Tranxending Vision

C484 Mature and sexy handsome male god

C484 Mature and sexy handsome male god

Five minutes ago.    


Secretary Xiaoqi walked out of the coffee shop. The winter sunlight shone on her face and it was warm, but her smile was even more beautiful than the sunlight. Her mood was as brilliant as the sunlight. In her heart, she was already beginning to look forward to the benefits this deal would bring her, such as a promotion and salary increase, or a bonus of over a million yuan.    


In a moment of carelessness, Xiaoqi crashed into a man's body. The briefcase in her hands fell to the ground as her body fell backwards.    


The man stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her waist. His arms were strong enough to keep her from falling to the ground.    


Only now did Xiaoqi clearly see the man who was embracing her. He had a handsome face, a trimmed beard on his upper lip, and a muscular body. This man looked mature and sexy. Moreover, he was wearing a George Armani suit, and a limited edition Patek Philippe watch worth over a million, his entire being was filled with the elegance of a noble.    


Their four eyes met, and in that instant, Xiaoqi's heart had actually thumped loudly.    


A mature, sexy, handsome, and successful man would have women even if he squatted by the side of the road and ate pancakes. A man like this wants to capture a woman's heart as if it were a thing out of a bag.    


"Miss, are you alright?" The man said with concern, but he still maintained the posture of hugging his waist. He seemed to be performing a Latin dance with her, and the posture was fixed in place.    


"It's nothing, you ?" Xiaoqi's face flushed. This man had always maintained this posture with her, which made her feel flustered and slightly nervous.    


"Uh, sorry." The man helped Xiaoqi up.    


But just at this moment, he placed a flat object in the back of Xiaoqi's OL suit. His technique was very quick, Xiaoqi almost didn't feel anything.    


Xiaoqi suddenly thought of something, and then picked up the briefcase that dropped on the ground.    


The man smiled gently. "You really look like a friend of mine, Miss. May I ask you for a phone number? "    


Xiaoqi was startled for a moment. She found it hard to suppress the joy in her heart, but she pretended to be reserved, "Sir, is this how you strike up a conversation with a girl? We don't know each other, but you asked me for a phone number? I'm not the kind of woman you think I am. "    


The man's face was full of sincerity. "I didn't lie to you. I have something to show you."    


"What?" Xiaoqi's curiosity was piqued.    


The man took out a wallet and opened it. Inside was an old looking photo. In the photo, a man and a woman were laughing, their heads together. Behind them was the Egyptian pyramid. It was easy to see that this was a picture taken on a trip.    


Xiaoqi's gaze fell on the woman in the photo and she was immediately stunned. This woman looked more or less similar to her. If anything, the woman in the picture was slightly older than she was.    


The man sighed, his eyes filled with sadness. "Miss, to tell you the truth, she's called Beijing Chanel, she's my girlfriend. But two years ago, when we were in Iraq, we were attacked and she died. "    


"Your girlfriend is Japanese?" Xiaoqi looked very surprised.    


The man suddenly bowed towards Xiaoqi. "I am also Japanese, my name is Kato Masa Jie, I am from the international trade, I came to the Grand China on business matters, but did not expect to meet Miss. "When I saw you, I immediately thought of Jingxiangmeizi. Miss, please give me a chance to be your friend."    


Xiaoqi chuckled, "Sir, you speak Chinese so fluently, to think that you are Japanese, I truly didn't expect that."    


The man then said in Japanese, "I have liked the culture of Grand China since I was young. I started learning Chinese since a very young age. In addition, half of my blood was Chinese, because my mother was Chinese. So, I have a kind of innate intimacy with Han Chinese women. "    


Hearing that, Xiaoqi was stunned, she did not understand what she meant.    


The man translated in Chinese before adding, "Miss, please give me a chance to get to know you."    


"Alright, since you're so sincere, I'll agree. Here's my card. I'm off duty at five today. " Xiaoqi gave the man a name card.    


The name card had her full name, Ye Xiaoqi, and her cell phone number.    


The man kept his name card and bowed towards Ye Xiaoqi again, "Thank you, Miss Ye."    


Ye Xiaoqi pursed her lips and laughed, "Just call me Xiaoqi, and I'll be waiting for you to call. I have to go to work now, goodbye, Mr. Kato Masa."    


The man nodded his head with a smile as he watched Ye Xiaoqi cross the street and enter the Hanwu Weapons Corp Headquarters building.    


Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling. The man's phone rang.    


The man took out his phone and answered the call. All he said was, "Give the money to Hu Hui for 400,000 yuan, then scram."    


This handsome and sexy man was none other than Xia Lei.    


Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng had played spy with him before, but now, it was only a third of the way through, so he was already tired of defending. This time, he was going to take the initiative.    


Didn't Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng like to play spy games? If he, the trump card adviser of the 101st Board, didn't show his skills, then it would really be unreasonable.    


Xia Lei had already found out who Ye Kun's current secretary was, and the photo in his wallet was also synthesized and processed by him. As for his identity as a Kato Hawk, he had only adapted to it in advance. After all, he would have to use that identity the next time he went to Japan.    


