Tranxending Vision

C610 Former and current wars

C610 Former and current wars

There was only a bed made of iron and wood, with a white blanket and an army-green bedding folded into lumps of tofu. There was also a toilet and a sink for washing his hands and face. It was very simple, so simple that it was hard to tell what one could do other than sleep in it.    


Recalling that he had to stay in such an environment for half a month, Xia Lei felt a headache. However, to be fair, he had taken the blame for Shentu Tianyin. The management clearly knew that he was doing this but did not pursue Shentu Tianyin's responsibility, and even gave him such a very, very hospitable punishment.    


Tang Yuyan accompanied Xia Lei into the room, with a smile on her face, "When I have time, I will come and accompany you, to relieve your boredom. "Oh right, I'll go get some books for you if you like."    


Xia Lei thought for a moment, then said: "Give me some technological books, such as physics, chemistry, and even optics."    


"You still want to be a scientist?" Tang Yuyan had a strange expression, "That kind of knowledge cannot be learnt in ten to half a month."    


"Just find me some. Anyway, I'm a member of the Academy of Sciences now, and I have to deal with those scientists. I'm not trying to be a scientist, I'm just dealing with those scientists. They just come up with a formula, a principle, and that's all I have to say. Otherwise, if I were to answer all my questions, wouldn't it be a joke if I were to go to the Academy of Sciences? " Xia Lei said.    


Tang Yuyan laughed, "That's right, if you want to pretend, you should at least put on an act. Okay, I'll get it for you. And I'll get you some women's books. "    


"Female books?" Xia Lei was confused.    


Tang Yuyan said: "You are always deceiving women, your EQ is too low. I'll find you some female reading material so that you can learn it properly so that you won't be tricked by women in the future. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Alright, I'm leaving. I still need to make a trip to the Sky Wing Tower." Tang Yuyan turned to leave.    


Xia Lei called out to her, "Wait. Do you really want to go? "    


"Of course. You were also there at the time. This is a mission given to me by my godfather, I must complete it. "    


Xia Lei hesitated for a while, but still took out the satellite telephone that Gu Kewen had given him in the end, and said: "This matter was done by Gu Kewen. Her goal is to use his heavenly voice to threaten me, and let me repair Rhine Metal Corp's Raylong intelligent machine tool. You know, when we left Germany, we destroyed that Raylong intelligent machine tool. Gu Kewen's people would go to the Sky Wing Tower to get the core parts. Maybe we can find out where Gu Kewen is. "    


"Why didn't you tell me about it in my godfather's office?"    


Xia Lei said: "At that time, both Boss Shi and Ling Hao were angry, and it was also when I was releasing the heavenly music, how would I dare to cause any problems? Now don't I tell you the same? You tell Boss Shi and I won't have to suffer too much scolding. "    


"Gu Kewen will use this satellite telephone to contact you?"    


"Yes, there's a number on it."    


Tang Yuyan said, "Give it to me. When I get to the Sky Wing Tower, I will contact her and ask her people to come and fetch it."    


Xia Lei handed the satellite telephone over to Tang Yuyan.    


"Sigh." Tang Yuyan sighed, "I suddenly feel so envious of Shentu Tianyin. She made you take on such a big blame, yet you still think about her at every turn."    


"Hurry up and go." Xia Lei urged.    


"What do you want me to tell her?"    


"You told her... "En, forget it, there's no more. You can go now." Xia Lei kept his words. How could he get Tang Yuyan to pass on what he wanted to say to her?    


When Tang Yuyan walked to the door, she suddenly turned around to take a look at Xia Lei. That pair of eyes, along with that bashful smile, gave others the feeling of a girl in deep love.    


Xia Lei couldn't match up to her gaze, and raised his head to look at the ceiling.    


It was an old-fashioned incandescent bulb, maybe a hundred watts.    


"I'm leaving. Don't you have anything to say to me?" Tang Yuyan tried to test the waters.    


"Mm, take care." Xia Lei said.    


Tang Yuyan rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, then turned and left the room.    


When the door closed, Xia Lei laid on the bed, his heart in turmoil.    


He should have felt better now that he was divorced, but his heart was still heavy.    


Liang Siyao hurt him once, and the wound was just healed. Shentu Tianyin hurt him again, and this time, the wound was even deeper and more painful.    


"Dad's prediction was quite accurate. It seems like a man like me isn't suited to marry women ?" The faces of Tang Yuyan, Long Bing and Jiang Ruyi flashed across Xia Lei's mind, and he also made a decision that only he himself knew about.    


Half an hour later, Tang Yuyan arrived at the Sky Wing Tower in her car. On the surface, she was alone, but her subordinates had already set up an ambush in the vicinity of the Skywing Mansion.    


Those reporters were still there and did not leave just because of Shentu Tianyin's departure.    


Tang Yuyan got off the carriage and called the number stored on the satellite telephone.    


Du du du, du du...    


"Have you made your decision?" Gu Kewen's voice came from the satellite telephone.    


"I've brought the item here. Where are you?" Tang Yuyan said.    


You are not Xia Lei, who are you? Gu Kewen's voice was filled with caution and anger.    


"I am Xia Lei's woman, he went to get Shentu Tianyin back, I have come to complete the deal for him."    


"You are Xia Lei's woman? Xia Lei truly had a lot of women. Your surname is probably Tang, right? Tang Yuyan. " Gu Kewen's voice was filled with ridicule, "When did you become Xia Lei's woman? Do all the women in the 101 bureau like to get together with Xia Lei? "    


"Cut the crap!" Do you still want to trade? I've brought the parts, show yourself. "    


"Hehe, do you think I'm stupid enough to come personally and complete the deal?"    


