Tranxending Vision

C580 The box Town of the Heroic Spirits

C580 The box Town of the Heroic Spirits

A Mercedes-Benz sedan was escorted by several Mercedes-Benz G-Type heavy military off-road vehicles as it drove down a road. In front of the Mercedes-Benz, a police car was clearing the way. Those who did not know the situation might even think that some country's political dignitaries had come to Germany to visit.    


In the Mercedes-Benz, Sylvia and Xia Lei sat on the sofa in the back, their backs facing each other. The driver was unable to see what was going on behind him. The car was equipped with an advanced audiovisual system and a wine cabinet. It was very luxurious. However, Xia Lei was too used to sitting in the Rolls Royce Phantom Shadow, so he didn't think that this car was that good. He also had a Ferrari FF sports car and a Suburban SUV, so it didn't feel like much to him.    


It was the people around him that had affected him quite a bit.    


If his eyes were compared to a bee, then the two bumps on Sylvia's chest and the faint dent on the triangle region were like a rose emitting the rich fragrance of flowers, tempting his bees to fly over and pick nectar at all times.    


However, Sylvia had even purposely tightened the skirt on her body so that the cloth would stick to her skin. Her beautiful legs shifted from time to time. Sometimes her left leg rested on her right leg, and sometimes her right leg rested on her left leg.    


Xia Lei laughed bitterly in his heart, "She did it so obviously, but I was indifferent to it. I am probably one of the few in the modern society who are able to benefit from it, am I not? I really want Tian Yin to come here and see my performance. "    


A man like him couldn't help but forget himself.    


But just when he felt that his control was good and his performance was outstanding, Sylvia suddenly placed all of them on his lap. His body stiffened and his gaze shifted to the hand.    


Sylvia's gentleness was boneless and very warm, causing one to be unable to resist the illusion of being held tightly by it.    


"Mr. Xia, you're about to return home, right?" Sylvia broke the silence between the two.    


Xia Lei was still looking at that hand, "Hmm, in another week, once the project here is finished I will return home."    


"Mr. Mark Amin has entrusted me with the task of accepting your project." Sylvia said.    


Just now, he had already wanted to remove Sylvia's hand from his thigh, but with that one sentence, the hand that was placed on his thigh seemed to have turned into an extremely heavy boulder that took root in his leg, and was difficult to remove.    


At this time, she brought up the matter of the project acceptance check. It did not seem to be just a matter of the project acceptance check.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then I will have to ask of you to take care of me.    


"Is there really no problem?" Sylvia's hand slid a little upwards. It was just a little bit, but it made Xia Lei very nervous.    


"Of course not." Xia Lei said as he reached out and took Sylvia's hand.    


The corner of Sylvia's mouth curled up and her eyes were filled with disappointment. She said: "Right, have you written a letter to Hillman?"    


Adolf Hillman was the person from the AE Research Center who had captured Xia Lei. Until now, his opponent had yet to show his face. Xia Lei asked Sylvia for Adolf Hillman's e-mail account, but did not write him a letter. Xia Lei only said that he wanted to crack his email. He then went in to see if there were any secrets about AE Research Center. However, he had tried many times with just his e-mail account, and it had never been able to enter that e-mail address.    


"No, has he been in touch with you recently?" Xia Lei asked.    


Sylvia shook her head, "No, I wrote a letter about breaking up with him, he should understand my intentions. Even if he does contact me, I won't bother with him anymore. "    


Xia Lei fell into deep thought. AE Research Center, CIA, FA, these were his opponents, each one stronger than the last. He was in Europe now, a land that saw the Grand China as an opponent. He built a weapon production line and assembled the most advanced machine tools on this piece of land for three months. In this period of time, no major events had occurred, other than the one time when Adolf Hillman used Sylvia. However, this calmness was abnormal. It's simple. AE Research Center knows he's in Germany. How could the CIA not know? The two American institutions are in common. The CIA knew he was in the Rhine Metal Corp, so how could it not know the power of FA?    


The black man appeared in Xia Lei's mind once more. He was like a ghost, appearing and disappearing soundlessly. What he brought with him was a kind of pressure like that of an ant attaching to a monster.    


Right now, Xia Lei was about to finish his mission in Germany and return to Grand China, but these three forces still maintained their silence, this was abnormal.    


Not knowing why, but after Sylvia mentioned Adolf Hillman, Xia Lei felt an additional formless pressure in his heart. His heart also became heavy. He had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen. However, he couldn't find a single trace of what had happened or who he had come into contact with in this period of time.    


"What are you thinking?" Sylvia looked at Xia Lei, and guessed his thoughts.    


