Tranxending Vision

C478 The Heart of the Queen

C478 The Heart of the Queen

After the family ate dinner, Xia Xue went to the room that Shentu Tianyin had prepared for her. Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin also went back to their room.    


Shentu Tianyin was still talking and laughing during dinner, but when she entered the room, it was as if she had changed.    


She couldn't be happy.    


In the Grand China, there were many people who embezzled state assets, and collusions between officials and merchants were common, but very few people were dealt with. It was also because of this that she accepted Gu Kewen's suggestion to take action against the Gu family's previous businesses under Gu Kewen's help. Unexpectedly, swallowing those assets was easy, but the handle that was left behind was like a knife that was hanging over her head, it could fall down at any time!    


"Tianyin, I don't really understand. You don't lack money, why would you want to lay your hands on those assets?" In the room, Xia Lei asked softly.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "I am not lacking in money, money is only a number to me. My dream was to develop the Wanxiang Group into a world-class big company, like Apple, Microsoft, or General Electric. The assets I hit were all high-quality assets, and they had a higher hidden value. They can be the cornerstone of my ideals, and I want to take them. It just so happens that Gu Kewen is able to help, so ? "    


That was the reason for the current situation.    


She was ambitious and extremely smart. She knew that it would not be easy, or even impossible, to develop the Wanxiang Group into a company like Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp., or General Electric Co. Therefore, she wanted resources, many high-quality resources, to serve her dream. Moreover, many people were attacking the state-owned assets and were not punished, so why not her?    


In the end, it was her ambition that was too big and her arrogance too high.    


Xia Lei knew all of this in his heart, but he couldn't do anything about it, "Tian Yin, I also want to make my company one of the biggest companies in the world, but I just have this kind of thought, it isn't something that I have to achieve. I'm happy to be able to do it, but if I can't, I don't think it matters. I am satisfied with what I have, and you should be satisfied with what you have. "    


Shentu Tianyin said, "If you are satisfied, I am happy. I know this principle. However, a person's life is too short. I want to leave a brilliant stroke in this world. This is my dream. For this dream, I am willing to take some risks. "    


"Even if it led to serious consequences, don't you regret it?"    


Shentu Tianyin shook her head, "I don't regret it."    


Xia Lei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He knew that he wasn't able to convince his wife before, and even now, he couldn't.    


Shentu Tianyin moved closer and hugged Xia Lei's waist, his tone filled with boundless tenderness, "Hubby, you will help me get through this, right?"    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "You are my wife, and we are a family. Your difficulties are my difficulties, if I don't help you, who will? Don't worry, I will help you get rid of this trouble called Gu Kewen. "    


"You ? Are you going to kill her? " Shentu Tianyin suddenly became nervous, and his tone was full of worry.    


Xia Lei said: "She has already joined the American CIA, and is suspected of betraying the national interest. In the 101st round, she has long been put under the death penalty label. If I find her, I'll kill her. "    


"Don't say anymore, I don't dare to think about it. I'm very scared." Shentu Tianyin buried her head into Xia Lei's chest. Beside Xia Lei, she could find the sense of security she wanted.    


"I have information. Gu Kewen is in Japan now, so it would be difficult to find her." Xia Lei still said it out loud. He wanted Shentu Tianyin to understand the seriousness of the situation, "So, you have to prepare for the worst."    


"The worst?" Shentu Tianyin bit her lips, "Is it going to jail?"    


Xia Lei said: "I won't let you go to jail. Even if Gu Kewen pokes those things out, before the police investigate this case, I think ? There's also a way to guarantee that you'll be fine. "    


Shentu Tianyin's mouth revealed a smile, she looked at Xia Lei with eyes full of love and respect.    


In Xia Lei's heart, however, there was another feeling. He promised to save Shentu Tianyin from trouble before the police set a case for investigation. He had used the resources that he said he had to threaten the people above and he only had two cards in his hands. One was the Rayma Military Factory while the other was the secret gold project. However, if he were to use these two cards, he might not be able to achieve his goal, and he might even be forced into a passive situation!    


"Hubby, let's not talk about these unpleasant things. It's time for us to rest." Shentu Tianyin whispered into Xia Lei's ear while breathing out hot air.    


"Un, let's not talk about it then. Don't worry too much. Things might not be as bad as I said they would be. In short, I have everything." Xia Lei kept his messy thoughts to himself.    


