Tranxending Vision

C411 Is it a box?

C411 Is it a box?

At the turn of the mountain road, armoured personnel carriers equipped with heavy machine guns quickly came into view. Behind them, more than a dozen warrior car followed behind. They passed through the mountain road in a formidable array.    


In the sky, a gun-mounted helicopter flew past at a low speed, monitoring the area around the road.    


With this battle, who would dare to block the way? Who would dare to act rashly?    


This was the Special Forces sent over by Ling Hao for him by the "higher-ups". There were sixty Special Forces soldiers and one military officer in charge of the school. They would follow Xia Lei to the Rayma Military Factory. They would care about nothing but protecting the two ancient alloy s. With them in the Rayma Military Factory, Xia Lei was not worried at all that someone would steal the two ancient alloy s from him, unless that person did not want to live.    


Outside the window, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green mountains, the fiery red maple leaves, the scenery was as enchanting as ever. Xia Lei's gaze, however, was fixated on a seat opposite of him. In that chair, a woman so beautiful it felt unreal sat quietly, looking straight at him.    


She was Princess Young-mei, she did not have clothes.    


Xia Lei suspected that he had destroyed her clothes in the tomb chamber beneath the ancient city, which was why she looked this way. He couldn't tell what she was now, or if she was conscious, but that didn't seem to prevent him from admiring her beauty or his delicate body that made people's noses bleed.    


Long Bing stretched out a hand and waved it in front of Xia Lei's eyes. Long Bing said: "What are you looking at? "All eyes are locked on."    


Xia Lei regained his senses and laughed: "Nothing, I'm thinking about something."    


"Are you thinking about how to break the secrets of the Divine Secret Gold s and bronze valuable book?" Long Bing took the initiative to guess at this place.    


"Yeah." Xia Lei wished she could guess, and said: "This matter is rather troublesome, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't agree to take over this mission."    


Long Bing curled her lips, "Come on, I'm not such a gullible woman. Half of the men who lied to me stayed in the hospital. "    


"So, you still don't have a boyfriend." Xia Lei laughed and said: "You should pretend to be stupid, and let the man deceive you, to coax you."    


Long Bing looked at Xia Lei, and after delaying for around ten seconds, she suddenly stepped on Xia Lei's back.    


Xia Lei could not resist calling out, and changed the topic, "Long Bing, I need to ask you something."    


"What is it?"    


"Tell me, is there a ghost in this world?"    


"Why did you ask me this? It's a childish question."    


"I'm just asking casually. Just tell me what you think." Xia Lei said.    


Long Bing said: "I don't think there are any ghosts in this world. Otherwise, for people like you and me, who knows how many evil spirits come and take our lives every night."    


Xia Lei was slightly taken aback. He understood what she meant. He and she were both people whose hands were covered in blood. If there really was a ghost, then wouldn't those who were killed by him and her be able to ask for debt? His gaze shifted to Princess Young-mei. If she wasn't a ghost, then what was she?    


"You aren't thinking of trying to decipher the God Secret Gold's attribute and bronze valuable book from the perspective of a ghost, are you?" Long Bing looked at Xia Lei strangely.    


Xia Lei smirked, "Didn't I say it? I was just casually asking, how did you end up talking about breaking ancient alloy s? "I've been to high school, so I'm an intellectual, right?"    


Long Bing burst out laughing, "Don't say those words in front of Ling Hao and the other academicians from the Academy, I will laugh at you."    


"Aren't you laughing at me?" Xia Lei didn't really mind at all. He just wanted to divert Long Bing's attention.    


"Oh yeah, has Tang Yuyan come to find you during this period of time?"    


Xia Lei shook his head, "No, I've been very busy recently, so I've always kept my hands locked. I was busy today, but here you are. I was thinking of going on holiday... Right, why are you asking about this? "    


"I was just casually asking." Long Bing said.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly, and his gaze moved towards Princess Young-mei.    


At this time, the Princess Young-mei suddenly revealed a smile.    


Returning to the Rayma Military Factory, Xia Lei set up his laboratory in the basement of the villa. This way, it would reduce the chance of people spying on him and also reduce the surveillance from the special forces garrisoned in the Rayma Military Factory. More importantly, in the basement of the villa, there was a safe that he had personally modified.    


The two ancient alloy s were sent to the basement.    


After finishing the handover, the colonel of the special forces Wu Erguo shook hands with Xia Lei, and then went straight to the point, "Mr. Xia, from now on, there will be guards in this basement for two to four hours. While you work, you can let my people leave, but when you store your stuff, my people have to watch. Besides, from now on no one is allowed near this villa except you. "    


Xia Lei said: "No no no, there's still someone else. Her name is Anina. She lives in this villa, and there is no problem with her at all. I can be responsible for all her actions. "    


Wu Duoguo was silent for a moment before saying, "Alright, let's add her in. There can't be a third person."    


