Tranxending Vision

C489 Pin-hole Camera

C489 Pin-hole Camera

Hanwu Weapons Corp Headquarters, Chairman's Office    


Ye Xiaoqi placed a cup of tea with saliva on Ye Kun's desk, then went to the outer room and took out his phone to call Kato Hawk Jie. Unfortunately, Kato Hawk's phone was turned off. He couldn't get through at all.    


"Why did it shut down? Even in the United Arab Emirates, he wouldn't mind a long international trip, right? Did something happen to him? " Ye Xiaoqi's heart was filled with speculation as his mood also plummeted.    


A woman like her would not really fall in love with a man. All she cared about was the money from the Kato Hawk and what she could get from the Kato Hawk.    


"Yes, yes." Ye Kun appeared at the door with a sarcastic smile on his face, "What, your boyfriend didn't answer your call?"    


Ye Xiaoqi was startled, she did not turn to look at Ye Kun. Suddenly, she spoke into her phone that had no one reacting to her words: "Kato, the wind and sand over there are huge, you have to be careful when driving outside. It's best to prepare a dust mask, and wear it when you move around outside ? I, I'm fine. It's nice of you to care so much about me. "Yes, I'll wait for your return."    


This time, it was Ye Kun who was stunned. He thought that Kato Masa was just playing with Ye Xiaoqi, but he didn't think that the two of them would actually do something like this.    


Ye Xiaoqi put down her cell phone, and then turned to look at Ye Kun, "Chairman Ye, what is it?"    


Ye Kun laughed dryly, "Don't worry, I just wanted to remind you that the Japanese are unreliable. If he really treats you well, it's all right for you to be with him. If he just wants to play with you, let me give you a piece of advice not to do something stupid. "    


Ye Xiaoqi felt very uncomfortable in her heart, "Chairman Ye, what do you want to say?"    


Ye Kun sneered, "You don't understand me? You are a member of my Hanwu Weapons Corp, so long as you are still working at my place, you must be careful not to take advantage of me! "    


"Chairman Ye, you ?" Ye Xiaoqi's face flushed red. She wanted to retort, but she instantly lost her courage. At this time, she couldn't help but think about it. Kato Masa Hawk wouldn't even answer her phone, if Kato Hawk Jie was really only playing with her, then she would fall out with Ye Kun. That would be the stupidest thing she could do.    


Ye Kun said coldly: "If it wasn't for the fact that you got me the Rayma Military Factory's blueprints, based on your performance yesterday, I would have already fired you."    


Ye Xiaoqi stood up in a hurry, and smiled, "Chairman Ye, look at you. I'm very loyal, otherwise, I wouldn't have pulled Kato Hawk Jie over to Hanwu Weapons Corp to make the order. "Also, if you can't write a single word like 'leaf', then we are consanguineous."    


Only then did Ye Kun's expression soften a little. He walked towards his desk and said, "I slept soundly last night, give me a massage."    


"Pervert!" Ye Xiaoqi secretly cursed in her heart, but on the surface, she revealed a charming smile, "Mn, it's my honor to be able to serve Chairman Ye."    


Ye Kun sat on the leather chair, and then he put down the backrest. Immediately, the chair became like a reclining chair. Ye Xiaoqi stood at the back and extended her hand to massage Ye Kun's body.    


With his soft fingers and the fragrance of a woman, Ye Kun's mood was extremely good, and his entire body felt comfortable. At this time, he thought of a person, Xia Lei.    


"That brat must still be dreaming of defeating me at the weapons exhibition to get the military order, right?" "Hehe, what awaits you is a tort lawsuit, I will laugh and see you done for." Ye Kun thought in his heart.    


"Chairman Ye, is it better?" Ye Xiaoqi tried to please his.    


Ye Kun laughed, and with a flip of his hand, he grabbed onto Ye Xiaoqi's butt, reaching out with his full and soft tentacles that were astonishingly elastic.    


"Chairman Ye, you ?" He struggled for a bit, but Ye Kun's hands were like a rope around her, preventing her from leaving.    


Ye Kun laughed: "Xiaoqi, do you still not understand my thoughts? You better follow me than the Japanese. I can give you tangible benefits. That Japanese is just lying to your feelings and playing with you. "    


Ye Xiaoqi hesitated.    


Ye Kun continued to speak: "Think about it, I can give you a promotion and a salary at any time. Also, the company's welfare house is about to be allocated. I can give you a two hundred square meter house, you know, it's worth millions. Can the Japanese give you these? "Don't believe his lies. The benefits can only be considered benefits if you get them in your hands."    


"Chairman Ye, I ?" Ye Xiaoqi's heart was in complete chaos. In her mind's eye, she saw the handsome face of the Kato Hawk, and then a large house, with millions of annual salary, and her subordinates under her command.    


Ye Kun's hand slipped into Ye Xiaoqi's OL short skirt unrestrainedly.    


Ye Xiaoqi's breathing quickened, and she said in her heart: "Ye Kun has a wife and children, he can't possibly divorce his wife and be with me. At most, he'll raise me and let me be his mistress. Why wouldn't I agree to it? I'll get the benefits first, then wait for Kato Hawk Jie to come back. If Kato Hawk Jie is really only playing with me, then I won't lose out. Why should I put all my eggs in one basket? "    


Thinking about it this way, Ye Xiaoqi did not reject the pig hand under her skirt anymore. Her attitude was also clear, and she refused to welcome him: "Chairman Ye, you can't do this, don't, don't do this."    


