Tranxending Vision

C496 Gather up the crowd to smash up the field

C496 Gather up the crowd to smash up the field

The people of Hanwu Weapons Corp and Shenzhou Industrial Group were up to no good, otherwise, the merchants would come over, or the reporters would come over. Shentu Tianyin, on the other hand, had her own ways of helping her husband solve his problems. With her circle of friends, and her charisma, it would be a piece of cake for her to make the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area heat up.    


Sure enough, without waiting for Xia Lei's call, a few top tier entertainment brands started to heat up the Rayma Military Factory. They actually brought instruments that were not plugged in with them and started displaying their talents, singing and dancing right beside the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area.    


The star is always the eye of the eye. In a few minutes, the crowd of tourists and merchants from other places had already crowded the area.    


The few female employees of the Rayma Military Factory did not stay idle either. They took the opportunity to give Xia Lei's business card to the foreign merchants, introducing them to the Rayma Military Factory's XL2500 and the blast assault rifle. One of the things that Xia Lei had taught them was that the blast assault rifle s of Rayma Military Factory were the best assault rifles in the world.    


That being said, the foreign merchants would naturally not believe it. Thus, they would enter the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area to see the blast assault rifle. And with this, he would naturally come into contact with the true blast assault rifle, as well as with the relevant information regarding it.    


Regardless of who it was, anyone who saw the description of "effective range of one thousand meters" would be shocked!    


What was the concept of an effective range of one thousand meters? Most of the sniper rifles in the world only have an effective range of 800 meters! In other words, blast assault rifle could be used as a medium level sniper rifle!    


"Oh my god, recoil ?" A blond foreign customer took out a copy of blast assault rifle's information in English and exclaimed, "The recoil force is almost zero! "That's impossible!"    


This sentence caused a sensation.    


No one was willing to believe it, because even a pistol would have a recoil of 2: 00 P.M. N/S. It was the equivalent of a few kilos of shot shot in the hand. But, the blast assault rifle's recoil was nearly zero. In other words, its recoil was even smaller than a handgun's!    


People who knew a little about firearms wouldn't believe such a thing, but Rayma Military Factory's introduction of the blast assault rifle was written very clearly in black and white. The recoil was practically zero. With an effective range of one kilometer, it was undoubtedly the king of assault rifles in the world. No country could produce more assault rifles than this one!    


"That's impossible! This is absolutely impossible! "    


"Yeah, how is that possible?"    


"Is it a deliberate exaggeration of performance or a misprint?"    


"Who knows? Anyway, I would never believe that there was such an assault rifle in this world. Even if I were to die, I would never believe it."    


"The creation of the Grand China has always been a synonym for the inferior and cheap. When did you ever manage to create such an assault rifle? You don't need to brag like that, do you? "    


"Don't say it like that, this is an assault rifle made by the Rayma Military Factory. Their XL2500 sniper rifle is now publicly acknowledged as the best sniper rifle in the world. It isn't impossible for them to produce the best assault rifle in the world, right?"    


There was a hubbub of discussion. Some people did not believe it, while others were skeptical.    


Shentu Tianyin lightly patted Xia Lei's arm, and laughed: "Go, it's your turn to go up on stage. You don't have to worry about this side, I'll take care of it for you. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "My wife, you have your ways, thank you."    


Shentu Tianyin smirked, "You're telling me to thank you, then how are you going to thank me?"    


Xia Lei whispered in her ear, "Twins."    


Shentu Tianyin's jade-like lips silently fainted. She rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, but her eyes were filled with tender love and deep love.    


When Xia Lei entered the exhibition area, he immediately ordered the other celebrities to stop their liveliness. Even so, there were still many fans who gathered around to look for the celebrities for their signatures.    


Previously, this place was completely deserted. However, now that it was crowded, it had become deserted again.    


Xia Lei introduced the performance of the blast assault rifle to the customer while Shentu Tianyin called the customer over and instructed her subordinates to maintain order. The couple's teamwork was very well coordinated, and the scene was also very pleasing.    


Some people were happy while others were sad.    


Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun were the two worrisome people. Before, there was not even a shadow of a customer in Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area, let alone the media reports, but now even the reporters from the national television station had gone to Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area to take pictures and report.    


"This guy is really hateful." Mu Jiangfeng's face darkened.    


"Humph!" Ye Kun laughed coldly: "I cannot help but admire his ability to adapt to situations. Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin are not easy to deal with, but how long will it take for them to laugh for? Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin are laughing now, I will immediately make it so that they won't even be able to cry! "    


"You're going to attack?" Mu Jiangfeng asked.    


Ye Kun nodded his head, "Right now, the Rayma Military Factory is the hottest place, all the reporters are there, it is the right time to take action." After he finished speaking, he gave Ye Xiaoqi a meaningful glance.    


Ye Xiaoqi picked up a walkie-talkie as well and said, "Prepare yourself. You can come over after Chairman Ye and I leave in five minutes."    


"Yes, we are ready." A man's voice came from the walkie-talkie.    


Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng looked at each other and smiled, then walked towards the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area at the same time.    


