Tranxending Vision

C556 A resounding slap in the face

C556 A resounding slap in the face

Shen-tu had originally wanted Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei to return to Hai Zhu for their wedding. After Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin received their certificates, she had even told Wanxiang Group to start making preparations at the hotel there. However, this plan was rejected by Shentu Tianyin in the end.    


Hai Zhu was only a small place, and the capital was the capital of the Grand China. Most of his and Xia Lei's friends from the business and politics worlds were in the capital. For the sake of these people's convenience, holding a wedding in the capital was also a necessary choice.    


The venue for the wedding was the Kyoto International Exhibition Center, which was reserved for Shentu Tianyin. The main venue of the Kyoto International Meeting Exhibition Center had also become the place where she and Xia Lei held the ceremony.    


A year ago, a star married at a convention center in Shanghai at a cost of 200 million yuan. That wedding caused a sensation throughout the country, making countless people envious.    


And the wedding of the father of the rifle and the daughter of the richest woman in the Grand China cost a billion dollars, which was far more extravagant and popular than the wedding of the two celebrities. The couple were just two of the many guests at the wedding.    


Not only were there celebrities, but also big figures from the business world. These people were usually the focus of the media, but now they became a foil for Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei.    


On the red carpet, a star couple, arm in arm, confidently and unhurriedly walked on the red carpet to the main venue for the wedding.    


The electronic flash flashed.    


"Isn't that Shadow Emperor Huang Bai from the mainland?" He's come to this wedding, too. " On the other side of the red carpet, an intern reporter said in surprise.    


"You should know that this is Shentu Tianyin's wedding. The Wanxiang Group also had its own company in the entertainment circle. With investments, if Shentu Tianyin wanted to get married, those celebrities would be eager to join in the wedding ceremony. Actors were easy to find, but there were only a few companies that had the ability to make a big movie. After knowing this point, you wouldn't be surprised that so many stars would come to attend Shentu Tianyin's wedding. " A reporter who looked like a senior said so and taught a sermon to his small follower.    


"But, why is it that only Shentu Tianyin's group of guests are here, and no one is coming from the male side?"    


"I'm not sure about that. Maybe, Xia Lei is a very low-key person, his relatives and friends are also very low-key."    


Conversations like this actually happened not only here, but also elsewhere. Not only those reporters, even many guests were discussing in private. The female guests were simply a group of stars that occupied the spotlight, while the male guests were pitifully few, and the ones that came were all Xia Lei's subordinates, such as Qin Xiang, and the executives of Rayma Group. As for the celebrity friends and business friends, they had never seen any of them.    


The awkwardness was not only on the red carpet, but also at the main venue of the wedding. On the right side of the main hall, the female guest area was packed with people, all of them chatting happily. On the left side of the main venue, there were actually only a few dozen men in the male guest area, and most of them were even Xia Lei's subordinates. On one side was a crowd of shining stars and gathering of great figures. On the other side, however, it was cold and deserted. It wasn't a high level. When the guests from both sides were compared, the male side suddenly appeared to be a lot more humble.    


The only thing that brought glory to the men was the golden wall inside the main hall. It was worth a billion and was extremely eye-catching.    


However, even in this golden wall, the only one that brought glory to the men, there were people who were making sarcastic remarks.    


"Why are there so few men on the male side? Isn't this way too shabby?" That golden wall isn't real, right? " A star's discussion.    


"What kind of distinguished friend does a person who comes from a job at a construction site have? For the male side, they definitely had relatives and friends, but they were probably workmates on the construction site. How could those people come to a place like this? "So, I think the guy would rather have fewer people than invite his friends and relatives for this reason."    


"Sigh, a construction worker actually took our goddess. This is truly a joke, even to this day I still don't understand why Tian Yin married Xia Lei." Another celebrity's comment.    


"That Xia Lei indeed has some ability, but the people that come out of there in that kind of environment wouldn't be at a high level. When he was with Shentu Tianyin, he definitely had a feeling of inferiority. Moreover, a person who grew up in such an environment would have an inexplicable strong sense of self-esteem and sensitivity. I'll bet this is an example. The man built a wall of gold with a billion dollar worth of gold bricks just to make people look at him. However, he ignored the fact that his guests were on a very low level, and pitifully few. Thus, not only did that golden wall not bring him any glory, it also became evidence of his inferiority. " The talk of a real estate mogul.    


"Hur hur, what Director Wang said makes sense."    


The location of these discussions were all in the female guest area, so there were all sorts of discussions.    


Xia Lei was hailed as the "father of rifles", a hero in the hearts of thousands of Chinese people, but these elite figures were not included in the millions of Chinese people. In this real world, those who cared about the fate of their country and were even willing to sacrifice their lives in times of crisis were mostly ordinary people. The rapid rise of Grand China in the past 30 years was also the result of these ordinary citizens exchanging blood and sweat for money. Xia Lei was a hero in the eyes of ordinary people, but this did not mean that everyone agreed with his achievements.    


