Tranxending Vision

C638 It turned out to be the Hongmen Banquet.

C638 It turned out to be the Hongmen Banquet.

Tang Tianlong brought Xia Lei to a private room in the innermost area of the teahouse. Xia Lei saw Ling Hao, Ye Kun and Mu Jiangfeng, as well as a few living military people and a stranger. This person was in his early fifties. His skin was clean and white, and he had been well-preserved. There was an air of superiority between his brows, giving off the feeling that he wasn't an ordinary person.    


This was probably the so-called leadership aura.    


Although no one introduced him, Xia Lei had already guessed the identity of the man, he should be Yu Shanhe.    


"Xia Lei, come over, let me introduce you." Ling Hao stood up.    


Xia Lei laughed, "I am familiar with all the leaders, other than this one." He looked at Yu Shanhe and asked, "May I know who this leader is?" /    


Without waiting for Ling Hao's introduction, Yu Shanhe stood up and smiled: My surname is Yu, and my name is Shan He. He extended a hand towards Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, it's great to meet you."    


Xia Lei reached out his hands to hold Yu Shanhe's hands, "Hello, Mr. Yu, I'm also very happy to meet you."    


Logically, Xia Lei should call him "Chief Yu" or something like that, but he knew that the other party did not come with good intentions, so he did not try to get close to him.    


"Mr. Xia, I'll give you four words."    


Xia Lei laughed, "What?"    


"A dragon among men!" Yu Shanhe said.    


"Mr Yu sure knows how to joke around." Xia Lei smiled and said: "I will also give Mister Yu four words."    


Yu Shanhe's brows slightly rose, "Uh, what is it?"    


Xia Lei replied: "I'm hiding my strength."    


The moment those words were said, everyone in the room turned to look at Xia Lei. They obviously knew Yu Shanhe's identity. For Xia Lei to speak like this to Yu Shanhe, it was equivalent to sweeping away their remaining face. Because, in terms of status, the only reason Yu Shanhe gave him this title was because he thought highly of Xia Lei. Xia Lei gave Yu Shanhe these words in return. With his identity, what he wrote did not qualify for it, it was an act filled with arrogance. Most importantly, the four words that Xia Lei had given Yu Shanhe were "hidden."    


Whether these four words were a negative or a negative, from a different perspective, the results would be different.    


"Mr. Xia, what do you mean?" Yu Shanhe was a little unhappy.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Mr. Yu, I do not have any other intentions. "He's hiding something, this means that Mr. Yu is a very powerful person."    


Xia Lei was not an idiot. On the contrary, he had an IQ of 998. Since Rayma Military Factory could not borrow money, this Yu Shanhe appeared. Not only this Yu Yu Shanhe, Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun had also come. Could this be a coincidence? He could already tell that this Yu Shanhe was here to take his Rayma Military Factory. This was not the first time this had happened, Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun had done this before. At that time, he only had the piece of cake like the XL2500 sniper rifle, but this piece of cake was not the only thing he had now. blast assault rifle s, second generation of Raylong intelligent machine tool s, chariots, cannons, defensive system, etc. Now that the Rayma Military Factory was undergoing a comprehensive upgrade, it was equivalent to moving all the upgraded versions of the German Rhine Metal Corp over. Then, the cake in his hand could move anyone's heart.    


Other than that, if Rayma Military Factory completed this upgrade, its large scale production could be used to produce other products in the future. His existence would be a threat to Hanwu Weapons Corp, as well as to others in the future. Could these two big military workers, and the stakeholders behind them, just sit back and let this happen? Can we not take action?    


Now, these people had come.    


However, Xia Lei couldn't understand why Ling Hao would interfere. Come into this, because he represents the ZN Bureau.    


The atmosphere became awkward and strange.    


"Hur hur." Ling Hao laughed, "Take a seat, take a seat, everyone take a seat. "Don't tell me that you're going to stand and talk about Old Master Tang's birthday banquet?"    


Yu Shanhe seemed to give Ling Hao a lot of face, and no longer bothered about the four words that Xia Lei had given him.    


Xia Lei also sat down.    


Ling Hao brought Xia Lei a cup of tea. The cup of tea was brewed a long time ago and was specially made for Xia Lei.    


"Thank you, Brother Ling." Xia Lei acted very politely.    


Ling Hao patted Xia Lei's shoulders, "Why are you being so courteous to me?"    


Xia Lei only laughed, and did not say much. Ever since he found out that Ling Hao was Mr. Z, he started to feel slightly annoyed and wary of him.    


Xia Lei sat down, and before even taking a sip of the tea, Yu Shanhe glanced at him. Mu Jiangfeng then looked at Ye Kun again.    


"Mhmm." Ye Kun cleared his throat, then looked at Xia Lei, "Mr. Xia, Rayma Military Factory has been making a lot of moves lately, you have been the best in the field of light weapons, and now you have extended your hand into the field of heavy weapons and heavy equipment. Your appetite is really big. "    


Xia Lei laughed, then said indifferently: "Just say what you want to say, there is no need to beat around the bush."    


