Tranxending Vision

C682 Monkeys and bananas

C682 Monkeys and bananas

The trade with the Germans went smoothly, but Xia Lei was only in charge of the part of the deal that he should be in charge of. The conventional submarine technology that Germany provided was not that he accepted, but that of a shipyard company, the largest shipbuilder in Grand China. Almost all the military ships in the Grand China were produced by it.    


Half a month later, Connor Bridge left with the German technicians. Sylvia stayed. On the same day the German team left, Anina came to Rayma Military Factory. On the same day, Xia Lei's new house was completed. The reason why the house was so fast was because the structure was made of pure wood, and the craftsmen only needed to build the materials they bought. As for the Geva and the decorations, it didn't take much time.    


Xia Changhe moved out of the villa, and Sylvia and Anina stayed in their new home. In the end, Sylvia did not create any large bed made of alloy. She and Anina both had their own rooms, and they were next to each other. With the two German women together, they had an extra companion. Xia Lei didn't need to worry that they would want to return to Germany because they weren't used to living with no friends.    


A few good things happened on the same day, and a celebration was inevitable. Xia Lei held a feast at his new home, celebrating the success of his new home, Anina's return, and the successful conclusion of his transaction with Germany.    


After the feast ended, Xia Lei sent Fan Fan Xian away.    


The night was hazy, and the courtyard house behind him had an ancient beauty.    


Fan Fan Fan walked to her car, opened the door but didn't get in, so she leaned on the door and looked at Xia Lei, "Sylvia, Anina... These two German women are very close to you, aren't they? "    


Xia Lei laughed, "En, yes."    


Fan Fan was startled, she never thought Xia Lei would admit it so straightforwardly.    


Xia Lei continued, "Anina is the person who designed the XL2500 sniper rifle and blast assault rifle with me. Sylvia was the Chief Mechanist of the Rhine Metal Corp. She would work with Anina to design and produce the engines of the tanks and chariots that belonged to the Rayma Military Factory. They're all important to me. "    


This was not the answer that Fan Xian wanted, but rather, it was a solid answer. She could tell that Xia Lei did not care about her knowing about his close relationship with the two German women. This made her feel a little uncomfortable, but she knew that she couldn't interfere with Xia Lei's life. She wasn't Xia Lei's wife, and wasn't even his girlfriend. What was she supposed to do to interfere with Xia Lei's private life?    


"I know what you want to say, but what I want to tell you is ?" After pausing for a moment, Xia Lei then said: "I used to be a man who specialized in emotions, but at that time, I was just like a fool. I already don't want to live like that anymore. I, Xia Lei, am no longer a man who deals solely with women, and there's no other woman who can tie me down. Do you understand what I mean? "    


This was Xia Lei's new attitude towards life.    


"Can't I hold you?"    


"If you want to enjoy life with me, I'll accept you, but you can't tie me down. If you want to leave, I won't keep you. " Xia Lei said.    


If any other man said such words, most women would probably slap him or spit on his face. But if these words came out from Xia Lei's mouth, it would be different. He was the only one. There was only one man like him in the entire world.    


Fan Fan said with a smile, "You've changed. You've become a monkey. This monkey of yours wouldn't stay on a tree for too long. You have a large forest waiting for you to conquer, is that what you mean? "    


Xia Lei smiled lightly.    


Fan Fan Xian shrugged his shoulders, "Forget it, how are you a monkey? You're Great Sage Qi Tian." Lord Tathagata the Buddha cannot bind you, so how could I have the ability to do so? But remember, no matter how many trees there are in your forest, I have your favorite banana on this tree. If you eat my banana, you have to give me a monkey cub. "I only have this one request, will it satisfy me?"    


Xia Lei nodded.    


"Finally, I'll tell you what I just received." Fan Fan Fan said: "An Jinjian has already become the President of Korea. If the management asks me to deal with some matters with Korea, would you be willing to help me?"    


Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "You've already become the Chief of Bureau ZN?"    


Fan Fan said: "Yes, I've also just received the notice. "From tomorrow onwards, I will be the bureau chief of the ZN Bureau."    


"Where is Ling Hao and Song Baicheng?"    


"Ling Hao took the initiative to apply to be transferred. As for which unit he was transferred to, I have no idea. There's no need to talk about Song Baicheng, he is Ling Hao's man, if Ling Hao was transferred away, he would definitely follow. "    


"Where's Bukai Sousei?"    


"Retreat." Don't worry, he won't be able to threaten you anymore. "    


Xia Lei secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Bukai Sousei had abdicated, Ling Hao and Song Baicheng had left the ZN Bureau. Now that Fan Fan Fan had become the Bureau Chief of the ZN Department, it was equivalent to him getting rid of the trouble of the ZN Division completely. Once he settled ZN Bureau, he would no longer have any big threats at home. Then, he would be able to realize his dream, which was to turn Rayma Military Factory into the strongest military and industrial enterprise in the world!    


Without the trouble of ZN Bureau, he could calm down and look for clues.    


Fan Fan Fan walked in front of Xia Lei, a pair of soft and gentle arms wrapped around Xia Lei's neck, his soft breasts pressing against Xia Lei's chest, she said: "When I finish taking care of the matters in my hands, I will come and find you. Don't forget, we still have the X-Secret Gold Project s that have yet to take over."    


"No problem, go ahead. If I find anything on my side, I'll contact you." Xia Lei said.    


