Tranxending Vision

C429 The shy rose quietly bloomed

C429 The shy rose quietly bloomed

After returning to the capital, the first thing Xia Lei did was to return to the Rayma Military Factory and lock up Princess Young-mei. After confirming her ability to make people go crazy and die forever, Xia Lei didn't dare to casually let her out. Afterwards, he and Shentu Tianyin went to the fraternal love hospital to visit Fu Mingmei.    


Fu Mingmei was already out of the operation room, but she had not recovered from the anesthesia. Shentu Tianyin arranged for people to take care of her, then left the hospital with Xia Lei.    


"I think we should tell Mingmei's father. He should know about this." As they were walking out of the hospital, Xia Lei said to Shentu Tianyin.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "Tell him tomorrow, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will settle it."    


Xia Lei sighed, "Fortunately, those people did not have the intention to kill her, otherwise, she would not be in this world anymore. "In the future, be careful. Bring more bodyguards with you when you go out."    


Shentu Tianyin held onto Xia Lei's arm, "Mn, I will listen to you." She suddenly thought of something, "Oh yeah, I called Gu Kewen. I don't know if she's alright."    


Xia Lei said: "No need, her phone is definitely off."    


"It can't be. I told her that her phone is on 24 hours a day. She can't turn it off." Shentu Tianyin could not believe it, she then took out her phone and called Gu Kewen, but Xia Lei had guessed right, her phone was turned off.    


Shentu Tianyin was an extremely intelligent woman, she seemed to have realized something, "Gu Kewen, she ?"    


Xia Lei said, "She is from the CIA. She was trained there during her disappearance. She returned to your side, helped you do things, and even helped you buy the Gu family's assets just to gain your trust. This time, if it wasn't for her, you wouldn't have been kidnapped, and Mingmei wouldn't have been hurt. "    


Shentu Tianyin's eyes flashed with a hint of guilt, and she said after a moment of silence: "You early on reminded me not to trust Gu Kewen, but I still believed her. "However, it's not that I don't trust your judgement, but that I felt that I had the ability to suppress her. I didn't expect ?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Forget it, why are you bringing up the past. Gu Kewen might have already escaped the country, and the chance to meet him again is almost gone. In addition, An Xiuxian is also involved, you must be careful of him. "    


Shentu Tianyin looked into Xia Lei's eyes, "If he comes to hurt me, you will beat him up, right?"    


Xia Lei replied, "No."    


"Huh?" Shentu Tianyin looked very surprised.    


Xia Lei suddenly laughed: "Before he hurts you, I'll beat him to a pulp."    


Shentu Tianyin lightly hit Xia Lei, with a bit of a pout.    


Xia Lei grabbed her hand, "Tianyin, many people want my life, and the things in my head. If you are with me, there will be many unexpected dangers. Will you still be with me? "    


Shentu Tianyin glared at Xia Lei, "You're not allowed to say such words, you're my fianc?, you're the man that is destined to accompany me for my entire life. If I accept your proposal, that is the same as accepting everything you have. No matter what danger there is, we cannot be separated. "    


Xia Lei's heart was moved, "I ?"    


Shentu Tianyin suddenly kissed his lips, not allowing him to continue.    


This kiss seemed to be the best answer and didn't require any language.    


Many people stopped to watch from the entrance of the hospital, but Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei had already forgotten about them. The two of them had experienced too many twists and turns during the past two years, from meeting each other to getting engaged. Their feelings were also suppressed. Once they had the chance to be free, why would they care about the secular world's opinions?    


However, in the end, they left the hospital as if they were escaping after calming down in front of a large crowd.    


When he returned to Shentu Tianyin's home in the capital, Shen-tu Ren had already fallen asleep. Shentu Tianyin didn't want to tell this matter to the Shen-tu to prevent him from being worried.    


Upstairs, Shentu Tianyin held Xia Lei's hand, "Come to my room, I will treat your wounds."    


Xia Lei was a little embarrassed and a little nervous, but the awkwardness and nervousness quickly disappeared. He and Shentu Tianyin had already become unmarried couples, and their relationship was even closer than when he was with Liang Siyao. Go to her room, and ask her to help treat his wounds, what was there to be embarrassed and nervous about?    


