to escape! Kill him!"    


Bang! Bang! Bang! Then came the angry sound of M16A2 again. However, the bullets fired by the remaining three gunners could not penetrate the layers of barriers and posed a threat to Xia Lei.    


Crack! A armor piercing bullet struck the tree trunk where Xia Lei was hiding, it was only three feet tall!    


Xia Lei rolled over and dodged. Seemingly at the same instant he left his hiding place, another armor piercing bullet struck the same spot as the previous bullet. This time the bullet went through the trunk again and hit the ground. From that position, if Xia Lei did not dodge, he would have been hit in the head!    


In these four shots, Xia Lei had already determined the hyena's location. Not to the right, but on the mountain slope behind this forest, he was at an even higher location.    


Xia Lei did not believe that hyena could also see through things like him. The other party had only figured out his position because of his warning just now. Just from his position, the other party had fired four shots, and two of them were a threat to him. The experience of this hyena was unimaginably terrifying!    


The King of the Assassin World, this was his father's evaluation of the hyena. Just this evaluation alone was enough to prove the hyena's strength!    


In terms of experience, the hyena was above Xia Lei!    


Facing such an opponent, coupled with a prodigal beauty crawling over in a sorry state, Xia Lei couldn't calm down no matter what.    


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