Tranxending Vision

C683 Meng Nuolisuo's smile

C683 Meng Nuolisuo's smile

The trouble was gone and everything was back on track. The helldog single-military artillery had entered mass production, it was not worried about the market at all. Just the domestic orders alone was already enough for Rayma Military Factory to be busy in a world of darkness, not to mention the international orders. However, even if they had money, they might not be able to buy the helldog single-military artillery. Those countries that imposed a technology blockade on the Grand China would not be able to buy it no matter how much money they gave. The United States was one of them, and no weapons from the Rayma Military Factory would ever be sold to the United States. There was also Japan, where the funds from Japan could not even buy a single screw, let alone an ultimate weapon like the helldog single-military artillery.    


After the helldog single-military artillery entered mass production, the Rayma Military Factory's defense system also produced a new product, a machine gun defense system that targeted ships. Its performance is also better than that of similar products in the world. However, Xia Lei was not in a hurry to expand and mass produce it.    


He had his ideas and plans. With Rayma Military Factory's current production capacity, even completing the helldog single-military artillery's orders would be very troublesome. If he also accepted the orders from the defense system, the workers would not be able to complete it even if they were to die from exhaustion. It will take new money and staff to continue to expand capacity, but he is in no hurry to do so.    


His plan was very simple, it was to use the helldog single-military artillery, the XL2500 sniper rifle and the blast assault rifle to earn enough profit to repay the loan while accumulating the funds, and then start a new expansion plan. At that time, Sylvia and Anina had pretty much pulled out the tanks and chariots that belonged to the Rayma Military Factory. He only needed to gather his strength once and he would be able to build a huge monster out of the Rayma Military Factory!    


Developing the engines of tanks and tanks was not a small challenge for Xia Lei. After all, he had never set foot in the field of engines, and that knowledge was new to him. However, this was nothing particularly difficult for his super brain. With the help of Anina and Sylvia, the Rayma Military Factory's engine project was progressing smoothly.    


Other than researching the tanks and engines, Xia Lei had also invested part of his energy into the X-Secret Gold Project. He tried to find clues from all angles, but to no avail.    


A month passed in the blink of an eye.    


This morning, Xia Lei received a call.    


"Mr. Xia, do you still remember me?" A man's voice came out of the phone, "I am Dr. Serenity's main doctor, Wei Guanyi."    


"Oh, so it's Doctor Wei Guanyi. Hello." Xia Lei suddenly thought about this person and the things related to him. The last time he went to see Serenity, he had a private chat with this Wei Guanyi. He gave Wei Guanyi an extra salary so that he could pay attention to Serenity and tell him about it. He had been too busy during this period of time that he had almost forgotten about this person. However, he did not expect Wei Guanyi to call him today.    


"Well, Dr. Ning had a special case last night. I e-mailed you last night, but you didn't reply to me. " Wei Guanyi said.    


Last night? Last night, Xia Lei, Sylvia and the others were researching on the mystery of the origin of life.    


"Sorry, I haven't opened my mailbox for a while. Serenity. What sort of special situation has happened to her? " Xia Lei started to get nervous.    


"I can't explain it over the phone. Mr. Xia, are you free? "If you're free, come over and take a look. We'll discuss this in detail when you come over." Wei Guanyi said.    


"Alright, I'll be right there." Xia Lei hung up the phone and went out.    


The Chevy Suburban was speeding along the road. Xia Lei's thoughts were also like a wild horse that had been freed and was no longer bound.    


"The sky is not the sky, there is no distance. Time was not time. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years had passed. The traveler came from a distant place and time, and the sky was not his obstacle, nor could time destroy his body. He was looking for a starting point, but he was lost in the world of darkness. He almost forgot himself, the only thing he can do ? "    


This was what Serenity had said to him last time. He had also researched this part in depth, and had even tried using ancient alloy box s. Unfortunately, he was unable to find the answer. That clue ended just like what she had said. Now that there was a new situation in Serenity, would there be any new clues this time?    


This guess made Xia Lei secretly excited.    


Just as Xia Lei drove into the sanatorium, he saw Wei Guanyi. He had been waiting for him there for a long time.    


"Doctor Wei, what happened to Serenity?" As he got out of the car, Xia Lei asked impatiently.    


"Mr. Xia, come with me." Wei Guanyi led the way, and said while walking: "Mr. Xia, it's like this. Last night Dr. Serenity was suddenly sober for a while. Not only did she spend a few more paintings, she talked to me for a few minutes. "    


"What did she draw?"    


"You'll know when you see it later. I can't explain it in a few words."    


Xia Lei asked again, "Then what did she talk about with you?"    


"Considering your reasons, I recorded it while I was talking to Dr. Serenity. The pictures and recordings are in my office. I'll bring them to you. " Wei Guanyi quickened his pace.    


