Tranxending Vision

C692 Ya Kelinyiwa's Perfume

C692 Ya Kelinyiwa's Perfume

At 10 PM, Ericson knocked on Xia Lei's door.    


"Mr. Xia, Miss Eva has arrived. Are you ready? If you are ready, we can set off. " Ericson said.    


Xia Lei took a glance at the special forces of the French National Gendarmerie who were standing behind Ericson and said, "I don't have anything I need to prepare, I can leave anytime."    


Ericson made a gesture of invitation, "Mr. Xia, please follow me."    


Ye Liena, who was in the same room as his, also stood up and followed Xia Lei to the door, but when he walked to the door, she was blocked by one of Ericson's arms.    


Ye Liena looked at Ericson expressionlessly.    


Ericson said: "Miss, I am sorry, we have only invited Mister Xia, you cannot follow us to the Louvre Museum."    


Xia Lei said: "She's my secretary, why can't I go?"    


Ericson said: "My apologies, Mr. Xia, the order I received was to only pick you up and go by yourself. Other than you, no one else is allowed."    


Xia Lei frowned, "Even my secretary can't do it?"    


Ericson said: "Mr. Xia, please do not make things difficult for me."    


Ye Liena's face was cold, he was just about to flare up, but Xia Lei stopped her, "Alright, then I'll go alone."    


Ye Liena's lips moved, wanting to say something, but no words came out.    


"You can do whatever you want." After leaving these words behind, Xia Lei left with Ericson.    


Ye Liena returned to her room and took out a satellite telephone. "Boss has already followed the Frenchmen downstairs.    


"Yes, they have always been under our surveillance." Arresian's voice came from the satellite telephone.    


After ending the call, Ye Liena went out of the room again. She now had a large backpack with a blast assault rifle inside, as well as enough ammunition.    


Actually, there was no difference between her and her member in the Zodiac Clan and not following Xia Lei to the Louvre Museum, because Xia Lei had never left the Zodiac Clan's sight before. As long as there was a situation, they would be the fastest to react!    


Walking out of the hotel, Xia Lei saw three cars parked by the side of the road, a black Mercedes-Benz greeting car and two military SUVs. All three vehicles, no matter which one, had bulletproof capabilities.    


After the window of the Mercedes-Benz car came down, Jaclyn Eva stuck her head out from the driver's seat and said, "Xiao Xia Sheng, please get on the car. Tonight, I will be your driver and tour guide. If you need anything, just let me know. You're welcome. "    


"Yes, thank you so much." Xia Lei opened the passenger door and got in.    


Jaclyn Eva started the car and drove into the drive. Ericson and the seven special forces of the French National Gendarmerie rode on the two military SUVs.    


The Mercedes-Benz car had a faint smell of perfume, as if tulips had been mixed with the scent of gardenias. It was very special and very fragrant.    


Xia Lei took a whiff, "Miss Eva, what is this perfume?"    


"Eh? I didn't expect Teacher Xia to also like perfume. " Jaclyn Eva laughed, "This is a secret perfume, it's called 'Ma Li's Desire', it is not for sale on the market."    


"Mary's desire? What a special name. If it's not sold on the market, then how did you get it? "    


"My mistress gave it to me. She is very good at this. I can give you some if you like. "Mm, if you give it to a girl as a gift, that girl will definitely be very happy." Jaclyn Eva maintained a pretty smile on his face from start to finish, and from the corner of her eyes, she had been observing Xia Lei's face.    


"How can I accept this? "How about this, I'll pay you ?" Before he could finish speaking, Xia Lei suddenly shook his head gently.    


Just as he was about to say, "I'll pay you," his mind suddenly went blank. Very quickly, his lower abdomen began to heat up. He actually had that desire.    


This perfume is abnormal!    


"Mr. Xia, are you trying to say that you are prepared to pay me? "I don't want your money. You are an honored guest of our France, so it is only right that I give you a gift." Jaclyn Eva's voice, her voice had already changed a little in Xia Lei's ears, giving him a kind of illusory feeling.    


Xia Lei shook his head again, but the dizziness was getting stronger and stronger.    


"Mr. Xia, can you tell me why you are so interested in Louvre Museum?" Jaclyn Eva turned her head to look at Xia Lei.    


"I'm going to the Louvre Museum ?" Xia Lei said, his voice seemed very tired.    


It was unknown whether it was because of the mysterious perfume or the rose net, but Xia Lei's thoughts had become extremely slow. He found it difficult to answer a simple question. Not only that, some illusions also appeared in his mind. He felt that the one sitting next to him was not a blonde, but a goddess radiating holy light, like Athena in Greek mythology, or like the Buddha in Buddhist mythology. However, no matter if it was Athena or Guan Shiyin, both of her body exuded a supreme majesty. He couldn't help but want to worship her and listen to all of her divine orders.    


"Mr. Xia?" The corner of Jaclyn Eva's mouth revealed a mysterious smile. Xia Lei's reaction seemed to be within her expectations.    


