Tranxending Vision

C475 An Jinjian's apology

C475 An Jinjian's apology

Returning to the capital, before Xia Lei even had the chance to meet with the Rayma Military Factory, he was sent to the headquarters of the 101 branch by Long Bing. Ling Hao was also in his office.    


After a call, Shi Boren placed a document bag on the tea table and pushed it in front of Xia Lei.    


"What is it?" Xia Lei asked.    


"Just open it and take a look." Shi Boren said.    


Xia Lei opened the folder and saw the contents inside. There was a health insurance certificate, a bunch of keys, and a driver's license. Witness. Driving. The name on the card and the name on the health insurance certificate are the same, Kato Hawk. Photographs on health insurance certificates and driving. The pictures on the certificate were all of him, Xia Lei.    


Japan is a country without a national identity card, health certificate is the identification of the certificate, driving. The evidence was the same. See this health insurance certificate and the driver. Witness that, Xia Lei immediately understood Shi Boren's intentions. Shi Boren had forged a Japanese identity for him, so he could let him go to Japan.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the keys. He saw the keys to the Volkswagen's Volkswagen and a few other keys, but he was a little curious and asked: "Boss Shi, you forged the identity of a Japanese person for me. Could it be that you have already prepared a car and a house?"    


Shi Boren nodded his head, "That's what we got from Information Station over there. When you get there, there will be people coming to pick you up, and all the cars in the house will be prepared, and your identity will also be forged."    


Xia Lei went silent for a moment, and said: "I only said that the next treasure location might be in Japan, I'm not too sure. It's too fast for you to prepare things for me to go to Japan, isn't it? "    


Shi Boren glanced at Ling Hao.    


Ling Hao said: "Mr. Xia, your superiors have paid a lot of attention to X-Secret Gold Project and have urged you to do so. This time, the reason why Long Bing brought you here was to discuss your views with you. Look, we have already prepared everything for you.    


The X Secret Gold Project was the ancient alloy Project.    


Xia Lei had just returned to the capital and was being urged to go to Japan.    


Xia Lei frowned, "What if it is not Japan?"    


Ling Hao laughed: "We believe in your judgement, Mr. Xia, that's why we made the preparations in advance."    


Xia Lei took another look at the health certificate and driver's seat on the tea table. Witness a bitter smile, "You won't tell me, just let me go to Japan, will you? I'm sure if I go like this, I'll be invited out for coffee by the Japanese guys at the Exoco and CIA. "    


Ling Hao and Shi Boren looked at each other.    


Shi Boren said: "You are not moving alone. Once you are there, our people will be there to support you. We also have a Information Station in Tokyo. "    


Ling Hao said, "The danger must be great, but the secret gold project is too important to our country, so we have to take the risk. The meaning is very clear. If you need it, you have to satisfy it all. "    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "This trip to Japan will be very dangerous, so you have to give me at least a month of time to prepare. In addition, before entering Japan, it would be best to let me fly around Japan with a compass. I need to make sure that the next hidden treasure location is in Japan before I enter Japan. "    


"Flying around Japan?" Shi Boren had an exaggerated expression, "Kid, you can actually make such a request? "Do you think that Japan belongs to us? If we want to fly, we can do so. It's not like you don't know that our plane can fly around it."    


Xia Lei said lightly: "Russian aircraft are fine, in a month I will go to the four northern islands first, you guys think of a way to let Russian aircraft take me to fly around Japan."    


"Are you serious?" Shi Boren stared at Xia Lei in disbelief.    


Xia Lei nodded, "I'm not joking."    


Shi Boren looked at Ling Hao again. This kind of decision was no longer something he could make.    


Ling Hao thought for a moment, then said: "Okay, we can fulfill this condition. "What else?"    


Xia Lei pushed the medical certificate back in front of Shi Boren, "When I go back to take a few pictures, you can use my photos to fake your documents. It's too dangerous to forge a document with my original appearance. "    


Shi Boren said: "Okay, you take the photo and I'll let Long Bing take it."    


"Boss Shi, Mister Ling, is there anything else? "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to the factory." Xia Lei said.    


Ling Hao seemed to have thought of something, "Oh yes, I almost forgot about that. At the end of the year, the Defense Department is hosting a weapons exhibition. This is not an ordinary exhibition. When the time comes, the military will carry out inspections and comprehensive tests to determine the best light weapons. "    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat. "The best light weapons?"    


Ling Hao said: "This is not just a simple evaluation, it is also not something that can be awarded with a prize. For the sake of our friendship, I'll let you know in private that our national army is going to replace assault rifles. I feel that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to be proud. If your Rayma Military Factory is able to defeat Hanwu Weapons Corp and other manufacturers of light weapons, I can guarantee that your Rayma Military Factory will receive a huge development opportunity. "    


This was indeed a once in a lifetime opportunity!    


Xia Lei held back his excitement, "Mr. Ling, when will this weapon exhibition begin? "Where is it?"    


