Tranxending Vision

C591 The most profitable couple in China.

C591 The most profitable couple in China.

One week later, Grand China.    


A warrior truck came to the entrance of the Rayma Military Factory.    


The guards at the factory stopped the car, saw Xia Lei sitting inside, greeted him and then opened the door. Rayma Military Factory's doormen also quickly called Lu Sheng, and then, a large group of people ran over from the direction of the office building.    


Lu Sheng, Qin Xiang, all those familiar faces, when he saw them again, Xia Lei's heart felt especially warm.    


Amongst the people who came to welcome Xia Lei, there was another person that he was most familiar with, and that was Shentu Tianyin. Seeing Shentu Tianyin, he felt a little surprised. While he was in Germany, Shentu Tianyin took charge of the Rayma Group in his place. However, she also had the Wanxiang Group to manage, and the business of the latter was obviously much more complicated than the business of the Rayma Group. Therefore, under normal circumstances, she should be the one guarding the Wanxiang Group, but she just had to be here.    


After such a small accident, Xia Lei was once again touched.    


"Get out of the car." Long Bing who was driving Xia Lei back said: "I still need to hurry back to write my report."    


"Yes." Xia Lei did not say much, he opened the door and was about to get off.    


At the same time, Tang Yuyan opened the door on the other side and was about to get out.    


Long Bing frowned, "Tang Yuyan, what are you trying to do? Won't you go back? "    


Tang Yuyan laughed, "We came all the way here without even drinking a cup of water, what's the harm in staying a little longer? If you want to write a report, so do I. If I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry? "    


Long Bing glanced at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with worry and trouble.    


Xia Lei also felt the same way, but when Tang Yuyan said that she wanted to stay, he couldn't possibly tell her that this place didn't welcome you, right?    


At this time, Shentu Tianyin had already walked over.    


Xia Lei quickly got out of the car, and said with a smile: "Wifey, I'm back."    


"Hubby." Shentu Tianyin called out, she did not care about the people around her, she went into her embrace, and wrapped her arms around his waist.    


Long Bing shifted her gaze. Amongst all of Xia Lei's women, she was the most extreme and the most open-minded. However, when she saw Xia Lei hug another woman, she couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart and didn't want to see him.    


Shentu Tianyin raised her head from Xia Lei's embrace and looked at the two women in the carriage, "Miss Tang, Miss Long, why aren't you getting out of the car?"    


"That ?" Long Bing said: "I'm still in a hurry to go back and write my report, forget it."    


Tang Yuyan hesitated for a moment, then closed the door, "I will not stay, I still need to rush back to write my report." After pausing for a moment, she continued, "Ah Bing, what are you waiting for? Drive. "    


Long Bing turned to look at Tang Yuyan, a strange expression in her eyes.    


Tang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Long Bing, "What are you looking at me for? Let's go. Do you want me to say something? "    


Long Bing heard the overtone behind these words and did not dare to stay any longer. She stepped on the gas pedal and sped away.    


Shentu Tianyin looked at the Ferghana Horses that were getting further and further away in the blink of an eye, and said lightly, "They are so strange."    


Xia Lei was a little confused, and said: "They aren't normal people, it's normal for them to be a little strange."    


"Is that so?"    


Xia Lei didn't know whether to continue or not. He felt guilty in his heart, and also very guilty. Fortunately, Qin Xiang and Lu Sheng had come over to greet him and chat, and had helped him resolve the situation in a disguised manner.    


"How was it in Germany?" Qin Xiang asked.    


"Not bad." As Xia Lei said that, the life and death scene surfaced in his mind.    


"Where is Anina and Liu Zhengnan?" Lu Sheng also asked.    


Xia Lei said: "Liu Zhengnan is not feeling well, I gave him a few days of break, to let him rest well, he will be back in a few days. Anina had stayed in Germany and she would not come back. I will let Liu Zhengnan take over her position. When the main male comes back, he will be the chief engineer of Rayma Military Factory. "    


Liu Zhengnan did not get sick, but rather, was frightened, and really needed some rest, which was why Xia Lei gave him a break.    


Shentu Tianyin took Xia Lei's arm and said: "Come with me to the office. I'll tell you about what happened during this period of time and then I'll have to return to Wanxiang Group. When you come back, you'll have to run your company. "    


"Fine." Xia Lei nodded in agreement.    


Whether it was Qin Xiang or Lu Sheng, neither of them mentioned anything about what happened in Germany, which was the matter of him being kidnapped by "terrorists". In fact, that matter wasn't hotly discussed abroad. It was just that the German government didn't want to take responsibility for breaking the agreement, so they deliberately released some false information. However, this matter was an absolute closed off in the country. No media had reported on this matter.    


Watching Shentu Tianyin carry Xia Lei and walk towards the office building, Qin Xiang sighed to himself. "It's better if we're not married.    


Lu Sheng laughed, "This is called 'one is willing to fight, one is willing to accept it', what grievances is there to be wronged about?"    


"Lu Sheng, when are you going to get married?" Qin Xiang looked at Lu Sheng.    


