Tranxending Vision

C490 Intercept

C490 Intercept

The Kato Hawk had disappeared and no one could contact him.    


However, the disappearance of the Kato Hawk didn't affect Hanwu Weapons Corp's production at all. In Ye Kun's opinion, even if the Kato Hawk Middle School was killed by the terrorists in the Middle East, the Hanwu Weapons Corp wouldn't have lost a single hair. Instead, they would have earned a deposit of five million dollars for nothing. As for the Godly Martial Assault Rifle that he produced, he wasn't worried about the military orders. In that case, he wasn't worried about the market at all. Also, if anything really happened to Kato Masa, Ye Xiaoqi that slut would become his exclusive property. What was there to worry about?    


Shenzhou Industrial Group produced a part of the spare parts for Hanwu Weapons Corp, and a part of the components for Hanwu Weapons Corp.    


The same situation happened in the Rayma Military Factory, which had opened up a few production lines for producing blast assault rifle. The production capacity of the Rayma Military Factory was far inferior to his, not to mention the fact that the Shenzhou Industrial Group was acting as his shield to process a portion of the parts. Although the Rayma Group had two production bases that processed spare parts for the military factory, their production capacity was definitely not comparable to the Shenzhou Industrial Group's.    


However, the same blueprint and gun, the Godly Martial Assault Rifle produced by the Hanwu Weapons Corp lacked a crucial shock-absorbing device. Until now, only Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin knew about it.    


One week later. Night.    


Just as they finished dinner, Xia Lei stood up and said: "Tianyin, I'm going out."    


Shentu Tianyin asked: "It's so late, where are you going? Back to the arsenal? If you want to go back, I'll go with you. "    


After being husband and wife for so long, Shentu Tianyin had become increasingly attached to Xia Lei.    


"Go, go. You don't need to worry about your home." Shen-tu Yi, who was eating at the table said.    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "Okay, let's go. "Dad, if there's anything, I'll call you."    


"Go, go. What can I do for you? It's fine." Shen-tu said with a kind smile.    


Xia Lei brought Shentu Tianyin out of the door, and Shentu Tianyin went to get a car, but Xia Lei called out to her, "No need to drive, let's call a taxi."    


"You came back in a car, and I have a car. Why a taxi?" Shentu Tianyin was puzzled.    


Xia Lei held her shoulders and walked towards the entrance of the small district, saying, "Actually, I am not going back to the military factory, I am going there to do some work."    


"What is it?" Is it okay for me to follow? "    


Xia Lei said: "It has already been a week since Rayma Military Factory started producing blast assault rifle, and a week after Hanwu Weapons Corp began. There is one thing that must be dealt with, or the hole I dug before will be filled in. "    


"Didn't you sign a contract with Ye Kun?"    


"I signed a contract with Ye Kun, but he only fell into one of his legs now. I want him to fall into the pit with his entire body."    


Shentu Tianyin lightly hit Xia Lei, "You, tell me your plan at once, and it will save me the time to guess and guess, I am about to die from anxiety, yet you are still laughing here."    


Xia Lei laughed, "It's like this. A gun from the production line needs to test many things, such as its trajectory, firing speed, range, etc. It usually takes a week to complete these tests. Hanwu Weapons Corp took my blueprint and used it to manufacture the Divine Martial Assault Rifle. It lacks the critical shock absorber and its performance is very unstable. During the first test, there would be no problems during the second test, but during the third test, there would definitely be problems. "I have eyes, and today their technical department just finished their third test. Something went wrong."    


She was able to guess what Xia Lei was thinking in an instant, "Are you worried that Ye Kun will stop producing the Divine Weapon after knowing this?"    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "This is the problem I need to solve."    


"How can such a thing be resolved?" If someone had a problem with the test, they would definitely realize that they have been tricked. " Shentu Tianyin said: "Ye Kun is a very cunning person, let alone a Mu Jiangfeng who is several times smarter than him. It's already not bad if you dug this hole and let them fall in one leg. You won't be able to shake the Hanwu Weapons Corp and the others since that is a large state-owned enterprise.    


"Just watch, I'll make them fall into my pit all over." Xia Lei said.    


Shentu Tianyin was dissatisfied, she reached out and pinched Xia Lei's waist: "You're being suspenseful again, and only know how to bully me."    


Xia Lei only laughed, and carried Shentu Tianyin out of the small district's entrance.    


The taxi ran along the street, Shentu Tianyin leaned her head against Xia Lei's shoulder and quietly observed his profile, the corner of her mouth still carrying a trace of a sweet smile. She was happy, but this was the first time Xia Lei brought her out to do a "bad thing". She was curious and excited, but at the same time not worried. Beside Xia Lei, she felt that she was the safest woman in the world.    


Half an hour later, the taxi stopped in front of a hotel. Xia Lei paid the driver and he got off the car.    


A locomotive suddenly came over from the middle of the street and stopped right in front of Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin. The front wheel of the locomotive was just a few centimeters away from Xia Lei's pants.    


The rider on the locomotive jumped off and took off his helmet. It was a face more delicate and beautiful than most women's, but he had an obvious Adam's apple. He was a real man.    


The rider on the locomotive was Qin Xiang.    


