Tranxending Vision

C447 Modify Mask

C447 Modify Mask

The exit from the tunnel was not outside the Israeli settlement, but a sewer, and it was used. The sewer was filled with thick black sewage, and the strong stench made people frown.    


After entering the sewer, the three of them advanced in the direction of the sewage flow. Xia Lei raised his head from time to time and looked at the situation on the ground.    


Half an hour later, he stopped at an underground well. He saw traces of the sewage on the iron ladder. It was still fresh, indicating that someone had climbed up from there not long ago.    


Xia Lei raised his head and looked. There was a house, a few houses and a yard. He saw no one but a Land Cruiser.    


"Let's go up." Xia Lei climbed up the iron stairs.    


"Wait." Tang Yuyan said: "Do you know what is above? If we climb up hastily and get surrounded again, we won't have a chance to escape. "    


Xia Lei did not explain. Instead, he reached out and opened the iron well lid.    


Light poured down, and in the sewer, Long Bing and Tang Yuyan covered their eyes with their hands at the same time. There was a difference between light and natural light in the glow rods, and they needed time to adapt. Just as they were covering their eyes, Xia Lei's sexy butt had already left their sight and climbed up.    


Long Bing and Tang Yuyan also climbed up. Even if there were enemies up there, they wouldn't let Xia Lei fight them alone.    


The yard was quiet.    


The doors and windows of the few houses were also tightly shut, so no one could be seen moving around inside.    


Xia Lei looked around, only to realise that this place was actually outside the Old City of Jerusalem, a wasteland, and there were no other families nearby.    


Combined with the traces he saw in the well below, this place was evidently the safe house left behind by his father, Xia Changhe.    


Xia Lei raised his head again to look at the sky. Suddenly, he remembered something, and ran under the eaves while saying: "Don't stand there, Gu Kewen said that the CIA used a spy satellite this time."    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing also ran under the roof.    


Xia Lei pushed open a door, and behind the door was a room. There was a bed, a wardrobe, and a dressing table with a lot of cosmetics on it.    


"Who the hell is this room?" Tang Yuyan's face turned red, and she spat lightly when she spoke.    


Xia Lei followed her gaze and saw two female sex toys on the bedside table. Both of them were transparent silicone products.    


Long Bing also saw the two things, and she frowned.    


Xia Lei suddenly laughed and quickly walked over and grabbed the two silica gel objects in his hands. He laughed: "Good stuff, what good stuff."    


"Disgusting." Tang Yuyan's face became even redder, "Do you believe that after I report this, I'll tell Shentu Tianyin that you're a pervert?"    


Xia Lei walked in front of Tang Yuyan and Long Bing, and waved one of the silica gel tools in front of the two girls, "I want to use it on you two."    


"Huh?" Tang Yuyan was so shocked that she could not even close her mouth.    


Long Bing was also dumbstruck. She couldn't believe that Xia Lei would say such a thing, and in front of Tang Yuyan's face at that.    


This is to... Double fly?    


This was too disgusting and too greedy!    


Xia Lei laughed and said: "What are you thinking? I'm telling the truth. "    


Tang Yuyan suddenly punched towards Xia Lei's heart, and Long Bing also kicked towards the spot between Xia Lei's legs.    


To think that he would be able to enjoy the blessings of the Qi Clan, to think that he would be able to kill two birds with one stone!    


Xia Lei did not retreat, but held back the two silica gel instruments in his hands, one for a hand and the other for a leg.    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing dodged right after. It was like avoiding a god of pests, afraid that they would be touched by the thing in Xia Lei's hands.    


Xia Lei replied: "What I said was true, I'm not joking."    


"You ? If you go and play with Long Bing, I won't do it with you. " Tang Yuyan said with a red face, and scolded Xia Lei a thousand times in his heart.    


Long Bing's face could no longer be seen as red, and she couldn't even speak clearly, "Don't, don't even think about it, I'm not going to use that thing."    


Tang Yuyan looked at Long Bing strangely. What she meant was, she didn't need to fake it, did she really know how to do it with Xia Lei?    


Long Bing suddenly woke up from her stupor and said fiercely: "Bastard, that's not what I meant!"    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "What nonsense are you all thinking? I mean, I'm going to melt these two things and change what we look like. In that case, we can drive away, we'll look better, and the chances of being found will be much smaller. "    


"You ?" Tang Yuyan.    


"Ugh ?" Long Bing.    


The two women looked at each other, embarrassed to death.    