"Mr. Xia, then just say it directly." As Ye Kun spoke, he glanced at Yu Shanhe from the corner of his eyes, "Our Hanwu Weapons Corp has always been providing spare parts for the production of blast assault rifle for the Rayma Military Factory, but during this period of time, we have not received any payment from the Rayma Military Factory for the goods. "What do you think is the solution to this matter?"    


Mu Jiangfeng also interrupted: "Mr. Xia, and our Shenzhou Industrial Group's receivable payment."    


Xia Lei said lightly: "Originally, we were looking for money. Do you think that Rayma Military Factory has already reached a point where they couldn't even pay the suppliers' prices?"    


The Rayma Military Factory's XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle was a bestseller in the world, many countries couldn't even buy it, how could it muddle its way to the point where it couldn't even afford to buy from the suppliers?    


This was only an excuse before Mu Jiangfeng and Ye Kun talked.    


Xia Lei could tell, this Yu Shanhe was the host, or perhaps the mastermind, but he would not personally speak up to negotiate with him. The people who came to negotiate with him were Ye Kun, who represented the Hanwu Weapons Corp, and Mu Jiangfeng, who represented the Shenzhou Industrial Group. The mouthpiece, the spokesman, of this interest group. Sometimes he could be the scapegoat.    


"Mr. Xia, your words are inappropriate." Mu Jiangfeng took over Ye Kun's words, "Everyone is building a national defense, Shenzhou Industrial Group, Hanwu Weapons Corp and the others could be considered as brothers' units. Now that there's a problem with the Rayma Military Factory's funding, why would we ask for money from you guys?"    


"Didn't Mr. Ye just ask me how to solve it?" Xia Lei said.    


Ye Kun said: "Mr. Xia, I didn't ask for money from you, I only asked for it. Our three companies are brothers, and now that the Rayma Military Factory is in trouble, you can feel embarrassed to ask for help, so I'll ask for you. After that, everyone will think of a way to help you solve the problem. "    


That was a beautiful sentence.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Yes, you're right. My Rayma Military Factory is at the critical point of the upgrade process, but the bank is not giving us any loans. Is that what you meant by trouble? "    


Ye Kun and Yu Shanhe looked at Yu Shanhe at the same time.    


"Cough, cough." Yu Shanhe coughed, "Mr. Xia, since your three companies are brothers, and have said it to such an extent, I will say a few words on my own behalf."    


"Mr. Yu, please speak." Xia Lei was also polite.    


Yu Shanhe said: "Currently, our national military enterprises are being pressured by the western military enterprises until they are unable to lift up their heads. Although we also have a certain number of exports, most of them are light weapons that the West despises. This situation needs to be changed, Mr. Xia, what do you think? "    


"How?" Xia Lei looked at Yu Shanhe and asked.    


"I represent my own position." Yu Shanhe reiterated this point, "I suggest you three companies to combine your efforts and then you can assume the position of the Group's Chairman. Mr. Xia, do you think this proposal of mine is good? "    


"Three companies integrated into one company?" It had to be said that Yu Shanhe's suggestion also surprised Xia Lei.    


"That's right. By combining all three companies into one, not only can it enhance the international competitiveness of your three companies, it can also save costs and increase benefits." After Yu Shanhe said this, he looked at Ling Hao again, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ling, what do you think of my suggestion?"    


Ling Hao nodded his head, "If all three companies are united, I think Xia Lei is the most suitable candidate for the position of chairman. His abilities were obvious to all. Furthermore, even if the three companies were to merge together, they still have to focus on the Rayma Military Factory. "    


This was Ling Hao's attitude. He agreed that the three companies should be merged into one company. His words revealed the intention of protecting Xia Lei's interests. It was as if he was not afraid to tell everyone in the room that was on his side.    


"I knew that Mr. Ling's council would agree with my proposal. This is a great thing to revitalize our military industry." Yu Shanhe looked at Xia Lei, and smiled, "Mr. Xia, what do you think?"    


Xia Lei did not say anything, as if he was thinking about something.    


Before Xia Lei could say anything, Ye Kun spoke, "How can that be? In terms of qualifications, Elder Mu was the most suitable candidate to be the chairman. It is undeniable that Mr. Xia is very capable, and I feel that it would be inappropriate for him to take up the post of chairman. "    


"Ah Kun." Mu Jiangfeng spoke out: "Don't talk about it anymore, this is a new era now, qualifications is nothing, ability is the most important. After the three companies have been merged together, our goal is to become one of the top military big shots in the world, and we want the entire world to have a whole new level of respect for our Grand China's military. "    


"Well said, Old Mu is Old Mu." Ye Kun said: "Based on my own wishes, I hope that Elder Mu can take over the position of chairman. But when Elder Mu said this, I also think that the position of chairman should belong to someone. Mr. Xia is the top mechanic and electrical engineer in our country, and he even created the Rayma Group from scratch. So, I, Ye Kun, will support him becoming the chairman! "    


"Although Xia Lei is the chairman, but I, Mu Jiangfeng still have to show one thing, I will do my best to help Xia Lei solve the financial problems that he is experiencing."    


"Old Mu is really a noble man." Yu Shanhe praised.    


Everyone in the room smiled.    


Of course, Xia Lei was the only one who did not laugh.    


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