"Then let your men come, I'll be at the entrance of the Sky Wing Tower." Tang Yuyan said.    


"Stand there and don't move. Someone will be here in five minutes. I'm warning you, don't play any tricks, or ? "    


"You're even more long-winded than my mom, hurry up!" Tang Yuyan hung up the phone.    


Five minutes later, a youth wearing a baseball cap walked over while stepping on the skateboard towards where Tang Yuyan was. Then, he stopped the skateboard in front of Tang Yuyan. He first sized Tang Yuyan up for a moment, then said: "Sis, someone asked me to come and get something. Is the person I'm looking for you? "    


"Who told you to come and get it? What did he look like? "Where is it?" Tang Yuyan asked.    


"A bald uncle." The teenager pointed in the direction of the street, "Over there, he gave me a hundred yuan. I said, Sis, give me your stuff, and I'm still going to the park to play skateboarding after I bring it to him. "    


Tang Yuyan suddenly took off and rushed in the direction the youth had pointed.    


"Hello? Sis, what do you mean? " The youth shouted from behind him.    


A special agent of Department 101 suddenly rushed over from the side, grabbed hold of the skateboard youth, and fell onto the ground.    


A few minutes later, Tang Yuyan also returned. She did not find any bald uncle.    


"Let him go." Tang Yuyan said to her subordinates.    


The 101 agent released the boy he'd subdued.    


The youth ran away in panic.    


The satellite telephone sounded again.    


Tang Yuyan answered the call, and started cursing, "Bitch, you want to play, right? Aunt will play with you! "    


Gu Kewen said, "Tang Yuyan, don't do this to me. You want to catch me, come to America. "It's best if you don't go on a mission outside the country in your lifetime, otherwise I'll kill you!"    


"Alright, just based on your words, I'll investigate your Gu family members later." I don't believe that the remnants of the Gu family have clean butts. I'll play them to death first, then I'll mess you up! "    


Gu Kewen was speechless.    


"Don't you have evidence? Let them out, and I'll tell you, those things in your hands are no longer a threat to anyone. Don't think you can fight Xia Lei just by joining the CIA. Let me tell you, you will never be his opponent in this lifetime, and you don't even have the qualifications to be his opponent! "    


Gu Kewen hung up the phone.    


Fighting with Tang Yuyan? Tang Yuyan was not Long Bing, nor was she Xia Lei, because a colossus was standing behind her, which was the ancient Tang Sect that was hundreds of years old. Furthermore, the disciples of the Tang Sect were not easy to deal with either. Each and every one of them were all experts in the art of assassination and killing with poison.    


"Slut!" "This is so infuriating!" Tang Yuyan angrily threw the satellite telephone on the ground.    


"Division Chief Tang, what do we do now?" the agent of the 101 bureau asked cautiously.    


"What else can we do? Go back, all of you go back. "    


"Then you ?"    


"I'm going to see the other bitch."    


"It's the 101 bureau's special agent."    


Fu Mingmei entered Sky Wing Tower and directly went to Shentu Tianyin's office.    


"Our chairman is not here." Fu Mingmei knew Tang Yuyan's identity, so he didn't dare to stop her at all.    


Tang Yuyan's eyes swept across Shentu Tianyin's office and frowned, "She couldn't have been hiding from me, right?"    


"How could our chairman avoid you? "No, she does have something on, she's not in the company." Fu Mingmei spoke very carefully.    


Tang Yuyan pointed to the phone on the desk, "Give her a call, I'll talk to her after the call goes through."    


"This ?" Fu Mingmei was a little hesitant.    


Tang Yuyan said indifferently: "Don't think that just because that silly brat from my family took the blame for her, she will be fine. I think if anything happens to her, she will be fine. Call, or I'll bring her in for questioning. "    


Fu Mingmei walked to the desk and picked up the phone to dial, but in her heart she muttered, "Your family's stupid boy, even if it's a divorce, he's still my family's Tian Yin's ex-husband, alright? "He dares to say such words, he is truly shameless ?"    


When the call connected, Fu Mingmei said, "Tian Yin, Miss Tang wants to talk to you."    


The phone went silent for a moment, then Shentu Tianyin's voice came over, "Give her the phone, I'll talk to her."    


Fu Mingmei handed the phone over to Tang Yuyan.    


"Shentu Tianyin, where are you?" Tang Yuyan went straight to the point, her tone was not polite at all.    


"I'm outside, but I don't know where this place is. I'll just walk around and think of a place to calm down. "Is there something you need from me?"    


"You know why I'm looking for you." Tang Yuyan said coldly, "Don't think that just because our family's silly boy is kind and loyal, you can use him. I let you off this time out of consideration for his sake. Now that you're divorced, it's over. "Don't look for him in the future, and don't meet him, or else ?"    


"Or what?" Shentu Tianyin's tone did not contain the slightest bit of strength, and was instead filled with a sense of exhaustion.    


"You're a smart woman, you know what I mean. If you keep pestering him, I'll get you into trouble. "    


"You want to... Replace me? "    


"He was mine to begin with. You were the one who took him away from me!"    


Shentu Tianyin was silent for a moment, then said: "Alright, I agree, I don't need to look for him, but since she came to look for me, I have no other choice."    


"Ha!" Do you think you still have that much charm? " A trace of a disdainful smile surfaced on Tang Yuyan's lips.    


"That's all, Miss Tang. Goodbye."    


Tang Yuyan slammed the phone on the desk and said angrily: "What a conceited woman!"    


In the park, Shentu Tianyin put down her phone, and a misty look appeared in her eyes.    


She had only just divorced Xia Lei, and the person who was going to replace her had already come looking for her. But she knew that this pain was only the beginning, not the end.    


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