Tranxending Vision

C578 super brain

C578 super brain

A week later, the equipment and parts transported from the Grand China arrived at the Rhine Metal Corp. In this half a month's time, Xia Lei had finished preparing the parts needed to create the Raylong intelligent machine tool. In addition, with the help of Sylvia and her subordinates, he had also done most of the basic work of building the XL2500 sniper rifle and the blast assault rifle production line. According to this progress, in another month's time, Xia Lei would be able to deliver two production lines and a Raylong intelligent machine tool to the German side to complete his mission and return to the Grand China.    


However, when the equipment and parts were brought over from the Grand China, Xia Lei slowed down his construction speed. It was for no other reason but because Ling Hao had warned him before that he could not complete the German side Engineering Team first. He had to keep a hand in everything.    


If he did not rush the progress, Xia Lei would have more time. He went to the workshop on time and got off work on time, not even a minute more. In addition, he also wandered around during normal working hours, either going to the cannon workshop for a stroll or to the tank shop for a look.    


Xia Lei was not going to these workshops alone, he would call Sylvia every time, and Sylvia would always go with him. Sometimes, Sylvia would even introduce to Xia Lei the performance of a certain weapon, its cost and sales to those areas, etc.    


In this period of time, Xia Lei had used his clairvoyance and the abilities of his brain to break through his previous limits. What he saw with his left eye, was what his brain remembered.    


Now, as soon as he closed his eyes, there were machines, cables, and fibers in his mind. These things in turn would form production lines. Some would produce production lines for artillery systems, some would produce production lines for tanks, some would produce production lines for armoured vehicles, and some would produce production lines for defense systems. Moreover, in his mind, these production lines were a complete production line. From large-scale machine tools, to cooling water pipes, to the internal structure of the machines, to electrical engineering, everything was prepared. Even a fiber optic fiber and a screw were not lacking!    


Now, as long as he was willing, his brain could even choose a production line to simulate production. He could build cannons, tanks, and tanks!    


It was only when he broke through the limits of using his brain that he realized that his understanding of his brain was far from sufficient. If his brain was described as an iceberg, then he had only discovered one corner of this iceberg!    


How much has the human brain developed? How much potential remained untapped?    


Some believe that five percent has already been developed, while some geniuses have nine or ten percent. However, even if he was a genius, 90% of his brain was out of hibernation and had yet to be developed. In the case of Einstein, the most brilliant man in human history, scientists opened up his brain after he died and found that even he used only a third of his brain, and two-thirds of it was dormant.    


There were also experts who believed that the limit of a human's IQ was 2000, but the reality was that people with an IQ of 150 were all called geniuses. In other words, even a genius could only develop a part of their brain with less than a tenth of its capacity. The vast majority of their brain was in a dormant state.    


But this is a trend. Modern people are smarter than ancient people. Humans have been evolving, and the human brain has been developing its potential. Based on this trend, humans in two thousand years would definitely be smarter than they are right now. And a human two thousand years from now would surely be smarter than the first two thousand years from now. If this continued, perhaps one day, humans would be able to develop all of their brains.    


What would the humans at that time be like?    


Everyone was an esper, everyone's brain was a super smart computer, developing the interstellar system, creating new life forms, unimaginable!    


However, that was thousands or even tens of thousands of years later. Now, Xia Lei had actually broken through this time limit and enjoyed the benefits of evolution in advance!    


He had never tested his IQ, nor did he know how many regions his brain had developed. However, based on the abilities he displayed now, he was definitely a smarter person than Einstein!    


There was no need to prove this hypothesis, because even if Einstein revived and came here, he would not be able to put all of Rhine Metal Corp's workshops into his brain! Not to mention simulating production in the brain!    


However, such a 'superhuman' person, he looked more normal than anyone else, and he was also handsome, which made women like him.    


Sylvia was one of them.    


"Mr. Xia, I've broken up with Adolf Hillman." After work, Sylvia told Xia Lei who was about to pack up his things.    


Xia Lei smiled, "You made the right choice. He used you before, which means that you are not someone very important to him. The sooner you break up with him, the less you'll be hurt. "    


"Yes, I think so too."    


"You called him?"    


"No, his number is off. I emailed him. " Sylvia said: "I proposed a breakup in the mail, but he hasn't replied to me yet. I don't care what answer he gave me, I've already decided that I won't contact him anymore, much less stay with him. "    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "Miss Sylvia, can you give me his mailbox number?"    


Sylvia looked at Xia Lei, "What are you trying to do?"    


Xia Lei said: "I also want to write him a letter. I want to ask him why he wants you to do it."    


