Tranxending Vision

C423 race for time

C423 race for time

Fu Mingmei lied on the operation table, her originally beautiful face now distorted greatly, and her lips turned up, becoming swollen. Her eyes were dark and swollen. She had a knife wound in her stomach and chest and was still bleeding.    


What kind of wound this was was? It was obvious at a glance that someone had attacked her!    


Outside the operation room of the hospital, after looking through the situation inside the operation room, a ball of anger ignited in Xia Lei's heart. He took out his phone and dialed Shentu Tianyin's number, but Shentu Tianyin's phone was still turned off.    


Actually, on the way here, Xia Lei had already called Shentu Tianyin's cell phone more than once, but he could not get through.    


Right now, Fu Mingmei was lying on the operation table, her life hanging by a thread. It was obviously impossible for her to tell him what had happened. At this time, it was as if his eyes were being blindfolded and she was covering her ears. She was trapped in an isolated environment and was unable to obtain the information she needed.    


After hesitating for a while, Xia Lei still dialed Shen-tu Ren's number, "Dad ?"    


"Reiko, what's the matter?" When he received Xia Lei's call, Shen-tu was obviously very happy.    


Xia Lei suppressed the nervousness and worry in his heart and slowly said, "Dad, I'm calling to ask if Tianyin has returned home yet."    


Shen-tu said, "No, you guys went out together this morning and have not come back yet. I called Mingmei, but I couldn't get through. "    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned. He suddenly realized that the phone that the doctor found on Fu Mingmei's body was not Fu Mingmei's phone, but it was deliberately placed on her body. The doctor who called him also said that he was the only contact on the phone.    


"Reiko, what happened?" Shen-tu immediately became nervous.    


Xia Lei said: "It's fine, it's fine. You don't have to worry, they might not be in the service area. Okay, I'll go look for her. I know where she is. I'll call you as soon as I find her. "    


"Alright then, drive slowly." Shen-tu grudgingly said.    


Xia Lei hung up the phone. At this time, although he had not received any information, he was certain that Shentu Tianyin had been kidnapped!    


Ring, ring, ring...    


The phone in his hand suddenly rang.    


It was an unfamiliar number that he had never seen before.    


Xia Lei took a deep breath and answered the phone, "Who?"    


A man's deep voice came out of the phone, "Xia Lei?"    


"It's me." Xia Lei said: "Calm down, you need as much as possible, state your price."    


"Hehe, looks like you already know what happened." The man's voice, "Listen carefully, I won't repeat it a second time. Shentu Tianyin is in our hands, don't call the police, prepare 200 million in cash immediately, and we'll settle it in two hours. At that time, I will contact you again. "    


Xia Lei said: "Two hours. Two hundred million in cash and the bank is already off work. How can I give it to you? Even with the normal working hours of the bank, I wouldn't be able to make that much money in two hours. Besides, I have to get to Pauding during this time. Look, can you transfer money from a bank? You provide the account and I will immediately transfer it to you when I see someone. "    


The man was silent for a moment, then said, "Transferring is fine, but the ransom is three hundred million. See you in two hours. Remember, don't call the police! Otherwise, you will see her corpse! "    


"I won't call the police. Let me hear her voice." Xia Lei forced him to calm down.    


"Wuu ? wuu ?" Xia Lei... "Don't..." Shentu Tianyin's voice came out of the phone, but quickly disappeared.    


A few seconds later, the man's voice came through the phone again, "You have confirmed her condition. Let's go, don't be late." He hung up.    


Xia Lei kept his phone and rushed to the hospital's parking lot.    


The night was dark, the neon lights shone, and the streets were filled with cars. A Chevrolet Suburban cruised the streets like a mad beast, lights flashing as it passed.    


In the carriage, Xia Lei frowned, his heart heavy. He thought about calling Long Bing or Tang Yuyan and asking them for help from the 101st Board. This seemed to be a very wise choice. However, just as this thought popped up in his mind and he was about to do the same, he suddenly gave up.    


I can't do that.    


In that instant, the speed at which his brain worked reached its limit.    


If it was an ordinary kidnapping, Fu Mingmei could easily deal with it. When Shentu Tianyin went out, other than Fu Mingmei who was her unshakable bodyguard, she would also bring four other male bodyguards. Those people were also professional bodyguards with extraordinary skills. With this kind of bodyguard configuration, how could ordinary kidnappers kidnap Shentu Tianyin!    


If he wasn't an ordinary kidnapper, then who could he be?    


Before he managed to get out the other party's strength, he had hastily called Long Bing and Tang Yuyan. If he asked for the help of the 101st game, it would only lead to a terrible result!    


"The caller asked for two hundred million in cash, and when I asked for a bank transfer, he said yes almost without thinking about it. If the bank had transferred the funds, he could have offered a billion, or even more, because he had kidnapped Shentu Tianyin, but he had only added another 100 million as ransom, so why is that? " Suspicions started popping up in Xia Lei's heart, and he couldn't understand.    


