Tranxending Vision

C673 A massacre!

C673 A massacre!

The driver of the field command vehicle finally started the engine and quickly fled in the direction of the Jiang-Nan district.    


In the process, a sniper rifle bullet hit the windshield of the vehicle. However, it couldn't shatter the windshield. It had only made dozens of cracks. The driver of the field command car survived.    


The sniper stopped firing, but until now no one knew where he was.    


Gu Kewen struggled to crawl back up, she grabbed his communicator and roared: "It's him! He's in Jiang-Nan district! "    


Suddenly, field agent of the CIA, special forces of the marines, and helicopter gunships in the sky all rushed towards the direction of Jiangnan.    


"He must be in a high-rise near the slums. Seal off all high-rise buildings within three kilometers!" Gu Kewen quickly issued an even more precise order.    


Obviously, her bloody ass had not affected her brain.    


At the same time.    


The Toyota MPV parked outside the slums started to move towards the Jiang-Nan district. However, before the driver could drive the car 100 meters away, a bullet flew from the front and penetrated the driver's glass, fiercely stabbing into his forehead. The uncontrolled Toyota van veered off the road and crashed headfirst into a roadside tree.    


Boom! * With a dull thud, the Toyota van came to a halt. The people in the car rushed forward as they were driven by inertia. It was a complete mess.    


In the chaos, Nomosha suddenly grabbed one of her subordinates and threw him into the carriage. Almost at the same instant, a burst of bullets flew in from outside the car. In that instant, the car trembled, and the glass shattered. Fresh blood splattered everywhere. The narrow interior restricted movement, and there was little room for anyone in the car to dodge. Before they could even see who had attacked them, the bullets had already embedded themselves into their bodies.    


However, this was just the beginning. More bullets rained down on the car, and the Toyota MPV that did not have any bulletproof capabilities was riddled with holes. The people in the car had also been beaten into a sieve. Blood gushed out from the various small and large wounds on their bodies. Then, the blood flowed out from the cracks in the car door and the bullet holes on the car body. It was a shocking sight.    


Not only the Toyota MPV that was at the front, but also the two Toyota Land Cruisers that were right behind him, as well as a few other locomotives, were not spared. The bullets coming from both sides of the road tore apart the FA cars like a violent storm.    


The ambush lasted only half a minute before it ended. The FA didn't even fire a single bullet back.    


Two hundred meters away, on the roof of a building, six gunmen put away their guns.    


These six people were all members of the Zodiac Clan. The one who had shot and killed the driver of the Toyota MPV was Amanda, while Arresian, Baghu, Markus, Markus and Ye Liena used their blast assault rifle to shoot and kill the people from the FA in the MPV. The five blast assault rifle s with a range of two thousand meters had almost zero recoil. The strong firepower they provided made this ambush seem extremely easy.    


"Wow." Markus caressed the blast assault rifle on his finger, with a smile on his face, he refused to let go, "I have used almost every kind of assault rifle in the world, but I have never used an assault rifle that is as powerful or as useful as a blast assault rifle."    


Amanda said: "You should try out the XL2500 sniper rifle that boss designed. I swear, there is no other sniper rifle in this world that is stronger and better than this."    


"Don't talk about guns anymore, it's time for us to retreat." Ye Liena said: "It's about time for boss to stop."    


"I wonder if that bitch Nomosha has been killed yet." Amanda said.    


"He shouldn't be able to live any longer." Erdelmtu said: "Our six guns are shooting at them, those cars have all been turned into sieves, Nomosha will not be able to escape."    


"If only I could go and take a look." Amanda said.    


"We can't go. The Korean police are coming soon. Let's go." Ye Liena said.    


Just as she finished speaking, the piercing sound of sirens could be heard from afar.    


At the same time, Piao Taiyong's voice came out from the communication device, "Boss and I are already on our way to the retreat point, you guys should hurry over too. We have to leave."    


The six Zodiac Clan members looked at each other and smiled before quickly leaving the rooftop.    


A policeman pulled up to the side of the road. The two policemen got out of the car and carefully approached the FAA vehicle with guns in their hands.    


A police officer holding a walkie-talkie reported to headquarters, "There was a gunfight here. An unknown person was killed! [Oh my god ?] "A lot of people!"    


A policeman opened the door of the Toyota and a body fell down. It was a white man, very strong, his body weighed at least 200 pounds, but he also had 20 bullet holes on him, he was already dead.    


"There's still one alive!" The policeman who opened the door asked in surprise.    


At that moment, a black man who was lying in the corridor of the carriage suddenly flipped over and fell beside the door.    


The police officer who opened the door pointed the gun at the black man and realized that he was not alive at all. There was a hole the size of a wine glass in his head. At that moment, a large pistol of a peculiar shape suddenly appeared in front of him. There was also a woman lying in the hallway, a woman covered in blood. She seemed to have just crawled out of a pool of blood from hell.    


