Tranxending Vision

C471 Night before the decisive battle

C471 Night before the decisive battle

The rain finally stopped, and as night fell ? The island that was drenched by the rain was cold and wet, especially on the mountaintop. The wind blowing from the north carried waves of chill, as if it was going to freeze everything. However, there was a warm atmosphere in the grooves of the rocks at the top of the mountain.    


In the narrow, indented space, there were two figures pressed together, as well as a special rain cloth. The cold outside was isolated from the outside world. It was pitch black beneath the cliff at the top of the mountain. There was no light or movement. The hyena and An Xiuxian showed astonishing patience, and did not take any further action after the morning's probing. The serenity of the forest gave off the illusion that the hyena, An Xiuxian and his men had all retreated and given up on the hunt.    


But Xia Lei knew, this was only the calm before the decisive battle.    


"Lei, I want to ?" Inside the "blanket", Jiang Ruyi said something hesitantly.    


Xia Lei maintained his observation stance and casually asked: "What are you thinking about?"    


"Release." Jiang Ruyi said with a red face.    


Xia Lei was a little embarrassed. He turned around and glanced at the right side of the groove, and said: "You crawl to the right side to settle this, I'll cover you. After everything is done, come back and switch with me."    


"You want it too?"    


"That, everyone has this kind of time right?" Xia Lei said.    


Jiang Ruyi chuckled, "You even need to cover your hands, how interesting. I'll go first. You're not allowed to peek. "    


Xia Lei was a little speechless: "I won't peek at you."    


Jiang Ruyi curled her lips, "When you were in the third grade, you peeked at me. Also, you peeked at me when you were in the sixth grade. Let's not talk about it in kindergarten, you don't even know how many times you've watched her. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Jiang Ruyi carefully crawled out of the cloth and towards the right side. After choosing her position, she peeled off her tattered pants, as well as the panties that she borrowed from Xia Lei. A clear and melodious sound rang out in the ice-cold air, causing one to be filled with imagination.    


Xia Lei was only affected by some of it, he did not turn around to peek at it. He maintained his vigilance and continued to observe the situation below.    


"AHH!" Jiang Ruyi suddenly exclaimed, and then, she covered her mouth, and that voice came to a halt.    


"What happened?" Xia Lei's first reaction was to turn around and look, but he didn't.    


"Snakes! Snakes!" Jiang Ruyi said with a trembling voice.    


Xia Lei could no longer hold it in, and turned to look at Jiang Ruyi. There was indeed a snake, and it was a colorful snake with a triangular head. All its characteristics indicate that it is a venomous snake. It was right between Jiang Ruyi's legs, and if it wanted to, it could bite Jiang Ruyi at any time.    


Jiang Ruyi was extremely afraid, and her legs that were supporting her body turned weak.    


Xia Lei was suddenly nervous.    


"What, what should we do?" Jiang Ruyi was about to cry. She was a woman who was scared to death of cockroaches, let alone such a terrifying viper.    


"Don't be afraid, don't move." Xia Lei crawled out from the wet cloth and slowly crawled over, then he extended his hand towards the poisonous snake that was between Jiang Ruyi's legs.    


The viper, the man's hand that was reaching over slowly, and Jiang Ruyi's leg. This scene made one unable to look straight at it.    


The poisonous snake did not sense Xia Lei's hand, it was staring at Jiang Ruyi warily, in a stalemate.    


Xia Lei suddenly grabbed the snake seven inches away, the snake's body wrapped around his wrist, he raised his hand and threw it down the cliff.    


Once the crisis was over, Jiang Ruyi heaved a sigh of relief. However, after a second, she suddenly exclaimed in a low voice, "No! Don't look!"    


"Does it make sense?" Xia Lei tried his best to maintain a proper attitude, "It's my turn."    


Jiang Ruyi, "..."    


Jiang Ruyi returned to the rain cloth and stood guard for Xia Lei. A second later, she turned her head and peeked at him. When she saw Xia Lei squatting down to solve the problem, she couldn't help but chuckle. While laughing, she blushed shyly.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, feeling extremely awkward, "Look at me, I can't solve the problem."    


Jiang Ruyi spat softly, "I don't want to see it."    


"Then why are you still staring at me?"    


"I ?" Jiang Ruyi finally turned her head back, but she stealthily turned her head back again after two seconds.    


Xia Lei was too lazy to scold her.    


Returning back to the Rain Cloth, Xia Lei quickly took a look at the situation under the cliff. The area under the cliff and the forest were still very quiet. There were no abnormalities. Darkness enveloped the area, but in his left eye, the area was no different from the day. Not to mention a human, he could even see the poisonous snake that he just threw down crawling towards the direction of the forest below.    


"Do you think they'll attack tomorrow morning, Reiko?" Jiang Ruyi whispered into Xia Lei's ear, and the hot air that was being puffed out from her mouth directly blew into Xia Lei's cochlea.    


Xia Lei became nervous, "Yes, if my judgement is not wrong, they will attack tomorrow morning."    


"Are we going to die?"    


"No, don't say that. I will take you away from here." Xia Lei said. He had the courage to say such words, because the reason he came to this deserted island was to kill people, not to be killed.    


