Tranxending Vision

C647 Beast

C647 Beast

It was a good thing that the bank had come looking for him.    


Walking out of the villa, Xia Lei suddenly said: "Fan Fan, wait for me for a moment, I'm going to go relieve myself."    


"Alright, I'll wait for you." Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei entered one of the villa's washrooms, and then took out his phone to call Qin Xiang, "In ten minutes, you can call the phone in my office and pretend to be a person from the bank. Remember that?"    


Qin Xiang's voice came out of the phone, "Why are you pretending to be a bank member?"    


"You don't need to worry about that. Just fight one by one, pretending to be the boss of the Industrial and Agricultural Bank."    


"Then what should I say?"    


"Anything you say, but lower your voice."    


"Okay, ten minutes. I'll call." Qin Xiang hung up the phone.    


Xia Lei kept his phone and left the washroom after two minutes. After walking out of the villa, he led Fan Fan Fan towards the office.    


The boss of the construction bank that followed Fan Fan Xian was obviously not the boss, but rather a branch boss. His surname was Chen, and he was around fifty years old.    


Chen Zhang was very polite to Xia Lei, upon arriving, he immediately stood up to welcome him, and took the initiative to shake Xia Lei's hand, and smiled: "Chairman Xia, I came uninvited, and didn't disturb you, did I?"    


Xia Lei laughed, "Boss Chen is too courteous, a few days ago, my men went to your bank to borrow money, but they met with trouble everywhere. Now that you've come uninvited, I won't be able to be happy in time.    


Chen Zhang looked at Fan Fan Fan somewhat embarrassedly.    


However, Fan Fan stood up for Xia Lei, "That's right, your banks did not give Rayma Military Factory any loans back then, this is your fault. Rayma Military Factory was such an outstanding enterprise, why would they be afraid of not being able to borrow money? Sometimes, you guys just care too much about some people's face. Is it really so good for some people to just say hello? It works better than a market economy? "Really."    


These words not only made Chen Zhang stunned, but also made Xia Lei stunned. Didn't she have a share in greeting the banks?    


She played as a bandit and a hero. The two characters didn't change at all.    


"Cough, cough." Xia Lei coughed twice, he did not stab any lines into Fan Xian, and changed the topic: "Chief Chen, what business do you have with me?"    


Chen Zhang smirked, "Xia Dong, what else do you want me to find you for? I know that the Rayma Military Factory urgently needs twenty billion in loans, I will immediately rush over. You see, I've even brought a loan contract. As long as you sign it, you can transfer the loan to your account in the afternoon. "    


He did bring the loan contract, in his briefcase. He took out the loan contract from his briefcase and placed it on Xia Lei's desk, one by one.    


Xia Lei glanced at the loan contract, he did not say that he would sign it, nor did he say that he would not sign it, but he was staring at the watch on his wrist from the corner of his eyes.    


Chen Zhang smiled and said: "Xia Dong, take a look. If there are no problems, we will sign it."    


Xia Lei replied: "There's no problem, but..."    


Ring, ring, ring!    


The telephone on his desk suddenly rang.    


"Sorry, I have to take a call first." Xia Lei picked up the phone, opened his mouth and said: "I am Xia Lei, may I ask who you are?"    


Qin Xiang's voice came out from the phone, it was as light as a mosquito talking, "How many times did you and Long Bing do in your office's resting room last night?"    


A few black lines immediately appeared on Xia Lei's forehead, but he still maintained a serious expression on his face, "Oh, so you're a member of the trade ? You want to give me a loan? Yeah, yeah, I need a loan, but... Alright, alright, let's not talk about the past anymore. I also know that you have your own difficulties. "Let's get straight to the point, I want to borrow 2 billion, how much interest do you want?"    


Qin Xiang's voice came out from the phone, "You don't know, just Division Chief Long's shout almost made me straighten out."    


How could Chen Zhang know who it was that called Xia Lei and said something else? He looked at Fan Fan for help, but the latter didn't seem to have anything to do with him.    


"A loan rate of 4.2 per year?" Xia Lei frowned, "Isn't that a bit high? I know it's a discount, but... 4.2 points, couldn't it be any less? "Then I'll think about it."    


With a one-year loan rate of 4.6 and an ICBC loan rate of 4.2, this is already a big discount.    


Just as Xia Lei put down the phone, the phone rang again.    


"Agricultural Bank?" I say, what's going on with you guys? A few days ago, my people begged for a loan, but you guys didn't even meet face to face ? Alright, let's not talk about the past. I also know that you guys are in a difficult situation. If you have something to say, just say it ? One year loan interest rate 4.1? How many years? Five years... 4.8? I'll think about it and wait for my call. "    


Chen Zhang quietly wiped the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.    


Xia Lei put the phone down again. Suddenly, it rang again.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to reach for the phone, Chen Zhang suddenly reached out and pressed on Xia Lei's hand, "Xia Dong, don't answer the phone. "How about this, a five-year loan rate of 4.5 and we'll lend it to you."    