Xia Lei followed Wei Guanyi to his office.    


Wei Guanyi placed a recording pen and a few paintings on the desk, and said: "Mr. Xia, please take a look at this. I know you want to see Dr. Serenity, so I'll make the arrangements. When you've finished listening to the recording of her picture, you can come and see her. "    


Xia Lei nodded slightly, "Go."    


After Wei Guanyi left, Xia Lei sat in front of Wei Guanyi's desk and looked at the peaceful paintings.    


Last time, Serenity drew a total of five paintings. The first painting was the compass in the Ming Dynasty, the second was the bronze valuable book, the third was a ancient alloy box that was missing a horn, the fourth was a complete ancient alloy box, and the fifth was a man who was naked without a face.    


This time, Serenity drew a total of three pictures. When Xia Lei saw the first painting, he was stunned.    


The first painting she drew turned out to be Da Vinci's masterpiece, "Mona Lisa," and this time she used a very professional brush and paint. The Mona Lisa on the painting was very lifelike, very spiritual, and looked like a smaller version of a high-grade fake.    


Why did she paint Mona Lisa?    


Xia Lei couldn't understand. However, this "Mona Lisa" reminded him of the Viking painting in Mark Amin's residence. That painting was also painted by Da Vinci. He still had memories of that picture, because the legendary female pirate in that picture was Princess Young-mei. Later, he destroyed the painting with a single blow.    


"Could she be reminding me that the secret of ancient alloy and AE is related to Da Vinci? Or is Da Vinci a clue? " This thought suddenly emerged in Xia Lei's heart.    


Unfortunately, there were no words on the painting, and he could see nothing special about it except the smiling Mona Lisa.    


Xia Lei flipped open the? Mona Lisa?, revealing the second painting. He was stunned again.    


The second picture was a color block smeared with white paint. It didn't have any obvious shape, and it looked like it had been casually smeared with a brush. If one had to say what it looked like, it was a bit like a white cloud, and it was the kind that was blown away by the wind.    


"What did she draw?" Xia Lei was confused.    


Unfortunately, there were still no words on the second painting. He could not see any hints, let alone clues.    


Xia Lei turned over the second painting, and his gaze landed on the third painting. At that moment, his gaze could no longer shift away.    


The third showed six people, three men and three women. Both men and women were naked, without a face. However, this was not the weirdest thing. The weirdest thing was that the limbs of the three men and three women combined into a cube.    


Xia Lei immediately understood this painting, and the ancient alloy box appeared in his mind. However, he could not figure out the relationship between the three men and three women in the painting, and the ancient alloy box. The moment he saw the third painting, he seemed to have caught on to something. Unfortunately, when he thought about it more carefully, his mind was completely blank.    


After leaving the message for a minute, Xia Lei opened the recording pen and listened to Wei Guanyi's audio file.    


"Dr. Serenity, I heard from the nurse that your condition is very good. You asked her for a brush, paint, and paper. What did you draw? Can I see it?" Wei Guanyi's voice.    


"They are about to arrive. Quickly run!" The serene voice was hoarse and low, filled with coldness. It didn't even seem like hers anymore.    


"Who's coming?" Wei Guanyi's voice.    


"It's already too late."    


"What's too late?" Wei Guanyi's voice.    


"When is he coming?"    


"Who are you talking about?"    


"Only one."    


"Wei Yi? "Hehe, it's just a single word away from my name. Is he your friend or a colleague?" Wei Guanyi's voice.    


"Take off your pants and lie down on the bed. I'll examine your uterus."    


"Why are you confused again? I'm your doctor."    


"I'll prescribe some sleeping pills for you later."    


Wei Guanyi and the peaceful conversation was still continuing, but Xia Lei's thoughts were still stuck on the previous sentence, unable to leave.    


That sentence was ? the only one.    


In this world, only one person had ever called out to him by his name, and that person was Princess Young-mei Zhu Xuanyue. This was a secret between him and the Princess Young-mei, how could Serenity call out this name?    


Also, Serenity said a lot of things, but it wasn't hard to tell that when she said only the first few words, she was still conscious. After that, she became a crazy lunatic again. However, those few words that were still rather clear-headed shocked and confused him. He also fell into deep thought, "Did she take Wei Guanyi as me, and remind me of someone that will bring me danger, and let me escape? But then, she asked Wei Guanyi when he was coming and even mentioned the only name, which clearly means "me".    


Zhang Xuan was unable to comprehend the situation no matter how hard he tried.    


Xia Lei put away the painting and recording pen, and then left Wei Guanyi's office. He wanted to see the peace. Whether she was awake or crazy, he had to talk to her and find out!    


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