"What if?"    


"In case."    


"Just in case." Jiang Ruyi said.    


Xia Lei looked at her speechlessly, "What exactly do you want to say?"    


"I don't want to die, but if there's a chance of that, I want ? I want to be your woman before I die. Lei Zi, you ? Take me."    


Xia Lei was stunned on the spot.    


But before waiting for someone from Xia Lei's side to say anything, Jiang Ruyi had already moved closer and kissed his lips. Xia Lei's first reaction was that he felt that something wasn't right. After all, he was in a dangerous environment, but Jiang Ruyi had the ability to melt everything. Her scorching feelings, her sexy lips, everything about her enticed him to make the opposite decision.    


After the passionate entanglement, Xia Lei still managed to regain some rationality. He panted for breath, and his voice trembled slightly, "Ru Yi, we can't do this.    


Jiang Ruyi was also gasping for breath, "If you are above, can't you also see the situation below?"    


Xia Lei was suddenly speechless, because what Jiang Ruyi had said was related to a certain posture and he couldn't find any other reason to reject it. Moreover, now that things had progressed to this point, he no longer wanted to reject her in his heart.    


"Lei Zi, I've been waiting for this day for over twenty years. Y-you, just take me." Jiang Ruyi hooked his arm around Xia Lei's neck and pulled him down.    


The night was getting darker, and the wind had stopped. However, the rain cloth that had stopped after the wind stopped began to move without the wind, and it also seemed to have a rhythm to it.    


An hour later, Jiang Ruyi planted a seed in Xia Lei's heart. This seed had used around twenty years to finish growing and fruiting. This moment was as precious as life to Jiang Ruyi, there was nothing else in her world but Xia Lei. Her heart was full of Xia Lei, and her body was also full of Xia Lei. In this moment, she was the happiest, happiest.    


Some people in life could not be wiped away. If that was the case, then he would accept it.    


In the forest, An Jinjian used his binoculars to carefully look at the giant boulder on the mountain top. He said to the hyena beside him, "Mister Lie Lie Lie Lie, that brat has not moved for 24 hours already. Do you think that he might really be sick?"    


The hyena said, "It rained all day, it rained all day, and even I couldn't stay healthy. So, I'm sure he's sick. He will get a fever and lose his ability to fight. "    


The corner of An Jinjian's mouth revealed a smile, "I think so too. With such a cold weather and a day of rain, even an iron body would not be able to withstand it. Tomorrow, at dawn, we will attack, kill him and the woman, and leave this damned place. "    


The hyena said, "Let your men start preparing. Pile the firewood and light it before dawn tomorrow. Also, your helicopter needs to join the battle to harass Xia Lei from the air. "    


An Xiuxian said: "He has already lost his fighting strength, is there any need to go through all this trouble?"    


The hyena said, "A thorough plan, complete preparation, is the key to the victory. "It's time for me to get ready. Listen to my instructions before dawn tomorrow and set the fire to attack."    


An Xiuxian nodded.    


The hyena retreated into the forest and soon disappeared.    


After the hyena left, An Xiuxian told his men to move the firewood from their phones to the edge of the forest, near the place where the "Life and Death Line" was located. Some of the firewood was dry, some were wet. The gasoline from the firewood was also prepared. When the time came, just a little spark of gasoline could ignite the firewood and create smoke.    


On the beach, the helicopter was already prepared. The two gunners and the helicopter pilot only needed to wait for An Xiuxian's command to take off and hunt him from the air.    


The enemy had already made their preparations. Arrows were ready on the bowstring.    


On the peak of the mountain, however, there was another enchanting scene.    


The battle between Xia Lei and the two of them had already ended, but the two of them were still hugging each other, unwilling to be separated.    


Earlier, when An Xiuxian's men were moving the firewood, Xia Lei had actually seen it, but he did not take any action. Looking at the firewood, he understood An Xiuxian and the hyena's plans. However, he disdained it. The smoke that the firewood could create definitely had some effect on him, but the effects were mutual. And since he was at the highest point, the damage he would suffer would be much less than the gunners charging through the smoke!    


Smoke rose, and his XL2500 was muted. It was his target in the thick smoke. If An Xiuxian's men were to split up and charge, then no one would be able to see his comrades falling in the thick smoke!    


"Sometimes, it's better to be more honest with this person." Xia Lei muttered.    


"What did you say?" Jiang Ruyi's voice was soft, as if she had just finished a marathon.    


"Nothing." Xia Lei said as he looked into her eyes. That familiar, intimate and pleasing feeling was even stronger than before.    


Jiang Ruyi looked a little bashful, "Y-you still haven't seen enough."    


Xia Lei laughed, but suddenly thought of something, and his expression became somewhat nervous: "Ru Yi, we didn't use that earlier, what if you had it?"    


If there was an adult shop on the top of this hill, the problem would not exist. Unfortunately, there was no such shop.    


Jiang Ruyi thought for a while, "Then I will give birth to you, I will let him be surnamed Jiang, this way, Shentu Tianyin won't know our secret."    


Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Lei, I'm not enough yet."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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