His brain was still rapidly pondering and analyzing.    


"Just now, when that man was speaking, there was a sound coming from the phone. Fu Mingmei had not been discovered for long, could it be that the kidnapper was bringing Shentu Tianyin on a journey to safety? Was the wind I heard the wind from the gap in the window? "If that's the case, why must they stay? They can also complete the trade in the outskirts of the capital, so what are they hiding from?" The more he analyzed, the more Xia Lei was afraid. He had a feeling that this was not an ordinary kidnapping. It was very possible that the other side had other motives other than ransoming. Moreover, the other side might very likely know his identity.    


Thinking about it this way, Xia Lei didn't dare to call Long Bing and Tang Yuyan anymore.    


The car drove out of the city, into the highway, and headed straight for Baoding.    


There were a lot of cars on the highway. The kidnapper's car was one of them, but it was impossible to tell which one it was.    


Not long after entering the highway, Xia Lei called Gu Kewen.    


Gu Kewen's phone did not turn off, and it connected quickly.    


"Xia Lei, what's the matter?" Gu Kewen's voice came out from the phone.    


"Do you know where Tianyin went?" Xia Lei stabilized his emotions and asked in a calm voice.    


Gu Kewen's voice sounded, "I don't know, I'll be going home after the negotiation with An Xiuxian."    


"They started the negotiations so quickly?"    


"You know Tian Yin's personality. The decision she makes will not change. She is also a person who pursues efficiency. Since she has already fallen out with the Celestial domain group, it would be the same if they were to have a talk earlier or later. "    


"The board of directors of the Celestial group isn't involved?"    


"This... I'm not sure, but the God Realm Guild is controlled by An Jinjian. To An Xiuxian, it probably requires him to make a phone call to his father. This matter can actually be dealt with simply. " Gu Kewen said.    


"So that's how it is." After a pause, Xia Lei asked again, "Where are you?"    


"Didn't I already tell you? I'm at home. " Gu Kewen said: "You're acting a little strange today, why are you asking me such a strange question?"    


"No, I can hear that your ambient sound is a bit chaotic."    


"Oh, so that's the reason. I'm on the balcony. There's someone downstairs." Gu Kewen said.    


"Then that's it, I won't disturb you anymore." Xia Lei hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei's gaze was ice-cold, and his heart even colder.    


Earlier, he didn't hear any sound coming from the surroundings. He was just testing her, but Gu Kewen said she was on the balcony. Was she feeling guilty or hiding something?    


"Could it be that Gu Kewen and An Xiuxian were involved in this kidnapping? If that's the case, I want your lives! " Xia Lei was furious.    


Although this was just a guess, once it was discovered, he would definitely take revenge!    


What he hated the most was for someone to harm the people around him, let alone his fiancee!    


An hour later, Xia Lei entered Baoding City. He pulled over to the side of the road and dialed the number he had received from the kidnapper. However, his phone was turned off. His heart sank. The other party was well-prepared. He was in the light while the other party was in the dark. Tonight's events were extremely dangerous!    


Xia Lei opened the trunk of the Suburban SUV. Inside was the XL2500 sniper rifle that he had modified. This was not the first time he experienced a life and death situation. In the past, as long as he had a sniper rifle, he would feel safe and confident. But this time was different, he didn't feel the slightest sense of security.    


It was for no other reason but because Shentu Tianyin was in the other party's hands.    


Xia Lei closed the trunk, looked around, and then entered a supermarket on the side of the street. He bought a small hunting knife in the supermarket and hid it in his socks. There were also a few needles on the soles of his shoes, which he hid in his underwear and the soles of his shoes.    


After returning to the car, he waited less than ten minutes before his phone rang.    


This time, it was another unfamiliar number, but the person who spoke was the same person.    


"Where are you now?" That person's voice was still low, cold, and without any emotion.    


Xia Lei said: "I'm in Baoding city right now."    


"Leave Baoding City, head east. Shuntian Chemical Factory. I'll wait for you there." the man said.    


Xia Lei said: "I want to hear the voice of Tian Yin!"    


"Wuu ? wuu ?" Xia Lei, don't come! " Shentu Tianyin's voice was tearful and filled with fear and despair.    


"Don't be afraid, I'll take you home." Xia Lei said.    


The man's voice came through the phone, "Alright, let's go. Don't play any tricks or I'll kill her!"    


"Calm down, you're asking for money, not a disaster. I'll pay you, you take the money and leave, I'll take someone home. " Xia Lei said.    


"Hmph." The man snorted and hung up.    


Xia Lei set fire to the fire as he drove towards the east.    


Half an hour later, under the guidance of the on-board navigation system, the Suburban Land Cruiser arrived on a remote road in the suburbs.    


At the end of the road was a dilapidated factory. There were no lights and it was pitch black.    


Xia Lei looked at the wristwatch on his hand. There were still ten minutes until the two hours the kidnapper had requested. The kidnapper timed it well.    


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