Tranxending Vision

C437 sibling hemoptysis

C437 sibling hemoptysis

On the street, several police cars passed by.    


Xia Lei glanced at the direction the police car was heading to, and suddenly had a bad premonition. That direction was the direction of the Desert Spring Hotel.    


Liang Siyao's appearance and the howling police made him feel uneasy.    


Tang Yuyan and Long Bing also seemed to have realized something, and their expressions became a little nervous.    


"It can't be... Something must have happened to Professor Qin and the others, right? " Long Bing said.    


"Let's hurry over and take a look." Tang Yuyan quickened her pace.    


A few minutes later, the three of them arrived at the street where the Desert Spring Hotel was located. The police cars had indeed stopped in front of the hotel. All the entrances and exits of the hotel were blocked by the police.    


In fact, not only the police, but also Israeli soldiers in uniform and unidentified people in civilian clothes. This was a big scene. If it was to capture an ordinary criminal, there was no need to use so many people.    


Long Bing frowned, "The worst case scenario would be that someone found out about Dr Qin and the rest. The best scenario would be that these people were not capturing them, but were capturing someone else."    


"What do you think?" Tang Yuyan touched Xia Lei's waist and asked him.    


However, Xia Lei still maintained his position of gazing at the seventh floor as he searched for the rooms of Qin Zhangqing, Ma Li, and the others. However, before he could find Qin Changqing and his group, gunshots rang out in the hotel.    


The sound of gunfire rang out as the police and Israeli soldiers guarding the hotel entrance rushed into the hotel. There were also several plainclothes, who followed behind the police and Israeli soldiers, moving quickly and covering each other, their fighting skills much higher than those of the police and Israeli soldiers.    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "Could it be a CIA agent?"    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The sound of gunfire in the hotel became even more intense.    


Many people ran out of the hotel, screaming in fear. The scene was a mess.    


Crash! * A window on the seventh floor suddenly shattered and a person fell out of it, smashing into a police car. The top of the police car caved in, and the glass window broke under the force of the impact. The one who hit the roof was a Chinese man. His body was covered in blood and he had died.    


Xia Lei and the other two looked at the Chinese man's bloodied face at the same time. Their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley ? he was Special Agent Dou Yong from the 101st Precinct!    


As expected, something happened to Grand China's group of experts!    


"They were fine before we came. They had an accident the moment we arrived." Xia Lei said with an ice-cold expression, "Someone betrayed our whereabouts!"    


"Has our mission been exposed?" Tang Yuyan's face was also ashen, and there was an unquenchable rage in her heart.    


"Don't jump to conclusions so early." Long Bing appeared to be exceptionally calm, "We have four special agents protecting the Treasure Seeking Group's safety, only one of them died now. We did not see anyone bring our people out either. This matter, if I say it's true, there might not be a turning point. "    


These words seemed to have the intention of consoling Xia Lei and Tang Yuyan, but neither Xia Lei nor Xia Lei believed that there was any turning point in this matter. The agents of the 101 Bureau naturally had nothing to say. They were all hot-blooded men of China who were unafraid of death. Even if they were arrested, they would not reveal the secret mission of the Treasure Seeking Group. But those specialists were different. They weren't soldiers at all, and had never received any professional training. They would confess if they used a little torture!    


Once someone confesses, there will be no way to keep the secret of the ancient alloy!    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The gunfire in the hotel continued.    


Xia Lei, Long Bing and Tang Yuyan all wanted to rush in and help them fight, but the mission's importance was like a mountain pressing on their hearts, causing them to be unable to breathe or move.    


Kill your way in, and then what?    


There was no 'after', even if it was Xia Lei, even if it was Long Bing and Tang Yuyan who had the ability to face off against all of Israel's armies, and even if there was one of the world's four great secret agencies, the Mossad, they still wouldn't be able to defeat Israel's army even if they had the ability to do so.    


There was also another political reason. In fact, because the Grand China had provided protection for the Jews during the Second World War, the Jews were a grateful people. After the war, Israel had helped the Grand China in national defense construction and had not been stingy with some advanced technology. Until now, the relationship between the two countries had been pretty good. Without the pressure from the United States, the relationship between Israel and the Grand China would have been even better. In such a situation, how could the three of them rush in to fight the Israeli police and soldiers?    


Not at all.    


However, when they saw their fellow countrymen die in battle, their hearts were torn and their lungs were torn. They were in extreme pain!    


The torment soon ended, and the gunfire finally stopped.    


Someone shouted in English in the hotel lobby, "Surrender, you have nowhere to run. This place is already surrounded!"    


"All of you, back off!" Someone in the hall replied in English, "Otherwise, I will kill him!"    


The police and Israeli soldiers in the hall backed out, followed by the plainclothes men. They were the last to go in, but they were the last to come out. It could be determined that when the battle had begun, they had actually been at the forefront.    


Xia Lei's gaze fell on a bald man who was holding a loudspeaker, and he immediately recognized who the man was. In Seoul, South Korea, he had met this man, a man who commanded CIA agents. In Afghanistan, Ye Liena had mentioned this man's identity before. He was the CIA's Middle East Supervisor, Goodson.    