The human skin that Xia Lei made. The main ingredient of the mask was silica gel, which he melted to make the face fat, or to change the features of the nose, chin, and forehead. Most importantly, he could also use the makeup on his dressing table to change his skin color. With these materials, he would be able to change the faces of, himself, and himself so much that they would no longer be recognizable. This way, even if he met people who were searching on the way, the risk of being discovered would be reduced to a very low level.    


Xia Lei went straight to the kitchen, placed the two silica gel items into a stainless steel container, and used a LPG stove to heat it up. During the process of heating, he also added some cosmetics into the mix, blending in the color of the material.    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing stood at the entrance of the kitchen and watched.    


"I'm going to take a shower. You take care of it yourself." Tang Yuyan peeled the skin off her face. The mask fell off.    


"About that, I'll go take a bath too. You can make whatever you want." Long Bing also left.    


When the chest sewer came out, the bodies of the three people reeked. Xia Lei could still bear it, but the two girls had had enough already.    


"Hurry up, you only have five minutes." Xia Lei said.    


Long Bing and Tang Yuyan turned to leave, Xia Lei took the melted ingredients and returned to the room, then used a makeup tool to change the three pieces of human skin. The features of the mask. It's not complicated, if you want to skin a person. The mask's forehead was a little taller, so all she needed to do was to fill the forehead with more materials. Pad high nose bridge, fat cheek, elongate chin, these are all very simple operation.    


Xia Lei was modifying the human skin. On the other hand, Long Bing and Tang Yuyan were bathing in the bathroom, which was not far from each other.    


Five minutes quickly passed and Xia Lei had already modified three pieces of human skin. On the mask, Long Bing and Tang Yuyan were still in the bathroom.    


"Are you all done yet? We have no time. " Xia Lei urged.    


Tang Yuyan's voice came out from the bathroom, "Xia Lei, do you have any suitable women's clothes in the closet? Our clothes are dirty in the sewers, and I don't want to wear them anymore. "    


"I want one too, preferably with underwear." Long Bing's voice.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly as he shook his head. The closet was full of clothes, five of them, not to mention two. The figure of the female owner of these clothes were around the same as Long Bing and Tang Yuyan. He quickly picked out two sets of seemingly ordinary clothes, and then found a bra, underwear, and socks from the bedside cabinet. He carried a pile of clothes to the bathroom door and kicked it.    


The bathroom opened a crack and a snow-white lotus arm stretched out from behind the door. That was Tang Yuyan's lotus arm.    


Tang Yuyan grabbed all the clothes, but there were too many of them, and a few of them fell to the ground. Anxious, she bent down to pick them up. Coincidentally, Xia Lei also bent over to pick up the clothes on the ground, and the two of their heads bumped into each other through the gap of the door.    


"Hahaha ?" Long Bing laughed.    


Two minutes later, Tang Yuyan and Long Bing walked out from the bathroom. Long Bing was smiling, but Tang Yuyan's face was gloomy and her entire body was uncomfortable. However, she did not attack Xia Lei. This was not the time for a fight. Once the CIA agents found the tunnel, there was a good chance they would search it. This place was only a few kilometers away, so it was easy to find it.    


Xia Lei pretended that nothing had happened and took the initiative to help Tang Yuyan and her sister put on human skin. The mask, then used the rest of the material to repair the gap between the skin and the mask, so that it looked flawless.    


The three of them had turned into fatties, and their skin was even darker. They looked like three genuine Asians, and it was impossible to tell that they were Chinese.    


"Let's go." After he was done, Xia Lei said.    


Tang Yuyan pushed Xia Lei into the bathroom instead, "Your body is so smelly. If you are inspected, the smell on your body will arouse the suspicion of others. You go take a shower, I'll get the car. "    


"Fine." Xia Lei went into the bathroom to rinse the water.    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing arrived in front of the SUV, she tried to pull on the door, but did not expect it to open so quickly. She looked at the driver's seat and said in surprise: "Strange, there is actually a car key." After a pause, she continued, "There's still some water and food."    


Long Bing said: "It seems like they are specially prepared for us, what are their intentions? Even if it's Hamas, they don't have to take care of us that well, right? "    


In the bathroom, as Xia Lei quickly washed the filth off of his body, he was thinking about a problem, "Those two silicone toys, probably were left behind by dad on purpose, right? If that wasn't the case, then it was Ye Liena's toy ? That's too disgusting. "    


Part of the toys that Ye Liena used were now on his face. Thinking about it really made him disgusted.    


A minute later, the car pulled out of the house. It didn't take the road, but headed deeper into the wasteland. Fortunately, it was an SUV, so they could go through the wasteland. If it was a car, they would have to take the road, and that would be very dangerous.    


The Land Cruiser headed in the direction of Jordan, which borders Israel and is also the fastest route out of Israel.    


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