Tranxending Vision

C593 What was going on?

C593 What was going on?

In the evening, the spring sunset looked especially beautiful.    


The family of Lei Yin sat at the dining table and ate dinner.    


"Xiao Xue, don't you have a boyfriend?" Shentu Tianyin said with a smile, "When are you going to bring them back for your brother and me to see? Let us check for you. "    


"Right." Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, "I heard you say it before the Spring Festival in Hai Zhu. It's called 'Lu Zijing'.    


Xia Xue replied: "He's my senior."    


Xia Lei laughed and said, "That's right, why didn't you bring him back? I also heard you say you were going to let him into my company. I want to see what kind of kid he is to be able to catch up with my sister. Also, he's coming to work at my company, so I need to examine his abilities first. "    


Xia Xue shut her mouth and did not speak.    


"What's going on? Did you have a fight? " Shentu Tianyin was more cautious than Xia Lei, so she seemed to have sensed something.    


Xia Xue then said: "We are bragging."    


Xia Lei was surprised, "Why?"    


When he heard Xia Xue's description before the Spring Festival, he felt that a brat who came out of the mountains would become the son-in-law of his Xia Clan and was someone that was worth Xia Xue entrusting her entire life to. However, he didn't even see that kid called Lu Zijing in front of him before this matter ended.    


Xia Xue raised the corner of her mouth, "Brother, we are incompatible. I liked him at first, but after a while I didn't feel anything. "    


Xia Lei wanted to ask something, but Shentu Tianyin lightly kicked Xia Lei under the table, and then leaned close to Xia Lei's ear and said. "Don't ask anymore, young people nowadays are all like this. What's more, who is Xia Xue? Her little sister who was the father of Grand China Rifle, how could she not have high standards? If you want to marry, then you have to marry a good man. There's no need to rush.    


Xia Lei then laughed, "Alright, I won't ask anymore." After pausing for a moment, he then said to Xia Xue, "However, being in a relationship is a relationship, there are some things that you have to grasp appropriately. Do you remember? "    


Xia Xue's face turned red, and said: "Brother, what are you talking about? I don't understand. "    


Xia Lei was also very embarrassed, "If you don't understand, then forget it, I'll let your sister-in-law teach you."    


Beneath the dining table, Shentu Tianyin gave Xia Lei a light kick. However, in her heart, she understood Xia Lei's suggestion. He thought that there were some things that it was inconvenient for him to say as a big brother, but she, the sister-in-law, was very convenient for him.    


"Brother, sister-in-law, I'm done eating. I'm going back to my room." Xia Xue put down her bowl and chopsticks and was about to leave. After all, she was a girl who had not been through with human affairs. Some things even if she were to discuss it with her sister-in-law Shentu Tianyin, she would feel very awkward and blush when she thought about it.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "Go ahead, I'll have a chat with you later."    


"Yes." Xia Xue responded, she did not dare look at Shentu Tianyin's eyes, and quickly left the dining hall.    


However, without waiting for Xia Xue to leave, Fu Mingmei walked in, "Young master, there's a person called Liu Zhengnan who came to find you. Do you want to meet him?"    


"See you. I'll go to the study room to wait for him. Bring him there." Xia Lei said.    


"Alright, I'll go right away." Fu Mingmei left.    


"Hubby, didn't you give him a vacation? Why did he come to your house to look for you? " Shentu Tianyin casually asked. She had a certain impression of Liu Zhengnan because he was a person who had dug up a high level talent in Rayma Military Factory.    


"I don't know either. I'll go to the study and see him." Xia Lei also stood up and left.    


Walking out of the dining hall, Xia Lei secretly thought in his heart, "Hopefully the real man isn't talking about building a house for Anina. If Tian Yin knows about this, she would definitely be unhappy."    


Arriving at the study, Xia Lei did not wait for a few minutes before he arrived.    


"Chairman Xia." Liu Zhengnan greeted politely with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. "I came in a hurry, I didn't even have time to prepare some gifts, and you see that I came with empty hands."    


Xia Lei patted Liu Zhengnan's shoulder, and laughed: Why are you being polite with me? In the future, regardless of whether you are busy or not, you can always come to my place. We can drink tea and talk and do anything. "    


After waiting for him to die together, Xia Lei had already treated Liu Zhengnan as his brother.    


"Alright, thank you very much." Speaking to here, Liu Zhengnan suddenly laughed again, "Look at how courteous I am to you, I have always forgotten this point. I'll talk to you about the stock market this time. "    


"Stock market?" Xia Lei was startled, because the Rayma Group did not go on the market.    


Liu Zhengnan said: "Xia Dong, I am not talking about our Rayma Group, I am talking about... your wife's Wanxiang Group. "    


"What's going on?" Xia Lei was both curious and confused.    


At this time, Shentu Tianyin appeared at the door of the study room with two cups of tea in her hand. She entered the study room with a smile on her face, "Why are you standing and talking? She did not invite the man to take a seat either. Male, sit down. I've made two cups of oolong tea for you. "    


"Thank you, sister-in-law." Liu Zhengnan quickly extended his hands out to receive the tea. It was an honor to drink the tea brewed by the Queen of Wanxiang Group.    


Shentu Tianyin brought the tea over, but it was nothing much. She turned and prepared to leave.    


Liu Zhengnan said: "Sister, please wait."    


Shentu Tianyin said: "You guys are men, so I won't interfere. You guys continue chatting."    


Liu Zhengnan said: "The things that I want to say are related to your company."    


Shentu Tianyin immediately stopped, and asked: "What's the matter?"    


Liu Zhengnan said: "There are abnormal signs about the Wanxiang Group's shares."    


