Tranxending Vision

C633 A Study of Fan

C633 A Study of Fan

A week's worth of time passed in the blink of an eye. In this week's time, Xia Lei had always been dealing with Song Baicheng. Fan Fan was also helping him in the dark. Not only was he a cover for Fan Fan, but Fan Fan was also helping him modify Fan Fan Fan's research report.    


A week had passed, and the deadline that Song Baicheng had given him had arrived.    


This morning, Song Baicheng came to Fan Xian's laboratory. Fan Fan was preparing her research report, but when Song Baicheng came in, she said: "Mr. Song, you came at just the right time, I was just about to look for you."    


"Is the research report out yet?" Song Baicheng said.    


Fan Fan said, "Yes, Mr Xia's gene chain data finally came out last night. After that, I stayed up late to write this report."    


"Very well, show me the report." Song Baicheng could not wait and walked over.    


Fan Xian took the study report and handed it over to Song Baicheng.    


Song Baicheng started to flip through. At first, he seemed very excited and there was a smile on his face, but soon, his expression darkened and that smile disappeared.    


"Is this your research report?" Song Baicheng looked straight at Fan Fan Fan.    


Fan Fan said, "Yes, this is my research report. Mr. Song, is there a problem with it? "    


"There's nothing wrong with your report. It looks normal." After pausing for a moment, Song Baicheng then said: "Miss Fan, are you sure that the target of this report is Xia Lei?"    


Fan Xian confidently said, "Of course, I'm researching Mr. Xia. This report is also a summary of my work this week."    


"But ?" Song Baicheng frowned, he wanted to say something but hesitated.    


Fan Fan said, "Mr. Song, is there a problem with my work and my research report? Or are you questioning my ability to work? "    


"Miss Fan, you are the most outstanding bioengineering scientist in our country. Of course I trust in your work ability. But, the one we are researching is Xia Lei, don't you think it's very special? "    


"Is Mr. Xia special?" Fan Fan said: "He is very smart, and also very strong. He is even the person with the highest IQ I've ever seen, and in my report there is also an IQ test aimed at him. His IQ is 298, and this isn't just the highest number of IQ tests for humans today. If that's what you mean, he's special. "    


In fact, Xia Lei's IQ test data were far more than this. The data in his research report was a weaker version, and even so, Song Baicheng was still surprised. He obviously did not see the part regarding Xia Lei's IQ test.    


"Mr. Song, we should be glad because the most intelligent people in the world are in Grand China, not the United States and Japan." Fan Fan said.    


"Is he just smart?" Song Baicheng obviously was not willing to accept this fact. In his opinion, not only was Xia Lei abnormal, he was also hiding many secrets. And Fan's result was very different from what he had imagined.    


Fan Fan said, "Mr. Song, I think you still don't understand what an IQ of 298 means. Fifty percent of the world's people have IQs between 90 and 110, which is normal. Two and a half percent of people can reach 130, and these people have high IQs. Only 0.4% of people could reach 140, and these people were considered geniuses. My IQ is 139, and I'm only in the 2.5 percent range. My grandfather had a higher IQ than me, and his IQ was 148. He was within 0.4 percent of that range. But even if it's my grandfather, he only has half of Xia Lei's intelligence. Do you know the smartest genius in history, Da Vinci? He was publicly acknowledged to be the smartest person in the entire human world, but his IQ was only 230, 60 worse than Xia Lei's. When I tell you this, do you think it's just cleverness? "    


Song Baicheng's eyes flickered, his thoughts unknown.    


This was actually something that Xia Lei had planned long ago. had never thought of this as anything other than him becoming the smartest person in the world. In reality, this was the only way to make the cunning Song Baicheng believe it. Other than that, there was no other way that he could get away from Song Baicheng.    


After a moment of silence, Song Baicheng finally spoke: "Is this true?"    


Fan Xian's brows revealed a hint of displeasure, "Mr. Song, what is the meaning of this? Would I lie to you? You're probably the first one to question me like that! Since you don't believe in my ability, why did you invite me here? You can look for someone else! "    


"That's not what I meant. "Miss Fan, it's just that this matter is too important ?"    


Fan Fan interrupted Song Baicheng, "Mr. Song, I have been in contact with you for such a long time. Although you didn't tell me, I can roughly guess your motive."    


"Hmm?" The look in Song Baicheng's eyes changed.    


Fan continued, "You probably think of Mr. Xia as an abnormal human being, or even a superhuman being, like Hollywood's Spider-Man, Superman, or Lightning Master. But those were movies, not reality. In the five thousand years of human history, has there ever been a superhuman? "    


These words were actually taught to Fan Fan by Xia Lei. Otherwise, how would she know Song Baicheng's goal?    


"I don't believe in supermen in this world. Even if I let you study Xia Lei, my goal is only for the X-Secret Gold Project. He is the only one who can come into contact with ancient alloy, we need to find out the reason. "    


"My job and my report can't give you the answers you want."    


