Tranxending Vision

C460 Assassination Failure

C460 Assassination Failure

The old house in Shen-tu was decorated with lanterns and decorations, looking extremely joyous. Although Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin had not held a wedding ceremony, they could be considered to be real husband and wife after getting their marriage certificate. The people of the Shen-tu must be celebrating this kind of thing.    


The whole family was having a hearty meal together.    


After eating dinner, Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin returned to their room. This was the new room that Shen-tu had specially arranged for him. All the tools inside were new, the bed was covered with a red blanket and even the blanket was red. What was even more exaggerated was that Shen-tu Ren had someone light up a pair of red wedding wax.    


Upon entering, Shentu Tianyin could not help but burst out laughing.    


Xia Lei could not help but laugh, "Father, what are you doing? It makes the room so red. "    


Shentu Tianyin laughed and said, "Father's views on marriage are different from us youngsters. Even in his era, marriage was like this.    


Xia Lei laid on the bed and relaxed his body, "As long as he's happy."    


Shentu Tianyin walked over and gently pressed down on Xia Lei, "From now on, I'm your wife. You have to treat me well and not bully me."    


Xia Lei reached out and patted Shentu Tianyin's raised butt, and a clear sound rang out.    


Shentu Tianyin bit her cherry lips, her eyes filled with the light of resentment, "I just married you, and you're already bullying me. It seems like my future days will not be sunny."    


Xia Lei laughed: "Is that considered bullying? Then what if I want to pat your ass in the future? Can't we shoot anymore? "    


"My entire body is yours, where else can you not take it?" Shentu Tianyin kissed Xia Lei's lips, and the two of them tangled together on the bright red bedsheet ?    


In this romantic moment, Xia Lei suddenly thought of his father's phone call. When he kissed Shentu Tianyin, he thought to himself, "She loves me dearly, and I love her dearly as well. We love each other, and I have the power to protect her.    


In this inexplicable way of thinking, the clothes fell off one by one onto the ground, and a pair of rookies joined together. At this moment, Shentu Tianyin was happy, and Xia Lei was happy as well. In this world, what could make love crystallize happier than being united with one's loved one?    


Even volcanoes had cooldowns. When the passion faded, the two rookies also quieted down. They snuggled close to each other and chatted.    


"Hubby, what was the name of our first child?" Shentu Tianyin drew circles on Xia Lei's chest with his finger.    


Xia Lei laughed: "I don't even know if it's a boy or girl, how do I call you that?"    


"Why don't you just name a boy and then a girl?"    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "The male is called Xia Le, and the girl is called... En, it's called ? Xia Yue, what do you think? "    


"Xia Le? Xia Yue? " Shentu Tianyin recited it twice, and a smile emerged from the corner of her mouth, "Xia Le, summer is a warm and happy season, this name is very good. Summer moon, summer moonlight is the most beautiful, our daughter must be a great beauty, I also like that name. Hubby, how did you come up with such a name? "    


"I was just thinking." Xia Lei said. But he knew that the real situation wasn't like this. He chose the name Emperor Yongle for the name Xia Le and the name Xia Yue. He chose the name Zhu Xuanyue. The reason he had such a choice was because his biggest wish in life was to unravel the secrets of the ancient alloy and AE.    


Shentu Tianyin didn't know what Xia Lei was thinking in her heart. She went close to Xia Lei's ear, exhaled hot air and said: "Hubby, I like both of your names, what do you think we should do?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Could it be that you want to give birth to a dragon and a phoenix?"    


Shentu Tianyin nodded her head, "Mn, you're right. I really want to give birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix wombs.    


"That depends on luck."    


"Not exactly because of luck. I asked my doctor, and she said that as long as we're separated by a quarter of an hour, the chances of having twins are much higher." Shentu Tianyin smiled, "Hubby, what do you think we should do?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Outside, Shentu Tianyin was a noble and elegant queen, no one dared to get close to her. However, at home, she was passionate and charming, even steel could melt. With such a lovely wife, Xia Lei suddenly felt that the thing he should evolve from the most wasn't his eyes, nor her brain, but his kidney.    


At the same time, at the Residence of An, Seoul, South Korea ?    


"Damn it!" An Jinjian threw the cup of tea that the servant handed to him onto the ground.    


The servant was silent like a cicada in the winter. She wanted to clean up the residue on the ground, but she was afraid that An Jinjian would vent his anger on her. She stood there, afraid to move, afraid to leave.    


An Xiuxian glared at the servant, "What are you still standing here for? "Get out."    


As if he had received an amnesty, the servant quickly retreated.    


"Dad, what was the outcome of the negotiation?" From An Jinjian's reaction, An Xiuxian had already guessed the result, but he did not dare confirm.    


"Humph!" An Jinjian snorted, "Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin are simply going too far, they colluded with us and tricked us, and the condition they gave was to repurchase our current mobile phone shares with Yi Yuan, but we have to buy back Wanxiang Group's investment in Korea at the market price!"    


