Tranxending Vision

C470 A contest between a hunter and a hunter

C470 A contest between a hunter and a hunter

The rain kept falling. Dawn came late, almost an hour later than usual. A thin layer of mist permeated the forest below the mountain peak. The trees were faintly discernible in the mist, giving off a mysterious and primal feeling.    


At the top of the mountain, Xia Lei looked down at the forest cautiously. Rain and fog also affected his vision. Under normal circumstances, his left eye could clearly see things four thousand meters away, but right now, he could only see a thousand meters away.    


Without dense vegetation, the wind would be able to disperse the rain mist in time. If not, An Xiuxian's people could take advantage of the fog to rush in and fight him in close combat. That was something that he absolutely could not accept.    


Jiang Ruyi was still sleeping beside him. She accompanied him until the dawn, and could not hold on any longer. Her excessive nervousness and the fatigue from climbing the mountain had caused her to be physically and mentally exhausted. It was already quite good that she had been able to endure until before dawn.    


She slept peacefully, a faint smile on her lips, as if she were in a beautiful dream.    


As Xia Lei looked at the peaceful smile on her lips, he couldn't help but recall the times he spent together with Jiang Ruyi.    


He and Jiang Ruyi had too many things to remember and countless to count. After all, they had grown up together, and she was like a mirror that had grown up with him. Through her, he could see his past, see the bitterness, the joy, the anger, the sorrow.    


This was something that Shentu Tianyin was unable to give him.    


Jiang Ruyi was only the daughter of an ordinary family. Her life was very simple as well. If it hadn't been for his help, she would still be a clerk in the police station, living an ordinary life with a low salary. However, it was precisely this sort of common feeling from her that gave people a very real feeling. This feeling made people feel a sense of familiarity with her.    


In this world, there were too few women like Shentu Tianyin. She was the Queen who lived in a palace, and possessed a vast territory and subjects. There were too many women like Jiang Ruyi in this world, and every man's life had girls like her. They lived together as neighbors, grew up together, made noise, and finally grew into beautiful girls.    


Some men would marry this kind of girl, some men would marry other women, but after so many years, they would only see each other. When they saw each other again, they would also have that kind of warm feeling. This kind of girl was a part of a man's life. Nobody could kill her.    


At this moment, the seed that Jiang Ruyi had planted in her heart when she was young had quietly awakened, and was ready to take root. Before, when Xia Lei looked at his in this way, he didn't even think that he liked her, but now, looking at her, she seemed to become more and more pleasing to the eye, and also started to like her a little.    


A bitter smile surfaced at the corner of Xia Lei's mouth as he thought to himself: "Since young, she has always quarrelled with me, but he will always give me delicious sweets. In school, when someone was arguing with me, she would always be on my side, whether I was right or wrong, and he would always help me. Perhaps, from then on, I was destined to never be able to get rid of her in this lifetime? "    


"Lei Zi, you don't want to get married ? "Don't get married ?" Just then, Jiang Ruyi's dream seemed to have changed. She no longer had a smile at the corner of her mouth, and her expression seemed to be in pain.    


Xia Lei couldn't help but touch her hair and his cheeks, "Don't think too much, go to sleep."    


Jiang Ruyi muttered something else out of her mouth, "Lei Zi, you idiot, you heartless fellow. I've liked you since you were thirteen, but you didn't know ? "You are a fool, a fool ?"    


This sentence caused Xia Lei to be stunned for a moment, and he felt a sense of shock, "You fell for me since you were thirteen? Aren't you being a little too precocious? "    


Girls tend to mature earlier than boys, but very few boys pay attention to this.    


Jiang Ruyi could hear Xia Lei's voice, but she was obviously talking to the boy in her dreams, "Lei Zi, take me. I want to give birth to a child for you."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Bang! Suddenly, a crashing sound could be heard from beneath the rock.    


Xia Lei quickly shifted his gaze down the cliff.    


The forest beneath the cliff was still shrouded in mist, making it difficult to clearly see the situation within the forest. However, he knew that the person who shot the gun was hiding in the forest, just over a thousand meters away from him. His opponent was in his range, and he was also in his range.    


Was it the hyena?    


