Tranxending Vision

C501 common clover herb

C501 common clover herb

On the screen, Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng were secretly conversing with each other. On the tea table between the two, there were drawings of the business spies stealing from the Rayma Military Factory.    


Ye Kun suddenly laughed out loud, "Although that Xia Lei brat is our opponent, but I have to admire him, he is truly a genius in terms of machinery. Just this blueprint alone is much more advanced than the assault rifles that our Hanwu Weapons Corp designed. "    


"Ye Kun, you don't need to organize anymore expert appraisal. Mu Jiangfeng said: "This gun is a new type of rifle that our two companies have been working together to develop. Why don't you give it a new name?"    


Ye Kun stared at Mu Jiangfeng blankly and did not say a word.    


Mu Jiangfeng laughed, "Ye Kun, are you not willing?"    


"Teacher, no, this ?"    


"Our two families have bribed the Rayma Military Factory's commercial spies, and your commercial spies succeeded, but mine didn't. Your Hanwu Weapons Corp holds sixty percent, our Shenzhou Industrial Group holds forty percent. "    


Ye Kun hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, "Then let's do it this way, who asked you to be my master?"    


"Hahaha, I've always thought highly of you. With me in your heart, it wasn't in vain for me to support you like back then." Mu Jiangfeng said with a smile.    


"Teacher, since our two families are working together, I will call this assault rifle the Ares-class assault rifle. I will mention one word from each of our two companies." Ye Kun said.    


"Divine Martial, Divine Martial. This name isn't bad. Let's choose this name." Mu Jiangfeng was very happy, "I will call the Patent Office and apply for a patent first to block Xia Lei's way."    


That was the end of the picture.    


Everyone's eyes were focused on Mu Jiangfeng, no one spoke, but everyone's eyes were staring at them as though they were looking at a disgusting mouse.    


Mu Jiangfeng's face had long since lost all traces of a smile, his face was also completely pale, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.    


If Xia Lei had only handed over this evidence to the court to give him justice, he still had room for movement, so that this evidence would not be exposed or even "mysteriously disappeared". However, Xia Lei showed all of this evidence to the public, and it was seen by many media reporters. In this way, even if he had the means to reach the heavens, he wouldn't be able to stop the people in the world from talking!    


Mu Jiangfeng was already regretting his decision. If he had not been greedy for the political capital of the so-called "Divine Weapon Assault", as well as the related financial benefits, he would not have met Ye Kun at all. Now, he could have left and let Ye Kun take responsibility. But Xia Lei made public this evidence, if he wanted to leave, he wouldn't even be able to!    


Xia Lei laughed: "Chairman Mu, don't you want to say something?"    


Only then did Mu Jiangfeng regain his senses. He looked at Xia Lei with ice-cold eyes, "Xia Lei, good, very good. "You won, but you won't always win. We'll see."    


Mu Jiangfeng turned and left.    


Ye Kun was startled, then chased after Mu Jiangfeng.    


Xia Lei did not stop the two from leaving, because doing so would not have any effect. He could not exercise the authority exercised by the police to arrest the two men, nor could he exercise the authority of a judge to give them a satisfactory sentence. He could only do what he could and wait for justice.    


"Xia Lei, these things ?" Ling Hao moved closer, wanting to ask Xia Lei something, but suddenly changed his words, "Forget it, with your ability, it's not difficult to get hold of evidence like this, I'm too lazy to ask. Give me the evidence and I'll give you justice. "    


Xia Lei nodded, and said with a smile: "Mn, thank you, Brother Ling."    


"Why are you being polite with me? "Go, look at your gun." Ling Hao climbed onto Xia Lei's shoulder, and the two of them chatted warmly as they walked towards the exhibition hall.    


Returning to the exhibition hall, there was a group of people waiting there, and before Xia Lei could even get close, someone came over to welcome him.    


"Manager Xia, it's all my fault that I was careless and didn't do my job properly." The person who spoke had a big belly and looked like a leader.    


There was another person who was about the same height and had a face full of smiles. "I'm really sorry, Chairman Xia, I ?"    


Xia Lei interrupted him, "Who are you?"    


"Uh, I'm the president of this year's Weapons Exhibition Management Assembly. I'm also surnamed Xia. Xia Wentao, we're still family." the first one said.    


"I am the curator of this exhibition hall, my surname is Ma, Martin is expensive." Another introduced himself.    


Xia Lei said: "Why are you looking for me?"    


"It's like this." Xia Wen Tao had an apologetic look on his face, "It's because I didn't do my job well, and was careless for a moment. Some of the staff members were ordered by Ye Kun to stay here specifically for the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area."    


Martin Gui also said, "No matter what, it's our fault. We corrected our mistake and specially arranged a new exhibition area for you. I've also brought him here, so I'll help you move him, what do you think?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "I'm fine here, why should I move?"    


Martin Gui said in a low voice, "Chairman Xia, please ?"    


Xia Lei sneered in his heart and did not agree. If he hadn't defeated Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng, would these two people have appeared here to apologize to him in a low voice, and arrange a new exhibition area for the Rayma Military Factory? Not at all. Now that Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng had started to get involved, and the two of them went to his side as fence-sitters, why would he need to make things easier for this kind of people?    


