Tranxending Vision

C607 Divorce

C607 Divorce

To make this decision after getting divorced, Xia Lei's heart hurt as well, and it hurt as if his heart was being torn. Seeing Shentu Tianyin crying, he thought about the beautiful times he had with her and he even wanted to take back his words to hug her and apologize to her. However, as the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them back down.    


If a man could handle it, then he had to put it aside.    


He could not control Shentu Tianyin, but he had his protection. Umbrella, her ambitions would grow bigger and bigger and the expansion of Wanxiang Group would also become faster and faster. It was like driving a car, running all the way. There would always be a time when the car would overturn and fall to the ground. And he left her, good to both of them.    


Moreover, her love was simply too special for him to accept.    


He could still be loved by her. If one day he became an ordinary person, would she still love him? He did not dare to think about that day.    


"Why? "Why?!" Shentu Tianyin roared at Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei was silent for a moment before saying, "Tian Yin, I bet you would have thought of this the day you transferred all those assets to my company. "You even prepared a divorce agreement. Do you accept it?"    


"You ? You saw it? " Shentu Tianyin was bewildered.    


"No, I guessed." Xia Lei laughed bitterly, "Tian Yin, you are an extremely smart woman. You transferred those assets and eventually you needed a document that I signed. Without the documents I signed, even if you transferred those assets to my company, you would still be investigated. You will be prepared for two things in order for me to sign. The first preparation is the documents of those assets, the second preparation is my power of attorney, you have to prove that I commissioned you to purchase those assets. The third preparation is the divorce agreement. This is your final preparation. This divorce agreement will work if the investigation against you is not dropped. You will prove that I have nothing to do with you. Is that right? "    


Shentu Tianyin bit her lips and lowered her head, not daring to look at Xia Lei's eyes.    


"Since you have prepared everything and planned every step, why not finish it all at once? Do you want me to taste this pain slowly? In the end, we still have to get divorced. "    


"What if we don't go that far?" Shentu Tianyin raised her head to look at Xia Lei, her eyes filled with tears.    


"If we do not divorce, our property is common at the legal level, although we have an agreement on the separation of property. Husband and wife relationship, the common property. Do you think that if you transfer those assets to me, you will be able to stay out of it? "    


Shentu Tianyin was silent.    


"Tianyin, you're such a big bully, it won't be easy for me to take care of you. I had to face one hundred and one, and those above, and even the investigation of the task force. And you have to stay out of it, or I'll be taking the blame for you for nothing. "Go and get it. Take out everything you've prepared beforehand. We'll settle this once and for all." Xia Lei said.    


"Hehehe ?" Shentu Tianyin suddenly smiled, but her tears were still flowing.    


She was an extremely intelligent woman, and wasn't Xia Lei an extremely intelligent person as well?    


If she could lay out all these, Xia Lei could also see through all of them.    


She knew what she wanted, but Xia Lei had learned how to let go.    


There was no such thing as an endless banquet. Now that things had come to this point, what else could not be set aside?    


"Tianyin." Xia Lei's voice did not contain any strength, "Go, take it, give it to me for signature. "It's over. We can drink for a while longer."    


Shentu Tianyin wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes, then stood up and walked towards the safe in the corner of the resting room. She opened the safe and took out three file bags. She took it and placed it in front of Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei opened three documents, and it was as he had guessed. One was the document for the transfer of assets, one was his letter of attorney, and the last was the divorce agreement.    


Shentu Tianyin signed each of these three documents, and the date wasn't the current one, but the one from a month ago. Only the divorce agreement was today's date. Just today, Shentu Tianyin had already signed the divorce agreement. Judging from the signatures on the three documents, she had indeed set up everything and prepared everything well in advance.    


Xia Lei looked at the three documents, then picked up a pen and signed all the places that he needed to sign.    


Just as he was about to sign the divorce agreement, Shentu Tianyin suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist, not letting him sign.    


The two of them stared at each other for a long time.    


The candlelight danced, making a soft sound, the only sound.    


In the end, Xia Lei broke the uncomfortable silence, "Tianyin, let go. If I had a choice, I didn't want to do it either. But we have to. Only if I leave you will you be safe. Only if I leave you will you not lose your Wanxiang Group. "    


Shentu Tianyin released her hand. In that instant, she seemed to have made a choice. On one side was Xia Lei, and on the other was Wanxiang Group.    


