Tranxending Vision

C495 Queen type heat field

C495 Queen type heat field

As expected, the Rayma Military Factory became a laughingstock for this exhibition. And this joke was only known to a few, because the participants at the exhibition did not even know where the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area was.    


Xia Lei seemed to be in a terrible situation, he did not even have any stage set up, and just brought a few people, and some guns and ammunition were already there. Rayma Military Factory's XL2500 sniper rifle and the new sniper rifle were placed in several big boxes and pushed in with a cart.    


Arriving at the exhibition area, Xia Lei ordered someone to open up the box and put a plastic sheet over it. He placed the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle on top of the plastic sheet in a mess.    


This scene was as if he was selling cabbages at a market.    


"Chairman Xia, this won't do." A young female staff took the initiative to volunteer, "How about we transport two containers to set up a booth. We can also wear sexy clothing and attract some attention."    


"No need." Xia Lei decisively rejected the female employee's suggestion.    


The female employee curled the corner of her mouth and stopped trying to persuade him. She already intended to sacrifice her looks to attract the attention of the customers, but with her boss' attitude, she was too lazy to say anything more. Just break the jar!    


Qin Xiang, who came with his, came close to Xia Lei and whispered: "That lady's suggestion is not bad. If you don't even set up a booth, who knows what we do? Otherwise, let the girls in the customer service department wear sexy clothes, as this will attract a bit of popularity. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "I say, why are you so anxious? We have banners, don't we?    


Qin Xiang shrugged his shoulders. He knew that the banner Xia Lei mentioned was only a simple banner with the words "Rayma Military Factory" written on it.    


Just when the employees were wondering if Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin had fought to the death, Xia Lei gave out a second instruction, and he said to the female employee who gave them this suggestion: "Bring two people with you, give my name card to the foreign customers and foreign reporters who have come to attend the exhibition. If they were to ask you, you can just say that our Rayma Military Factory has produced the most advanced assault rifles in the world, and the assault rifles from Europe and the United States should have left the stage of history. "    


"This... Is it any use? " The female staff member who gave the suggestion looked puzzled.    


Xia Lei said: "Why is it useless? You'll be useful if you do as I say. "    


The female staff member who made the proposal led two female colleagues to take the business cards that Xia Lei had prepared and left, specially looking for foreign customers and reporters.    


Qin Xiang looked at Xia Lei, "Is that useful?"    


The same question was answered by Xia Lei this time, "I defeated Barrett's company at the Moscow International Light Weapons Show, as well as Belgium's FN Company and Germany's HK Company. This is our capital. Our XL2500 sniper rifle is the best sniper rifle in the world. Although the European and American media are unwilling to admit it, they have already memorized the name Rayma Military Factory. I told the staff to tell them that not only do we have the most advanced sniper rifle in the world, but we also have the most advanced assault rifle in the world.    


Qin Xiang finally understood and laughed: "You brat, this is a good idea, you have already thought of it right? It really is you, you really made us worry for nothing. "    


Xia Lei originally wanted to say "The Emperor is not anxious, but rather, is anxious", but when he thought of Qin Xiang's ambiguous gender, he forcefully swallowed his teasing, and only said: "The Hanwu Weapons Corp and Shenzhou Industrial Group wanted to suppress us, but they neglected one point, which is that our Rayma Military Factory already has a very high reputation internationally. Hanwu Weapons Corp and Shenzhou Industrial Group look down on us, but Barrett Company, HK and FN Company view us as their most threatening competitors. In such a situation, how could anyone be able to suppress our Rayma Military Factory? "    


It was a sad phenomenon for a foreigner to be closer to his own people than his own father.    


Hanwu Weapons Corp and Shenzhou Industrial Group had teamed up to suppress Rayma Military Factory, and looked down on him. However, Rayma Military Factory was a real military dark horse outside the country!    


The best sniper rifles and assault rifles in the world were all here. Not to mention setting up stalls by the bathroom, even if they were placed on the desert, there would still be people rushing here for a long distance to negotiate business!    


Qin Xiang pursed his lips and laughed, he then raised his snow white fist and punched Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei looked at him awkwardly, "What are you doing?"    


However, Qin Xiang did not speak to Xia Lei. Instead, he went closer to the exhibition area and asked the few girls to work. Although Xia Lei did not request for a display stand, he had commanded a few female workers to take out the ammunition and place it on the oilcloth in the shape of a flower or fruit plate, interspersed between the XL2500 sniper rifle and the Hurricane Assault Rifle. A few wooden boxes were also used as display tables with rough styles.    


"Elder sister Xiang, you really have an idea. This way, it'll look much better." A female staff member joked.    


Qin Xiang chuckled: "You guys be a bit more nimble, when some merchants come over, be more friendly, and introduce our guns."    


"Got it, Sis Xiang." The female staff were quite lively.    


Not long after, the three female employees who went to hand out business cards came back. There were only the three of them and not a single customer or tourist came. The three girls were frowning and not smiling at all.    


