Tranxending Vision

C569 Different treatment of the Chief of Section

C569 Different treatment of the Chief of Section

Xia Lei's group was arranged to stay in the Rhine Metal's inner guest room. Mark Amin had people empty the entire floor and there were a lot of rooms, so Tang Yuyan naturally couldn't share a room with him. Her words of "I'll go and live in the same room as Xia Lei" was just a joke.    


The guest house was not open to the public, and those who could stay were all important customers of the Rhine Metal, as well as important guests from other countries. Therefore, its environment was very comfortable and quiet.    


Xia Lei randomly picked a room and Long Bing and Tang Yuyan went to the left room and the right room respectively. It was as if the two girls were sitting in the same position as him on the sofa, holding him in the middle. Anina was even deprived of the chance to live next to Xia Lei, so she stayed on Long Bing's left side. Liu Zhengnan then moved into the room on the right side of Tang Yuyan's room.    


Xia Lei was the key to success or failure in this transaction, he could not afford to make any mistakes, furthermore, he had the X-Secret Gold Project's research mission on him. He was basically the national treasure of the Grand China now, and Shi Boren had placed Long Bing and Tang Yuyan by his side in order to protect him.    


After dinner, Xia Lei received a phone call from Ling Hao.    


"Xia Lei, how are things over there?" Ling Hao went straight to the point.    


Xia Lei said: "There were some problems at the beginning, but they have all been solved."    


"Trouble? "What trouble?"    


"We were arranged to be in the Rhine Metal and the CEO wanted to stall for time, so she was very arrogant. However, it has already been resolved. "    


"Rhine Metal is a world-class big shot, it's normal for them to have a slightly arrogant attitude. You don't have to mind. "    


"I know what's important, don't worry, Brother Ling." Xia Lei said.    


"You are a person that understands the general picture, of course I don't have to worry. Also, you just said that the CEO wanted to stall for time. Although I don't understand his motives, I have to remind you that your project is a bit simpler and you need to stall for time. Otherwise, the people they left behind might not keep their promise and give us the complete set of skills. Do you understand what I mean? " This was the reason for Ling Hao's call.    


Xia Lei said: "I understand, I know what to do."    


"In addition, I am calling to assure you of the safety of your family. Your company is run by your wife, and we give you a certain amount of preferential policy. In short, your company won't lose anything. " Ling Hao said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Brother Ling, the reason you called me right?    


"I gave you one when you were still in the country. Now, I'll give you another for you to eat. The purpose is for you to do it properly and make this matter even more interesting."    


"I will. I promise I will complete the mission." Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "Oh right, Brother Ling, there's one thing I want to ask of you."    


"What is it?"    


"You know, I have a lot of opponents. The CIA is also my nemesis. I'm in Germany, and I'm a little worried that some people will attack the people around me. I'd like you to send some people to protect them from the shadows.    


"Of course, just give me a list."    


Xia Lei said: "My wife Shentu Tianyin, my sister Xia Xue, and... My good friend Jiang Ruyi. "    


"Good friend Jiang Ruyi?"    


"En, good friend Jiang Ruyi."    


"Hur hur." Ling Hao laughed, "Alright, in fact, I have already sent people to protect your wife and sister, and the Jiang Ruyi that you mentioned, I will send more people to protect her."    


"Thank you, Brother Ling."    


"You have to contact me for any information. Alright, that's all. Goodbye." Ling Hao hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei kept his satellite telephone and muttered: "My good friend Jiang Ruyi, what is he laughing about?"    


Ling Hao's strange smile made Xia Lei a little speechless, but this time Ling Hao gave him a peace of mind pill to eat, which completely solved the worry in his heart. With Ling Hao's status, the bodyguards he sent out would definitely be the elite bodyguards of Grand China. With such protection from Shentu Tianyin, Xia Xue and Jiang Ruyi, he would be able to do whatever he wanted with ease.    


Xia Lei walked to the window, opened the curtain and looked at the distant factory. Although he was more than a kilometer away and it was night again, his left eye could still clearly see what was going on inside the factory. He saw workshops, some of them for assembling Panther 2 tanks, others for assembling infantry tanks and self-propelled artillery. Although the shops were lit, there were no workers working overtime except for a few guards.    


The labor cost in Europe was very high, even big military workers like Rhine Metal were not willing to pay the high cost of overtime work. This was the complete opposite of what happened in Grand China. In Grand China, there were very few workers who did not work overtime. Some of the factories were even on the third shift. There were workers working twenty-four hours a day, and it was a lot of work.    


Xia Lei's left eye swept across those workshops, and a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, "Rhine Metal's artillery technology is unique throughout the world, and their forging and finishing techniques are also the most advanced in the world. Since I'm here, I can't leave empty-handed, right? No matter what, we have to take advantage of the situation and take some advanced technology with us, right? "    


Forging and finishing were both weak points of the Grand China. If he could get the scriptures here, then it would definitely be a huge gain. Maybe when they expanded their Rayma Military Factory in the future, these technologies would come in handy. They would become the cannons, tanks, and self-propelled cannons of the Rayma Military Factory. Not just light weapons!    