Sylvia laughed, she obviously did not believe Xia Lei's words, but she still took out a pen and a note, and wrote down Adolf Hillman's mailbox account on it.    


Xia Lei took the note and looked at it, then casually put it into his pocket. "Miss Sylvia, thank you.    


"Forget it, I know you're using me. That's why you let me go with you, right? " Sylvia said.    


Xia Lei was slightly stunned, he shook his head and said, "It's definitely not what you think."    


That was the truth.    


Sylvia shrugged her shoulders, "If you say so, then so be it, I don't care. "I also don't think that you can learn anything just by walking around those workshops. Otherwise, even if I have the authority, the higher-ups would not allow me to take you wandering around those workshops."    


Sylvia had the same thought, as did the higher ups of the Rhine Metal. However, if they knew that all of Rhine Metal Corp's workshops were currently being stuffed into his brain by Xia Lei, he didn't know whether they would still think this way.    


People were like this. Things that could not be done directly usually thought that other people could not do it either. What's more, it was such an unbelievable thing.    


"No matter what, I still have to thank you. Goodbye, Miss Sylvia." Xia Lei packed up the parts he processed all day and then left the finishing workshop.    


Sylvia chased after him, "Mr. Xia, can I buy you a drink?"    


Xia Lei turned around, "Thank you, there's still no need. I can't go out right now."    


"Because of what happened last time?"    


"That's right. For my safety, our leaders will not allow me to go out." Xia Lei said.    


Sylvia sighed in disappointment. She wanted to follow Xia Lei to the factory area's guest house, but when she saw Long Bing and Tang Yuyan who were standing by the side of the road waiting for her, she immediately dispelled that thought. Every time the two women saw her, their eyes would be terrifyingly cold. She couldn't dodge in time, so how could she dare to stay with them?    


"If that little German bitch dares to follow me, I'll drag her to the bathroom and beat her up." Tang Yuyan said.    


Long Bing said indifferently: "Call me."    


Xia Lei walked towards Long Bing and Tang Yuyan. However, just as he was about to walk up to the two girls, his gaze suddenly shifted to the direction of the cannon workshop. His line of sight and his brain coordinated in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he had finished combing through everything. Then a black man came into view.    


The African man had been watching them. However, when he looked over, the African man lowered his head and his footsteps quickened. He blended into a group of off-duty workers and disappeared in the blink of an eye.    


He thought that he had done a very good job, but Xia Lei's gaze was locked on him, and did not move away from him for even a second.    


Xia Lei thought in his heart: "Isn't this the guy who was using binoculars to watch me when I first came to Rhine Metal? He's here again. "    


Long Bing sensed something and asked softly: "What did you discover?"    


Xia Lei said: "Didn't I mention to you about a black man before? The one who was watching me with a telescope, he appeared again."    


"Where?" Tang Yuyan said: "I will go take him down!"    


Xia Lei grabbed Tang Yuyan's wrist, "Don't go, it will alert the snake. Besides, he was just watching, nothing else. This is Germany, we can't just arrest people or we'll get into trouble. " Without waiting for Tang Yuyan to speak, he grabbed Tang Yuyan and left, "Come, let's go back."    


Tang Yuyan had only struggled slightly, but her strength was not enough to push down a three year old child. After that, she did not even have the chance to struggle, and allowed Xia Lei to hold her hand.    


Long Bing followed behind the two, she gently sighed, and spoke softly, "What kind of girl are you pretending to be? She wasn't tired either. I like it, so let's just hang out together. You want to replace Shentu Tianyin? You want to replace Shentu Tianyin? "Idiot."    


He wondered how Tang Yuyan would feel if she heard Long Bing's words.    


Entering the workshop, Tang Yuyan pretended to be angry and said: "Let go of me, you pervert."    


Only then did Xia Lei let go of Tang Yuyan, and he said: "You're an impatient one, I was afraid that you would actually chase after me and arrest me. Do you think I want to touch your hand? "Boring."    


Tang Yuyan was stunned on the spot.    


Long Bing walked past her and said, "Your acting is really good."    


Tang Yuyan, "..."    


In the stairwell, Xia Lei received Ling Hao's satellite telephone.    


"Xia Lei, you can start assembling your Raylong intelligent machine tool tomorrow, but if you want to control your progress, it would be best if you can use two months to finish assembling it." Ling Hao's voice.    


"Another two months?" Xia Lei complained: "I'm almost suffocating hiding in Rhine Metal Corp."    


German side's engineering team is progressing very quickly. Our personnel have budgeted that they can complete the production line within two months. Then you can go home. I'll give you a celebratory feast. "    


"Alright, I'll endure for another two months." Xia Lei said.    


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