Tranxending Vision

C684 walking carcass

C684 walking carcass

Wei Guanyi stood at the door of the ward, frowning, "Mr. Xia, her condition is unstable, he has just fallen asleep. But you can go in and see her. "    


Xia Lei nodded and entered the sickroom.    


The sickroom was completely silent. She was peacefully lying on the sickbed and sleeping soundly, not waking up because of Xia Lei's arrival.    


Xia Lei's line of sight moved to the window, where there was an unfinished painting on top of an easel. He walked over.    


It showed a small European town with a church in the middle of it. It had a very high dome and was very grand. The buildings around it were mostly Roman and Gothic, simple and elegant, solemn and heavy, exuding a strong religious aura. There was not a single modern building in the town, nor were there any telegraph poles or any large scale advertisements. There were figures in the picture, dressed not in modern clothes, but in medieval European clothes.    


The unfinished part was a house next to the town, with a hill behind it and a river winding down the slope. At the bottom of the hill, on the riverbank, stood a tombstone, but there were no words on it.    


"What did she draw?" Xia Lei was perplexed, "If she's been to some place before, it's impossible for her to not have any modern elements, right? Even if it was the most well-preserved ancient town, it wouldn't lack a telephone pole, right? But not in the painting. Besides, she was an archaeologist, not an artist, and I'd never heard her say she liked to paint, much less see her draw anything decent. "After she went crazy, she displayed an astonishing amount of painting skills. What's going on?"    


This painting seemed to belong in the three paintings he had just seen.    


"She drew the Mona Lisa this time, a white cloud, six faceless people, and a medieval European town. What exactly is she trying to say?" Xia Lei couldn't help but guess.    


At this moment, Serenity, who was lying on the sickbed, suddenly opened his eyes.    


"Rest, it's me." Xia Lei followed him to the bedside and asked with concern: "Are you alright?"    


She did not even look at Xia Lei. When she opened her eyes, she only stared blankly at the chandelier on the ceiling.    


"Serenity?" Xia Lei called out his peaceful name again.    


Still, Serenity refused. She got up from the bed, put on her slippers, and walked slowly to the easel. She sat down in a chair, picked up her brush, dipped it in paint, and painted. Throughout the entire process, she did not say a single word, nor did she look at Xia Lei. Xia Lei was in this room, and in front of her eyes, he was like an invisible ball of air.    


What was going on?    


Xia Lei stood by the side of the tranquility, his eyes staring straight at his, observing her every movement. He quickly realized that when Serenity was painting, her eyes were still lifeless and empty without the slightest trace of spirit energy. It gave off the feeling that even though her body was moving, her soul was no longer in her body. However, even though her soul had left her body, the brush in her hand was agile and extraordinary. Her painting speed was extremely fast and there was not the slightest error in it.    


"You ?" Xia Lei could not hold back the doubt in his heart, but he still voiced it out loud, "Are you serene?"    


Still, the silence did not return. She continued to paint the unfinished landscape.    


A few minutes later, Serenity finished the entire painting. The unfinished house was completed, and there was an extra dark-haired man in front of it.    


Xia Lei's gaze moved to the black haired man in the painting, he was immediately stunned. All of the people in the painting were European in their costumes, except for the man with black hair, who turned out to be a yellow-skinned Asian man wearing jeans and Nike sneakers. He was a modern man!    


A few seconds later, Xia Lei's gaze moved to the black haired man's face. The person in the painting had a very small face. The lines of his face were not very clear, so it was impossible to see him clearly. At that moment, his left eye slightly twitched, awakening his ability to see. The blurry face became clear in the blink of an eye, and then his jaw dropped to the ground.    


The face of the black haired man in the painting was not that of another person, but Xia Lei!    


"Just who are you?" Xia Lei could no longer control his emotions, he grabbed onto Serenity's shoulder and shouted anxiously: "Tell me! "Tell me what you want to say."    


"Mm ?" A voice finally came out of his quiet throat, as if he had just woken up. Her gaze finally moved onto Xia Lei's face, but she still appeared lifeless and empty.    


"Tranquility? "You ?" Xia Lei's heart was not only anxious, it was also filled with worry.    


But at this moment, Serenity suddenly spoke out, "Italy, Bobbio, you have to go there and wake me up ?"    


Xia Lei was stupefied. He suddenly felt that his brain was no longer sufficient. She was clearly in the sanatorium, but she told him to go to the Italian Bobbio to wake her up!    


After finishing his sentence, the tranquility suddenly collapsed to the ground with a moan. It was as if all the energy in her body had been sucked out in an instant, and she could no longer support her body.    


Xia Lei hurriedly reached out to hug her, "Tranquil, tranquil, wake up, wake up."    


It was quiet, but there was no reaction.    


Xia Lei touched her carotid artery. Luckily, her pulse was normal, there was no danger. Then he took Serenity to bed and covered her with a blanket.    


"Mr. Xia, do you need my help?" Wei Guanyi's voice came from outside the ward.    


Xia Lei replied, "It's fine, just give me a bit more time."    


"Okay, if you need anything, just call me. I'll be right outside." Wei Guanyi's voice.    


Since took Xia Lei's money, of course he had to serve him. Otherwise, a peaceful situation like this was not allowed to be visited by outsiders, let alone being alone in a room with her.    


Xia Lei took off the painting on the easel and stored it in his briefcase. He went back to the bed and sat on it. He held his hand, which was still and cold. There was no warmth in it.    