This thought made Xia Lei a little impulsive. He even wanted to sneak into the Rhine Metal's workshop to look through their machines and secretly learn their techniques. However, in the end, he still restrained himself and did not do so.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to turn his gaze away and take a bath to sleep ? At the corner of a workshop, a black man suddenly entered his line of sight. His skin and the black clothes on him had cleverly merged with his surroundings. If not for the extraordinary ability of Xia Lei's left eye, he would not have been able to notice the existence of the black man.    


The black man was holding onto a high-powered military telescope as he looked in the direction of the guest house.    


"Is he watching me?" Xia Lei immediately became vigilant as his left eye locked onto the black man.    


The black man clearly didn't think that Xia Lei would be able to see him hiding in the darkness from such a distance, so he didn't hide, and continued to look at Xia Lei with his binoculars. He did not know, that Xia Lei had not only seen him, but also his eyes which were hidden behind the telescope.    


Ten seconds later, Xia Lei moved his gaze and closed the curtains. However, his left eye could still see the black man a kilometer away through the curtain.    


After about ten seconds, the African man put away his telescope and walked away along the corner of the wall.    


Xia Lei's heart was also sunk in thought, "What kind of identity does he have? Could it be that the people of the Rhine Metal, who work for Mark Amin, were sent by Mark Amin to monitor me? However, that's not possible, I'm in the Rhine Metal, if Mark Amin wanted to spy on me, he can make this guest house's people do this kind of thing, it would save them a lot of trouble. If he isn't someone from the Rhine Metal, then who is he? CIA agent? Or a member of the FA? "    


In the end, these two guesses made his heart turn heavy.    


Knock, knock, knock. The sound of knocking could be heard.    


Xia Lei turned around and took a look. Realizing that it was Tang Yuyan, he followed: "Come in, the door isn't locked."    


Tang Yuyan opened the door and walked in. She then closed the door, "Boss Shi contacted me just now, he said that we must protect you closely and not let any mishaps happen to you. From now on, Long Bing and I will work separately. I will protect you for the first half of the night, she will protect you for the second half of the night. Regardless of whether it is Long Bing or me, during the time that we are protecting you, you cannot leave our sight. "    


had only just found out about this person and already came over to raise the security level. Xia Lei could not help but guess in his heart, "Did you guys get any information?"    


Tang Yuyan said: "We suspect that the CIA already know where you are. Although we do not know the source of the information, we still need to take security measures."    


Xia Lei frowned, "We came to Germany secretly, even to Walden Town, there were German special forces protecting us, sealing off our path, how would the Americans know where we are?"    


Tang Yuyan shook her head, "That I do not know, as long as there is information, Boss Shi will inform us. In short, from now on, Long Bing and I will be separated into classes, and we will protect you 24 hours a day. "    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "Just now, I found a suspicious looking black man outside the guest house. He seems to be monitoring me, could it be that he is really from the CIA?"    


"Where is he?" Tang Yuyan walked towards the window.    


Xia Lei said: "Don't look, he's already gone."    


Tang Yuyan stopped walking, "It looks like the information we obtained is very likely to be true. The CIA has already taken action. "For your safety, from now on, nothing you do can get out of my sight."    


"Wait ?" "Do you say that nothing I do can get out of your sight?"    


"Of course. This is the highest level of protection. "    


"What if I want to take a bath?"    


"You can't leave my sight, but you can wash it in your pants." Tang Yuyan said.    


"Then what if I want to let go?"    


Tang Yuyan bit her lips, "Then untie your back from me!"    


"What if it's big?"    


"You ?" Tang Yuyan puffed her cheeks: "You did that on purpose, right?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "You should go back and sleep, I don't need this type of close protection. At night, both you and Long Bing just need to pay more attention and listen for any movements. It's not like we haven't fought together before, you know how strong I am. "    


"Humph!" I'm too lazy to protect you! "If you want to leave, go!" Tang Yuyan left Xia Lei's room in a huff.    


Xia Lei heaved a sigh of relief. He lay in bed, thinking about the black man.    


During the latter half of the night, Long Bing had really come. Once she entered, she locked the door, and then crawled into Xia Lei's bed.    


"I'll protect you."    


"How do you want to protect me?"    


Long Bing moved closer to Xia Lei's ear and blew some hot air into his ear, "I'm going to swallow you into my stomach. It's safe and warm, what do you think?"    


Xia Lei suddenly turned and pressed her down from the sky ?    


Although they were both section chiefs of the 101st Board and they carried out the same mission, the treatment of Division Chief Long and Division Chief Tang were different.    


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