"Get out of the way!" Get out of the way! " A large group of employees of the Hanwu Weapons Corp squeezed through the crowd and opened up a path for Ye Kun, Mu Jiangfeng and the others.    


A few people were dissatisfied, but facing a large group of Evil God gang members from the Hanwu Weapons Corp, they did not dare to say anything.    


Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng smiled as they walked through the crowd and arrived in front of the Rayma Military Factory's exhibition area.    


"Stop arguing, calm down!" Ye Xiaoqi shouted, "Rayma Military Factory is suspected of infringing on our rights, Hanwu Weapons Corp has something to say!"    


What was going on?    


The scene immediately quietened down. Even though there were people who were talking, they were also discussing in whispers.    


However, Xia Lei did not seem to hear Ye Xiaoqi's shout. He still held a blast assault rifle and spoke to a customer from Argentina in English: "If you do not believe in the performance of our blast assault rifle, I can bring you to a place to test out the spear. Even if I say ten thousand words, it would not be as convincing as one shot by you."    


The customer from Argentina was hesitating. After all, whether it was the information described by Xia Lei or the performance of the blast assault rifle, both were very exaggerated. Those properties were beyond his understanding of rifles, and he didn't dare to believe them.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Mr. Luka, this is the only chance. If you don't even have the courage to try, you will miss this chance to make Argentina stronger."    


"Alright, I'm willing to try out your blast assault rifle with you. If what you say is true, then it really is a miracle."    


"Yes, we will go now." Xia Lei picked up a box of ammunition and was about to bring Lucca Ku along to the arena to test out his guns.    


Ye Xiaoqi suddenly blocked in front of Xia Lei and Luka and said in an unreasonable voice, "Xia Lei, did you not hear what I just said?"    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "What did you say just now?"    


"Still playing the fool! I said, your Rayma Military Factory's assault rifles are harming our Hanwu Weapons Corp's Divine Martial Assault Rifle! " Saliva flew from Ye Xiaoqi's mouth, "Our Chairman Ye is already here, you have to give us an explanation!"    


Xia Lei looked at Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng who was standing behind him, and said indifferently: "What kind of cat or dog has come, do I have to explain everything to him?"    


"You ?" Ye Xiaoqi never thought that Xia Lei would actually have such a tone. Her display of might was completely ineffective, but she was actually angered to the point of being alive by Xia Lei.    


"How arrogant!" Ye Kun raged to the extreme, and laughed instead. He lightly clapped his hands, and clapped his hands, and said: "Xia Lei, you stole our company's patents, produced this so-called blast assault rifle, and stole it. But you actually stole it so brazenly, and even dared to talk to me in such a tone, do you really think I can't cure you?"    


Xia Lei only looked at Ye Kun, and did not speak.    


Ye Kun suddenly slapped the wooden chest in front of him, and pointed at Xia Lei. "Xia Lei, you're finished this time! "You stole our company's patent design. This time, I want you to go bankrupt. You can spend the rest of your life in prison!"    


Xia Lei continued to look at Ye Kun silently, not saying a word.    


Not only Xia Lei, even Xia Lei's wife only looked at Ye Kun expressionlessly, not even saying a word of help.    


The surroundings were filled with discussions, all of them were discussing how the Rayma Military Factory could steal Hanwu Weapons Corp's patent design. Some people believed it, some people didn't.    


"Xia Lei, you have nothing to say?" Ye Kun maintained a haughty attitude. In his eyes, the Xia Lei in front of him was not standing in the exhibition area of the Rayma Military Factory, but in front of the court. What awaited him was a very strict judgement.    


Xia Lei's mouth revealed a trace of a smile, "Are you done speaking? I don't want to talk nonsense with you. You say that I stole your Hanwu Weapons Corp's patent design, but that doesn't matter. You have to show evidence, do you have evidence? "    


"Evidence, the gun in your hand is evidence." Mu Jiangfeng finally spoke.    


At this moment, a group of people rushed over. Some of them held cameras, some held paper certificates, and some looked like bodyguards as they blocked the path, preventing Xia Lei from escaping.    


This battle, it was obvious that they did not want to give Xia Lei the slightest chance, because once they knew that Xia Lei had stolen the Hanwu Weapons Corp's technology, Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng would want to capture him!    


"What nonsense are you all spouting? Why would our Rayma Military Factory steal your Hanwu Weapons Corp's patent technology? " Qin Xiang stood out and said.    


"That's right, we, Chairman Xia, do things fair and square, not the kind of people you are talking about!" A female employee, who was not afraid of Ye Kun and the group of ferocious people behind him, bravely stepped forward.    


Xia Lei said: "All of you stay here quietly. There is nothing you can do for me in this matter, just let me handle it."    


"What are you going to do with it?" A suited middle-aged man smashed the stack of patent papers in his hand onto a wooden chest and sneered: "The blast assault rifle that your Rayma Military Factory is producing is exactly the same as our Hanwu Weapons Corp Weapon Company's Divine Martial Assault Rifle, and we have a patent on it. How do you plan to settle this?"    


The entire audience was in an uproar.    


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