Qin Xiang took off the backpack that he carried on his back and threw it over to Xia Lei, while greeting him, "Sister-in-law, good evening."    


"Hello, Qin Xiang." Shentu Tianyin had long known about the few important people beside Xia Lei.    


Qin Xiang rolled his eyes at Xia Lei again, "Seriously, why did you bring my sister-in-law here?"    


Xia Lei said: "I brought her out to relax. Moreover, she's just an ordinary person, there's no danger." Pausing for a moment, he continued, "By the way, has the target appeared yet?"    


"Just entered." Qin Xiang said with an evil smile on his face.    


"You stay outside and watch. I'll go in with Tianyin." Xia Lei brought Shentu Tianyin to the hotel lobby.    


Qin Xiang watched Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin enter the hotel, and only after a long while did he speak, "Originally, it was my role, but now it has become Shentu Tianyin's. He wanted to nurture Shentu Tianyin, to become a partner of a husband and wife? That's a rich lady with a hundred billion, is that alright? "    


If that was the case, Shentu Tianyin would not be able to hear him.    


A few minutes later, Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin took the elevator up to the eighth floor. He took out a room card from his backpack and opened a door.    


This room had been set up since early morning, and there was a laptop on the bedside table.    


Xia Lei opened his monitor and woke up his laptop. The monitor instantly showed the image of another room.    


Seeing the image on the screen, Shentu Tianyin's jade face immediately blushed red, following that she turned her back, and stopped watching.    


On the screen, a man with a body full of fat was pressing down on a young woman, doing such shameful things.    


This man was Xia Lei's target, the person in charge of the gun test in Hanwu Weapons Corp's Technical Department, Zheng Xu. He was a director in Hanwu Weapons Corp.    


The woman was very beautiful, had a fiery figure and was very popular with men. Her name was Zhang Yingying, who was called by Qin Xiang.    


A week ago, Zhang Yingying had met Zheng Xu by chance. A firewood and a fire. Of course, Zhang Yingying had already opened this room a long time ago. In Xia Lei's game of chess, her job was very simple. That was to seduce Zheng Xu, accompany him to bed, and then film it.    


"You ?" Shentu Tianyin had her back facing the notebook, yet she was looking at Xia Lei with an astonished expression, "You planned all of this a week ago?"    


Xia Lei replied, "Not just one week ago. Two weeks ago."    


Two weeks ago, Xia Lei discovered that Hanwu Weapons Corp and the Shenzhou Industrial Group had bought over a commercial spy in the Rayma Military Factory. If he wanted to fight back, he needed a complete plan. At the same time, he schemed against Zheng Xu, who was in charge of gun testing in Hanwu Weapons Corp, using a beauty to trick Ye Xiaoqi. Not only that, there would be some situations that would arise in the future. He had his own calculations and plans to deal with them. This was a huge and complex plan, and with his current brain, to come up with such a plan was the same as writing an article, and it was not difficult at all.    


Shentu Tianyin was startled for a while, then suddenly pursed her lips and laughed, "You're too smart, if only our child was as smart as you."    


"How is that possible?" Xia Lei said.    


"Huh?" Shentu Tianyin raised her lips, "What do you mean by that?"    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "I'm so smart, and you're also so smart, so it's only natural that our children are smarter than the both of us."    


Shentu Tianyin also laughed. If it wasn't for the fact that Xia Lei had something more important to do, she really wanted to create a child with him that was smarter than her and Xia Lei.    


On the laptop display, Zheng Xu had finished his conquest and was lying wearily on the bed.    


Zhang Yingying pulled the quilt over her and Zheng Xu's bodies, acting spoiled as she said, "Brother Zheng, when are you going to divorce your wife? Are you kidding me? I told you that if you lied to me, I would go to your unit and jump off a building, and die for you to see. "    


Zheng Xu feebly said, "My aunt, how can you be so fast? Give me some more time. I will definitely divorce my wife."    


"Then write me a guarantee that I will divorce your wife."    


"What kind of guarantee?"    


"You're not writing it, are you? "I'll go to your unit tomorrow and jump off the building. I'll show you my death." Zhang Yingying acted like a chaste and fierce woman, casually taking out a stack of A4 paper and a brush from the bedside table.    


"I say ? What kind of guarantee? When I get my salary this month, I'll buy you a gold necklace, what do you think? "    


"Ying, ying, ying ?" Zhang Yingying began to cry, "When you wanted her to say something nice, she believed you. But now you're sleeping with her, and you don't even write a guarantee. I-I don't want to live anymore, I'll die right now for you to see!"    


Zhang Yingying wanted to get out of bed.    


Zheng Xu hugged her and turned soft. "Alright, alright. Can't I write it?"    


Only then did Zhang Yingying wipe her tears, "Then write it down."    


Zheng Xu braced himself to write down a guarantee on an A4 that he would divorce his wife and marry Zhang Yingying.    


Holding the guarantee, Zhang Yingying held Zheng Xu's fat face and kissed him, "Hubby, you're so nice."    


"Take a rest, I want to take another pill." Zheng Xu smirked. "Let's play again."    


Zhang Yingying poked Zheng Xu with a finger, "Are you a pig? You never get full."    


In another room, Xia Lei opened his backpack and took out a piece of human skin. Mask.    


Now, it was time for him to make his debut.    


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