"I'll go get the medicine box. Wait a moment." After bringing Xia Lei into the room, Shentu Tianyin said.    


Xia Lei said: "Then I'll take a bath first, my body is a little itchy."    


Shentu Tianyin laughed, "Then you can only use my towel and bathrobe. My dad is already asleep, I don't want to go to his room to get you his towel and bathrobe."    


Xia Lei was no longer embarrassed, but thinking he had to use a woman's towel and bathrobe, he became embarrassed again.    


After Shentu Tianyin left, Xia Lei entered the bathroom in his room. He did not use the bathtub, but only used the shower to wash off the sweat and blood stains on his body, as well as the dirty things from the Ba Mao Cong seeds. It was only when he was bathing that he discovered that his body was full of small wounds that had been cut by the sawteeth on the leaves of Barnabas.    


Looking at the wound on his butt in the mirror, Xia Lei frowned and muttered to himself, "Don't tell me that Tian Yin will also have to treat the wound here for me? Isn't that too embarrassing? "    


Still awkward.    


Coming out from the bathroom, Xia Lei put on Shentu Tianyin's bathrobe. It was pink, and had a flower design, very fancy.    


After taking care of the problems on his body, Xia Lei sat on the side of the bed and waited, but that wait lasted half an hour. He felt a little puzzled in his heart. "Could it be that there's no medicine box at home and she went out to buy it?" Then, he smiled bitterly, "Fortunately, it's only a small wound. If it was a serious injury, I would have lost my life after waiting for so long."    


When one was alone in a room, one couldn't help but let one's imagination run wild.    


After waiting for a few more minutes, Shentu Tianyin finally returned. She also took a bath and wore a pure white bathrobe. Her black hair was scattered on her shoulders and there were still some water droplets remaining on her hair. Her body was fragrant, and her face seemed to have been adorned with makeup. Her eyebrows were like phoenix eyes, her cherry lips were tender and rosy, and her face was like a carved jade plate. She was as beautiful as a direct descendant.    


She was carrying a medicine kit in her hand, and her eyes were bright. If she was wearing nurse clothes, she would be the most beautiful nurse in the world.    


Xia Lei's eyes could not help but freeze for a moment. She was his woman, too beautiful, and his heart was full of happiness.    


Xia Lei's reaction made Shentu Tianyin smile, she walked over and cut straight to the point, "Take off your bathrobe, I will treat your wounds."    


Xia Lei regained his senses and untied his belt.    


"Pfft ? ?" Shentu Tianyin suddenly covered her small mouth as she laughed so hard that her waist bent.    


Only then did Xia Lei realize that he had revealed a piece of red lace. He should have told Shentu Tianyin first, to let her prepare mentally, but he forgot.    


"That... Mine is broken, and dirty as well. " Xia Lei embarrassedly explained, "So, I ? You don't mind wearing yours, do you? "    


Shentu Tianyin pursed her lips and laughed: We are already husband and wife, what is there to mind? If you want to wear it, I have a lot of other colors and styles. "    


Xia Lei's face had already turned into a "exchange" shape.    


"You look pretty good in it." Shentu Tianyin laughed again.    


"Can I not mention it anymore?" Xia Lei laughed bitterly: "I'm already embarrassed enough."    


"Alright, alright, I won't tease you anymore. I'll treat your wounds." Shentu Tianyin opened the medicine box and sprayed a bottle of hydrogen peroxide on Xia Lei's wounds.    


The hydrogen peroxide cut across the flesh, causing Xia Lei to grimace in pain.    


Sprinkling the front, Shentu Tianyin said: "Lie on the bed, let me spray the wound on your back."    


Xia Lei laid on the bed, his mind was in a mess.    


Shentu Tianyin quickly spat out the wounds on her back and legs.    


Xia Lei was suddenly nervous, "Tianyin..."    


Puff puff! The hydrogen peroxide dripped down.    


Xia Lei let out a light groan as he was forced to swallow back the words that he wanted to say.    


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