Tranxending Vision

C642 A thought-provoking smile

C642 A thought-provoking smile

The two special forces guards at the entrance of the villa greeted Xia Lei. Xia Lei nodded in greeting before entering the villa. But before he took two steps, he turned around again and asked one of the guard: "Did anyone come here after I left?"    


The guard said, "A woman came by."    


"A woman?" Xia Lei's heart was moved, "What is her name?"    


The guard said, "I don't know who she is, but she has access rights."    


"What does she look like?" Xia Lei asked again.    


That special forces guard frowned, "Sorry, Mr. Xia, I'm not your subordinate, I have no obligation to answer your question."    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders and laughed: "It's alright, thank you."    


Entering the villa, Xia Lei went straight to Fan Fan's laboratory. When he reached the door, he stopped in his tracks. His left eye jumped slightly, and the scene in the laboratory entered his vision. It was also this insight that had shocked him on the spot.    


The laboratory was in a mess, with documents and office supplies strewn all over the floor. Fan Fan fell to the ground in the laboratory, his eyes closed, a very eye-catching bloodstain on his forehead.    


With no time to think, Xia Lei pushed open the door and rushed in. He picked Fan up and pinched the acupoints of her man.    


"Ying ?" Fan Fan gave a groan, then slowly woke up. Her vision seemed to still be blurry, and she wasn't able to clearly see who was hugging her. She instantly became nervous, extended a hand to push Xia Lei, and cried out: "No! Let me go! "    


"It's me, it's me, hush." Xia Lei covered her lips with his hands.    


Only now did Fan Fan see the person in front of her clearly, causing her to relax. "Brother Lei, it's you, this is great, this is great, I thought I would never be able to see you again."    


Xia Lei held her hand, "Tell me, what happened?"    


"A woman came here and said she wanted to look at your research report. I told her that I had given the research report on you to Song Baicheng. But she didn't listen to me at all. She rummaged through my lab. You see, she made a mess of this place. "    


"Did those commandos not stop her?" Xia Lei asked.    


Fan Fan Fan shook his head, "There was indeed a special forces soldier who came over to take a look after hearing the sound of me arguing with her, but after being scolded by her, he left."    


"What did she find here?"    


Fan Fan's expression immediately darkened, and he stuttered: "Brother Lei, I ? I'm sorry ? She took my phone and saw the original report that was kept in my phone. "    


Xia Lei's heart immediately sank into the valley, and his mood also dropped to the extreme. At this time, he had already guessed who had barged in. She was Su Xiao.    


"Brother Lei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry ?"    


Xia Lei interrupted Fan's words, "Why didn't you delete it?"    


Fan Fan Fan avoided Xia Lei's gaze, "I have been researching you, and have been looking for a way for you to impregnate women. The data is very important to me, I originally planned to delete it after I found the way, but I didn't think that ? The woman came. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. " She looked at Xia Lei eagerly, "Can you forgive me?"    


"This is not your fault. I don't blame you." Xia Lei said.    


Fan Xian buried his head into Xia Lei's chest, and choked with sobs: "But I still hate myself so much ? I'm so useless... "Ying, ying ?"    


Xia Lei gently caressed her back as he consoled her, "Stop crying, it's not your fault that I don't blame you."    


Fan Fan's delicate body lightly trembled, and her voice also said, "Your body is a miracle, if they knew ?" I can't believe they did. "    


"They?" Xia Lei's heart was moved, "Who are you talking about?"    


"They ?" Fan Xian's face turned red, and his voice trembled even more, "Song Baicheng and the people behind him, those are the people I was talking about.    


"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Let me help you with your wounds. " Xia Lei began to divert her attention.    


Fan Fan looked at Xia Lei longingly, "Then how about I tell you a good news?"    


"What good news?" Xia Lei really could not think of anything good that Fan Fan could tell him at this time. The bad news he received was simply too much.    


"I've discovered a possibility that could allow me to obtain your child."    


"Huh?" Xia Lei was immediately stunned, and then he anxiously shouted: "Tell me quickly! What is it? "    


"I've discovered that your little tadpole can release a toxin that kills competitors, and I've already begun to configure antidote s to restrict your little tadpole from releasing that toxin. That way, you might be able to get a woman pregnant. "    


"Is it for me to eat antidote?"    


"No, no. It's useless even if you eat it. It's for me ?" It's not eating, it's putting it in there. "    


Xia Lei only just realised where he was now, he was a little embarrassed, "How far have you researched it?"    


"It's only just started. As long as I have some time, I will definitely be able to figure it out."    


"When you find out, you have to tell me."    


"Of course, I will be the first to tell you."    


Xia Lei was too lazy to speak any more nonsense and buried his head in work. He was very clear about his own situation, but he also believed in Fan Fan Fan's strength. After all, she was the country's most outstanding bioengineering Master. She had collected so many samples from his body. It was not impossible that she could find that kind of antidote.    


The AE Research Center may also have this kind of strength, but back then Liang Siyao had collected this sample from his body which would die very quickly. After sending it to the AE Research Center, the bioengineering Masters there could only study the dead tadpoles, so in this aspect, Fan Fan Xian actually held a great advantage.    


The chaotic scene turned silent.    


"Do you want children?" Fan Fan said in a soft voice next to Xia Lei's ear.    


Xia Lei replied, "Of course I want to. If we have children ?"    


Fan Fan Fan suddenly crawled up from Xia Lei's embrace, "Let's talk about future matters in the future. Didn't you want to help me treat my wounds? Let's go to my room. There's a first-aid kit there. "    


Xia Lei thought, "Why would she avoid this question?"    


If a woman gives birth to a man, what she wants most is a family, and a wife as well. However, judging from her reaction just now, she was not the least bit interested in any of this.    


"This place is terrible. I'll have to clean it up a long time later." Fan Fan Xian smirked. "That woman is really despicable."    


A thought suddenly flashed through Xia Lei's mind, after that, his left eye slightly twitched, and the ability of microcosm seemed to have awoken. In his eyes, the tiny traces of the laboratory appeared one by one and entered his field of vision. His brain had also synchronized and entered the transcendent mode, combing through the traces and reconstructing them one by one ?    


"What are you looking at?" Fan Fan asked.    


Xia Lei crawled up from the ground, and revealed a smile on his face: "Nothing, let's go to your room."    


"Can you stop touching me later?" Fan Fan's cheeks turned red. "I'm afraid that I won't be able to hold it in again."    


Xia Lei reached out and pinched her cheek.    


"Look at how you are bullying me. With this sort of special physique, I am already pitiful enough. Yet you still want to bully me."    


"Let's go, I'll treat your wounds."    


"Do you think it's a bad woman?"    


"How could that be? If you are a bad woman, then there is no bad woman in the world. " Xia Lei said as he looked at the last minute mark in the eyeball. At the same time, his brain was also reconstructing itself using the "site" for footprints and finger marks that he couldn't do under the "microcosm" state of his left eye.    


In the blink of an eye, a 1.75 meter tall, hundred and ten kilograms tall woman appeared in his mind ?    


Then there was the mortal world. Her movements in the laboratory were simulated under the trace of microcosm, and very vividly displayed in Xia Lei's mind.    


A smile emerged on Xia Lei's face, a smile that would cause others to ponder.    


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