Tranxending Vision

C587 self-redemption

C587 self-redemption

Xia Lei emerged from the pond under the waterfall and followed the flow.    


The sound of gunfire could be heard in the distance from time to time. This matter would not start and end according to Nomosha's wishes, and the Germans and CIA were not easy to deal with. Previously, it was Nomosha who led the FA to ambush the convoy that was escorting Xia Lei. They took advantage of the time and place, as well as heavy weapons and equipment, but now, the CIA and German special forces had intervened to search for and kill the free agent of the FA from the air and the ground.    


Xia Lei did not care about who the final victor of this battle was, and how many free agent from the FA who managed to survive. The situation was good for him, because the CIA and the Germans would think the FA had taken him. The CIA and the Germans would hunt down free agents of the FA, and free agents of the FA would now be able to escape. So neither the CIA nor the Germans, nor the free agents of the FA, would hunt him down.    


The water was cold, and there were many dangers, but Xia Lei did not dare to climb out of the water. Because it was only in the river that he could leave this place without leaving a trace. Once he climbed ashore, the footprints and blood he left behind would become clues for the Germans and the CIA to track him down. There was also the fact that he was going down the river at a much faster pace than he would have if he had been limping on land.    


One hour later.    


Xia Lei released a piece of wood he was hugging and grabbed onto a branch on the shore. Then, he pulled the branch and climbed onto the shore.    


This place was about ten kilometers from the waterfall he had escaped from. At such a distance, although they had yet to completely leave the danger zone, there definitely wouldn't be anyone searching for them.    


Xia Lei raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then quickly dove into the forest on the river bank. He had to be on guard not only against CIA agents and Germans, but also against anyone in the sky. Machines and satellites.    


Xia Lei did not enter deep into the forest, but instead stopped after entering the forest. He sat on the ground and ripped open his pants, revealing the wound on his thigh.    


The wound on her thigh was still bleeding, and there were signs of inflammation around it.    


Xia Lei's left eye twitched slightly and he quickly saw the warhead hidden within his flesh. It was about four centimeters deep in the wound, so it was impossible to dig it out with your bare hands. If he had a pair of tweezers, it would be much easier to retrieve the warhead. However, there was nothing else in his body besides a gun.    


No instruments for surgery, no anesthetic, no pretty, sexy nurse, nothing but trees and stones in this environment. However, the warhead had to be removed from the wound, and the bleeding had to stop. Otherwise, even an iron-forged Superman would die from excessive bleeding.    


Xia Lei scanned his surroundings and quickly locked onto a rock fragment. It was very thin and looked very sharp.    


"That's it, my scalpel." Xia Lei moved over and picked up the stone fragment.    


A minute later, Xia Lei bit off a wooden stick from his mouth, held onto the sharp stone fragments and endured the pain, slowly slicing open his wound.    


After slicing open the wound, Xia Lei bit on the wooden stick tightly and stuck his right index finger into the bullet hole, squeezing in bit by bit. This was an extremely painful process. Every step his finger took, the pain doubled. The accumulated pain tormented his nerves, ravaged his will. Normal people would definitely not be able to endure this kind of pain, because this was already beyond the limit of what humans could bear. Under this level of pain, ordinary people would have already fainted long ago, how could they continue.    


But Xia Lei was still able to keep going, because every time he was about to faint, his brain would release that kind of mysterious energy, allowing his brain to maintain its normal state of mind and remain clear-headed.    


Xia Lei's fingers finally touched the warhead, his fingers stuck to the sides of the warhead as they descended. Then, he dragged the bottom of the warhead, forcefully lifting it up.    


Blood gushed out and a warhead emerged from the wound.    


"Phew ? ? Phew ?" Xia Lei gasped for air.    


On one side, there was a heart-wrenching pain, while on the other, there was a very clear mind. There wasn't even the slightest bit of dizziness. This was a very strange state.    


"Nomosha, you gave this to me. When I have the chance, I will let you have a taste of this feeling." Xia Lei mumbled to himself, his face was covered with sweat and he was grimacing in pain, but there was still a trace of a cruel smile on his face.    


Not having enough time to ease the pain, Xia Lei took out the gun from Sean's hands. He opened the gun's magazine and took out two bullets. He found a stone and broke the shell of two bullets. He dumped the gunpowder from one of the shell onto the stone and poured the gunpowder from the other shell onto the wound on his left leg.    


Two minutes later, Xia Lei smashed the gunpowder that had been poured onto the big rock with a small stone, and the pile of gunpowder immediately burned up. He handed the prepared hay to the flame of the gunpowder, then placed it on the wound on his left leg.    


"Chi!" With a strange sound, a ball of flame rose from the wound on his thigh. Xia Lei also fiercely hugged onto his left leg.    


At this point, the treatment of the wound was complete.    


