Tranxending Vision

C485 A trick on the head of a chick

C485 A trick on the head of a chick

At 5: 10 PM, Ye Xiaoqi appeared in the underground parking lot. She pressed the remote control. A champagne BMW 520li blew its whistle, lights flashing. She walked over on long legs, ready to drive home.    


"No promotions, fifty thousand! Ye Kun, go and die!" Even now, Ye Xiaoqi was still cursing Ye Kun.    


When she arrived at the side of the car, Ye Xiaoqi stopped moving, because a red Ferrari FF 4 car was parked beside her BMW 520li.    


BMW was also considered a world-class brand, but her 520li car was like an electric car compared to this Ferrari FF. I'm afraid the whole car won't be able to change one wheel of the Ferrari FF.    


"I wish I had one." Ye Xiaoqi couldn't help but imagine the scene when he was driving this Ferrari FF.    


Just then, the Ferrari FF's window suddenly drooped down, and a handsome face peeked out from the window, smiling at Ye Xiaoqi.    


"Mr. Kato Masa, you ?" Ye Xiaoqi covered her small mouth, she was so excited that she couldn't speak anymore.    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "Miss Ye, we meet again."    


Ye Xiaoqi finally regained her composure and gave Xia Lei a flirtatious smile, "Mr. Kato Masa, why didn't you give me a call? Didn't we agree on that? I've been waiting for your call all afternoon. "    


Xia Lei's voice was filled with magnetism, "Rather than calling you, I feel like waiting here for you to get off work is a sign of sincerity. So, I gave a tip to your security here, and he brought me here, so I'll wait for you here. "    


"I don't care." Ye Xiaoqi said in a spoiled manner: "I've been waiting for you for the entire afternoon and you still haven't called me. I want you to compensate me."    


"No problem. Let's get in the car, I'll treat you to a meal, then we can talk about compensation later, okay?" Xia Lei reached out and opened the passenger door for Ye Xiaoqi.    


Ye Xiaoqi looked at her BMW 520LI, then looked at Xia Lei's Ferrari FF. She only hesitated for a second before climbing into Xia Lei's car.    


Some women would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle. But she was the kind of woman who would rather sit in a Ferrari and laugh than cry in a BMW.    


With a loud bang, the Ferrari FF drove out of the underground parking lot and drove Ye Xiaoqi into the traffic. Hanwu Weapons Corp's headquarters was left behind and gradually disappeared. But there was no Hanwu Weapons Corp in Ye Xiaoqi's heart at all, and her heart was filled with beautiful dreams. Losing the beautiful dream of a promotion and raise salary was nothing. The most important thing was to catch a katana like Kato Hawk Jie!    


Half an hour later, the Ferrari FF arrived at the Hilton Hotel in the capital. Xia Lei handed the carriage over to the carriage boy and then led Ye Xiaoqi into the hotel to the hotel's western restaurant.    


Xia Lei ordered French foie gras, French Black Pine Dew, French steak and French Lafite wine, giving the impression of being in France eating French food.    


Ye Xiaoqi looked at the dishes and wine served by the waiter and was completely shocked in his heart. This meal was worth at least tens of thousands. Although she was a woman who had seen the world and earned quite a bit of money, she did not dare to eat this western cuisine.    


Xia Lei didn't even spare a glance at the dishes and alcohol on the table. He propped his chin on his hands and looked at Ye Xiaoqi very quietly.    


The so-called hesitation in his eyes couldn't be any better.    


"Mr. Kato Masa, you... "Why are you looking at me like that for?" Ye Xiaoqi liked her very much, but he pretended to be shy on the outside.    


Xia Lei finally "regained his senses" as he quickly sat properly and apologized to Ye Xiaoqi with his head lowered, "I'm sorry, I caused Miss Ye to be unwell."    


Ye Xiaoqi pursed her lips and laughed, "Mr. Kato Masa, are all you Japanese so polite?"    


Xia Lei said: "No, a lot of people from Japan are actually very rude."    


"You're an exception, aren't you?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "I am very influenced by my mother, she has always taught me the way to be a human since young, be polite, be modest, and be gentle towards women."    


"Your mother is so kind."    


"If she sees you, she'll be glad." Xia Lei said.    


"Meet your mother?" Ye Xiaoqi looked like she was hesitating, "This ? "We ?"    


Xia Lei said gently: "You guys look really too much like each other. If my mother saw you, she would definitely think you are Beijing's most beautiful nai."    


"I don't want to be a substitute." Ye Xiaoqi's voice was very soft.    


"No, you're not a substitute for Beijing's beautiful Nanako." Xia Lei said: "These two years, I was not very happy, but at least I came out from the sadness of losing the capital's beautiful woman. You know, today at the door of that coffee shop, I was very close to you when I saw you. "Although you look very similar to Jinxiangmei, but I know that you are not her, and I will not treat you as if you are her. You are you, Miss Ye. Please believe me, I ?"    


Ye Xiaoqi's heart was filled with anxiety, excitement and happiness. She probed: "What are you trying to say?"    


"I ?" Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, then mustered up the courage to say it out loud, "I like you, I fell in love with you at first sight, Miss Ye, promise me, be my girlfriend."    