Xia Lei frowned slightly, "What happened? Didn't you do what I told you to do? "    


The leading female staff said, "Chairman Xia, they're bullying us too much!"    


"What's going on? "Speak."    


The leading female staff said: "There is a large group of people watching us from both the Hanwu Weapons Corp and the Shenzhou Industrial Group. Not only are we not allowed to enter their exhibition area and hand over your name card, the moment they notice us talking to the foreigners, they would rush over and cause trouble. They don't even want us to finish talking."    


"There's more." Another female staff member said, "Xia Dong, they placed a road sign in the exhibition hall and pointed the people who go to the washroom to the other side of the bathroom. Some people walked over here, and some people even went up to tell them that the bathroom here is broken and that they should stop using it. "    


"F * ck!" Before Xia Lei could say anything, Qin Xiang was already enraged, "I will go and find them for justice!"    


Xia Lei pulled Qin Xiang back, "If you are going to argue with unreasonable people, then you might as well do it with a bunch of pigs."    


Qin Xiang said angrily: "Is that all? "I can't take this lying down!"    


Just then, Ye Xiaoqi walked over with a few people.    


"Yo, isn't this the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area?" Ye Xiaoqi's face had a ridiculing smile, "Xia Dong, why didn't you set up the two booths? Is this how you set up stalls to sell vegetables in the market? "    


Just as Qin Xiang was about to speak, Xia Lei dragged him behind her, and he stood in front of Qin Xiang.    


"It was Ye Kun who made you see our joke, right?" Xia Lei said indifferently: "Why isn't he here?"    


"We, the Chairman Ye, have specially asked me to come over and take a look at your situation. Let's see if you have anything that we can help with. After all, you all only received the notice last night, so you didn't have enough time to set up the display tables. Look, our Chairman Ye is so kind, but you still want to go against him, why do you need to do that? " Ye Xiaoqi said those words as she stared at the row of blast assault rifle in the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area.    


had asked her to come over specially to see if the Rayma Military Factory had displayed their blast assault rifle.    


"You have seen the situation, we do not need anyone's help, you can go back and tell Ye Kun." Xia Lei said lightly.    


"Humph!" Ye Xiaoqi's face suddenly changed, "Xia Dong, I see that your assault rifles are the same as the one produced by our Hanwu Weapons Corp, what's going on?"    


Xia Lei pretended not to hear it, "What did you say?"    


Ye Xiaoqi sneered: "What are you pretending to be stupid for? You should know better. Just you wait, you've gotten into big trouble! "    


"What did you say?" Who's playing dumb? " Qin Xiang circled around from behind Xia Lei, with his hands on his hips, he pointed at Ye Xiaoqi, looking like she was about to flame at any moment.    


"Yo, who is this?" Ye Xiaoqi ridiculed: "Xia Lei, it can't be your lover right? Does Shentu Tianyin know that I'm speaking up for you? "    


Xia Lei suddenly walked in front of Ye Xiaoqi, waved his hand, and slapped him.    


Qin Xiang was his friend, he could not tolerate Ye Xiaoqi insulting him like this.    


"Wait!" A woman's voice suddenly sounded.    


Xia Lei's palm stopped a few centimeters away from Ye Xiaoqi's face. He did not even need to look to know who it was, because this voice that made him wait was the voice of the most intimate person in the world to him.    


The one who came was Shentu Tianyin.    


Not only Shentu Tianyin, a dense group of people followed closely behind him.    


Shentu Tianyin walked over. Her black dress rippled slightly, giving off an indescribably extraordinary charm.    


Behind her, there was a large group of people who were not simple either. Some were famous celebrities in the entertainment industry, some were business celebrities, and there were also a large group of media reporters who were carrying photographic equipment, cameras and microphones.    


Hanwu Weapons Corp and Shenzhou Industrial Group had joined hands to suppress him, but no one came here. She had even personally formed a team to warm up Xia Lei!    


This was a husband and wife.    


A smile surfaced on Xia Lei's face. He suddenly felt that the current Shentu Tianyin was overbearing, like a queen walking within a palace. That atmosphere, that calmness, that coldness, had all reached the pinnacle!    


"Such a dirty face. If you were to hit him, wouldn't that mean that your hands would be stained as well?" Shentu Tianyin said lightly.    


Xia Lei retracted his hand, and said with a smile: "Alright, I'll listen to you. "I think so too. If I hit such a dirty face and touch yours, wouldn't I be dirtying both of us?"    


The husband and wife duo talked back and forth, completely disregarding Ye Xiaoqi as a person, and directly disregarded him as a person who was thousands of miles away.    


"Just you wait!" Ye Xiaoqi stomped her feet and left angrily.    


Shentu Tianyin walked in front of Xia Lei, magnanimously embraced him, and then kissed him on the cheek.    


Crack, crack, crack. A bunch of electronic flashing lights appeared. The reporters who came with them would definitely not miss this scene.    


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