"You ?"    




Before the policeman who opened the door could finish his sentence, his head disappeared. The rest of his body flew backward and then heavily crashed into the roadside.    


The policeman, who was reporting to headquarters, hastily raised his gun to fire, but his actions were no match for the woman. Just as he lifted his arm, the opponent's hand had already moved. A military knife flew towards his chest at that moment and fiercely stabbed into his chest.    


"Puff ?" The last policeman spat out a mouthful of blood and fell onto his back.    


The woman kept her strange looking big gun, and said, "Xia Lei, Xia Lei... F * ck me! "Your father!"    


She was Nomosha.    


She made a plan to lure Xia Lei out and capture him using the secret documents compiled by FA. Xia Lei came out, but she did not catch anyone, and all of her people died. Furthermore, if not for her quick reaction just now, hugging one of his subordinates in time and using that unlucky guy's body to block the blast assault rifle's bullets, she probably would have gone to hell to report it!    


What could be worse than an earthworm plan?    


When he thought of the danger and grievance he had just faced, Nomosha wanted to make Xia Changhe give up on him in front of Xia Lei!    


Nomosha got into the police car, turned around quickly and escaped from the scene.    


At the same time, the CIA's field command vehicle stopped by the roadside. A transport helicopter dropped down from the sky, and several field doctors jumped down from the Mount Dragon military base. They ran to the field command van with stretchers and first-aid equipment.    


The driver opened the door, causing Gu Kewen to stagger and fall down. Luckily, the driver was right in front of her and hugged her. Her face was pale and her sexy butt had already turned blood-red.    


"There won't be a next time, there won't be a next time ?" Gu Kewen kept repeating these words. She was weak, but her eyes were ice-cold and terrifying.    


This was the CIA's Harpoon Project. It received the same result as the FA's Earthworm Project. It suffered a crushing defeat!    


However, what made Nomosha and Gu Kewen the most furious and unacceptable was that from start to finish, they had been dragged by Xia Lei's noses and never seen Xia Lei appear!    


In the end, Xia Lei still appeared, but he was on a rural road that was far away from Seoul.    


As Piao Taiyong drove, he asked, "Boss, did you finish Gu Kewen?"    


Xia Lei did not speak. In fact, his mind was constantly thinking about the scene of Gu Kewen being killed. At that time, his position was 3000 meters away from Gu Kewen. He had also used the XL2500 sniper rifle that he had personally modified, with a range of 3400 meters. He had personally witnessed Gu Kewen being shot in the butt, but that one shot had hit Gu Kewen, so she had dodged the subsequent shots.    


If he did not have to be that far away, he would have more than a 50% chance of killing Gu Kewen. However, if they were too close, there would be no time to retreat after firing. Once they were surrounded, not only would the enemies have the CIA's field agent s, they would also have more than two hundred Mount Dragon's base's special forces. That would put him in an extremely dangerous situation!    




Xia Lei came back to reality, "Half of it, I might not have killed her, but I did hit her. If he hurts important blood vessels and the caudal vertebra, she might die. "    


"Caudal vertebra?" Did you hit her in the ass? "    


"Mm, I was going to blow her head off, but she dodged it." Xia Lei frowned, "The CIA's field command vehicle is not an ordinary vehicle. I used an armor piercing bullet, but I still need two bullets to penetrate the car's body. The moment my first bullet struck the body of the car, Gu Kewen was already alerted. "    


Piao Taiyong still had his mouth wide open, a look of astonishment on his face. He was stunned for a good long while before he managed to utter a single word, "Boss, you ? It's a moving bulletproof vehicle. How can you hit the same spot with two bullets? Furthermore, you even hit Gu Kewen's butt! "    


At a distance of 3000 meters, not to mention hitting a moving car, even a stationary target would be very difficult. This was because shooting was no longer an easy task. There were many factors to consider, such as wind speed, air resistance, the speed of the bullets, and energy consumption. There were so many things to consider and even calculate. How did he do it? And he did it so well!    


This was of course the reason behind Xia Lei's mental calculation. This kind of calculation was practically an elementary math question to Xia Lei, there was no difficulty at all.    


However, Xia Lei would never explain it to Piao Taiyong, he only laughed, "Drive the car, don't make Amanda and the others wait too long."    


Piao Taiyong shrugged his shoulders and muttered to himself: "I've heard that you were the strongest sniper in the world. I didn't believe you back then, but now ? I think you're the king of the sniper world. No one can surpass you. "    


Xia Lei only listened and did not interrupt.    


The modern van headed for the sea.    


At this time, there were still ten hours until the time Xia Lei requested for two days to retreat. There was plenty of time to retreat.    


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