Tranxending Vision

C481 four or four thousand pounds

C481 four or four thousand pounds

Xia Lei's words almost made Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun choke to death. Both of them were powerful and influential big shots in the state-owned enterprises, if they had status, if they had status, if they had status, even those who came with them were people with status, but Xia Lei had played with them in front of so many people, and made them lose all face! How could they endure this!    


"Xia Lei! Are you sincere? " Mu Jiangfeng's face was terrifyingly gloomy, as though he could explode at any time.    


Ye Kun said in a strange tone: "Did everyone see that? It was just a small company, yet it wasn't even big yet it was already so arrogant. What would happen if it were big? "From what I see, even the Equipment Department would have to look at him by then, right?"    


A few people started a discussion, as they were extremely dissatisfied with Xia Lei's attitude and way of handling it.    


Xia Lei did not mind. It wasn't that he didn't know how to make enemies at will. However, the people who came to visit were not friends, but friends of Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun. They were people who were interested in Shenzhou Industrial Group and his interests. Even if he begged them on his knees, they wouldn't be his friends. In that case, what harm was there in offending him? Furthermore, he wanted to show these people that he was not afraid of fighting against Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun. He, Xia Lei, was a person with ability and personality!    


Doing so had one benefit, and that was if there was someone who thought well of him, the person who thought well of the Rayma Military Factory, perhaps she would be wavering, or even move to his side, becoming someone who was interested in the benefits of the Rayma Military Factory.    


In this world, there were no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits.    


Reaching his goal, Xia Lei saw that it was a good thing and stopped, and said: "Leaders, I am truly sorry, so it turns out you all want to visit the workshop and warehouse. Fine, I will bring you all there."    


Xia Lei brought them to the workshop.    


In the workshop, workers were making XL2500 sniper rifles, busy but orderly.    


"Is this how the XL2500 sniper rifle was produced?" A uniformed officer said in surprise, "I can't believe such a small factory could produce the world's most advanced sniper rifle."    


"That's right, if this goes on, the future of this company is limitless, maybe it will become our Grand China's Barrett Company." Someone said so.    


"What kind of guns are you talking about? This Xia Lei has a lot of personality, and the XL2500 sniper rifle he produced is also a lot of personality. He managed to suppress Barrett's sniper rifle alive, it's really amazing." Someone said so.    


When Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun heard these words, their faces turned even more gloomy and unsightly. The people they brought were all people that were related to and Hanwu Weapons Corp, but they were not their subordinates. When these words that could not help but praise Rayma Military Factory and Xia Lei came out from their mouths, the two felt extremely sensitive and uncomfortable.    


When the same words fell into Xia Lei's ears, his mouth formed a smile, and he thought to himself: "No interest group is made up of iron, the Gu family's interest group is an example. When Gu Dingshan fell, those people even killed Gu Dingshan to protect themselves. These people are only concerned about their own interests. If they feel that the Rayma Military Factory can bring them even more benefits, they will show goodwill towards me. "    


Furthermore, he believed that this day would not be too far off. Once the blast assault rifle appeared, it would shock the world, and take down the super order from the Grand China's army. There would be many people who would stand on his side, becoming people who were interested in the interests of the Rayma Military Factory!    


"Chairman Xia, please bring us to the warehouse to have a look." Mu Jiangfeng did not want to visit the workshop anymore.    


"Please come with me." Xia Lei brought everyone back to the warehouse. As they walked, they observed Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun from the corner of their eyes.    


Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun were quietly conversing.    


"Xia Lei and his factory did not produce rifles. The products of the Rayma Military Factory only have XL2500 sniper rifles and pistols. It seems like he still does not know about the domestic weapons exhibitions and the needs of the military." Ye Kun's voice was very soft.    


Mu Jiangfeng also whispered: "We cannot be careless, Xia Lei definitely has his information, he must know about the domestic weapon exhibition, the reason we are here is to see if he has prepared to participate in the exhibition."    


"And if he does?"    


"If he's prepared for the show, then we have to get the information and we have to deal with it. In short, if we let him shine at this domestic weapons exhibition, it will be very difficult for us to stop Rayma Military Factory from doing big and strong. " Mu Jiangfeng's expression was very serious.    


Ye Kun nodded and looked at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei withdrew the corner of his eyes and pretended not to know anything. Actually, when he knew that Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun had come to visit the Rayma Military Factory, he had already guessed their motive. The two of them came here to see if he could produce the rifles that were needed by the military. If he did, the two would probably rack their brains to create trouble for him, ruining Rayma Military Factory's participation in this domestic weapons exhibition.    


A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "Mu Jiangfeng, you old fox, and Ye Kun, even if you two are extremely smart and have incredible methods, you two will still get nothing this time. "Just wait and see. I'll surprise you on that day."    


The blast assault rifle only had one sample gun, and the most important shock-absorbing device's blueprint also only existed in his mind. Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun did not even know the existence of the blast assault rifle, what could they possibly get?    


After entering the warehouse, he found that there were only a small amount of XL2500 sniper rifles stored inside. However, there were also a lot of handguns, over a thousand of them.    


According to Anina's plan, once the production of blast assault rifle was started, the production lines of the Rayma Military Factory would no longer produce pistols, and almost 60% of the production would be transferred to the production of blast assault rifle. In addition, if he took down the military's super orders, Anina's proposal would also have a plan to expand his production capacity, which was to reinvest and build a new production line.    


All of these were top tier business secrets that belonged to the Rayma Military Factory, so Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun obviously did not know about it.    