After hanging up, Xia Lei went into the coffee shop and went straight to the table where Wu Bin and Ye Kun traded their wooden combs. He sat down and ordered a latte. After the waiter left, he took out a pinhole camera from a pot of green plants beside the table and put it in his pocket.    


The location of the transaction was arranged by him for Wu Bin, and even the location was reserved.    


Just now, the process of the transaction between Wu Bin and Ye Kun's secretary was captured by the pinhole camera. This video will play a very important role in his plans.    


The waiter brought a latte.    


Xia Lei drank his coffee and looked at the Hanwu Weapons Corp Headquarters building across the street. Ye Kun was inside the building, but he could not find Ye Kun inside a building that was tens of stories tall. However, the eavesdropping device that he secretly placed on Ye Xiaoqi could give him what he wanted.    


Xia Lei drank a mouthful of coffee and put on his earphones, quietly waiting for Ye Xiaoqi and Ye Kun to meet again.    


In the main building of Hanwu Weapons Corp Headquarters, when Ye Xiaoqi walked out from the elevator, she could not help but recall the handsome Kato Hawk. She could not hold back her laughter, "What kind of luck did I have? The cause led to new opportunities and a big fish. He was in international trade. Judging from his clothes, he should be worth over a hundred million, right? And he's so handsome, so sexy... Today must be my lucky day. "    


Arriving at the door to Ye Kun's office, Ye Xiaoqi knocked on it.    


"Come in." Ye Kun's voice came from inside the door.    


Ye Xiaoqi took a deep breath, and shifted her attention back to proper matters. She pushed open the door and walked in, "Chairman Ye, Old Mu, the things have been brought back. I checked, it's true. "    


"Quick, quickly bring it over for me to take a look." Ye Kun could no longer sit still, he excitedly went up to welcome them.    


The blueprints in the briefcase were placed on Ye Kun's desk. It was the blast assault rifle's design blueprint and the related technical parameters.    


Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng moved closer to the desk and looked at the design blueprints.    


A few minutes later, Ye Kun suddenly burst out laughing, "Although Xia Lei is our opponent, but I have to admire him, he is truly a genius in terms of machinery. Just this blueprint alone, is much more advanced than the type of rifles that our Hanwu Weapons Corp s have designed. "    


Mu Jiangfeng was very cautious and prudent initially, but after looking through the blast assault rifle's shooting blueprint, he finally believed that this blueprint was real. He and Ye Kun had crawled up from the bottom step by step, so they still had some expertise. It was these professional knowledge that gave him a sense of opportunity.    


"Ye Kun, you don't need to organize anymore expert appraisal. Mu Jiangfeng said: "This gun is a new type of rifle that our two companies have been working together to develop. Why don't you give it a new name?"    


Ye Kun stared at Mu Jiangfeng blankly and did not say a word.    


Mu Jiangfeng laughed, "Ye Kun, are you not willing?"    


"Teacher, no, this ?" In Ye Kun's heart, he was definitely not willing to part with another piece of the fat he owned, but he couldn't reject Mu Jiangfeng, because Mu Jiangfeng was not only his teacher, he also showed him a favor.    


Mu Jiangfeng said indifferently: "Our two families have bribed the Rayma Military Factory's commercial spies, but your commercial spies have succeeded, while mine have not. Your Hanwu Weapons Corp holds sixty percent, our Shenzhou Industrial Group holds forty percent. "    


Ye Kun hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, "Then let's do it this way, who asked you to be my master?"    


"Hahaha, I've always thought highly of you. With me in your heart, it wasn't in vain for me to support you like back then." Mu Jiangfeng said with a smile.    


"Teacher, since our two families are working together, I will call this assault rifle the Ares-class assault rifle. I will mention one word from each of our two companies." Ye Kun said.    


"Divine Martial, Divine Martial. This name isn't bad. Let's choose this name." Mu Jiangfeng was very happy, "I will call the Patent Office and apply for a patent first to block Xia Lei's way."    


"Military speed! Teacher is the best!" Ye Kun flattered Mu Jiangfeng.    


Mu Jiangfeng used the phone on his desk to make a call.    


Ye Kun looked at Ye Xiaoqi, and said indifferently: "What are you still doing here? "Go and do something."    


"I ?" Ye Xiaoqi wanted to say something but hesitated.    


"Oh yeah, you did well this time. I'll get Finance to give you fifty thousand yuan as a reward later." Ye Kun naturally understood why Ye Xiaoqi was still standing here.    


"Fifty thousand?" All of Ye Xiaoqi's hopes were shattered into pieces.    


Ye Kun immediately frowned, "Too little?"    


"No, no, no ?" I went out to do something, thank you Chairman Ye. " Ye Xiaoqi turned to leave, but in her heart, she secretly greeted Ye Kun's family members, "Go to your mother. I helped you get such an important blueprint, and you're actually giving me only fifty thousand yuan as a reward? Do you take me for a beggar? Your whole family will die a horrible death! "You got hit by a car on the way and got crushed by a truck. Your head was your head, your hands were your hands, and your feet were your feet. You died without a complete corpse!"    


The most poisonous thing was the woman's heart.    


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