Xia Lei said: "No one else can come. The first floor of the villa is for soldiers to use, while the soldiers can also go to the cafeteria to eat."    


"Thank you, it's been a pleasure working with you." Wu Quan ended his conversation with Xia Lei.    


After Wu Gong Guo brought his men and left, there were only Long Bing and Xia Lei left in the basement, along with the two ancient alloy s that were stored in the locket. There was also a very special existence, Princess Young-mei Zhu Xuanyue. Unfortunately, in this world, only Xia Lei could see her.    


Long Bing looked at the basement which only had a workbench and a few mechanical tools, and frowned, "There's nothing here, I'm really curious how you plan to start."    


Xia Lei said: "Don't worry about that, I have my own ways. Well, I have to get to work. You can go, it will be dangerous if you stay. "    


Long Bing hesitated for a moment before saying: "Okay, I will go ask about the progress at Jerusalem, I will give you a call if there's any news."    


Xia Lei watched Long Bing leave, and only after she disappeared from his sight did he open the lock box and take out the two ancient alloy s, placing them on his workbench.    


He stood in front of the workbench and observed the two ancient alloy s.    


Princess Young-mei also came over and stood beside him, staring at the bronze valuable book and the two ancient alloy on the workbench.    


"I'll remember your face." The Princess Young-mei said.    


"Alright, alright, I know. Remember my face." Xia Lei looked at Princess Young-mei snappily, "I say, what exactly are you? Is it fun for you to pester me like this? "    


"I've been waiting for you for a long time."    


"I'm going to pee. Are you coming with me?" Xia Lei walked towards the bathroom and into the bathroom, then unzipped the zipper and prepared to pee.    


The Princess Young-mei appeared beside him soundlessly, his voice was filled with magic, "I remember your face."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


In the end, he was unable to take out the tools to pee, as he was unable to overcome the obstacles of peeing under the Princess Young-mei's gaze. He could not imagine the Princess Young-mei walking around his bed while he slept, and he even more so could not imagine the scene when she was living a life with the Princess Young-mei watching from the side.    


Right now, the most important thing to do was not to solve the secrets of the ancient alloy, but to solve the problem of the Princess Young-mei.    


Returning to the front of the workbench, Xia Lei thought about it, and finally awakened his left eye. He looked at the other ancient alloy that he did not see before.    


When his line of sight passed through that piece of ancient alloy, a terrifying and strange feeling reappeared. He felt as if his entire person was sucked into a dark and cold ice cellar, and he couldn't see anything nor hear anything.    


After two minutes, Xia Lei's vision returned to normal, drenched in cold sweat. He looked around, only to see that the Princess Young-mei had disappeared.    


"Where are you?" Xia Lei tried to call for the Princess Young-mei, but there was no response.    


If he had been able to see when he was looking through the ancient alloy, he would have been able to see what had happened. However, from the very beginning, his line of sight had entered a pitch-black state and he would not have been able to see anything.    


After being stunned for a while, Xia Lei examined the same piece of ancient alloy.    


Without exception, his line of sight once again entered a field of darkness, as if his entire person had fallen into an absolute darkness within an icy cavern. Although this was his third experience, his heart was still filled with fear and reverence.    


A strange thing happened.    


When his vision returned to normal, the Princess Young-mei appeared again. She was smooth and breathtakingly beautiful. She looked at Xia Lei with a peaceful smile at the corner of his mouth.    


This was already the second time she smiled like this. This smile made Xia Lei wonder if she was doing it on purpose.    


Xia Lei's gaze landed on the two ancient alloy, and a bold thought suddenly popped out: "Could it be ? Is it a box? Can my clairvoyance open and close the box? I opened the box and Princess Young-mei appeared. I closed the box and she went back? "    


This was indeed a bold hypothesis, but it was also very reliable.    


"I'll remember your face." Princess Young-mei whispered into Xia Lei's ear.    


"Other than my face, what else can you remember?" Xia Lei said snappily, and tried to see the other piece of ancient alloy.    


As a result, when his vision returned to normal, the Princess Young-mei disappeared again.    


The hypothesis from before was proven, and the two ancient alloy seemed to act as a "soul box", opening it, Princess Young-mei came out. Closing, Princess Young-mei was locked up.    


After locking up Princess Young-mei once again, Xia Lei did not release her again. If she could help him crack the secrets of the ancient alloy, or if he could have a normal chat with her, he would not mind letting her out, but she could only say a few words, and there would be no need for that. Besides, the feeling of being entangled by her was truly strange.    


"If all the ancient alloy parts are assembled together, wouldn't it just be a box? At that time, I used my power to open the complete case, could it be that what was released was the complete Princess Young-mei? " Xia Lei had an even bolder hypothesis in his heart.    


This hypothesis was impossible to prove.    


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