Xia Lei regained his senses and laughed: "Nothing."    


"I heard that you built a beautiful castle for Anina. Is that true?"    


"Yes, it's true. She worked for me and did a lot, and I should pay her back. " Xia Lei said.    


"How much did the castle cost?"    


"Around 20 million, maybe a little more, but not more than 30 million."    


"Wow, she's so lucky. My salary in Rhine Metal Corp, even if I had to work my entire life, I still wouldn't be able to earn that much money that you gave her. "Hmm, is your company still lacking people?" Sylvia tried to test the waters.    


Xia Lei was startled for a moment, "You ? Want to join my company? "    


"Why not? I'm free to work wherever I want to. If you give me the same treatment as Anina, I will consider it. " Sylvia said.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Alright, if you come, I will welcome you anytime. Furthermore, I will give you the same treatment as Anina. "    


Sylvia was an even stronger Mechanic than Anina, this could be seen from how she controlled the finishing workshop in Rhine Metal Corp. Furthermore, if she were to become the Rayma Military Factory, then it would not only be her own ability that she would bring along, but also some of the techniques that the Rhine Metal Corp had learned. More importantly, her experience!    


"Is this a sincere invitation?" Sylvia's eyes contained a trace of something strange.    


Xia Lei nodded, "Of course it's sincere."    


However, Sylvia smirked, "I can't see your sincerity."    


Xia Lei was startled, and then he understood. Sylvia was not only there for the treatment he gave Anina, he was also here for the handsome guy. The top female mechanic in Germany was after money.    


This way, Xia Lei hesitated. Just as Anina left him, deciding to stay in Germany, he found a substitute and dug Sylvia up into the Rayma Military Factory. What was this? Moreover, his love life had always been in a state of chaos, and he could not afford any more of it.    


Xia Lei only smiled and did not say anything else.    


Sylvia sighed softly and closed her mouth.    


The team drove out of the city and down the Rhine, arriving at a small town by the sea.    


The town was beautiful and clean, and most of the Viking buildings were unique.    


"Mr. Xia, this town is called the Spirit Box Town." Sylvia said.    


"Heroic Spirit Box Town?" Xia Lei laughed, "This name is really strange."    


"Yeah, when I first came here, I also felt that it was strange, but Mr. Mark Amin told me a story about it, I felt that it was very interesting."    


"What story?"    


"This town is said to be the place where a group of Viking died in battle. They landed here and died in battle here. There was only one female pirate left, Claire, who had taken her revenge and taken root here to build the town. She named the town the Spirit Box. " Sylvia said: "Oh, that's right, Mr. Mark Amin said that he also has the blood of a Viking. His family has collected a lot of things from the Viking era, such as armors, blades, shields and so on."    


Xia Lei thought for a moment and said, "According to the Viking's belief, after the warriors die in the battlefield, their Heroic Spirits will go into the Heaven Palace to drink and tell their legends. It's normal for this town to be called Heroic Spirit Town, but what does that have to do with the box? "    


For some reason, Xia Lei was especially sensitive to the word "box".    


Sylvia laughed, "I do not know about that. If you have the chance, go and ask if Mister has seen it.    


As they spoke, the caravan entered a large door.    


Mark Amin's home had a very wide garden and grass, it also had a very big wooden building with the viking style. When he got off the car, Xia Lei saw a Wiggin Battleship placed on the grass. Although it was a very small type of ship, it was enough to make him feel exaggerated. If not for Sylvia's story and what she saw in front of him, he would not have known that the Mark Amin in charge of the Rhine Metal Corp was a fanatical follower of the Viking culture.    


Sylvia moved closer and reached her hand into Xia Lei's arm.    


Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, but did not object. It was not a big deal in the West to bring a woman to a party and enter it arm in arm with her. In the West, many girls go from girls to women, and many girls who want to eat apples at parties end up eating bananas.    


Mark Amin welcomed him with a smile, "Ah ha, Mr. Xia, welcome. It looks like I have done one thing right, and that is to get Miss Sylvia to come and invite you. If I were a different person, you would definitely not honor me. "    


With just a single sentence, he praised Sylvia, and even made him feel comfortable.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Mr. Mark Amin, you're welcome, happy birthday."    


"Thank you." Mark Amin and Xia Lei embraced each other for a while, then said: "Please speak."    


Sylvia also hugged Mark Amin for a while, and then wrapped his arm around Xia Lei's arm, and entered Mark Amin's house.    


At the same time, several Suburban Land Cruisers drove slowly down the coastal road toward the town of Spirit's box.    


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