Inside the warehouse, some officers picked up the XL2500 sniper rifle and tried out the rifle. Although it wasn't loaded, the quality of the rifle still made them sigh in admiration.    


"Chairman Xia, please take us to your company's office building to have a look." Ye Kun said.    


Xia Lei looked at Ye Kun, "Are there not enough production workshops and warehouses for you to visit? "What's so good about the office building?"    


Ye Kun smirked: "Chairman Xia, we are here on behalf of the Equipment Department. Even though we are here to visit, we are giving you face. Do you understand me? Today, we have to visit any place we want to visit. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "You really want to visit our research and development department?"    


"Can't I?" Ye Kun sneered: "Not only your research and development department, I also want to visit your office. I really want to know how you manage this military factory."    


"Right, right, Xia Dong, lead the way. We need to take a look at your office." A leader in a military uniform said, "We really want to know how this military factory of yours operates. If there are any violations, we will bring them up and you have to correct them in time."    


This leader who just spoke was evidently a person who had a deep interest in Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun. He knew the reason why Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Lun had come to the Rayma Military Factory this time, and he had already started to speak up for Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun.    


"Fine fine fine, I'll take you guys there." Xia Lei did not refuse again.    


The more they refused, the more Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun would suspect that he had some sort of secret.    


Walking out of the warehouse, Lu Sheng walked over and whispered into Xia Lei's ear: "Chairman Xia, the things have been picked up and sent to the villa."    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Mn, got it. "Go ahead and do what you need to do."    


Lu Sheng acknowledged, and turned to leave.    


Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun looked at each other, having an eye contact.    


Xia Lei brought his people and visited the office, Ye Kun also visited the research and development department of the Rayma Military Factory, as well as Xia Lei's office. But no matter where they were, neither he nor Mu Jiangfeng realized that the Rayma Military Factory had plans to produce rifles.    


Mu Jiangfeng, Ye Kun and the group wandered around the office building in Rayma Military Factory for a while, but to no avail. Finally, under Xia Lei's lead, they left the building.    


"Everyone, you have already finished visiting the Rayma Military Factory. Do you want to stay for a meal, or do you want to go back? If you guys want to stay for dinner, I'll go and notify the cafeteria to prepare. " Xia Lei smiled and said with a kind expression.    


"Wait." Mu Jiangfeng said: "I just saw that there's actually a villa in your factory, let me take a look."    


Xia Lei frowned, "Chairman Mu, that place is my living place, are you interested in visiting?"    


Mu Jiangfeng said: "Of course there is. Lead the way."    


Xia Lei said lightly: "Let's go to that place. I have the authority to go in but you guys do not."    


"Hur hur." Ye Kun sneered, "Chairman Xia, this time, we are here to check on the equipment department, where is it that we cannot go? Is there some secret hidden in that villa that you cannot see the light of? "    


The group of people started a discussion as they pressured Xia Lei.    


Mu Jiangfeng felt that the villa was hiding a secret and he urgently wanted to go over to take a look, "Chairman Xia, don't worry about it, it doesn't matter how much you think about it. Not to mention that we don't have the authority to do so, here, I can tell you with certainty that no matter who it is, we all have the authority to be more powerful than you.    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, I'll take you guys there."    


A group of people followed Xia Lei to the front of the villa.    


Before they even got close to the door, Wu Dai Guo brought a few fully armed special forces soldiers to block the door.    


Xia Lei's footsteps did not stop. When he reached the door, the two special forces soldiers gave way to him. But when Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun wanted to enter, two special forces soldiers blocked their path. And, including Wu Xiangguo, several commandos raised their guns.    


"Halt!" Wu Duoguo's words were short and forceful, "Go back!"    


"This ?" Mu Jiangfeng was stunned on the spot, but then he became angry: "Which troop do you belong to? "Why are you blocking the way?"    


Wu Dai Guo said sternly: "You do not have the authority to know, nor do you have the right to enter this place. I warn you again, step back, go back! Don't cause trouble yourself! "    


Mu Jiangfeng was so angry that he could not speak anymore.    


An officer walked up and handed Wu Dai Guo his ID, then said, "Who is your leader? I'll call him immediately."    


Wu Duoguo didn't even look at the ID and just threw it to the ground at any time.    


"You ?" The officer's face immediately turned the color of pig liver.    


Wu Dai Guo said coldly: "I'll give you ten seconds to retreat, otherwise, all of you will be arrested!"    


Bang! Bang! Bang! One of the special forces opened fire at the sky to exert pressure.    


This time, Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun panicked and quickly retreated.    


At this time, Xia Lei walked out of the villa, and said with a smile: "Leaders, you all saw, I'm not lying right? I am the only one who can enter this place. You all do not have the authority to enter. " Pausing for a moment, he continued loudly, "Mu Dong, Chairman Ye, in the future, don't be so arrogant and conceited, thinking that you two are the greatest people in the world. Let me tell you, there are a lot more people than you two that want to embarrass themselves. Also, I need to tell you one more thing, and that is, my Rayma Military Factory is not something that you can suppress just because you want to! "    


Although these words were said for Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun on the surface, it was actually said for the people behind Mu Jiangfeng and the rest.    


He sent a message to those people, and that was, my Rayma Military Factory has an even bigger person taking care of us, I have the political and economic benefits that you guys want, you should consider whether or not you want to stand in front of Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Lun as your enemy!    


"Let's go!" Mu Jiangfeng did not want to stay in Rayma Military Factory for even a second.    


Ye Kun pointed to Xia Lei, but did not say anything. His eyes were terrible.    


The group of people arrogantly came, but when they returned, they did not say a word.    


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