"Huh?" Ye Xiaoqi was at a loss.    


"I know it's rude, but I can't resist your temptation and my impulse to you." Xia Lei stared at Ye Xiaoqi, "Miss Ye, promise me, I will treat you very well, I will make you the happiest woman in the world."    


"Mr. Kato Hawk, I... Aren't we a little too fast? " Although she said that, her heart was very willing.    


"Miss Ye, love knows no boundaries and there is no time limit. Please believe me, our meeting is a matter of fate. You are the woman I am destined to marry, and I am the man you were destined to marry. " Xia Lei said vividly.    


"I... "We ?" Ye Xiaoqi was still acting, pretending to be reserved.    


Xia Lei sighed, "This is indeed too fast, I will give you some time to think about it. During this time, I will also let you see my sincerity. "Okay, let's drink."    


Ye Xiaoqi secretly pinched her own big white legs, cursing herself: "What kind of lady are you acting like, you will never get such a chance again in your entire life!"    


Xia Lei poured two cups of red wine, gave one to Ye Xiaoqi, and clinked his glass with her, "Cheers for our encounter."    


Ye Xiaoqi was straightforward as she drank all the red wine in the cup in one gulp.    


"Mr. Kato Masa, what business do you have in the Grand China?" Ye Xiaoqi began to probe Xia Lei's background.    


Xia Lei replied, "I do international trade. Hmm, during this period of time, I have been buying weapons for my Middle East clients. Well, come here, I don't know which company to choose. I know that the Hanwu Weapons Corp is an old military factory, but when the Rayma Military Factory appeared again, they were split up very well, especially the Rayma Military Factory's XL2500 sniper rifle. It's said that it's the most outstanding sniper rifle in the world. "    


"You're in the arms business?" Ye Xiaoqi looked very surprised.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Not just firearms, I have also made diamonds and oil from South Africa, I have also done whatever it takes to earn money. "It's just that I'm too busy, flying around the world all day long. If only you could come and help me, then I'd be able to relax a bit."    


Ye Xiaoqi thought for a while, "I'm not too familiar with the other businesses, but the arms business is my strong point. You may not know this, but I'm Hanwu Weapons Corp's Chief Secretary."    


"Ah?" You are Ye Kun's secretary? " Xia Lei looked very surprised, then smiled, "You really can help me. How about, Hanwu Weapons Corp and Rayma Military Factory, you give me a suggestion which family you want. You have to know, all of my customers in the Middle East are rich, and they all want high-quality products."    


"I can't give you any advice on something like this right now. How about this, give me a day's time, I'll think it over carefully, then I'll give you an answer." Ye Xiaoqi said.    


"No problem, let's have another toast." Xia Lei smiled as he poured wine for Ye Xiaoqi and clinked his cup with her.    


Ye Xiaoqi quickly became drunk, not because she had a small capacity for alcohol, but because the alcohol Xia Lei gave her was especially spicy.    


Xia Lei brought her to a royal suite at the Hilton Hotel and put his on the bed. The room was two hundred square meters wide. The decorations were completely classical in style and exuded a royal aura. It was extremely luxurious.    


"I'm not drunk, I can still drink ?" Ye Xiaoqi muttered to himself.    


Xia Lei took off the bug in her collar and put it in his pocket. Then she opened her handbag and looked through the contents. The most important part was that Ye Xiaoqi's phone, he took out her phone's memory and opened it, copying all of the contents inside into his phone.    


"Ye Kun, you bastard ? You deserve to die! I got the blueprints for you, but you ? you're not giving me a promotion or a raise! I hate you! " Ye Xiaoqi was still drinking.    


Xia Lei untied Ye Xiaoqi's clothes and took off her skirt as well as his undergarments. This was not taking advantage of the situation, but carrying out his plan.    


"Go away, don't touch me... I want to marry you, my Mr. Kato ? " Ye Xiaoqi muttered, her attitude contradictory.    


Before his eyes was a beautiful snow-white scenery, a towering mountain, a flat stomach, snow-white thighs, and also ? She was young, beautiful, mature and sexy. In the eyes of most men, she was the image of a workplace princess, and most men were willing to sleep with her, no matter what the reason was.    


However, Xia Lei did something that most men would despise.    


Xia Lei took out a toy from his briefcase, then said seriously: "Tianyin, I'm definitely not cheating. I'm doing it for the Rayma Military Factory."    


The toy started to whine. Xia Lei sat on the side of the bed, looking at Ye Xiaoqi and the toy with a worried expression. When the toy loosened, he reached out his hand to stabilize it, then continued to maintain a upright posture, supervising the normal operation of the toy.    


"Kato, my Kato, you are my everything ?" The dazed Ye Xiaoqi spouted nonsense.    


Xia Lei sighed, "Ru Yi, I am not cheating. I am only doing this to... Stop, why should I apologize to Ru Yi? "She wouldn't mind me doing that. She had slept with her back to Tian Yin. She still wouldn't mind me sleeping with a woman other than her and Tian Yin."    


These confessions were purely to divert his attention. Both Shentu Tianyin and Jiang Ruyi could not hear it, if they could, his days would not be peaceful.    


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