"Quickly tell me, what exactly happened?" Shentu Tianyin did not plan to leave, so she sat beside Xia Lei. She glanced at Xia Lei, who was beside her, as if she was curious about why Xia Lei didn't tell her about this matter.    


Liu Zhengnan was a very smart person, he saw something in Shentu Tianyin's eyes, and said: "Sister-in-law, even Chairman Xia does not know about this matter, I was about to say, but you're here. Actually, even if you didn't come, I would have asked Chairman Xia to invite you. "    


Shentu Tianyin only smiled.    


Liu Zhengnan continued, "Sister-in-law. I like the stock market very much, also have research in this field. I have some Wanxiang Group shares in my possession, hmm, let me tell you this, I've looked at the Japanese KLine, the Japanese KLine and the Moon KLine, I found out that someone is buying a large amount of shares in the Wanxiang Group. Sister-in-law, don't you think that Wanxiang Group has been growing too much recently? And the market is falling. "    


"Our profits are very stable and we have started several projects during this period of time. Good news come one after another, so isn't it normal for our share price to rise?" Shentu Tianyin said.    


Liu Zhengnan said, "If the entire market is doing well, then it's normal for a single share to rise. However, this kind of stock that is going wild is abnormal. In stock market jargon, it is going wild, there must be a monster. "    


Xia Lei said: "Male, do you mean that someone is secretly buying shares in the Wanxiang Group?"    


Liu Zhengnan nodded, "I think so. The other party was extremely astute, and his movements were extremely skilled as well. If one didn't look carefully, it would be hard to tell that he was an expert. In the past few days, the stock market had continued to fall. It had already fallen below 3000 points, so it was very easy for people to sell off their stocks. In that case, it would be very easy for the other party to acquire the Wanxiang Group's shares. "    


Shentu Tianyin frowned, "Did you find out that the account was purchasing a large amount of shares in the Wanxiang Group?"    


Liu Zhengnan said: "There's a lot, not just one, but more than a hundred. These big bosses opened accounts on different exchanges, but the majority of them bought shares from Wanxiang Group. A single account might not seem like much, but when you add all the accounts of the big families together, the shares of the Wanxiang Group that they bought are about to come into contact with the police force. "    


Shentu Tianyin's expression immediately became serious. She knew what kind of warning line Liu Zhengnan was talking about. It was one set by the board of directors of the Wanxiang Group. If they crossed that line, the board would probably have to increase the number of seats for a stranger. If this person was not here to make money, but was instead here for her and the Wanxiang Group, the situation would become very dire.    


Xia Lei held Shentu Tianyin's hand and said softly: "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."    


Shentu Tianyin nodded her head, "Male, are you sure that's the case? Someone is secretly buying shares in the Wanxiang Group, ready to deal with me? "    


Liu Zhengnan said: "Sister-in-law, I don't know if there is anyone that wants to deal with you, but I am sure that someone is secretly buying up Wanxiang Group's shares. Before I came here, I had a conversation with a friend of mine. Cai Yongjian, a manager at a fund company, is very good at this. He and I agree. I thought it was serious, so I came over. "    


If all the managers of the fund companies thought so, then this matter was basically true. Shentu Tianyin's heart also became heavy.    


Xia Lei said: "Male, I am not familiar with stocks, under such circumstances, do you have any good suggestions?"    


Liu Zhengnan said: "The easiest way is to rush and buy. If our opponents buy it, we buy it too, and the result is that the price of our stock rises rapidly. Whether it is our opponents or us, both of us will be injured by the bubbles. Another way was to find out who he was, negotiate with him, understand his motives, and prepare a reserve of funds. With this information, we will have more options. "    


"This has never happened before. Who could it be?" Shentu Tianyin said, her eyebrows knitted tightly, as though she had something heavy on her mind. She seemed to be guessing at someone, but she was never sure.    


Xia Lei said: "Leave this matter to me, I will find out who this person is. Male lead, if you take a few days off, help me keep an eye out for the stock market. "    


Liu Zhengnan replied, "No problem, I will be on my guard. As long as there's a situation, I will contact you and my sister-in-law."    


"Thank you, man." Shentu Tianyin said.    


Liu Zhengnan laughed: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to be so polite with me. I am Manager Xia's man, which is also yours. If you need me to do anything in the future, just give me the orders. "    


Shentu Tianyin said: "Hubby, why don't you lend me the real man for a few days?"    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "No problem, you can borrow it for as long as you want."    


Shentu Tianyin then revealed a smile: "Then it's a deal."    


At this moment, Xia Xue walked in. Her gaze was originally set on Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin, but it quickly moved on Liu Zhengnan's body.    


Shentu Tianyin said: "Xiao Xue, let me introduce you. This is your brother's assistant, Mr. Liu Zhengnan."    


Xia Xue pursed her lips and laughed: "No need to introduce, we know each other."    


Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.    


Xia Xue laughed and said: "Don't forget, I am my brother's secretary, I have been in the Rayma Military Factory for quite a while, why is it strange for me to know a man?"    


She was addressing Liu Zhengnan as male, not as Liu Zhengnan or Mr. Liu. It wasn't hard to tell that she was very familiar with Liu Zhengnan.    


Liu Zhengnan's expression became abnormally anxious, his face also had a little more red marks, and he stood up. "Little Snow ? Why are you here? "    


Xia Xue smiled and said: "This is my brother's and my sister-in-law's home, and this is my home. Of course I'm here."    


Liu Zhengnan laughed awkwardly, he seemed to be a little dumb in front of Xia Xue.    


Xia Xue said: "I want to go for a walk, are you free?"    


"Yes, yes. I'll accompany you for a walk." Liu Zhengnan agreed.    


Liu Zhengnan was kidnapped just like that, leaving the couple in a daze in the study room.    


What was going on?    


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