"You want me to go to the Italian Bobbio, is this the place? I'll go. " Xia Lei muttered to himself, "But you said that I would wake you up, what's going on? Tell me, are you controlled by something? If so, open your eyes. "    


Quiet suddenly opened her eyes.    


Xia Lei was immediately shocked by her, "You ?"    


"Hee hee." Quiet And Steadfast suddenly laughed, "Father, why are you here?"    


Xia Lei, "?"    


She calmly shook Xia Lei's arm, "Father, I want you to tell me a bedtime story."    


Xia Lei suddenly realized that Serenity did not wake up because of what he had said just now, but had instead entered a completely different state, a state of insanity. Her eyes were bright and fresh, full of innocence, just like a little girl's eyes. However, her eyes were lifeless and empty just now, like a soulless zombie. Before and after, it was as if they were two different people!    


"Could it really be the legendary 'Ghost Body'? What possessed her? " This conjecture appeared in Xia Lei's heart. However, when this thought popped up, even he himself did not believe it.    


There are no ghosts in this world. Although Princess Young-mei was an existence that was extremely similar to a 'ghost', he knew that she was not a ghost at all. Her existence was inextricably linked to ancient alloy and AE.    


"Daddy, I want to hear the bedtime story. Tell it to me." The serenity continued to act coquettishly, her small mouth slightly tilted upwards in an unhappy manner.    


Xia Lei had never heard of any bedtime stories in his life, nor had he told anyone any bedtime stories. Serenity's request made him feel troubled. He wanted to leave, but seeing Serenity's disappointed look, he couldn't bear to just abandon her and leave.    


"Dad, you're a bad guy. You don't love me." Calm threw off Xia Lei's hand, and went to hide under the blanket. Her sobs were soon heard from the bed.    


Xia Lei sighed, and braced himself to say: "Come out, if you come out, father will tell you bedtime stories."    


"Really?" Quiet followed her out of bed. There were still tears in the corners of her eyes, but her face was full of smiles. What a happy look.    


Xia Lei's heart moved, and he started to narrate a story, "A very long time ago there was a princess, her name was Zhu Xuanyue, she was the Great Ming Dynasty's Princess Young-mei."    


She looked at Xia Lei quietly, waiting for him to continue.    


In fact, Xia Lei had been observing Serenity's reaction the entire time. He continued, "She is very beautiful and very brave. One day, the Emperor gave her the task of leading the army to a place she had never been before. There lives a Hun tribe, and she built a city there called the White Horse City of Tomorrow. " At this point, he stopped and looked straight at the silence.    


Jing urged, "Father, quickly tell me, what happened after that?"    


This kind of reaction was not the reaction of a "ghost-body". He had used the story of the Princess Young-mei to test her reaction, but it clearly had no effect.    


"Later, the princess went to Jerusalem, the holy place of Christianity. She got fine jewelry there, and lots and lots of good food. "Yes, there's also a piece of metal."    


Her calm eyes were filled with anticipation, as if she was very interested in this story.    


"Later on, the princess ?" Xia Lei originally wanted to end this story early, but he suddenly changed his mind. He said: "Later on, this princess went to Italy, to a small town called Bobbio. She built a house there with a river behind it. There were a lot of fish in the river. "There's another tomb by the river. The tomb ?"    


The tranquil expression on her face suddenly changed, and the innocence within her eyes disappeared. Replacing it was the lifeless, hollowed-out gaze from before.    


Xia Lei was extremely excited. He continued, "There is a woman buried in the grave. She is so beautiful, a friend of Da Vinci. She is so beautiful ? "Serenity?"    


Quiet And Steadfast suddenly said, "They're coming, they're coming ?"    


"Who's coming? "Tell me quickly!" Xia Lei was anxious.    


"Wake me up, wake me up ?" "We have to escape, we have to escape ?" The quiet voice was hoarse and low. It was also very cold, as if it had transformed into a completely different person.    


That was what she said to Wei Guanyi. Xia Lei had heard the same thing as her voice right now!    


"Where are you? How can I wake you up? " Xia Lei continued to ask.    


"Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa ?"    


"Are you talking about the Da Vinci painting?"    


"There's no more time ? "Ugh!" Before she could finish speaking, a sound of interruption suddenly came from her quiet throat. After this sound, she suddenly fainted and fell limply onto the bed.    


"Tranquility? Tranquility? "Hello?" Xia Lei shook his calm shoulders, but she did not react at all.    


Everything that had just happened was quickly played back in Xia Lei's mind, and every peaceful reaction was displayed in his mind. He clearly knew what had stimulated silence, allowing her to enter a state similar to "upper body of ghosts". It was not the Princess Young-mei's story, but the contents of the painting she had drawn.    


"What is it that scares her so much?" Xia Lei secretly thought.    


He left the room a few minutes later.    


"Mr. Xia, is Dr. Serenity alright?" Wei Guanyi asked.    


Xia Lei said: "She fell asleep, you did well, I will not treat you unfairly."    


Wei Guanyi laughed, "Thank you, Mister Xia."    


"The agreement between us will remain valid. Take good care of Serenity. If there are any special circumstances, remember to contact me." Xia Lei said.    


"No problem, Mr. Xia."    


"I'm leaving. Goodbye." Xia Lei left.    


The Italian Bobbio, what kind of place was that?    


No matter where it was, he had to take a look!    


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