Xia Lei heard her voice, but his brain reacted very slowly.    


"Mr. Xia, can you tell me why you want to go to Louvre Museum?" Jaclyn Eva's voice became even more ethereal, the God's smell became even stronger.    


It was obvious that the "desire of Mary" had included hallucinogenic drugs, and even something similar to hypnotism. Xia Lei thought about this in his heart, but he still couldn't control the urge to tell the "goddess" everything.    


"Tell me, what did the Germans pay to get the technology they wanted from you?" Jaclyn Eva was too lazy to even speak of it to Mr. Xia.    


Just as Xia Lei was about to speak of the truth, his brain suddenly released that mysterious energy that could resonate with ancient alloy s. With his brain as the center, a cool feeling spread throughout his body. In the blink of an eye, his mind was no longer drowsy. The burning desire in his lower abdomen also disappeared.    


"Speak, don't resist. Tell me everything." Jaclyn Eva urged.    


The fox's tail finally showed. She had indeed hypnotized him with the assistance of medicine, wanting to dig up the information she wanted from him! Xia Lei had already sobered up, but he continued to pretend that he was still in a daze, and his voice was slow, "I don't know, Ling Hao is in charge of this matter, he knows the truth."    


"Ling Hao? Who is he? "    


"An official, a very high ranking official."    


"Why did you go to the Louvre Museum?"    


"I want to buy the Mona Lisa and the bronze mouse heads and other artifacts taken from the Summer Palace by France."    


Jaclyn Eva, "..."    


Xia Lei sneered in his heart, and thought to himself: "You want to use medicine and women's beauty to obtain information? You are not a member of the French Weapons and Equipment Department, you are probably a member of the French Intelligence Department. If you want to play with me, you aren't qualified! "    


"Who is your wife?"    


"Shentu Tianyin, we are already divorced."    


"Who's your girlfriend?"    


"Liang Siyao, but we have already broken up."    


"Are you willing to cooperate with France? Sell your technology to France. "    


"Yes, I like France."    


"What do you want from France?"    


"Mother de Gaulle's avionics." Xia Lei said.    


Jaclyn Eva was startled, "Your appetite is not small at all."    


This sentence was obviously not a question of the "goddess"; it was simply the mutter of a stimulated woman.    


Xia Lei guessed his next question in his heart, but Jaclyn Eva didn't ask him any further questions. She looked at the wristwatch in her hand and frowned, then said: "Mr Xia, you're tired. You should rest for a bit, I'll call for you when it's time."    


"So sleepy, yawns ?" Xia Lei obediently closed his eyes. He had truly closed his eyes, but to him, closing them meant opening his eyes. Jaclyn Eva's every move was seen by him.    


Just now, Jaclyn Eva's way of questioning was very skillful, the important questions were mixed with the boring questions. In this way she tested and judged whether his answer was true. His answer was also very skillful. It was true and false, partly true and partly false, allowing her to come to the opposite conclusion.    


At this time, Jaclyn Eva's identity was more or less confirmed. She was most likely a member of the French intelligence department. Although he did not know her exact position in the French intelligence service, she was certain that her position in the French intelligence service was not low.    


A few minutes later, Jaclyn Eva glanced at Xia Lei and waved his hand at Xia Lei's eyelids. After confirming that Xia Lei did not react, he lowered his head and said softly to a button at his collar: "He is willing to cooperate, but his appetite is relatively big ? Wait till I get back, I can't do it right now... "Yeah, I know, he's not as strong as in the legends. I can take care of him."    


The button at her collar was obviously a miniature communication device.    


Xia Lei secretly thought: "Settled me? I'd like to see what French agents are capable of. "    


Jaclyn Eva glanced at Xia Lei, then turned on the air conditioner. A cold wind blew, and the scent of perfume in the car slowly faded until it was gone.    


The Mercedes-Benz car gradually sped up, and after another ten minutes, the outline of the Louvre Museum's windshield appeared. The ancient palace and the glass pyramid in front of the palace. Under the night sky, it shone with a resplendent light, and it was incomparably magnificent.    


"Mona Lisa, I'm here." Xia Lei said in his heart.    


"Mr. Xia?" Jaclyn Eva called out softly.    


Xia Lei did not react.    


Jaclyn Eva reached out and shook Xia Lei's shoulder, then called out again, "Mr. Xia, we're almost there."    


Only then did Xia Lei slowly open his eyes. He was startled for a moment, and then said in shock: "Why did I fall asleep?"    


Jaclyn Eva smiled and said, "Mr. Xia, you're probably in a jet lag. I was talking to you and you fell asleep. You're too tired. "    


"What did we talk about?" Xia Lei said vigilantly.    


Jaclyn Eva said: "Perfume, Ma Li's desire, you really like the scent of my perfume. Don't worry, I'll give you a bottle of Mary's desires. It will help you catch up with the girl you like. "    


Xia Lei was startled, then said: "Can you give me three bottles?"    


Jaclyn Eva, "..."    


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