Bang! Although the impact force of the bullet was unable to shake the gigantic rock that weighed a thousand tons, the sparks that flew still managed to enter Xia Lei's line of sight. This meant that the place where the bullet had hit was very close to where he and Jiang Ruyi was hiding!    


Xia Lei followed along, searching for the Hyena. He used his X-ray vision. Unfortunately, the trees and mist blocked his view, and he was unable to find his target. However, from the direction of the trajectory, he could still determine the approximate location of the hyena.    


Xia Lei pressed his finger on the trigger of his XL2500 sniper rifle, preparing to shoot.    


"Wait a minute, the hyena is probably not trying to kill me. It is trying to test my reaction so that it will know my condition." Xia Lei suddenly thought of this point in his heart, and the finger on the trigger moved away.    


The rain had not stopped, and the wind at the top of the mountain was strong. An experienced assassin would definitely use these natural conditions to control the outcome of the battle. And who is the hyena? He was the king of the world of assassins! Would he still lack the experience?    


Sure enough, just as Xia Lei made this judgement, the hyena dog shot a few more times, hitting the giant rocks on the mountain top with each shot. Xia Lei did not give any response. If he did not, the hyena would not be able to know his current condition. However, if An Xiuxian allowed his men to charge, at that time, he would kill all the targets that crossed the line of life and death!    


His state of mind would only manifest itself when he killed again.    


A few minutes later, a Russian gunner with a bulletproof shield emerged from the forest and carefully advanced towards the summit.    


Xia Lei's finger once again held onto the trigger of the XL2500 sniper rifle, but after seeing that no one else walked out, he once again gave up on the idea of killing that Russian gunner.    


The Russian gunner passed through the line that Xia Lei had drawn, walking between the over ten corpses, and continued forward. After he advanced about a hundred meters, he stopped and slowly retreated back into the forest.    


This was also a test. If Xia Lei shot and killed the Russian gunner, the hyena dog could easily judge Xia Lei's condition.    


After the Russian gunner retreated back into the forest, a sneer surfaced on Xia Lei's lips, "The hyena dog is a top tier killer, its experience is terrifying. He tested my condition, but also revealed his motives. " He looked up at the sky, and the drops of rain falling from it, and said to himself, "They'll probably attack tomorrow morning."    


People who are too smart sometimes get fooled by their own intelligence. Experience was also a principle. Having too much experience wasn't a good thing at times, but rather something that could go wrong.    


In the forest, the hyena sheathed its sniper rifle. He could roughly figure out Xia Lei's position, but he was unable to see even a single strand of hair on Xia Lei's head. He was very clear about Xia Lei's strength, and the moment he revealed his target, he would become the first target Xia Lei would kill.    


He used these two methods to test Xia Lei's reaction, but Xia Lei didn't have any reaction at all. After the Russian gunman returned to the forest, he could not help but guess in his heart, "After a night of rain, could he really be sick?" He even had a fever and lost the ability to fight? Otherwise, why would he let a target into his sight? "    


An Xiuxian walked over, "Mr. Hyena, Xia Lei must have been drenched by the rain. "I'm sick. The temperature last night was so low that even an iron body wouldn't be able to withstand it." Pausing for a moment, he then continued, "We should just attack right now. I'll have my men charge up together. You have to find an opportunity and kill him in one shot."    


This suggestion was very tempting.    


The hyena thought for a moment and then shook its head. "Xia Lei is not that weak. Let's wait until tomorrow morning. Our men have already surrounded this mountain peak, and he has no way out. Right now, the risk is too great, and I do not have the confidence to make a move. However, if I make a move tomorrow morning, I have an 80% chance of killing him. "    


An Xiuxian said: "Alright then, let's wait for 24 hours. Tomorrow morning, I will definitely take his life! "    


The hyena looked up at the mist-shrouded summit, thinking of something.    


On the mountaintop, Xia Lei also looked down at the forest and thought to himself, "If my judgement is correct, they will rush over tomorrow morning. At that time, would An Xiuxian appear? If he appears, I will be the first one to kill him! "    


It was a battle between two hunters. Only the most powerful hunter could leave this deserted island alive.    


Jiang Ruyi was still sound asleep, she did not know anything about what had just happened. By Xia Lei's side, she could not feel any danger, only tranquility and sweetness.    


From her point of view, everything that she had experienced was probably her and Xia Lei's special "honeymoon".    


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