Shentu Tianyin's heart was filled with warmth and emotions. She placed her hands on Xia Lei's chest and gently pushed. She didn't use much strength, but Xia Lei obediently fell back onto the soft mattress.    


Shentu Tianyin took the opportunity and came over, and pressed down onto Xia Lei's body ?    


To be able to marry a woman like Shentu Tianyin, that would already be very impressive. But to be able to marry a scout like Shentu Tianyin, that was even more amazing.    


Adele's new song, Hello suddenly rang. It was Shentu Tianyin's ringtone.    


Who would be calling in this great moment of life?    


Shentu Tianyin didn't pay any attention to her, she was wholeheartedly trying to give Xia Lei happiness and happiness. In the end, she stood up with some depression and took out her cell phone.    


"Japan's international area code." Shentu Tianyin's expression immediately became serious, and she asked anxiously: "Could it be her?"    


Xia Lei also crawled up, "Open the handphone and answer it."    


Shentu Tianyin turned on the hands-free before answering the phone, "Hello, you are?"    


A woman's voice came out of the phone, "Shentu Tianyin, long time no see, are you alright?"    


Shentu Tianyin was very familiar with this voice, it was Gu Kewen's voice.    


Shentu Tianyin glanced at Xia Lei, and said: "Gu Kewen, what business do you have with me?"    


"You're a little out of breath. Did you just finish your exercise?" Gu Kewen's voice carried a little ridicule.    


Shentu Tianyin's face slightly blushed, and said somewhat angrily: "Don't speak nonsense, speak, what are you looking for me for?"    


"Is Xia Lei by your side?"    


Shentu Tianyin was startled, and did not know how to reply.    


"I'm calling at this time, not looking for you, I'm looking for Xia Lei." Gu Kewen said, "Xia Lei, I know you are right by Shentu Tianyin's side. Don't hide, speak."    


Xia Lei took the phone from Shentu Tianyin's hand, and said to the phone: "I am Xia Lei, tell me, what do you want?"    


"Hahaha ?" You are indeed here. " Gu Kewen laughed: "Xia Lei, while you and Shentu Tianyin were having fun in bed, I was alone in a foreign land. I miss the time before, when my father and brother were still around, when I was their pearl, and I could have everything I wanted. But now, these were all memories. Every time I think of my father and brother, my heart feels like it's been cut by a knife. "    


Xia Lei interrupted Gu Kewen, "I don't have time to listen to your nagging. If you have something to say, say it, or else I'll be dead."    


"If you hang up my phone, your Heavenly Note will be published tomorrow morning. If you have the guts, then hang up." Gu Kewen's voice.    


Shentu Tianyin suddenly grabbed onto the bed sheets, using all her strength to twist on the bed sheets with her ten white fingers. She clearly treated the bed sheets as Gu Kewen, she hated that she couldn't break all of her hair, and even her neck!    


After a moment of silence, Xia Lei said: "Let's cut the crap. Tell me, what do you want?"    


"Alright, I want my brother. Give my brother back to me, and I'll return Shentu Tianyin's dirty things to you." Gu Kewen revealed her goal.    


Xia Lei immediately frowned, "What kind of joke are you playing? Your brother has been sentenced to death, and is currently in prison. How could I have the power to get him out? "    


"Others might not have the ability, but you do. I believe you definitely have a way." Gu Kewen smiled and said, "Xia Lei, why do you think Shentu Tianyin married you? She is ten times smarter than you think she is and what she married is your ability. You are also someone she has her eyes on. In this world, you are the only one who can satisfy her ambitions, and you are the only one who meets her requirements. "    


"Shut up!" Shentu Tianyin berated: "Gu Kewen, if you have something to say, can you say it? I love my husband, but our relationship is not something you can instigate just because you want to. "    


"Come on, we're all women, how can I not know what you want?" Gu Kewen's voice.    


Shentu Tianyin still wanted to say something, but Xia Lei placed a finger on her lips, signaling her not to argue with Gu Kewen. Then, he asked: "Gu Kewen, change the condition, how much do you want?"    


"How much is it?" Gu Kewen's sickly laughter came out of the phone, "My Gu family used to have tens of billions, and was on par with the Shen-tu family. If you really want to use money to solve the problem, then just give me back what I lost. I'm not greedy, I'll just give you 50 billion. "    


Anger couldn't help but rise in Xia Lei's heart, "Gu Kewen, don't push your luck!"    


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