Ye Kun had long been a veteran in the flowers, he did not avoid or retreat, even saying that he did not want to, how could he not understand Ye Xiaoqi's thoughts? In fact, he couldn't wait any longer either. He pulled Ye Xiaoqi over and hugged him, kissing and gnawing.    


"No, Ye Xiaoqi pretended to struggle, pretended to resist, but her body was still trying to please Ye Kun, trying to please him.    


This was still an office, so no matter how impatient Ye Kun was, he would not dare to work here. He stood up and wanted to carry Ye Xiaoqi into the resting area, but he was unable to do so after he carried Ye Xiaoqi twice. Then, he dragged Ye Xiaoqi into the resting area. Ye Xiaoqi pushed and pushed the entire process away, even though she was saying that she did not want to, but she could do whatever she wanted with her clothes.    


While the two of them were in the lounge, a pinhole camera hidden within the bookshelf in the lounge captured everything that was happening.    


Xia Lei used this resting room yesterday, he was also the owner of this pinhole camera.    


A few minutes later, Ye Kun and Ye Xiaoqi walked out from the resting room. When his back was facing Ye Kun, Ye Xiaoqi's face was filled with a contemptuous expression.    


On the other hand, Ye Kun was satisfied, his entire body felt comfortable.    


Just then, Mu Jiangfeng appeared at the entrance of the office. He looked at Ye Kun, then looked at Ye Xiaoqi. With just that one glance, he noticed that Ye Kun's pants were unzipped, and the flush on his face had yet to disappear. He seemed to understand what the two of them had just done, but he did not react at all.    


"Teacher, why are you here?" Ye Kun took the initiative to greet her.    


"Do you know why I came? If I didn't come, would you call me?" Mu Jiangfeng said lightly.    


Ye Kun was slightly taken aback. He could hear a trace of dissatisfaction from Mu Jiangfeng's tone, and he could only guess in his heart why Mu Jiangfeng had rushed over.    


"Miss Ye, please leave for a moment. I have something to discuss with your Chairman Ye." Mu Jiangfeng said.    


Elder Mu, Chairman Ye, you two take your time and chat. I'll go out for a while. Ye Xiaoqi left the office. As she walked, he didn't forget to tug on the short, incomplete OL skirt and the panties inside it.    


Ye Kun said: "Teacher, let's talk in the resting room."    


Mu Jiangfeng nodded his head and followed Ye Kun into the resting lounge.    


"Teacher, I know why you came here. I was just about to call you." Once he was seated, Ye Kun went straight to the point. If he said it out loud, it could more or less show a little of his sincerity. If Mu Jiangfeng said it out, then there wouldn't be any more sincerity.    


Mu Jiangfeng seemed to not appreciate his kindness, "Ye Kun, I am a person who has single-handedly raised you to your current position. "You signed a 200 million dollar bill yesterday to sell the Godly Martial Assault Rifle that we developed together. You actually didn't tell me about this matter? You're making me sad."    


"Teacher, your words are ?" Ye Kun looked embarrassed, "Teacher, after signing the contract with the Japanese person yesterday, I left work already. I didn't want to disturb you, so I decided to call you today. I was just about to call when you came. "What's the big deal if we're late?"    


"Alright, I believe you." Mu Jiangfeng said indifferently: "Tell me, what do you plan to do?"    


Ye Kun thought for a moment, then smiled and said: "This is up to you, teacher, to decide, do whatever you want to do."    


"Have you checked the identity of that Japanese and the qualifications of his company?" Mu Jiangfeng asked.    


"Yes, I did. I had someone check it out yesterday. It's no problem at all." That Japanese is called Kato Hawk Jie, his origin is in Hokkaido. He's registered an international trading company in the United Arab Emirates, arms and crude oil and all that, and the company is pretty good at books, "he said. Ye Kun said.    


"Who's his client?"    


"Teacher, it's not like you don't know how chaotic that place in the Middle East is. "Besides, this is someone's customer, and it's a trade secret. Even if you want to check, you won't be able to find it."    


Mu Jiangfeng nodded his head, "As long as its company does not have any problems with money, that is fine. It seems that you are quite meticulous. Alright, you can do the order this time. But you know what I mean. "    


Ye Kun laughed, "Teacher, I forgot that no one will forget about you, don't worry, the Godly Martial Assault Rifle is something that you and I worked together and led the researchers from our two companies to develop. Whether it is military orders or foreign orders, we will divide them according to our previous agreement, Hanwu Weapons Corp Six and Shenzhou Industrial Group Four. As for honor, I'm sure that teacher will always be above me. "    


Mu Jiangfeng then revealed a smile, "That's good, my nurturing of you was not in vain." Pausing for a moment, he suddenly said, "Ah Kun, zip it up."    


Ye Kun lowered his head to take a look, and his face immediately turned the color of a pig's liver.    


Mu Jiangfeng slowly said: "Ah Kun, you can play around, but don't let anyone catch you red-handed. "We have always been public officials, and we are under strict investigation now. Don't let the boat fall in the gutter." "    


Ye Kun hurriedly said: "I will pay attention to it, teacher, it's just playing, nothing will happen."    


The scene was captured by the pinhole camera hidden inside the bookshelf.    


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