The interest rate for each loan was 5.15 for five years, which was already a huge discount for Chen Zhang. 2 billion, and a minimum of 1.3 billion less interest in five years.    


Xia Lei was obviously moved, but he still pretended to be hesitant.    


At this time, Fan Fan said: "How about this, Boss Chen, on my account, give Xia Lei another 0.2% discount, what do you think?"    


Now, it was Chen Zhang's turn to hesitate. A five-year interest rate of 4.5, this was already a huge discount. Another 0.2% would be 4.3%. This kind of loan interest rate had almost already been reduced by a full point of the loan interest rate. One had to know that a loan interest rate point was 200 million gold and silver!    


Ring, ring, ring...    


This time, Xia Lei did not wait for Chen Zhang to press his hand as he picked up the phone.    


"What are you doing? Why didn't you pick up my phone just now?" Didn't you tell me to call? You got angry just because I told you to mess with Long Bing? "You're a man, why are you fussing over a woman ?" Qin Xiang's voice.    


Xia Lei's words, "Hua Xing? You guys really are ? Alright, alright, I won't care about the past anymore ? You and my wife are good friends? Hey, it's my ex-wife, okay ? If you have something to say, just say it, I really need a loan. I want 2 billion, just give me a five-year loan interest rate ? 4.15? "Alright!"    


Chen Zhang suddenly pressed down on the call's end button.    


"Director Chen, what do you mean by this?" Xia Lei looked at Chen Zhang.    


"4, 4, 4.1!" Chen Zhang gritted his teeth and said hatefully: "2 billion, five years loan interest rate, 4.1, we will lend it to you. However, we would like to sign a long-term contract. The next time you want a loan, you have to think about us first. "    


Xia Lei shrugged his shoulders, "Alright, we will sign the contract now."    


Half an hour later, Chen Zhang left Xia Lei's office.    


Fan Fan gave Xia Lei a big thumbs up, "You are really ruthless. I gave you the interest rate for my sake and you gave me the rate of 4.3, while you gave me the rate of 4.1. "    


Xia Lei replied: "There's no helping it, it's a market economy, he won't lend it, someone is fighting to lend it to me."    


Fan Fan Fan smiled. "Were those few calls really from the Industrial and Agricultural Bank or something?"    


The act just now could be said to deceive a person like Chen Zhang, but to deceive a woman like Fan Xian was extremely difficult.    


"What do you think?" Xia Lei looked at her.    


"I believe you." Fan Fan said.    


"Then I thank you as well." Xia Lei said. In terms of what happened just now, Fan Fan was actually a great help. If she hadn't used her face to bring Chen Zhang here to give him a chance to act, and Chen Zhang sold mortals' face, he wouldn't have been able to get such a low interest loan.    


"Then how are you going to thank me?" Fan Fan crossed his legs.    


Her snow-white long legs drew a bright path in the air, and a mysterious scene of blinking and then disappearing white lace. The scenery was mysterious and fertile, extremely mature. Even if it was just a fleeting moment, it could seduce others, tempting them to enter deep into their dreams.    


A faint smile emerged from the corner of Xia Lei's mouth, "What are you trying to do?"    


"My laboratory is destroyed, I think ?" Fan Fan Fan pulled up his hair, but intentionally or unintentionally, he pulled up his collar.    


Xia Lei stared straight ahead, but the words that he needed to say were not the least bit slurred, "You won't have a new laboratory, at least you won't have one with me."    


Fan Fan Xian smirked, "There's no room for discussion on this matter?"    


Xia Lei said indifferently: "You just tricked me, don't tell me you're still hoping for me to jump into your trap?"    


"Well, I won't rebuild my lab. However, the X-Secret Gold Project still had to go through with it. My grandfather and I have always been members of the X-Secret Gold Project, so I want to hear your plans now. You said it before, you would help me take down the position of Director of ZN Bureau. I can only rely on X-Secret Gold Project now. " Fan Fan said.    


Xia Lei thought for a while, "Give me another two months, and at that time, Rayma Military Factory will probably have fully upgraded. My second generation of Raylong intelligent machine tool should be born as well. After that, I will give you an answer. "    


"Two months?" Fan Fan frowned.    


"This is the least time required, there is no room for discussion."    


"Okay, I'll come back later." Fan Xian said so.    


Xia Lei said lightly: "What are you doing here?"    


"Don't forget, other than the X-Secret Gold Project, I am also researching your little tadpole. I will soon be configuring the antidote, don't you want to try it? "    


Try it? The fire in Xia Lei's lower abdomen burned even more vigorously.    


"Also, although you blew up my laboratory and destroyed my data and samples, I am well aware of the secrets you possess. You want me to keep this a secret for you. I bear a huge risk. You don't think I will be stupid enough to help you when you promise to help me get the position of director of the ZN Bureau when the time comes? You have to pay the same price. "    


Xia Lei frowned: "What do you want?"    


Fan Fan Fan said, "I am most skilled in the bioengineering. I am very curious about the descendants of people like you. I feel like he is a miracle."    


"You want a child?"    


"My request was actually very pleasant to you, wasn't it? Haven't you had enough women? "No need for this one."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


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