Xia Lei suddenly thought of Liang Siyao. She had appeared, and so had Goodson. At the sight of Goodson, he was certain that the CIA knew he had come to Israel and was on the move.    


Just as Xia Lei was thinking about this, a young man of Chinese descent walked out of the hotel with a golden-haired man in his arms. He was covered in blood, and his injuries were severe, but his eyes were terrifying. He put his arm around the blond man's neck, and with his other hand he gripped a pistol, the muzzle of which was pressed against the blond man's head.    


"Put down the spear!" Goodson launched a psychological attack. "You are injured, and you need treatment." You put the gun down and we'll treat you. I assure you that no one will harm you and that you will be judged fairly. If you have something of value, we can make a deal with you, you know, I mean. "    


Over here, Long Bing lowered her voice, "He is called Wang Hai, a member of the other group. "I heard that he is a very filial person, his mother ?"    


She could not continue.    


Xia Lei looked at Wang Hai's face. Wang Hai's face was covered in blood, but at this moment, there was an indescribable feeling of radiance that touched his heart.    


"Brothers!" Wang Hai suddenly said in Chinese, "You guys go first, I'll be right there! I have a message for you, the sheep in our village have already returned to the sheepfold! "    


"What did you say?" It was obvious that Goodson didn't understand Wang Hai's words, but he guessed what Wang Hai was trying to do, so he followed suit and roared, "Put down your weapon, don't be rash! "You will die!"    


"Bah!" Wang Hai spat a mouthful of blood on the ground. "I'm going to drag you down with me even if I have to die!"    


"You ?"    


Bang! A gunshot rang out and Wang Hai shot out, blowing off the golden-haired man's head. Then he turned the muzzle of the gun and fired at Goodson.    


Unfortunately, before he could pull the trigger again, a bullet flew from his side and hit his body.    


Blood splashed everywhere as Wang Hai fell to the ground.    


"Damn it!" Goodson slammed the loudspeaker in his hand onto the ground and roared, "A bunch of useless bums! How dare they not catch a single one of them alive!?!" "Search, go search in their room. We must find some clues!"    


A few CIA plainclothes agents rushed into the hotel.    


Subsequently, two Israeli police officers carried out a corpse, which was also a Chinese youth. Including Dou Yong who had fallen onto the roof and Wang Hai who had died in battle, three of the four agents of the 101st Bureau had died. The other one was nowhere to be seen.    


"Let's go." Tang Yuyan said: "Things might turn out differently."    


Xia Lei knew what the turning point she was talking about was. Out of the four agents in the 101st Bureau, three had died, while the other one had disappeared. There was a situation in which the four 101 agents had detected it and moved the members of the group to a safe location in time.    


"Do you still remember what Wang Hai said?" Xia Lei thought for a while and said: "He said that our village's sheep have already returned to the sheepfold. Is this a hint?"    


Long Bing said in a low voice, "It should be. Leaving here, I will contact our intelligence personnel to confirm the situation. "    


The three of them quickly left.    


After reaching the end of the street, Xia Lei turned around to take a look.    


Goodson stood at the entrance to the hotel, looking around as if searching for something. A large group of Israeli soldiers were clearing the scene and maintaining order.    


Xia Lei's gaze suddenly shifted to a group of observers on the side of the street. His gaze suddenly stopped at a woman. That woman was none other than Liang Siyao who he had met at her own mountain!    


Xia Lei's heart immediately churned, "Isn't Liang Siyao an agent of the CIA? At this time, she should have been involved in the operation. However, she was standing in the crowd and peeking at them. Had she already left the CIA? Or was it because she had a quest to follow? "    


If he did not personally ask Liang Siyao these questions, he would not be able to find an answer.    


As the three of them walked past a corner, Long Bing took out her phone and made a call. She first said a series of complex codes, and waited until the other party confirmed them before she officially said, "Our situation is very dangerous, and we need protection. In addition, I need the latest information. "    


Xia Lei looked at Long Bing who was speaking, he could not hear the voice inside the phone, but he could guess that the other party was giving Long Bing protection, as well as the latest information. Although he was the leader of this treasure hunt, he did not have the authority to activate the intelligence report of the 101st Bureau.    


Sure enough, after the call, Long Bing said: "We are going to the Information Station. The secret agent that is still alive is called Ma Jun. When we were at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, our Information Station obtained urgent information and informed them in time. They didn't have enough time to report back to us, so they immediately started the transfer plan. "    


Xia Lei heaved a long sigh of relief, "Fortunately this is the result, otherwise, I'm afraid our operation here would have ended long ago."    


Tang Yuyan looked at Xia Lei, "Are you saying that we still have a chance to complete the mission?"    


Xia Lei said: "I do not know how the CIA people knew that we had an expert group here, but I believe that even if they had some information, it would not be enough to know the purpose of the group. Otherwise, since the group of experts has been here for such a long time, if they were to make a move, they wouldn't have waited until this day. "    


"Stop talking, let's go back to Information Station and talk." Long Bing stood by the side of the road and stopped a taxi.    


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