People were categorized into different grades, and since ancient times, they had always been different.    


Xia Lei rose up from being a worker at the construction site. He was the idol of the workers, the hero of the common folk. However, in the eyes of these super celebrities and rich and powerful people, he was a completely different person. In the world of these people, what he received was not praise, but doubt, or even ridicule.    


There were also two guests in the women's area who were not celebrities or business figures. Of the two guests, one was Ren Wenqiang, the other was Xu Lang. The reason Ren Wenqiang was able to appear here was because he was with the Master of the Wang family. He was now the assistant of the Master of the Wang family. On the other hand, because of Xu Zhengyi, had a good relationship with Shen-tu and received the invitation from Shen-tu, so Xu Lang also came along with Xu Zhengyi.    


Amidst the discussions that were adding fuel to the fire for the male side, the two former opponents of Xia Lei met.    


"Heh, isn't this Brother Xu?" Ren Wenqiang greeted them first. He was dressed in a clean and straight suit and was still as handsome and as handsome as ever.    


"Hur hur, what a coincidence. Brother Ren, I heard that you are doing well at Mr. Wang's company." You really do agree with the old saying that gold shines wherever it goes. " Xu Lang said with a smile.    


"Gold? Hehe, have you seen the golden wall that Xia Lei has placed here? That's the real gold. " Ren Wenqiang's gaze moved to the golden wall. He had a disdainful smile on his face, but his heart was filled with jealousy and hatred.    


"Hmph, so what?" Xu Lang said disdainfully: "Even if he were to pile up a gold mountain, it would only be a windfall. He was not worthy of Shentu Tianyin at all. Have you seen the men's guests? They are all people from the Rayma Group s, yet Xia Lei doesn't even have a friend from the upper echelons.    


"Hehe, that's right. Some things cannot be bought with money. I feel that this wedding is a queen's wedding to the owner of the land. Xia Lei is indeed rich now, but he is still a lowly person with no noble blood in him. "    


"Sigh, I really don't know why Tongxuan would want to marry him. Isn't this a flower stuck in cow dung? "    


"Heh heh, there's another way of putting it. It's that good cabbages are eaten by pigs."    


"Hahaha ?" Xu Lang smiled happily.    


At that moment, a group of Arabs wearing white robes and headscarves walked over from the red carpet.    


"Prince of the United Arab Emirates, Prince Muhammad Azt, and his wife, Avarie Muhammad, congratulate you."    


The guests from the Middle East and the host's voice immediately froze the cold words from the female guest area. Many people were guessing which side exactly such an esteemed guest belonged to.    


"Since when did Tianyin make such a friend?" Xu Lang's voice.    


Ren Wenqiang said: "Wanxiang Group must have an investment in the Middle East, could it be that she's still that brat Xia Lei's friend? That's a prince. "    


But at this moment, the main character appeared.    


Previously, it had always been Shentu Tianyin welcoming guests from the female side. He had become the foil, and only now did he walk out from the foil.    


Under the gazes of everyone present, Xia Lei calmly and unperturbedly welcomed them. With a smile on his face, he said in Arabic, "Your Highness, welcome to the Caliph Prince."    


"Oh, my friend, no need to be so polite. I wish you well." The Caliph Prince took the initiative to give Xia Lei a hug and even affectionately patted Xia Lei's shoulders. Only after that did he introduce his wife to Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei slightly nodded. Without even looking at Ah Fa Li, he cordially said, "I wish you peace."    


"May God bless you and your wife." Avali, Mua'Shari said.    


This is how it is in the Arab world. You can hug or even kiss a cheek between men of the same sex, but you can't have any physical contact between men of the same sex. It's impolite even to look at it.    


As soon as Prince Caliph and his wife, Avali Mua'Shari, entered their seats, the master of ceremonies announced, "Ambassador Rogerigos of Venezuela and his wife, Lady Caneman, congratulate you."    


Xia Lei welcomed him with a smile.    


With this, the female guests did not even make a sound when they went inside.    


However, this was only the beginning.    


"Ambassador Dimarina of Argentina congratulates his wife."    


"Congratulations to the Ambassador of Brazil, Mr. Alberto, and Mr. Nemar."    


"General Colombia ?"    


One by one, important guests appeared on stage. Even the blessings they sent over subdued the scene. Everyone looked at Xia Lei who was shaking hands with some of the people who could only be seen on the news broadcasts. In that short period of time, not just them, even Shentu Tianyin had become an inconspicuous foil.    


These people, stars and merchants in the female guest area looked down on Xia Lei. They felt that their status was high and that they had the so-called aristocratic bloodline. They also thought that they had brought glory to Shentu Tianyin, and made this wedding respectable. However, the moment the heavyweight guest arrived, it was the same as giving them a resounding slap in the face!    


Just based on their identity and their so-called aristocratic bloodline, they were like a shabby room compared to a tall building.    


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