Tranxending Vision

C672 Attack!

C672 Attack!

This slum was separated from the bustling Jiangnan District by only a 6-lane road, with about 20,000 people living there. On one side was a skyscraper, the world of the rich. There were low huts on one side, cobweblike wires and potholes in the ground. A six-lane highway had also become the dividing line between heaven and hell. Now that the dividing line had been blocked by the Korean police, no vehicles had entered and there were no other vehicles on the road apart from the police cars and the CIA's special service vehicles.    


Not only was the sixth line of roads blocked, but all the roads and exits that surrounded the slums were blocked. Anyone who wanted to enter the slums would have to be interrogated and examined by the Korean police, and those who came out of the slums would have to be interrogated and tested.    


From time to time, a helicopter gunship flew across the sky. Their mission was to snipe at suspicious vehicles and provide firepower support to combatants on the ground.    


A huge net had been formed in the sky and the earth. It was impossible to escape from the target in the net.    


A transport helicopter landed on the sixth route. Under the protection of a few special forces soldiers, Gu Kewen got off the transport helicopter and went into a CIA field vehicle. This car has equipment for receiving satellite surveillance signals, as well as communication equipment. Through these equipment, Gu Kewen could control the entire car. However, what she was more concerned about was that this Field Command Vehicle was far away from the battlefield, so it could ensure her safety.    


When Gu Kewen got on the car, a CIA technician immediately woke up a monitor. The monitor's image was transmitted through a camera mounted on a tactical helmet, somewhat wobbly. In the flickering image, more than twenty CIA field agent covered each other, quickly passed through a dilapidated street, and then surrounded a small, dilapidated building.    


That small building was where the CIA had tracked Xia Lei previously.    


From the communication device, the leader of the CIA field agent team said, "We are close to the target's position, please give the command."    


Gu Kewen picked up the communication device and said coldly: "Arrest everyone in the building! If anyone tries to resist, shoot them on the spot! "    


"Got it." The captain of the CIA field agent made a few hand gestures.    


More than twenty of the CIA field agent s quietly surrounded the small building. There were people standing in the doorway, people standing by the windows, and people crouching on the floor with their guns pointed at the door, the windows, and the stairs. A CIA field agent holding a door breaker came to the door. Without any hesitation, he swung the door breaker and smashed it open.    


"Xia Lei, if you're inside, then you're dead." A cold smile surfaced on the corner of Gu Kewen's mouth.    


Would Xia Lei be in that small building?    


Gu Kewen thought in her heart that Xia Lei did not escape, he was still staying in the small building. That way, she could solve the problem with ease. However, yearning was yearning, but she himself doubted it. How could Xia Lei, who was extremely intelligent and craftier than a fox, wait for someone to capture him in that small building?    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Just as Gu Kewen was pondering whether or not Xia Lei was actually in the pavilion, a gunshot came from inside the pavilion. The CIA field agent who were surrounding the small building immediately took the chance to retaliate, and instantly, gunshots rang out. Bullets were pouring in through doors and windows, shards of glass, pieces of wood, and fragments of brick.    


"He's really inside!" Gu Kewen suddenly became excited.    


The CIA field agent that was surrounding the house stopped firing. The field agent Captain who was guarding the front door threw a Shock Bomb into the small building. After a bright flash, he charged into the small building. Behind him, a few CIA field agent s followed closely.    


The screen in the monitor was disturbed by the smoke from the detonator, making it difficult to see clearly. Gu Kewen's heart was in her throat, she longed for Xia Lei to suddenly appear in the image, and she was even panicking.    


Unfortunately, such a scene did not appear.    


More and more CIA field agent rushed into the house. They kicked open every door and searched every room in the house.    


Bang! The leader of the CIA field agent kicked open a door upstairs. A cat suddenly leaped up from the ground and fled to the window in panic.    


Tuk, tuk, tuk ?    


Instinctively, the field agent Captain of the CIA raised her gun and shot a bullet at the sniper. The cat was hit in the air, and the impact of the bullet carried its body out of the window. Its blood splattered on the walls and broken windows, like cherry blossoms blooming in a cloud of smoke. It was heartbreakingly beautiful.    


The eyes of the field agent leader of the CIA stopped on a corner of the room. The camera mounted on his tactical helmet also transmitted the scene he saw to the field command vehicle.    


A large stereo appeared on the screen. The stereo was on, and there was an A4 piece of paper pasted on it. On it was written in Chinese: CIA is a fool! Gu Kewen was an idiot!    


Bang Bang Bang...    


The sound of gunfire suddenly came from the stereo.    


It turned out that the gunshots that caused the CIA field agent to be at loggerheads were coming from this stereo.    


