Tranxending Vision

C685 Xia Dong, do you still want to join Secretary?

C685 Xia Dong, do you still want to join Secretary?

Xia Dong, do you still want a secretary?    


handed over the last drawing of Serenity to Arresian in the SUURBAN SUV. "Take a look, what kind of place is this?"    


Arresian looked at it carefully, and after a moment of silence, he said: "Boss, is this place true?"    


Xia Lei replied: "I don't know either, that's why I'm asking you."    


Arresian looked at the painting again, "I can't tell where this is? But it looks like a small town in Italy. There are many such towns in Italy, and many medieval buildings are preserved. However, this painting is clearly a small town in the Middle Ages, and the people inside were all wearing clothes from that period. "    


He apparently didn't notice that there was another very special presence in the painting, the Asian youth in jeans and Nike sneakers.    


"Are you Sicilian, or is that place like that?" Xia Lei did not remind Arresian to look at that place either.    


Arresian smiled bitterly, "It is not bad in many places in Italy, but Sicily is an exception. It was a bad place, Sicily was the birthplace of the Italian Mafia. It was full of drugs and violent crime, the worst thing you could imagine, and it happened every day. "You wouldn't like that place. It's my hometown, but I also hate that place."    


"What do you know about Da Vinci?" Xia Lei asked another question.    


"Da Vinci? Hehe, boss, all Italians know about Da Vinci. For us Italians, Leonardo da Vinci is like Li Bai in the eyes of the Chinese. He is the pride of our Italians. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "You even know Li Bai? He is not simple. Can you talk to me about Da Vinci? "    


However, Arresian showed an awkward expression, "I only know that he drew the Mona Lisa, and that his hometown is in Finch Town, which is about 100 kilometers north of Alesso City in Italy. I've never been there, but I know the place. It's a famous place, and a lot of people go there for Da Vinci. " Pausing for a moment, he looked at Xia Lei with a peculiar gaze. "Boss, what's going on with you? When were you so interested in Leonardo da Vinci? Are you going to Italy? "    


"Yes, I'd like to go to Italy." Xia Lei said: "If I go to Italy for a short period of time, can you help me arrange some things?"    


"You mean smuggled in?" Arresian asked.    


Xia Lei nodded his head, "Yes, I do not want the CIA to know that I went to Italy. Can you help me settle this matter? "    


Arresian shrugged his shoulders, "What is this? Leave it to me. "    


"What about safety?"    


"Heh heh, Boss, that's Italy. There were rules there, even the CIA had to follow, or his body would be lying on the street. I'm not a big shot in Italy, but I have a lot of friends. I assure you, no matter what he wants to do to you, he will regret it. "    


Xia Lei laughed, "Then it's a deal, help me arrange it."    


"No problem, wait for my call." Arresian left Xia Lei's car.    


Arresian's fox did not seem to be exaggerating. He was a dragon among the Zodiac Clan, valiant and invincible, fearless and fearless of death. In addition to that, he had another identity, that of a member of the Italian Mafia. He had grown up in that dark land, he knew everything there was, and he had his way. It was a wise choice to go to Italy and let him accompany her.    


After Arresian left, Xia Lei drove his car back to the Rayma Military Factory, then went to his office.    


"Chairman Xia, please have some tea." Qing Caiyue made a cup of tea for Xia Lei.    


"Thank you." Xia Lei turned on the computer, and then typed in "Mona Lisa" into the Baidu search engine. A full board of content about "Mona Lisa" popped up on the page. He opened Baidu Encyclopedia and read the contents.    


Qing Caiyue went over to Xia Lei's side and looked at the content on the display, then asked curiously: "Xia Dong, do you like this painting?"    


"Are you talking about the Mona Lisa?" Xia Lei casually said.    


"Yes, I mean the Mona Lisa. I have been to the Louvre Museum in Paris, and have seen that painting before. "    


"You've read the original?"    


Qing Caiyue pursed her lips and smiled, "It's in Louvre Museum, I'll be able to see it when I go there. Xia Dong, if you like this painting, you should really go to Louvre Museum to take a look. It is really a gem of the art world, there are many legends regarding it. There are many secrets hidden on its body that have yet to be unraveled. "    


A peaceful "Enchanted" look suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind. She looked nervous and very scared as she constantly mentioned "Mona Lisa". He thought to himself, "She painted Mona Lisa and is even talking about Mona Lisa continuously. Could it be that she wants me to go to Louvre Museum to look at that painting? What secret was hidden in that painting? Or is it a clue? "    


"Chairman Xia?"    


Xia Lei came back to reality and laughed, "It's okay, I was just wondering if I should go take a look."    


Qing Caiyue said: "I suggest you to take a look, but if you want to buy its painting, that's impossible, it is the Louvre Museum's secret treasure, and is not for sale."    


"It's just a painting, I don't want to buy it. "Go ahead and do what you need to do. I'm just going to take a look." Xia Lei said.    