"Are Xia Lei and that bitch crazy about money?" An Xiuxian was so angry that he started laughing, "Who would agree to such a thing? They are dreaming! "    


"No, I've already signed it." An Jinjian said.    


"Huh?" An Xiuxian was stunned on the spot.    


An Jinjian said: "Not only did I sign the contract, I also paid for it. This is the coin that I obtained, I will keep it until Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin die! " He took out a one yuan coin, which Xia Lei had given him after he and Shentu Tianyin had signed the contract.    


An Jinjian held the coin tightly. He imagined that coin as Xia Lei's heart, and then he would crush it!    


"Dad, don't tell me you didn't use Gu Kewen to threaten us with those things?" An Xiuxian finally regained his senses.    


"It's useless."    


"That's impossible." An Jinjian said excitedly: "I know Shentu Tianyin very well. As long as we use those as evidence and want to write her down, under the situation that she is a threat to Wanxiang Group, it is impossible for her to not compromise."    


"You know Shentu Tianyin, but do you know him? Shentu Tianyin is Xia Lei's wife now, so we can't even take care of her with her help. " An Jinjian said with an angry face, "Only now do I understand why Shentu Tianyin wants to marry Xia Lei in such a hurry. What she has her eyes on is that brat's ability, that brat is too terrifying."    


"What did Xia Lei do?"    


"He has found something that cannot be revealed, and if it were to be leaked, I would be forced to resign as leader of the Grand National Party and would not be able to run for president at all. Also, he has proof that our Celestial domain group has some business that cannot be exposed to the public. "You say, he has a card. Can I not sign it?"    


"How is this possible?"    


"I don't know what's going on either. There must be someone helping him, and that person is a very powerful one at that."    


An Xiuxian wanted to guess the identity of the man, but unfortunately, he could not.    


Just then, the lights in the living room went out and the room fell into darkness.    


"Why is there a power cut?" An Jinjian started to get nervous.    


"Get down!" A cold voice suddenly came from the dark corner.    


However, before An Xiuxian and An Jinjian could react, the person who shouted the warning threw both An Jinjian and An Jinjian onto the ground.    


Crash! * The window of the living room suddenly shattered, and a bullet struck the sofa behind An Jinjian. The sofa trembled, and white feathers flew up from the torn leather.    


In the darkness, the person who had saved An Xiuxian and An Jinjian kicked the tea table down, and placed it in front of him.    


Puff puff puff! Another few bullets shot over, all of them landing on the tea table. One of the bullets penetrated the tea table, following An Xiuxian's scalp and hit the floor.    


The men who saved An Xiuxian and his son pulled out their guns and shot in the direction the bullets came from. His wrist was steady to the extreme, shooting out several times in succession. The direction of the muzzle of the gun was always stable!    


Bang! A gunshot rang out from outside the living room.    


An Xiuxian was so scared that her whole body was trembling, "Hoffman, is it a killer? Assassin... The hitman is here? "    


"Don't worry, it's a hyena firing." Hoffman released An Xiuxian and An Jinjian.    


The hyena that he spoke of was a professional killer hired by the international assassination organization after An Xiuxian left the Grand China. No one knew the real name of the hyena, but in the world of assassins, the hyena was an insurmountable mountain, an untouchable king!    


Hyenas were a unique breed of dogs in Madagascar. Although they were dogs, they were even more ferocious than wolves. Even lions or tigers had to avoid them when they saw them!    


Hearing that it was the hyena that was firing, An Xiuxian finally relaxed a little.    


"Hoffmann, is the man you hired reliable?" An Jinjian asked.    


Hoffman said, "Mr. An, you can be assured that in the world of assassins, he is the king. As long as he is the target, no one will be able to survive."    


An Jinjian laughed coldly, "Good, then let him kill Xia Lei!"    


Hoffman said, "Xia Lei is already his target."    


A light suddenly came on in the living room, and a man with a sniper rifle walked into the living room. This man was a mixed blood between black and white. He had the strong features of a Caucasian, but his skin was more black. He was in his early thirties, tall and muscular, and his eyes were cold. His appearance seemed to have lowered the temperature of the living room by several degrees. This was the infernal energy, the aura of hell!    


He was the hyena, the king of the world of assassins.    


"Two people, a man and a woman." The hyena spoke in English. "They've fled."    


"He escaped?" An Xiuxian frowned.    


The hyena said flatly, "The opponent was very cunning. They found me. If you want to kill them, you have to pay them a new fee. "    


An Xiuxian's throat seemed to be stuffed with something he couldn't say.    


"Did you see their faces?"    


"Nope." The hyenas spoke very little, and they spoke very few words.    


"The person who came to kill me must be related to Xia Lei. Go to Grand China immediately and kill him!" An Jinjian had his own guesses.    


The hyena did not speak, only gave a slight nod.    


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