"Miss Fan, I'll ask you one last time. Are you sure your research report is accurate?"    


"I'm sure."    


"Are you also sure that your research process is correct? Or did you miss anything? "    


"I'm sure."    


"Well, your work is done. I'll take your research report with me. You can arrange your work and time at will until new instructions are given. " Song Baicheng closed the research report. Her work and her report had already possessed a certain level of authority, not to mention that it was done with the assistance of the Academy's Principal, Fan Yiming. There was no point in continuing to question him.    


Only now did Fan Fan secretly let out a sigh of relief.    


Song Baicheng took the research report Fan Xian gave him and left the laboratory.    


"Mr. Song, what was the result?" Fan Yiming who was waiting outside asked.    


Song Baicheng said: "Go and ask your granddaughter, she knows it much better than me."    


The moment he opened his mouth, he received a closed-door slap, causing Fan Yiming's face to turn pale. His lips moved, but he said nothing.    


Song Baicheng entered his room, closed the door, and took out his phone.    


"Mr. Z, Fan Fan's research report has been released." Song Baicheng's tone was slightly heavy.    


A man's voice came out of the phone, "What was the result?"    


Song Baicheng was silent for a moment, then said: "It's different from what I imagined, Xia Lei is very normal."    


"Very normal?"    


"His body is normal, but his IQ is frightening. Fan's test number was 298. She said he was the smartest person in the world. It is also the highest number in history for an IQ test. "    


"You're saying that his achievements today are all due to his IQ?"    


Song Baicheng said: "Other than this possibility, I can't think of any other possibility."    


"Bring me the research report."    


"Yes, Mr. Z."    


"Be careful, Xia Lei told Tang Yuyan to investigate you before, and he has already begun to suspect you."    


"I know, I'll be careful." Song Baicheng hung up the phone.    


After ending the call with Mr. Z, Song Baicheng looked at the document in his hands, and did not move for a few minutes. In his heart, he kept mumbling to himself, "The smartest person in the world? His IQ was higher than the great scientists like Da Vinci and Einstein? With an IQ of 298, how could he prove it? "Hmph ?"    


Half an hour later, Song Baicheng arrived at the new workshop that Xia Lei was working on.    


Xia Lei opened the door for Song Baicheng. He looked more like a blue-collar worker than the smartest man in the world.    


"Mr. Song, is that Fan Fan's research report?" Xia Lei saw the document in Song Baicheng's hand, and was moved, "Can I take a look?"    


"Sorry, this can't be given to you." Song Baicheng rejected Xia Lei in one go, and then said: "But I can tell you that you are very normal, only ?"    


"But what?"    


"Your brain is very special, Fan Fan said that your IQ is as high as 298. She said you were the smartest person in the world. "    


"Hur hur." Xia Lei laughed, "Why don't I feel it?"    


Song Baicheng said indifferently, "To be honest, I don't really believe it either. After all, the President of the Academy, Fan Yiming, only has an IQ of 148, and you have 298.    


"Speak, why are you here?" You see, I'm working. I'm very busy. " Xia Lei said.    


Song Baicheng opened the folder and took out an A4 piece of paper and a pen from inside the folder. Then, he handed the paper and pen over to Xia Lei.    


The A4 was not a blank sheet of paper. On it was an extremely complex mathematical problem, with all sorts of numbers, symbols, and formulas occupying most of the paper.    


"I want you to calculate this question." Song Baicheng said.    


That was his goal.    


Xia Lei glanced at Song Baicheng, and then received the brush and paper. He could reject it, and could even get Song Baicheng to scram, but that would not be a wise decision. Song Baicheng brought over the question, obviously suspecting his IQ, as well as the veracity of the mortal research report. If he refused, the cunning and suspicious Song Baicheng would definitely have more doubts!    


If ZN Bureau didn't believe Fan Xian's research report, then it would definitely be a terrible thing to do. They had put on so many performances before that it would be a waste for them to do such a thing.    


"Let's find a quiet place." Song Baicheng said: "I got a mathematician to provide me with this question, it is said that it is very difficult to solve, I can give you some time, and let you solve it."    


"There's no need. Let's just leave it here. I'm in a hurry, give me ten minutes. " Xia Lei squatted on the ground, spread the paper on the ground, and just like that, he began to solve the question.    


The numbers, symbols, and formulas on the paper entered his brain, and his brain began to function. The mathematical knowledge that he had come in contact with surged out like a tide. Every knowledge point had an infinite extension, intersecting with each other and expanding to a higher level. In his mind, a world of mathematics was taking shape. This world began with the most basic mathematics, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing. After that, it became like a huge net spreading towards the vast and boundless starry sky. The starry sky continued to extend unceasingly, and the huge net also continued to extend unceasingly ?    


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