"I'll keep Su Xiao here, if you have anything you want her to do, just let her do it." "There are bananas on her tree, you can eat her bananas."    


Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, and then, he laughed bitterly: "What kind of person do you take me to be? Even if you're a monkey, you can't climb every tree. "    


"Oh, I forgot. You're Great Sage TIantian. You're no ordinary monkey."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


"Go back, I have to go." Fan released Xia Lei.    


Xia Lei watched Fan Fan as he drove off, then returned to his new home.    


On the door of the new residence was a signboard, with the words "Peaceful Mansion", personally written by his father, Xia Changhe. Only those who had experienced what he had experienced would understand the true meaning of "peace".    


As he was walking towards his room, Xia Lei met his father, Xia Changhe. Xia Changhe was dressed in Tang suit, giving off the feeling of a retired official.    


"Dad, you drank quite a bit, why aren't you going back to your room to rest?" Xia Lei walked towards Xia Changhe.    


"So what if I have some alcohol? I can't sleep so I came out for a walk." Xia Changhe said: "You have come at the right time, come have a seat with me. Let's chat."    


Xia Lei nodded once, and followed Xia Changhe into a pavilion by the side of the pathway.    


Xia Changhe's gaze landed on Xia Lei's neck, "You still have it, when are you going to eat it?"    


Xia Lei said: "Actually, I had thought about eating it, but... If I ate it, what would I do to study it before I figured out its secrets? Moreover, eating it recklessly carries many uncertain risks. "Dad, don't worry about it. Let me decide for myself."    


"Alright, you decide on your own." Xia Changhe sighed, "In the past, I even dreamed of living like an ordinary person. Going to the supermarket to buy vegetables for you and Xiao Xue to eat, or going to the park to stroll around and watch a movie or something like that. Now that this kind of life had come, I wasn't used to it. I started to miss those days when I was in the middle of a barrage of bullets. "Tell me, am I sick?"    


"Dad." Xia Lei held onto Xia Changhe's shoulder, and laughed: "How are you crazy? You're just not used to it. Give yourself more time. Whoever moves from one familiar way of life to another will need some time to get used to it. If you're bored, you can do something at the company. "    


"Me? Can I? I only know how to kill people, I don't know how to do business, and I don't know how to run a company. "    


Xia Lei said, "You can learn it, it's not as complicated as you think. After this period of busy time, I planned to restart X-Secret Gold Project to search for new clues. I'm sure I have a lot of time away from the company. When I'm not around, you help me look after the company, so I'm not worried too. "    


Xia Changhe looked at Xia Lei in shock, "You really want me to help you manage the company?"    


"Aren't you bored? You can try, I'll let Cai Yue help you. She's a versatile, powerful person, and all you have to do is direct her. Boss, as long as you know how to manage people, you'll be fine. You don't need to be proficient in everything. " Xia Lei said.    


Xia Changhe hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he nodded his head, "Alright, I'll try. But don't blame me for messing up. "    


Xia Lei smiled and said: "You are my father, no one would dare to blame me if I were to blame you."    


"Don't talk nonsense with me, it's useless. When are you going to let me carry you? "This is a big matter. If you bring a grandson to me, I won't feel so bored anymore." Xia Changhe said.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to find an excuse to go over, Anina's voice suddenly came from the pebble path, "lucas, can I delay you a little?"    


Xia Lei stood up, "Anina, what's the matter?"    


"It's like this. The light in my room is broken. I want you to help me see what's going on." Anina looked very anxious, "I don't know anyone, and can't find anyone to change into a light bulb."    


"Sure, I'll come take a look right away." Xia Lei said.    


"Mm, alright. I'll go back to my room and wait for you." Anina turned and left.    


"Dad, you should go back and rest, I'll go take a look." Xia Lei said.    


Xia Changhe said: "You brat, let me remind you that I do not need mixed blood for grandson's matter, I want a purebred."    


Xia Lei, "..."    


Anina's room was pitch black, but the light in Sylvia's room next door was on. Xia Lei did not think too much into it, opening the door and entering. He reached for the switch on the wall and the light came on. He saw Anina who was sitting on the bedside. Just a moment ago, Anina was still wearing his house uniform, but now, he only had a set of bikini.    


Anina looked at Xia Lei quietly with blazing eyes, but did not say anything.    


Xia Lei laughed, "Isn't this lamp good?"    


"Close it." Anina said.    


Xia Lei casually turned off the light and walked towards her.    


In the midst of the darkness, Anina snuck into Xia Lei's embrace, "lucas, Sylvia said that you are a big pervert, you made her forge a huge alloy bed, and then you wanted to sleep with me and her on it, is that true?"    


Xia Lei said in a serious tone: "She is lying, am I that kind of person?"    


Creak. The sound of the door opening came from the direction of the bathroom, followed by the sound of someone tiptoeing.    


Xia Lei was about to turn around to look, but instead, Anina wrapped his neck tightly, not allowing him to look.    


A few seconds later, a hot body was pressed against his back, and a woman's voice spoke in German, "Didn't you say that? Did I say that? You big pervert. "    


If Xia Lei were to use his toes to guess, he would be able to guess who the woman behind him was. She was Sylvia.    


"You all ?" Xia Lei's heart was thumping hard.    


"Are you going to chat with us?" Anina's voice.    


Xia Lei fell, and was pulled down ?    


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