Xia Wentao also came over to persuade him, "Xia Dong, the exhibition area we have arranged for you is the largest one in the entire pavilion. We have already set up the stage and are just waiting for you to pass. "Just give me some face and move in."    


Xia Lei still did not agree, but his eyes lightly looked at Xia Wen Tao and Martin Gui. These two people made him feel disgusted.    


Ling Hao spoke out: "Martin Gui, Xia Wen Tao right? You guys can go back now and wait to be investigated."    


Xia Wentao and Martin Gui were stunned and didn't know what to do.    


A military representative scolded angrily: "You people eat the country and use the country, and even use the salary that the country has given you to do things for someone as powerful as Ye Kun, yet you actually have the face to come and beg Mr. Xia. Rayma Military Factory is the most outstanding military enterprise in our country, the XL2500 sniper rifle is renowned throughout the world, and the blast assault rifle is a miracle in the rifle world, you actually dared to put these two types of guns beside bathrooms to participate in the exhibition, did you guys eat leopard gall! "    


"We ?" Martin Gui and Xia Wentao wanted to say something but hesitated.    


"Scram!" The military representative roared.    


Martin Gui and Xia Wentao didn't dare to stay any longer and left dejectedly.    


Ling Hao looked at Xia Lei, "Xia Lei, do you want to move? If you want to move, I'll get someone to arrange it for you. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Since the few heads already know about our blast assault rifle, and there are so many customers who know about it, I feel that there is no need to go through all this trouble anymore."    


However, Ling Hao actually went over and whispered: "Bro, with so many reporters, why don't you place the two types of guns beside the bathroom, and even in the form of a stall? If this were to be reported, I think we should hit their faces."    


"Sure, we'll move right away." Xia Lei had never thought that it would be on such a level, but he understood after hearing Ling Hao's explanation. It was true that blast assault rifle would definitely cause a sensation around the world, and would inevitably cause a stir in the domestic and foreign media. If Rayma Military Factory was still setting up a stall beside the bathroom, it would probably cause the whole country to lose face. Such a thing was impossible.    


When Rayma Military Factory moved to the new exhibition area, she found a better location and a bigger space.    


Xia Lei started to get busy, first, he accompanied the representatives from the military to discuss the orders, then he received guests from overseas, finally he had to deal with the media and interviews them. Fortunately, he had Shentu Tianyin, the virtuous wife, who helped him and helped him greatly.    


After sending off a few representatives of the military and Ling Hao, Xia Lei finally relaxed a little and had some time to rest.    


"Look at you, I'm sweating profusely." Shentu Tianyin moved closer and used a tissue to wipe the sweat off Xia Lei's forehead.    


Xia Lei's heart was filled with warmth. He smiled and said, "Tianyin, you've been troubled as well. Tell me, how do you want me to repay you?"    


Shentu Tianyin pursed her lips and laughed: "Alright, then how about you massage me when you get home tonight?"    


"Alright, I'll give you a massage when you get home. Just press whatever you want." A charming image emerged in Xia Lei's mind. It was a mountain valley, a snow-white full moon. He had never seen enough of her beauty.    


Just as Xia Lei and his wife were flirting, in a car, Ye Kun roared at Ye Xiaoqi, "You slut! "Look at what you've done. You've killed me!"    


"How did I kill you?" Ye Xiaoqi was already giving it his all, spittle flying out of his mouth, "Whatever you want me to do, I will do. Whatever I do, you are the one who ordered me to do it, don't be fierce with me, when we investigate it all, I will tell everyone!"    


"How dare you!"    


"Why would I not dare? What am I counting on you for now? Let me tell you this, Ye, when the investigation team comes down, not only will I tell everyone about this, I will also expose all the good things that you have done! "    


Ye Kun was immediately discouraged, and changed into a smile on his face: "Xiaoqi, my precious, I just lost control a moment ago so I said that, do not take it to heart. "Later on, I'll give you one hundred thousand, no, two hundred thousand. Can you use it to decorate your new house?"    


"Humph!" That's more like it, like a human word. I do things for you and sleep with you. You want me to take the blame for you? At most, I'll wait for my Kato Hawk. I'll leave the country with him. " Ye Xiaoqi said.    


"Kato Hawk ?" Ye Kun suddenly thought of something that gave him a headache, "Oh no, the delivery time is in two days. If Kato Hawk knew what happened today, would he still want our Divine Weapon Assault Rifle?"    


Ye Xiaoqi sneered as she looked at Ye Kun, "You sure are unlucky enough."    


"Xiaoqi, my Xiaoqi, when Kato Hawk came to pick up the goods, please help me speak up and hide from him. Don't worry, I will give you another 500,000, what do you think?"    


"Alright, I'll help you talk and hide it. But today, I'll see the money."    


"I'll give it to you when we get back." Ye Kun already had no other ideas.    


However, Ye Xiaoqi secretly thought in her heart: "I even wanted to live with Kato Masa, would I hide it from him? I took the money and quietly told Kato Hawk the truth. Let's see how he will deal with you! My Kato, where are you? "    


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