Qing Caiyue's small hand suddenly landed on Xia Lei's shoulder.    


Xia Lei was startled, and looked a little awkward.    


Qing Caiyue's hand left Xia Lei's shoulder, but a strand of black hair appeared between his fingers. It was obviously not a man's hair, because it was long and soft.    


This hair should be quiet.    


Grabbing the hair on Xia Lei's shoulder, Qing Caiyue left without saying anything. The expression on her face was strange, and she felt like she wanted to laugh, but she held it back.    


Xia Lei became even more embarrassed, "That is not what you think."    


Qing Caiyue turned and smiled at Xia Lei, "Xia Dong, what am I thinking? I'm not thinking about anything, but you have to be careful, it's not good if someone sees you. "    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Was this not a random thought?    


Looking at Qing Caiyue's mischievous smile, Xia Lei was speechless.    


Xia Lei controlled the evil thoughts in his heart, and the corners of his mouth revealed a bitter smile. He did not intentionally look through Qing Caiyue, but her actions just now were too dubious, and even had the intention of teasing him. He did not know what happened, but he could not control his left eye.    


When he reached the door, Qing Caiyue turned around to look at Xia Lei, and a beautiful smile appeared on his face. On the other hand, Xia Lei was feeling guilty, he avoided her sight and looked at the content of the Baidu Encyclopedia. His attention was diverted, and a paragraph caught his attention.    


The passage was about the secret hidden in the eyes of the Mona Lisa, the letter "A" or "B" in her left eye, and the letter "E" in her right.    


When this passage of text entered his eyes, he immediately excluded the possibility of having the letter "B". His heart was filled with uncontrollable excitement. "AE!" Could this be the secret behind the Mona Lisa, with the AE's secrets and clues in the painting? The silence kept reminding me of the Mona Lisa, and it couldn't have been an accident. I must go to France, it seems, before I go to Italy! "    


"Chairman Xia." Qing Caiyue appeared at the door again.    


Xia Lei raised his head and looked at her, "Mn, is there something you need?"    


"There is a man surnamed Yu who wishes to see you." Then she added, "And a Miss Tang."    


Just as Qing Caiyue finished speaking, Tang Yuyan's voice came out from the outside, "Xia Dong, do you still want a secretary? "I want to change careers. I'll be your secretary too."    


Tang Yuyan walked over with a teasing smile, "Xia Dong, do you think I am pretty? My body isn't that bad, right? Just take me in. "    


Xia Lei's head was starting to ache. How could this be called a secretary applying for a job? This was basically saying that he was a lecherous boss based on his looks.    


Qing Caiyue's cherry lips immediately rose. She was not happy at all, but she was not a fool. If Tang Yuyan dared to tease even Xia Lei like this, how could their relationship be normal? She did not want to anger a woman like Tang Yuyan because of this.    


Yu Shanhe also walked in. He was the "Mr. Yu" that Qing Caiyue had mentioned before. Xia Lei had actually long guessed this would happen. Only, he could not guess the reason Yu Shanhe had come to his place. And also, he couldn't understand why Tang Yuyan was together with him.    


"Mr. Xia, we meet again." Yu Shanhe smiled and greeted his.    


Xia Lei stood up and revealed a smile on his face, "Oh, so it's Mister Yu. Welcome, please take a seat." Then he said, "Caiyue, go make two cups of tea."    


"Mm, alright." Qing Caiyue looked very obedient.    


Tang Yuyan glanced at Qing Caiyue's butt, and sighed: "This butt is really fat, beautiful, sexy, if I want a secretary, I have to do it this way."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Yes, yes." Yu Shanhe coughed. When Tang Yuyan spoke like this to Xia Lei, it was basically a joke in a better way.    


Tang Yuyan then restrained herself, but she still looked at Xia Lei with some annoyance. She liked Xia Lei. She wanted Xia Lei, and this was already an open secret in the 101 round. How could she not be angry with him?    


Xia Lei avoided Tang Yuyan's line of sight, and said: "En, Mister Yu is a noble who has come to visit, there must be something good going on, right?"    


"You're right, I really brought you good news this time." Yu Shanhe said with a smile.    


"What good news?" Xia Lei asked.    


Tang Yuyan moved closer to Xia Lei and used her toes to poke at Xia Lei's heels.    


This seemed to be a secret signal. Xia Lei's heart thumped, but his expression did not change at all.    


Yu Shanhe did not notice Tang Yuyan's actions, and said: "You still don't know? The helldog single-military artillery of the Rayma Military Factory has hit the jackpot in the Middle East battlefield, and the entire world is stirring up hype for this ultimate weapon. "    


Xia Lei was startled. In fact, he really did not know that the helldog single-military artillery had entered the battlefield of the Middle East. If this was true, it would be a very good thing for the Rayma Military Factory. But, this Yu Shanhe couldn't have come specially to congratulate him, right?    


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