When he saw the words "Gu Kewen is an idiot", Gu Kewen did not get angry, but instead smiled, "This guy, you have to try if I'm an idiot before. Do you dare to try? "Coward!"    


A CIA technician suddenly exclaimed, "Chief, the signal that disappeared just now appeared again!"    


Gu Kewen also went over.    


A flashing red dot appeared on the computer monitor where the technician was working. It was moving fast. However, its location was not in the slums but outside the slums. It was running away from the bustling Jiangnan District.    


"Chief, we should inform our helicopter to chase him. He won't be able to escape." The CIA technician reminded Gu Kewen.    


"Wait, let's check the situation first." While speaking, Gu Kewen pointed a button at the monitor.    


At the same time, in a black Toyota van outside the slums.    


"Chief, Gu Kewen has sent us the image of the location of the satellite. The target has appeared again, and is fleeing towards the Jiang-Nan region! "    


Nomosha's line of sight moved to a special laptop's display. Sure enough, a flashing red dot was quickly fleeing towards the Jiang-Nan region. That little red dot represented Xia Lei. However, through the motion video of the CIA field agent that Gu Kewen had sent over via her pinhole camera, she suspected that this was still a trick of Xia Lei.    


"Leader, Gu Kewen did not get pursued by the helicopter, she is trying to buy us time, what do we do?" the FA technical staff asked.    


Nomosha thought for a moment, then called out the names of the two people, "You guys go and take a look. If not, do not act rashly, and even if you confirmed that the target is Xia Lei, immediately report it to me. "    


Two free agent from the FA organization got out of the car and chased after him on their locomotives. The FA technicians in the Toyota van provided them with location support.    


Two minutes later, two gunships were flying in the same direction. On the ground, one Hummer after another headed towards the Jiang-Nan sector. The soldiers of the Mount Dragon's military base were also involved in the capture operation.    


Gu Kewen being able to buy two minutes for the FA was already the limit of what she could do.    


Whether it was in the CIA's field command vehicle or in the FA's Toyota, the red dot in the location screen provided by the American spy satellite came to a sudden stop after a short run.    


As the red dot stopped, the two helicopter gunships also hovered in the sky.    


On the screen of the special laptop operated by the FA technical staff, there were also images transmitted by two of the FA's professional agents. A young Korean man with scalding blond hair stood by the roadside, booing. Behind him was an old and dilapidated locomotive. The helicopter gunships in the sky had obviously scared him, to the point that most of the liquid that came out of the guns had splashed onto his pants.    


"Put down your weapon!" Someone shouted over a loudspeaker on the helicopter.    


"I... I don't have a weapon! " The blond youth shouted.    


"Cover your head with your hands and kneel on the ground!"    


"Bastard!" Someone gave me money to ride this bike... I don't know anything! " The golden-haired youngster suddenly turned around and ran.    




With a gunshot, the blonde youth was knocked to the ground by the sniper. The sniper didn't kill him, but took one of his legs.    


A long line of Hummer vehicles appeared on the screen.    


Two free agents from the FA turned back.    


The Nomosha in the Toyota MPV slammed her fist on the door, causing a loud thud, "Damn it! He made a fool of us and the CIA! What on earth is he trying to do? "    


The punch reminded her of something. She had calmed down a moment ago.    


She grabbed a communicator and said, "Leave quickly!" He purposely moved your people away! "    


These words were sent to the miniature receiver hidden in Gu Kewen's ears in less than a second. Her reaction was fast as she gave the order almost at the same time, "Quick! Get out of here! "    


However, before the driver could start the car, the body of the car shook.    


Gu Kewen subconsciously fell down.    


Almost at the same instant, a sniper rifle bullet pierced the carriage and the burning bullet slammed into her hip. If she was even a fraction of a second slower, the bullet hole would have hit the back of her head instead of her butt!    


Intense pain hit him, and Gu Kewen almost fainted. However, the devilish training in Siberia worked. Her willpower was not destroyed, and her body maintained its most basic instinctive reaction. When the pain came, she rolled to the side.    


Ding! With a crisp sound, a string of sparks splashed out from the bottom of the metal compartment of the carriage.    


In the same situation, if her reaction was just a little bit slower, the sniper's bullet would have taken her life!    


This was also a bulletproof vehicle, but it was still unable to block the sniper's sniper attack. The other party seemed to be able to see through the bulletproof steel plate and lock onto her position! What was even more terrifying was that the accuracy of a sniper's marksmanship had reached the pinnacle. It was as if the sniper had first destroyed the car's bulletproof steel plate and then fired a second shot at the target!    


Who in this world could play a sniper rifle to such an extent?    


There was no one else but Xia Lei!    


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