Lu Sheng was slightly taken aback, "Me? Hehe ? I don't know if I'll ever have another chance in this life. "    


He thought of Liang Siyao, the only woman he had ever liked in his entire life. After Liang Siyao had broken up with him, he had thought that this was his chance. But after such a long time, he hadn't even seen Liang Siyao face to face.    


Qin Xiang suddenly patted Lu Sheng's shoulder and said with a smile: "I have something that you definitely don't want to hear, but I still want to say it. I know you like Liang Siyao, but even if she comes back, you won't have the chance. "Just forget about her as soon as possible, find a woman who loves you and warm up her bed while giving birth to a child. That is the life that you want."    


Lu Sheng laughed bitterly and sighed softly.    


He knew that this was the real situation. Even if Liang Siyao returned, she would only have Xia Lei in her heart. Stealing a woman from Xia Lei? He would not even think about such a thing.    


In the office, Xia Lei used his feet to close the door, then embraced Shentu Tianyin tightly and bent his head to kiss her cherry lips.    


"En ?" Shentu Tianyin did not expect him to do this, causing her to panic, but the panic only lasted for two to three seconds. After that, her body became limp and her breathing became short. She also dived into the happiness Xia Lei had brought her, enthusiastically responding to him while requesting it at the same time.    


Only after a few minutes did Xia Lei release her, and he said gently: "I miss you."    


Shentu Tianyin smirked, "You have Long Bing and Tang Yuyan to accompany you on your mission. The two of them are great beauties, why would you miss me?"    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Shentu Tianyin laughed out loud, "I was joking with you, my man. I believe you. You are mine, no one can take you away from me. "    


Xia Lei said: "You are mine too, so no one can steal you away from me."    


"Alright, alright, let's not talk so much nonsense here. We have time to talk when we get home at night. " Shentu Tianyin pulled Xia Lei's hand and walked to the front of the desk, pressing him into the office chair. After that, he said with a smile: "Chairman Xia, sit properly.    


"You smell so good." Xia Lei turned his head and sniffed her firm chest.    


Shentu Tianyin hit him, "Don't be naughty, sit properly."    


This time, Xia Lei sat properly, but his actions were like a child in a kindergarten, waiting for his aunt to send him candy for him to eat.    


"You left for around three months. Rayma Group's total profit was one hundred thirty-two million. "It was not a gross profit, but a pure profit. Not only did it deduct the cost of the manmade materials and other expenses, it also repaid the loan that should have been repaid during this period of time." Shentu Tianyin said with a smile on her face. Of course she was happy that her husband's company was so profitable.    


However, Xia Lei said, "Sigh, earning money right now is really not easy. It's only this little. I definitely won't earn as much as you. "    


Shentu Tianyin said: "It cannot be compared like this, the Wanxiang Group's total assets are almost a hundred billion, with such a large capital being used, and there are still tens of thousands of employees working, if you had earned more than me, I would have gone and crashed into a wall. "With your current level of profitability, it's already very scary."    


Xia Lei laughed. He was actually just joking. He was already very satisfied that he could earn 130 million in three months.    


Shentu Tianyin embraced Xia Lei's shoulders, her full breasts pressing on Xia Lei's shoulders, she whispered into his ear: "We should be the most profitable couple in the entire Grand China now, no one can compare to us."    


"Your husband is my wife, so of course we are the husband and wife that make the most money in Grand China." Xia Lei said.    


"Nonsense, listen to me." Shentu Tianyin moved closer to Xia Lei's ear and blew some hot air into his cochlea, "In these three months, I already know a lot about your company, so when you were not here, I started my plans to expand the production line for blast assault rifle and XL2500 sniper rifles according to the information I had gathered from Rayma Group. At present, the new workshop is already under construction. It's good that you're back, I think if you handle this personally, Rayma Military Factory's production capacity will double at most in two months. "    


Xia Lei turned his head to look at Shentu Tianyin, a strange expression in his eyes.    


Shentu Tianyin was startled, "You ? "Don't you like it when I do that?"    


Xia Lei suddenly stood up from his office chair, pushed open the chair, and picked Shentu Tianyin up by the waist. As he walked towards the resting area, he said, "How could I not like it, I am just too happy. I wanted to expand when I got back, but I didn't expect you to start doing it for me in advance. "Since you're so good, what can I do to thank you?"    


Shentu Tianyin's face slightly flushed, "I know what kind of evil intentions you have hidden in your stomach, but... "It's daytime right now, and it's business time. If someone comes in and sees us ?"    


She didn't dare to think any further. She felt awkward and shy just thinking about it.    


Xia Lei used his feet to knock on the resting room door, carried Shentu Tianyin and walked in, then used his heels to close the door.    


Shentu Tianyin became even more nervous, "Hubby, you really want it?"    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "I have a premonition that this time, it will definitely cause your small belly to swell up."    


"Really?" Shentu Tianyin hesitated for a moment, then gently bit her cherry lips, "Then ? "Here, I'll give it to you. Three months of your homework is gone, you must be holding back."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Clothes flew into the air, some on the floor, some on the sofa. Shentu Tianyin's wife was very mischievous, she hung it on the chandelier in the resting room. The mattress rocked, creaked, and rippled under the energy of love. Every syllable of the voice echoing in the room was happy and beautiful.    


It felt good to be home.    


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