Xia Lei used a piece of cloth to wrap around the wound, then followed the direction of the riverbed and walked down.    


Night fell. The city of Dusseldorf was brightly lit, looking down from the night sky like a pearl on the Rhine.    


Tonight, unlike usual, there were heavily armed German soldiers in the streets of D?sseldorf. They were very sensitive to yellow-skinned people, and almost all men who found them would come forward to interrogate them, check their papers, and verify their identities. On the surface, in subway stations, airports and hotels, the CIA agents in black suits were doing the same thing. It was just that they didn't question him, but once they found a suspicious target, they would always quietly approach it and surround it.    


Whether it was the Germans or the CIA, they only had one goal, and that was Xia Lei.    


The battle between the Germans, the CIA and the FA had long been over. They did not manage to catch the culprit, Nomosha, but they confirmed one thing, that Xia Lei was not taken away by the FA organisation. He had escaped. That was why he had sent out such a huge net to hunt him down.    


Now, the city of Dusseldorf was like a giant prison. Not only CIA agents, not only German police and military personnel, but also CIA spy satellites and a large number of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft were operating.    


However, Xia Lei had disappeared. He was like a fish swimming into the ocean.    


Where is Xia Lei?    


The Germans and CIA wanted to know, and Long Bing and Tang Yuyan wanted to know too.    


In the basement of a Chinese restaurant in Dusseldorf, a television was broadcasting the current events.    


On the TV screen, a female host was standing in front of the Rhine Metal Corp's entrance, interviewing a sexy German woman.    


"Isn't that the little German bitch?" Tang Yuyan immediately recognized the Sylvia being interviewed.    


Long Bing looked at Sylvia on the television and the sign of the Rhine Metal Corp behind her.    


"Miss Sylvia, I received a news lead saying that a very serious accident happened in Rhine Metal Corp. The military and police are in action right now, is it also because of this accident? Please speak. " The host's voice.    


Sylvia said: "A group of terrorists attacked Mr. Mark Amin's home, and tried to kidnap him, but to no avail. However, Mr. Xia Lei who was from Grand China and had a technical exchange with our company was kidnapped by the terrorists. The military and police are trying to rescue Mr. Xia. He is a very good man, and I pray for his safety. "    


"Is Mr. Mark Amin okay?"    


"He was treated at the hospital. That's why I'm standing here. He's not in a position to be interviewed anymore."    


"Does this terrorist attack have anything to do with our refugee policy?"    


"Maybe, maybe not, I'm just an ordinary person, I don't know much about these things. I only hope now that our army and police will be able to rescue Mr. Xia from those terrorists. "    


The interview continued, but Tang Yuyan had already lost control of her emotions. She kicked on a beer container and bellowed: "That bitch is lying! They were clearly the ones who took Xia Lei away, but now they're saying that it was some terrorist who took Xia Lei away! "Shameless!"    


Long Bing said coldly: "She is a German, and based on the situation today, someone had long planned out what she wanted to say."    


Tang Yuyan kicked the beer keg again, causing the unlucky beer keg to instantly break.    


"According to our intelligence, the Germans and Americans who fought on that road were not winners. Right now, there were two possibilities. The first possibility was that Xia Lei was taken away by those people. The second possibility is that Xia Lei took advantage of the chaos between the two parties to escape. " Long Bing said.    


Tang Yuyan finally calmed down, "Which possibility do you think it is?"    


"The streets outside are now filled with German soldiers and police, as well as CIA agents looking for someone. Our intelligence officers brought back information about German soldiers and police officers questioning young yellow-skinned people on the streets, some of them holding portraits of Xia Lei. The CIA is looking for people at airports, subway stations and hotels, and has used several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. " Long Bing looked at Tang Yuyan, "Tell me, what kind of possibility is this?"    


Tang Yuyan also stared straight at Long Bing, "What you mean is ? Xia Lei took advantage of the chaotic battle between the two sides to escape? "    


Long Bing nodded her head, "There's a ninety percent chance of that happening."    


This seemed to be the reason why she was so calm.    


"Then where is he now?"    


"I don't know."    


"Then let's go find him now! He definitely needs our help! " Tang Yuyan suddenly became excited.    


"Calm down!" Long Bing said coldly, "Don't affect your IQ just because of your hormones. Right now, the whole street was filled with people capturing Xia Lei, do you think we aren't on the list of German and CIA captives? If we go out, not only will we not be able to help Xia Lei, we will also become his burden and bring him trouble. "    


"Are we going to wait here?"    


"Yes, we have to wait here. He knows this station and he will come looking for us. "    


"Are you sure he'll come looking for us?"    


"I'm sure."    


"Do you know him that well?"    


"At least I understand it better than you."    


Tang Yuyan stared at Long Bing and did not speak further. She felt that Long Bing was just showing off.    


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