Xia Lei then signed his name on the divorce agreement.    


This line represented the end of their marriage.    


This stroke represented a new beginning.    


"Alright, leave the rest to me. I will ensure your safety. Only, you have to listen to my advice. A man's success is not measured by how much he makes the company, nor is it measured by how much money he makes. Look at us now, do you dare to say that we have a couple happily selling breakfast on the street? I don't think so. "Sometimes, you have to take things a little bit easier. You have to slowly do business. Step by step, don't ever do something like this again ?"    


Before Xia Lei could finish speaking, Shentu Tianyin suddenly cried sorrowfully and threw herself into his embrace, "I'm sorry ? "Sob, sob ?"    


"Don't say that, I'm your husband and I have a duty to take care of you and protect you. Actually, I have also let you down. " Xia Lei wanted to speak of the matter of him having relations with Jiang Ruyi and Long Bing, but this thought only appeared in his mind for a moment before it sunk. He was divorced from her, so he kept some secrets. He didn't want to leave her with a bad memory.    


Shentu Tianyin didn't ask Xia Lei what part of him that had let her down. Maybe she knew, maybe he didn't know, but she wouldn't say it out loud. In her heart, she would always remember Xia Lei's kindness. She would never forget the time Xia Lei helped her deal with the righteous family in Shen-tu, nor would she forget that Xia Lei had cured her father.    


She would never be able to repay the kindness Xia Lei gave her, nor the love he gave her. And why would she care about what part of Xia Lei had done to her wrong?    


"Lei, will you remarry?" Shentu Tianyin suddenly said.    


Xia Lei was immediately stunned. His heart was filled with sorrow, how could he have the heart to think about this question?    


"Tell me, will you?" Shentu Tianyin held onto Xia Lei's clothes tightly, as if he was afraid that would suddenly run away.    


Xia Lei remained silent for a while before replying, "I don't know. Really, I don't know. All I know is, I'm afraid I won't be able to easily marry a woman in the future. Maybe I'll never get married again. "    


Shentu Tianyin's lips moved, she wanted to say something, but no words would come out. It was she who ended her marriage with Xia Lei, and it was she who chose Wanxiang Group and Xia Lei. How could she expect to marry her again?    


"Alright, let's go rest early." You still have to deal with the task force tomorrow, I will be going back as well. I will give Boss Shi a call. Xia Lei mocked himself.    


Xia Lei wanted to stand up, but Shentu Tianyin pressed his entire body down, pressing him down on the sofa.    


Shentu Tianyin's soft and familiar body, with tears in her eyes, was like a pool of clear water, while Xia Lei was like a clay figurine that was drowned in the water, slowly melting.    


"Tell me, do you still love me?"    


Xia Lei nodded.    


"Will you call me?"    


Xia Lei nodded again.    


"Will you accompany me home to see my father?"    


Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, but still nodded his head.    


"If you say that you will never marry again in this lifetime, then I will also tell you that I will never marry again in this lifetime. I love you, and there's only you in my heart. "    


"Tianyin, don't be like this ?"    


"Let me call you husband one last time, husband."    


Tears welled up in Xia Lei's eyes once again. He nodded and responded with a light sound.    


"Just one more time. If I'm lucky, I'll be pregnant with your child. In the future, even if you don't want me anymore, I still have a child to accompany me. "I will let his surname be Xia. I will tell him the story of his father. I will tell him that his father is a hero ?"    


Xia Lei couldn't hold it in anymore, and he suddenly kissed Shentu Tianyin's lips.    


After a very long time, Xia Lei got up from the carpet, silently picked up the clothes, and put them on one by one.    


Shentu Tianyin looked at him quietly as tears streamed down her face once again. But this time, she didn't say anything. She just looked at him.    


Xia Lei put on his clothes and walked to the door very quietly before he stopped and looked back at Shentu Tianyin, "We are still friends. If there's anything that you need my help with, you can give me a call anytime. Also, Dad ? As for Uncle, please help me apologize to him. "    


Shentu Tianyin nodded.    


Xia Lei opened the door and walked out.    


The door closed softly, and it became a barrier between them.    


After Xia Lei left, Shentu Tianyin could no longer hold back the sadness in her heart and cried out.    


She had won the war, but she had lost her love and her marriage.    


However, she didn't regret it.    


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