"Right in the capital, right at the end of the year." Ling Hao said: "At the end of the national calendar, there are still about twenty days left. You still have time to prepare."    


Xia Lei laughed, "Thank you, Mr. Ling, this information is very important to me."    


Ling Hao said: "You may participate, but the mission on you is the most important."    


"Both sides will not delay anything. Don't worry." The reason why Xia Lei said that he would take a month to Japan was actually not entirely because he needed to prepare. He wanted to relax and accompany Shentu Tianyin.    


Ling Hao stood up and stretched out his hand towards Xia Lei with a smile on his face, "Brother Xia, I'm waiting for your good news."    


Xia Lei held Ling Hao's hand, "Brother Ling, I will make sure of this."    


Ling Hao expressed goodwill to Xia Lei by first calling him a friend, and then directly changing his address to Brother Xia Lei. How could Xia Lei reject such a friendship?    


Ling Hao was neither friend nor foe, he had even investigated Xia Lei before. Now, he had become Xia Lei's friend.    


didn't let Long Bing drive him back after she walked out of Department 101. He called a taxi and went to White Deer Town.    


Just as the carriage arrived at White Deer Town, before they even reached Rayma Military Factory, Xia Lei received a call.    


The number was local, but it had never been called before. Xia Lei hesitated for a moment before answering, "Hello, may I ask who you are?"    


A familiar voice came out of the phone, "Mr. Xia, let's meet up."    


This was An Jinjian's voice.    


Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, "It's you, you want to meet me? "Where is it?"    


"I'll wait for you at the hotel in the town next to your military factory." An Jinjian said.    


Xia Lei then said to the taxi driver: "Master, stop here, I will get off."    


The taxi stopped, and Xia Lei got off, paying the driver, and then dragged his luggage towards White Deer Town. As he walked, he called An Jinjian, "Mr. An, can you tell me why you want to see me?"    


"It's not convenient to talk about it on the phone. Let's talk about it when we meet again." An Jinjian was unwilling to say more.    


Xia Lei gazed at the hotel building in the White Deer Town in the distance. As he observed, he said, "Mr. An, you should be very clear about where this is. It's best if you don't try to pull any tricks."    


"That won't happen. I've already chosen this place to meet up with you, and that alone is enough to express my sincerity." An Jinjian said.    


"I'll be there in five minutes." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


An Jinjian actually managed to catch up to the Grand China.    


Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart: "How can An Jinjian not know that I killed An Xiuxian? He wouldn't be stupid enough to hit me here. That would be suicide. If he isn't here to take revenge for An Xiuxian, then he's here for the evidence in my hands. What makes him think I'd give it to him? "    


Right now, An Jinjian had nothing left to play. With his son dead, he had lost all evidence that could threaten Shentu Tianyin. What could he do to convince Xia Lei to give him the evidence that could send him to jail?    


The town was as usual, and there were no suspicious people around the hotel. When we were near the hotel, Xia Lei even tried to look through them without noticing the gunner who was hiding in the dark.    


When Xia Lei reached the entrance of the hotel, a Korean man bowed towards Xia Lei and politely said: "Mr. Xia, please follow me, our chairman is waiting for you in his room."    


Xia Lei nodded indifferently and followed the Korean into the hotel. Then, he arrived at a door.    


The Korean who was leading the way knocked on the door, and An Jinjian's voice came out, "Come in."    


When Xia Lei entered, he was the only person in the room.    


An Jinjian's eyes lost the fierce light from before, and became a little lifeless. His hair also seemed to have turned a lot whiter, as if he had aged ten years overnight.    


Xia Lei's vigilance was also put down, and he said indifferently: "Mr. An, what business do you have with me?"    


An Jinjian waved his hand, and the subordinate at the door closed it.    


"Mr. Xia, can you tell me, my family's Xiuxian ?" An Jinjian was silent for a moment before speaking, "Is he still alive?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "Mr. An, what kind of joke is this? How would I know if your son is alive or dead? If you came here specifically to ask me this, you can go back to Korea because that's my answer. "    


An Jinjian's expression immediately darkened. He seemed to have found the answer from Xia Lei's tone and expression. He already knew this answer before he came, but he still had a sliver of luck in his heart. Now, this shred of luck was gone.    


An Jinjian took a deep breath, "Fine, he came to kill you. You are still alive, there is no need for me to ask. Let's get straight to the point. Give me a price for the thing in your hand. "    


Xia Lei sneered, "Mr. An, are you sure you aren't mistaken? You admitted it yourself, you let your son bring dozens of men to kill me and hired world-class assassins. Now, you actually have the face to come and negotiate with me? "    


"There is no trade that cannot be discussed in this world. Believe me, there is none." An Jinjian bowed towards Xia Lei, "I express my most sincere apologies. Please consider the fact that I have already lost your son, and conclude this deal with me."    


"You can do this?" Xia Lei laughed, "You Koreans are truly so unfathomable, do you think that just by apologizing to me, I will fulfill your wish?"    


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